S9 E14

Season 9  "A Possum On Chemo"  9x14

Aired 12 years ago - Jan 16, 2012

Zoey tries to convince Walden to cut his hair and shave; Alan and Lyndsey revive their relationship.

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Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 2
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh... ♪
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that men look much more attractive
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Oh. Wow.
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Alan, go say hello to her.
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Just go say hello to her.
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Good luck.
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Real good.
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Alan, this is my friend Dylan.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 12
Um, I-I should get back to my date.
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Why don't they just make chips with the dip already on 'em?
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See, that's a million-dollar idea.
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Yeah. Those guys are, like, too stupid to live.
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Well, a clean-shaven face will do that for a man.
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Mind if I hang out with you guys?
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Really? Was she with Dylan?
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Wait. Are we talking about the guy with the Ferrari?
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Um, does your mom ever mention me?
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It's French for "bang your mom."
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Do you really hate my beard that much?
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but there's a cocktail party at my office this weekend,
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I'm sorry.
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Aw, man!
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LYNDSEY (moaning): Oh, Dylan!
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and trading sex for cigarettes.
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No, Zoey didn't order me to shave or cut my hair.
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All right, Samson, what do you want?
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Are you calling me a nag?
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then what's the point?
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Now, are we going to your stupid office party or what?
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♪ Men.
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Wait, wait.
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Let me give you an example.
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And that's a problem?
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I mean, the entire time I was with him,
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Your standards are so much lower than Dylan's.
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I could sit here and fart like a buffalo,
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(both moaning)
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Whew! That's a dead buffalo.
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