
Season 3

Aired 49 years ago - Mar 18, 1975

Actually, we won't. One of the classic M*A*S*H episodes. Henry finally gets his discharge. While he is tying things up, Burns prepares for his new command. Henry bids a tearful adieu, but not before Klinger turns up in an outrageous tropical outfit, and gets Henry to zip him up, and he gets a kiss Margaret. He gives Radar a hug and his last order, and departs by helicopter. In the traumatic and shocking last scene, a devastated Radar announces that Henry has been killed when his plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. MORE -LESS

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and then Olive tells all about her hysterectomy.
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No. Andrew has a trombone lesson at 5:00. He's learning to play Ravel's Bolero.
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Lorraine and I are going upstairs to our room.
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- To command is your destiny. - [Giggles]
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In comes Colonel Burns.
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I oughta be coming through the front door in about three days.
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- Now she's crying. - Sir, there's a time limit on the call.
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Janie, honey, would you get Mommy back on the phone?
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Wear your dog tags.
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- That's it, sir. - Honey, I gotta go.
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[Whispering] She has a fantastic body.
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Is there one or two "Js" in "fragile," sir?
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Oh... Hey, hey, hey.
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- You saved my life. - Ah, my pleasure, Radar.
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Um, you know, my own father didn't have me until he was 63.
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This is a key chain, and the cartridge is a fob.
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- It's a Winchester. - Well, thanks, Radar.
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- Yeah, I'll bet. - Yeah. [Clears Throat]
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- Oh, try this. Try this. - This is great.
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[Laughing] Did you hear what he said?
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- I got it. - I'll tell you what, we'll flip.
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- One hell of a human being. - I got it.
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You come to a big tree. You pass the big tree.
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you know, I'm really gonna miss you guys.
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- with that lady war correspondent, huh? - [Both Laughing]
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[Trapper] Number one is for number two.
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I'm standing straight. The country's crooked.
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And in the presence of those present who have faithfully served...
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[Chuckling Continues]
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- Ahh... - The tie is silk. Handmade by a worm.
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How did you know my size?
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- Ow. - ## [Continues]
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[Applause, Cheering]
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- No. I just want to say good-bye. - Well, okay.
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- You old sky pilot, you. - Bless you, Henry Blake.
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I'll do it.
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- Two minutes till your chopper, sir. - Oh, thanks, Radar.
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[Whooping, Clapping]
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- #Which nobody can deny # - [All Saying Good-bye]
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- Have a good trip. - Take it easy, pal.
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Aired 49 years ago - Mar 11, 1975

Colonel Flagg blows into camp trying to obtain penicillin to barter for information. But Flagg comes down with appendicitis, and the only penicillin he gets is in the keister.

Aired 49 years ago - Mar 04, 1975

Frank buys two sets of Pearl's, one for Margaret and one for his wife. After some talk, Radar gets Hawkeye $3,000 in lost earnings, Hawkeye gives it to Mulcahy for the orphans, but then the army wants the money back. Trapper wins big at poker after using Hawkeye's watch as a stake, so Hawkeye takes his winnings to avoid a stay in the honeymoon suite of The Stockade Hilton. MORE -LESS

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military regulations specifically state...
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Sir, are you busy?
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I spent a week in his hometown once. Suction here.
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Been in the family for years. Found him on my doorstep.
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- This man is not to be paid. - What are you talking about?
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Oh, well, don't worry about it. It'll get better.
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I, myself, personally, am off to the Officers' Tonsil Wash Emporium and Whoopee Parlor...
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- I can't. - Or 20 privates at 50 cents each.
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Um, what is your maiden name?
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Uh, happy coat. Just your size, Major.
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[Whistles] Those are real beauts.
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Well, the major's happily married.
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You got terminal mouth, Sergeant. Deal.
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Life here is so colorless. So... blah.
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Look, I can get you a strand for 35 bucks.
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He bought cheap pearls, this major?
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- My parents made me take divine lessons. - Smart parents.
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Oh, I think you'll find this very interesting, sir.
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Mr. Kwang, can I have a martini, please?
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I can't keep money that doesn't belong to me.
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Mr. Kwang, I'd like to buy South Korea a drink.
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Colonel, I got a proposition to make.
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- That's terrific. - Here's a quarter for the key.
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My nerves don't sit still a minute.
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Bribery is as American as toreador pants. Colonel!
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But there's another Frank Burns. My other alter ego.
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Margaret, I could rape your nape.
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Oh, look how perfect they are.
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Whereas your common, ordinary, man-in-the-street oyster...
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All righty, boys. Once around the horn.
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- Pipe this rock, Captain. - Whoo-eee!
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You know, for a priest, you have no sense of rhythm.
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Spare me, Father. It's makes me go Spencer Tracy all over.
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It's not terribly dry inside an oyster, Frank.
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I'm looking for your colonel, Major.
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You're bluffing.
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What about all the times in O.R.? The bowels we resected?
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You're right, Hawk. I'd probably blow the hand.
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- I'm Captain Sloan, Supervising Acc-Fin. - "Acc-Fin"?
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Where are the funds you thought you could swindle the United States government out of?
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I've driven the money over to Sister Theresa.
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And now you accuse me of stealing.
Aired 49 years ago - Feb 25, 1975

The camp prepares for a visit from General MacArthur. Klinger dresses as the Statue of Liberty as the General's jeep drives through the camp. MacArthur is so impressed, he salutes!

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if I'm any judge of 19ths.
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- Him, here. General Douglas MacArth... - [Gasps]
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Because we've got the most impressive damn record of any medical unit in Korea!
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Radar, the publicity! The publicity!
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- You'll be famous, sir. - Yeah.
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Carry on.
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The general will arrive at exactly 1155 hours...
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and then will stop here at point "B" at precisely 1158 hours.
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Colonel Whiteman, I just want to say...
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- Yes? - I think the colonel might like to know...
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when the general's pipe is lit.
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The general's visit is a tribute to your unit's efficiency.
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That's just what I was thinking.
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- Does this mean Radar has to take a bath? - I hope so.
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"Duty rosters will be posted on the bulletin board. No changes will be made.
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souvenir memorial album for the general.
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#Well, it's not Corrigidor You know it's only Korea #
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# With your corncob pipe #
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- Burning books. - Oh. Any special reason, Dr. Hitler?
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- Norman Mailer. - It's got that word in it.
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and dazed from crawling inside people trying to keep them breathing.
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grind you into a fine powder and sprinkle you on MacArthur's oatmeal!
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is a flower girl with a 5:00 shadow.
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I won't smile at him or say I'm pregnant or anything.
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My two favorite words.
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What do you mean, no orderlies?
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It's beginning to look like real army, thanks to you, Major. Darling.
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I can't wait to meet him. We're practically family.
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- That's so warm, so human. - That Christmas they exchanged shrunken tribesman's heads.
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- Frank, do I dare? - Well, Margaret, you are practically family.
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- Oh, Margaret! - Oh, Doug!
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- Wilco. - Keep 'em spinning counterclockwise.
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Perfect. Hold it.
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- That's not gin. - No, vodka. It's only a rehearsal.
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Klinger, I warned you!
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Take him away.
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General MacArthur, I bid you hail and welcome...
Aired 49 years ago - Feb 18, 1975

Hawkeye and Trapper prevent a GI from marrying a call girl who has TB, whilst trying to help a Korean soldier join his pregnant wife. Radar, of course, provides his usual invaluable help.

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Oh, that's nice. He has a cleanliness fetish.
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He's under a lot of tension.
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So much for school.
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Fortunately, I was sent to the 121 st hospital...
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Just take this over to the colonel, and he'll sign your adoption papers.
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Wait here.
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Yes, sir.
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- Uh, hi, Docs. - McShane.
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- Haven't we seen her somewhere before? - Yeah, at Rosie's Bar.
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- you start to lose your objectivity. - And she gets your P.X. Card.
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Look, kid, it's rough over here for all of us...
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All right. I'll see you, and I'll raise you...
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And if you don't believe me, I'll have him x-rayed.
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- Okay, you're the raiser. What do you say? - Uh, check.
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Two, three, four hearts, and a diamond. I gotta get some R and R.
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I know in my next life I'd want to be an officer.
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Some enlisted men aren't even allowed to fall in love.
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Don't make it sound like we're breaking up Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan.
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- [Shouting] - Hear that? - Sounds like a fight.
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This is a forgery, fella.
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- Colonel Blake... - Yo.
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I caught him climbing into a truck, and when I saw the fake pass...
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I'm flattered you remember me, sir.
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In conjunction with my medical practice, I am in a new business.
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Marriage broker. I arrange matches between Korean girls and G.I. S...
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but Private McShane insisted on a thousand dollars for himself.
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Good. You can pass out cigars to the firing squad.
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I remember seeing this last night at the poker game.
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Hi, Frank. What are you doin'?
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if we could get this Korean mommy and daddy with their baby all together in the same place.
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- A 20-year-old movie. - We're getting that next week.
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The village is Quang Sun, east 10 miles of the main road.
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I thought so.
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## [Stops]
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Now, don't play Huck Finn with me, kid. Dr. Pak told us all about the racket.
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- You run to the post office for a money order. - Really, sir...
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I'm afraid there's a shadow on the lung of the former future Mrs. McShane.
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- You having pains? - Yes, sir.
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- What does that mean? - It means she's about to give birth.
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- Easy. I'm gonna lift you now. Easy. Oh! - Watch your head.
Aired 49 years ago - Feb 11, 1975

Hawkeye, Houlihan, and Klinger go to an aid station at the front. Working closely together under heavy fire and unsanitary medical conditions, the three return to camp with new found respect for one another.

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All right, fair is fair. We'll draw straws.
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I wouldn't make a mockery of drawing burnt sausages out of a bed pan...
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I have the personnel cards right here, sir.
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Terrific. I'm knocking my brains out to get sent home.
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I got this for my interview with that shrink at H.Q. In Seoul.
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- You're gonna come back. You'll be all right. - Write.
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- So long, buddy. - Yeah, I'll see you soon, huh?
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I know you're sorry you didn't volunteer, Frank.
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When the war's over... and nothing good lasts forever...
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I thrill to the sight of a precise parade.
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frail, vulnerable, sensitive female.
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I marked the bottle. I need that stuff. It's my secret weapon.
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- You'll have it changed? - Well, you're the surgeon.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 18
- [Sighs] - What?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 19
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Put 'em up on these sawhorses here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 22
This is Snow White. How you doing, Klinger?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 23
Exploding, live shells. This is Grumpy signing off.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 26
Give me some more clamps, will ya?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 27
Frank, you're just sewing up an incision, not tying up the Queen Mary.
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It's unfair, making a surgeon work under these conditions.
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They keep knocking the needle around.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 30
- It's difficult. - You may have to open the wound more.
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- Who is it? - Another one of your gang.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 34
- Really? - This is an officers' tent!
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- Then I'll turn this out. - Sir, uh, do you have a night-light?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 36
- Who's sleeping in that bed? - Goldilocks. Her number came up.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 39
Back home, my biggest decisions are whether or not to have my own bowling ball made...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 40
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 41
- He did good work. - He's a credit to his bloomers.
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We did it.
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- You drank it all. - Radar, do you believe me?
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But if you repeat this to anyone, I'll deny it.
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Ready for the army again.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 19 (S03E19) - 50
# For it's hi, hi, hee in the hoo-hoo, ha-ha hee #
Aired 49 years ago - Feb 04, 1975

Hawkeye hits Major Burns and Houlihan is a witness. Despite Hawkeye and Trapper's claims that it wasn't intentional, Frank makes allegations against Hawkeye, and he is put in house arrest facing court martial. A female colonel is sent to inspect the nurses. When she cries "Rape!" when Burns visits her tent, Houlihan recants her story, and Burns, not Hawkeye, ends up under house arrest. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 1
# Fools rush in where angels fear to tread ##
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 2
I better see a doctor. Is there anybody who isn't mad at me?
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- I apologize. - There you go. That's a good Indian.
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Jiminy Crickets, Frank! Do you know what has to be done to court-martial somebody?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 5
You think it's funny now, but what are you gonna do during your five years in Leavenworth?
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- You'll be staying in my tent. - Oh, fair enough.
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- Pretty cute. Who is he? - Captain Pierce.
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A little number three pancake will take care of that.
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- It'll only be for a few days. - It'll be an eternity.
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The sheik who was just in here. Major What's-his-name.
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Listen, honey, take it from an old campaigner.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 14
Look out for that bar of soap, everybody."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 15
- Why'd you want your pants three inches longer? - Later!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 16
All right, go ahead, Mclntyre. Now, you said you warned Frank about the...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 17
- Uh, no, no, it doesn't sound too G.I. Make it... - "Socko."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 18
Frank, would you mind not combing your hair so loud?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 19
I can step out. I can step in. Out. In.
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Mmm! Now that's what I call church buffalo.
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I brought you a prisoner of war package.
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Oh, my. This is Friday.
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a wash cloth and four Oreo cookies.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 25
- What movie? What's playing? - Uh, a Gene Tierney picture I believe.
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Father, you're the button in the cap of kindness.
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Oh, yeah? Well, this is Colonel Blake calling and I want that out here by 1300 hours!
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The mail's three hours late and I'm expecting something kind of special.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 29
"Be a good little fella." I'll show 'em.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 30
You see, the idea is to develop a working rhythm...
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- [Man] Sit down! - [Woman] You're in the picture.
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- I'm clean. - Sorry. I was reaching for my hanky.
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Don't judge him too harshly. After all, the other chap was coveting his neighbor's wife.
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What, what, what, what?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 36
- Get your hot dogs right here! Hot dogs! - [Screams]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 37
I need my tweezers. I have a hair in my mole.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 38
You did tell me not to let him swim the lake unless you were with us, but...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 39
[Klinger] "Congratulations, big guy. Now you are taller than she is.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 40
- Wow! - Hey, look at you!
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- He's at the movie right now, sir. - Oh, "nerts."
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Well, they give you a look of authority, Corporal. Dignity.
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Oh, um, I was looking for Major Houlihan.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 44
- I'm, uh, cursed with perfection. - Aw.
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[Sniffing] Oh, what is that?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 46
How's the movie?
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Even you.
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We waited, sir, then we went ahead without you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 50
[Whimpers, Gasps]
Aired 49 years ago - Jan 21, 1975

Dr. Borelli visits the 4077th to demonstrate his artery transplant technique. Unfortunately, being so close to the front at the 4077th causes Borelli's drinking problem to interfere at the worst time - when a patient needs the transplant.

Aired 49 years ago - Jan 14, 1975

Camp activities include Henry's nervous delivery of a sex lecture, with Hawkeye's and Trapper's heckling, a Shirley Temple movie, and a cookout.

Aired 49 years ago - Jan 07, 1975

The camp is under fire and is swamped with wounded. They are being attacked by their own artillery in a frightening "friendly fire" incident. Trapper and Margaret get trapped in the Supply Tent together. Frank's jealousy of Trapper drives him to propose to Margaret.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 1
Isn't it something? Now I know what they mean by a "floating crap table."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 2
I hope my American Legion post doesn't find out about this.
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Foreigners! Why are there so many of them in a war?
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- [Frank] Give me a towel! - Put a blanket over that window!
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- [Doctors, Nurses Shouting] - [Korean Soldier Moaning]
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Colonel, if you can hear me,
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- You all right, Father? - Come on, Father.
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Mommy came into the kitchen and said, "What the hell's going on in here?"
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Boy, this really hurts.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 11
[Trapper] Get one of your own. Go into business for yourself.
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- Big "booby"? - Right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 13
It seems to me this comes under the heading of duty for enlisted personnel.
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Okay, quick! Towards the minefield!
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- No more booby? - Booby all gone.
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but they're all at "The Bob Hope Show."
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I need help. The door to the supply room is jammed.
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[Grunts] You are strong.
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- Come on. Let me try. - We're trapped!
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I'm so embarrassed.
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- Do you mind? - No.
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The door's jammed!
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All that energy wasted on a door.
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Y-You see, his mother didn't want him to keep it,
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- Is, uh, Major Houlihan here? - Down in front!
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Oh, my uncle in Texarkana had the same thing with a mule.
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You're just saying 196 degrees so you can get under the same blanket with me.
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and we made 196 degrees, and that's all there was to it!
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I want your word that nothing went on between you and Major Houlihan.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 39
- Terrific. - It's the story of a woman...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 40
We were exhausted. We slept. I told you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 41
I should have known he'd talk dirty to you in Spanish.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 42
What am I to you, anyway?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 43
Margaret, I realized when you were in the supply room with him...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 44
- Say it again, Frank. - What? What?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 45
with Marilyn Maxwell, Jerry Colonna, Les Brown and his Band of Renown,
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 46
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 47
[Seoul City Sue] You know who's romancing them at home every night?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 48
Another Harry repairs the golf carts.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 49
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 15 (S03E15) - 50
I don't really know what you're talking about.
Aired 49 years ago - Dec 31, 1974

A Greek Colonel thanks the 4077th by giving them food and drink for an Easter celebration. Bu the feast is foiled when softhearted Radar saves the main course from the spit - a lamb, which Radar tricks Henry into giving a medical discharge and sends home to Ottumwa, Iowa. Thus, Hawkeye and Trapper invent the famed Spam Lamb! Meanwhile, a soldier who had shot himself to get out of the army confesses to Frank, thinking he is Father Mulcahy. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 1
[Hawkeye Narrating] Dear Dad: The wounded keep coming and coming.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 2
to Plato, Plutarch, Aristotle, Socrates.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 3
handed down concepts that are in use today.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 4
Of course, they didn't make temple calls.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 5
- I've seen worse. - Will it have to come off?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 6
I guess it's the same as cows lying down on all fours just before it rains.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 7
Oh, sir, there's a Colonel Andropolis to see you.
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Oh, ah. [Chuckles]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 10
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 11
Uh, grape leaves, lamb, moussaka.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 12
A word about today's lunch: Don't.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 13
For anyone to shoot him that close, they'd have to both be inside the same uniform.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 17
Oh, no, not again.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 18
Okay, stop. Stop!
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[Reciting Serial Number In Greek]
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If you'd studied at all, Radar, you'd know that the Greeks invented the Edible complex.
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- Aren't you gonna stop him? - Not until the skin is roasted a crispy brown...
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because you asked for it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 25
Well, I'm certainly glad Major Houlihan's in Tokyo and not here to witness this.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 26
You leave me no choice but to register a formal complaint with Father Mulcahy...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 27
I'm your friend. Come here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 28
Now, listen. Now, you gotta trust me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 29
I gotta inject the, uh, rear of your behind.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 32
Why, you little scum, you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 33
Let's have your name and serial number.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 34
Uh, right, right. Okay. Thanks again, Colonel.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 35
Uh, well, one paper was to complain that we haven't received...
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 38
- But he is out. - Can we help? Just fill this in.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 39
Well, you are just as much to blame.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 40
He told me. Chapman.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 41
- And you tripped him. - Hold it. So?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 42
- Probably get ten years. - Maybe 20.
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One of these days. Boy!
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- and now the damn lamb's flown the coop. - Now, that's a pretty neat trick.
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Well, I don't want you to get in trouble, sir, but, uh, it's been set free.
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I didn't want to see him killed, sir.
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I may be losing my mind.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 49
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 14 (S03E14) - 50
Aired 49 years ago - Dec 10, 1974

A local dog bites Radar, and the camp conducts a search to find the pooch, so that Radar doesn't have to undergo a series of painful rabies vaccinations. Hawkeye defies Frank, to take care of a GI who's suffering from a case of hysterical paralysis.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 1
are the two biggest numbers on the Korean hit parade.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 2
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 3
and when the bell rings, Trapper will come over and beat your brains out.
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the tanks, I guess.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 5
He goes to Tokyo, and that's an order.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 6
Been losing screws and clickin' his heels ever since.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 7
Listen, I'd love for you to come up here and try your new therapy on him.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 8
Okay, I'll try.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 9
- Fine. You want to act it out or whisper it in my ear? - It's about Corporal Travis.
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Personally, mine is at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 every day.
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you're gonna get yourself a good job as a doorstop!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 16
Otherwise, you're gonna be a pretty big papoose for somebody's backpack!
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But if I shake hands with one more farmer, I'll probably be elected to office.
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- How's your hand? - It's okay.
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And it looks like Ike's got this nomination all sewn up.
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- You haven't seen him, huh? - I don't think so.
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- Uh, what'd he say? What'd he say? - "K-Kay... Kay koom moouh."
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It's a very common dish among our older people.
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- Wait a minute. We're still not out of the woods, Radar. - What do you mean?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 25
Yes, ma'am.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 26
Well, all right, but rest assured, I won't listen to a word I read.
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"laying down your life, etcetera, so may not have time to write back.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 28
"That's probably why everyone tells me I'm sweet. Ha ha.
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The "Diddy Bo Diddy" thing?
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"S-W-A-K, Wanda Nell.
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- I swear it's a word. I swear it on Frank's life. - "Vailness"?
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Okay, okay. What I need is another drink.
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just write it down and put it on my desk where I can't find it.
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- We're just following Sid Freedman's advice. - Sid's the best.
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and send him back to a nice, clean hospital, it just deepens the guilt.
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Aw, Frank, you're not gonna call your mother again?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 40
My wife says I'm easy to talk to... whenever we're talkin'.
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That's where I interned when I wasn't tryin' to sneak into the ballpark.
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- You sure? - He's on his way to the R.O.K.
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where the key to the bottom of my liquor cabinet might be?
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I'll request one for you right away.
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Those tanks, they just kept coming and coming...
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I really tried...
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[Dog Barks]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 13 (S03E13) - 50
Just gonna ease over... nice and friendly...
Aired 49 years ago - Dec 03, 1974

Hawkeye records a letter to his dad, detailing the exploits of a mad Turkish soldier who calls Hawkeye a "damn good Joe," the unfortunate loss of the corpse of a Luxembourg soldier (who turns out not to be dead), Lt. Henri-Batiste LeClerc, and of a gun-happy officer.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 1
- What about him? - Leave him. He can wait.
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[Shouting In Foreign Language]
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- [Shouts] - Right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 4
- I'm sorry, Major. - What happened to saluting, Corporal?
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I'd appreciate some help right now.
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Just stay right here and keep an eye on this man.
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Only surgical personnel can go in there, sir.
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I tell you, he threatened me with a gun!
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And he's gonna get top priority, right?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 13
Meanwhile, your friend will be looked at by Colonel Blake and Major Chicken Lover.
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Oh, good for you. The country's littered with butts as it is.
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the war's not some big geopolitical conflict between nations and ideologies.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 17
We're up to our bottoms in other people's bottoms here.
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Yeah. I sure can see what you mean.
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We wouldn't want his credit card to go off.
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Oh, for Pete's sake.
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- Why don't we all go to Berlitz and find out? - He's your patient! Get him!
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- Mayday! - 99, 98...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 23
All of us: The kids, the dog...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 24
[Radar] Right in here, sir.
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One of my men, Lt. Henri Batiste LeClerq...
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Oh? Oh, I'm sorry.
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that I recover the body for appropriate military honors.
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I will not leave here without him.
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suggesting the war be declared a draw.
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Uh, five parts gin and one moment's silence for the vermouth.
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Okay. Clamp.
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- How can you tell? - I'll get your bag.
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Well, they're certainly gonna get my Christmas card business.
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Whatever it is, I love it.
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I think he just wants to get back to his outfit so he can kill more Chinese.
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- [Smith] What did he do? - Nothing! Mm!
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Boy, you guys at the front... You think you own the war.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 41
Yeah, Klinger: Mine.
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And you jeep him out of camp, but you won't get more than half a mile...
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- Frank, would you do me a favor? - Sure.
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maybe we could perform a brief ceremony honoring his loss.
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So you can knock off the heroics and drop the fowling piece.
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Lost but not least...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 49
##[Piano Continues]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 50
Aired 49 years ago - Nov 26, 1974

Sick and tired of having liver and fish for an 11-day stretch, Hawkeye, driven near to insanity, starts a riot in the mess tent. He and Trapper then orders spare ribs and sauce from the best place he ever had them, in Chicago. Trapper calls a woman he spent a weekend with to pick up the ribs, and then they get choppered in. Unfortunately, right as they're sitting down to eat, wounded arrive, and Hawkeye is forced to postpone sinking his teeth into his beloved ribs. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 1
I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 2
[All Chanting] We want something else! We want something else!
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Eleven straight days, Henry.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 5
- Trade the athletic supporters. - And see if we can't trade those athletic supporters?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 6
A flamboyant, devil-may-care yet introspective sauce.
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I have barbecue deficiency. Don't you get the clinical picture?
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It was near the Dearborn Street station.
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I'll get 'em. Somehow.
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- Mm. - [Muffled Groaning]
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Close enough.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 13
- Radar! Get on the phone. - Don't shoot!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 14
"Hog Butcher for the world, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 15
- "Give me your tired, your poor, your coleslaw." - Sparky?
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- Better than sex. - I don't know how good sex is.
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- With sparerib clusters. - Okay, pal! I'll take it from here!
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Right. The place that Bob Hope comes to all the time.
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- I love her. - It's a he.
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and I need to know something:
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 21
I got it engraved on my tongue. Listen, you got a telephone book there?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 22
That's a lovely name. One of my daughters is called Resnick.
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This is it, Radar. We're approaching nirvana.
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- Oral sensation. - You're seeing the real me.
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- The rest is downhill. - So is your head.
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- [Trapper] There's an interesting couple. - [Hawkeye] Tillie and Mac.
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I apologize, Klinger, from the heart of my bottom.
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It's done. Won't cost you a dime.
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And I expect you to "un-succotash" my stole, sir!
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Mildred. That's right. Mildred Feeney.
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No, I'm not actually in Chicago now. A little bit west of there.
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- Lay it on her, will ya? - What, baby?
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at Midway Airport.
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Anatomy practice, right.
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- "Critical..." - "Handle with Care. Highly Infectious."
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They're in a supply depot down in Ouijongbu.
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- Me and the ribs, we're all in Korea! - Let's eat!
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cocky little nurse at your outfit.
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And you want me to find one insignificant little box of med supplies.
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If I help one person, I have to help everybody.
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Nobody cut requisition orders on this.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 50
I wasn't gonna say anything, but this little supermarket of yours isn't all that clean.
Aired 49 years ago - Nov 19, 1974

The nurses are evacuated when the threat of an enemy parachute drop arises. Hawkeye and Trapper try to enliven everyone's spirits whilst they are gone. Hawkeye: "The plot thins. Watch the cake sue for malpractice when Frank cuts into it."

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 1
I'm not finking, Major. I'm not gonna have you chain some poor little nurse to her cot...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 2
Speaking man-to-man, Colonel, I realize the war unhinges us all.
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- #And it won't be long # - #And it won't be long #
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Hey, Calvin, Trap.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 5
- Believe me, we're unhappier. - Because we're taller.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 6
Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 7
Detail dig! Two, three, four!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 8
One hour till the nurses go.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 9
- What do you want? - Major Burns says he'll be detained a little late.
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- No. She's 37. - Don't slam the door.
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- What thing? - My tongue.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 12
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Oh, Margaret! To think I won't have this neck to nuzzle...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 14
When we've spent all this time being so embodied.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 15
There's six months' haircuts in there.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 16
If anything should happen... if we never see each other again...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 17
- Captain. - Major.
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a very dry martini.
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He says he's gonna stay that way until the nurses come back.
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or I'll give you a nose job from the inside.
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- Give me a beer, Mr. Kwak. - If they come back.
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- ## [Strumming Melody] - Dry, Mr. Kwak.
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# Now, wouldn't that be funny #
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# Their sight, their smell their sound #
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#Now, wouldn't that be funny #
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Oh. Yeah, okay. I got it. Right.
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I think mine have started already, sir.
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All available personnel will report to the O.R. To help with nursing chores.
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- [Henry Scolds, Indistinct] - Just look this way, Father, where the blood is.
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- My kingdom for a nurse. - I'm doing my best.
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- Thataboy. - Three-O silk on a cutting needle, Mr. Kwang.
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Sorry, Margaret.
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You're bigger than they are, Frank. We both know that.
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I've gotta go now, darling. I love you.
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If this belongs to Frank, you can be sure it's not a girlie movie.
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- [Trapper] Don't stand in the light. - [Hawkeye] You heartbreaker.
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Come on. Get out of the way.
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- [Trapper] Would you look at that smile? - [Hawkeye] That can be cured.
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- [Hawkeye] This is the happiest day of her life. - [Trapper Laughs]
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[Hawkeye] That's the bride. Oh, good. Lovely.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 50
[Imitating Stuttering] Be-dee, be-dee... That's all, folks.
Aired 49 years ago - Nov 12, 1974

Henry's departure to Tokyo leaves Major Burns in charge of the 4077th. He declares total prohibition of alcohol, which leads to a near riot amongst the camp, especially from Hawkeye and Trapper.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 1
No movie. No soft personnel.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 2
I'm in command until Colonel Blake's absence is replaced with his presence.
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Mother's milk.
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We do not have a drinking problem.
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"Do you sometimes gulp drinks?"
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 7
- The answer to question number three is no. - There's just no question.
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We need a drink!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 9
illud obtuli sit...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 10
Oh, Klinger. I don't know what I'd do without you.
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I'm sorry your still is broken, Hawkeye.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 13
I'm sorry I can't help you.
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by singing hymn 216 on page 50 of your green book.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 15
Oh, Frank, every day you remind me more and more of Dad.
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These childish, silly reasons for their drinking.
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Don't take away my little "nippy" bottle.
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- Well? What is it? - The daily report needs to be signed, sir.
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Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol.
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Shot? This is just medicine.
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- Oh, no, sir. - You can tell the truth. They hate me, don't they?
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# So I could say hello to Mother every day ##
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# Come on in, take off your skin and rattle around... #
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- Don't tell anybody. - Don't tell anyone.
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- [Hawkeye] Days. - Days.
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From now on, anyone... anyone caught with any kind of intoxicating beverage...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 32
Have you ever given a lecture on temperance, Father? On the evils of drink?
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One was from Cleveland, ostensibly...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 34
- Father... - Broke his wristwatch and everything.
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It'll be a general order. No one will be excused.
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I don't have three hands. Ask a nurse to do it, Doctor!
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I'm not worthy of you, Frank.
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No personnel will be excepted...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 39
Big deal.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 40
Field and Stream. How can you read this stuff?
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- I'm a slob? - Yeah!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 42
If I thought that, I'd rent myself out to a firing squad.
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Already? I can't believe it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 44
- You have anything around here? - Oh. In my desk...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 45
Frank, what a turnout.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 46
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 47
[Knocking On Door]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 48
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 49
[Clears Throat] It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations. "
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 50
It's rather warm in here.
Aired 50 years ago - Oct 29, 1974

Mail from home worries Henry that Lorraine may be seeing other men. Father Mulcahy presides over a Jewish circumcision ceremony for the Korean-born son of a US GI.

Aired 50 years ago - Oct 22, 1974

Trapper gets an ulcer and a ticket home. Unfortunately, his going-away party is spoiled by a new Army regulation, which forces him to stay.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 1
- Send them in. - Step behind the screen and drop your pants.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 2
serving your Uncle Sam and entitled to dignity.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 3
Further, they can do nothing, nothing, when you are alone with them...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 4
He's scheduled to do my physical. Fat chance.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 5
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 6
Does this mean my taste buds have been raped?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 7
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 8
Oh, yes, the physical.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 9
- Ah. Ah. - Ah.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 10
All right. Stand with your little feet together.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 11
I know how to breathe hard, Doctor.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 12
- You're also getting a little flanky. - You're crazy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 13
Bare naked, sir?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 14
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 15
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 16
Oh, I washed my hands first, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 17
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 18
Well, not everybody is Major Houlihan, Frank.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 19
The ink is still wet where you touched it up.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 20
Refusing a checkup? It doesn't make sense. It's basic.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 21
but I don't want it diagnosed here because I don't want to be treated in this pigpen.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 22
I've got heartburn that would light up the city ofToledo.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 23
You've got a million-dollar hole in your belly.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 24
Before you know it, you'll be home sleeping on the couch...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 25
Good boy. Radar.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 26
- Daddy's home. - I bet they've grown.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 27
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 28
No, Frank. What does it mean?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 29
- Why so irritable, princess? - I'm not irritable, Frank.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 30
of fat.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 31
You're all nice and round and mushy and soft.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 32
I don't think I can sleep on clean sheets anymore.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 33
Sirs, you're looking at a dying man.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 34
- Bye, Klinger. - "Bye, Klinger."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 35
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 36
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 37
Well, not really shorthand, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 38
No, it's a message from H.Q.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 39
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 40
Look, Radar, don't say anything about this to anybody, okay? I'll take care of it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 41
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 42
I don't go out with married men, Colonel.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 43
Well, we knew he'd leave us one day.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 44
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 45
You "aminal."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 46
- Frank. We're having a little entertainment later. - Mm-hmm. Oh, good.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 47
And every time you look when I'm looking, I watch something else...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 48
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 49
good companion.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 50
Aired 50 years ago - Oct 15, 1974

When spring arrives, Klinger gets word from home that his sweetheart back in Toledo wants to marry him. Henry arranges for Father Mulcahy to do this over short wave radio. Radar falls in love with a nurse, while a grateful patient won't leave Hawkeye alone, and even threatens Major Burns.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 1
Save mine. And take my beautiful day. I'm having it later.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 2
Uh, excuse me. Isn't this, uh, Lieutenant Simmons's tent?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 3
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 4
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 5
Never have so many suffered so much so so few could be so happy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 6
"Breathless, we flung us on the windy hill."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 7
I thought it might be important. I think it's from, uh...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 8
"They have known shame, who loved unloved.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 9
- Sorry I had to wake you. - That's all right, Father.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 10
Anything you want to talk about, soldier?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 11
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 12
And I'm gonna need that back by tonight.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 13
[Klinger] Colonel Blake.!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 14
Sir, you gotta let me go, sir. I just have to get married.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 15
I'm saying you're so desperate to get out of Korea, you'd have yourself buried...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 16
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 17
So, uh, have you ever had cholera...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 18
- That's my marine, right? - How'd you guess?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 19
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 20
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 21
Fellas, you just sit on down and relax and I'll handle everything.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 22
"Dear Dad, I'm bringing home a marine.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 23
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 24
Yeah, uh, Lieutenant Simmons.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 25
Uh, no, it was a...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 26
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 27
All righty, BS2XYZ, I gotcha.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 28
Now he's gonna pick us up on his shortwave...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 29
Go get shaved and get into your gown.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 30
Oh, excuse me, Lieutenant. Uh, I'm measuring the camp.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 31
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 32
- Why? Do you? - Oh, yeah.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 33
Now, I'm going to count to five, and I want you to hand over that unauthorized cat.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 34
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 35
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 36
Well, don't worry, Doc. I'll get you out of here quicker than you can shake a stick.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 37
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 38
- [Simmons] Who is it? - Uh, Corporal O'Reilly.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 39
Well, uh, we just got a new shipment in...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 40
Well, sit down. Read me a poem.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 41
Oh, here's one. [Clears Throat]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 42
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 43
I didn't see anything. Honest.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 44
take this, uh, man...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 45
- Well? - Just keep your garters on, Klinger.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 46
It's from the States. My grandfather was buried in this.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 47
Lady, you are a piece of corn bread.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 48
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 49
- Oh, shut up, Major. - Did you hear that?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 6 (S03E06) - 50
That pervert marrying no one, a cat living in the hospital...
Aired 50 years ago - Oct 08, 1974

The OR is filled with more wounded than the unit can handle. Hawkeye does heart massage on a soldier, which saves his life, but he dies four hours later. Sidney Freedman drops in during the deluge, and is dragged into the fray by Hawkeye.

Aired 50 years ago - Oct 01, 1974

General 'Iron Guts' Kelly arrives for an inspection, and ends up dying in Margaret's tent. Hawkeye and Trapper help the General's aide smuggle him out of camp. The next day he is reported killed at the front, as that is where he would have wanted to die.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 1
Thank you, General. That's mighty nice.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 2
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 3
Give me some suction here, Mr. Kwang.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 4
- Try to look busy for the general. - Bleed at attention, please.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 5
What seems to be wrong with this soldier?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 6
And what medical unit would be complete...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 7
That's all right. Likewise, I'm sure.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 8
and I'll have what the general and colonel are having.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 9
- Thank you. - [Coughing]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 10
Oh, I'm sorry, General. I got it all brass-backwards.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 11
General, I wonder if I might take a snapshot for my scrapbook.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 12
- Oh! Your gun is digging into my thigh. - Lucky gun.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 13
Give it a good going-over. Take your time, a couple ofhours at least.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 14
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 15
Oh, that won't be necessary.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 16
General. Major.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 17
I need your help. I'm in trouble. Terrible trouble.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 18
[Man] Hey, Doc.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 19
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 20
- Did you try to resuscitate him? - How do you think he died?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 21
I've got a terrible headache.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 22
- What's going on? - Nothing's going on, Frank. I just couldn't sleep.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 23
- Come again, Frank. - Good night, Frank.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 24
To the V.I.P. Tent.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 25
Okay. Come on.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 26
- He's dead. - Dead? What...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 27
- Um... - We'd rather not say.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 28
until that one shell with his name on it caught up with him.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 29
but it's got to appear as though he died more meaningfully.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 30
- That's different. - Then we refuse.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 31
You know where we can hire 500 Indians and a wagon train?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 32
We'll be the ones with our hands on the Bible.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 33
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 34
Let's get on the stick.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 35
Uh, Eighth Army, 73rd Artillery, "G" Sector?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 36
- It's not for me. It's for the general. - Oh.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 37
Yeah? Uh, oh, right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 38
Well, call around. This is a war.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 39
- We once took a cadaver to a football game. - You're kidding.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 40
What do you mean, "Me who?" When I say "It's me"? How many me's do you know?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 41
- I saw them. - They're not here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 42
A dead body. Now, that's not their job.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 43
- Margaret, what is this? - What is this? What this?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 44
Frank, my headache is leaking out of my ears.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 45
so he asked if he could come over and look at mine.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 46
longitude 70, latitude 27.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 47
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 48
Well, it just pulled out. We thought you took it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 49
You can't do that. That's restraint of trade.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 50
You vixen.
Aired 50 years ago - Sep 24, 1974

While Henry is away in Seoul, Burns and Houlihan are in charge, and Hawkeye is the officer of the day. His refusal to release a wounded Korean soldier, wanted by US Intelligence, leads to a confrontation with Colonel Flagg.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 1
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 2
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 3
You're a disgrace to American man- and womanhood.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 4
I said no! Corporal, make a note.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 5
I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed inspecting you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 6
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 7
Tough tilly. Up, up, up!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 8
This morning was a very good year.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 9
Very amusing.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 10
When I got into this war, I had a very clear understanding with the Pentagon.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 11
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 12
I think I'll start with the girls.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 13
- Aw, come on, Hawk. - You're free too.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 14
You probably wanna handle that personally.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 15
I would certainly think so. What was it yesterday?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 16
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 17
- This is his I.D. Card. - [Groaning]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 18
Harry Truman number one G.I. Joe.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 19
Colonel Flagg, our friendly, undercover, overanxious intelligence man.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 20
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 21
Caught him near an ammo dump. Taking him to Seoul.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 22
- Honored, sir. - Honored.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 23
He's got a wounded North Korean prisoner, prepped and ready.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 24
Their pictures are in the post office in the juvenile section.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 25
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 26
What are you trying to do to me, Klinger? I'm officer of the day.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 27
When the colonel comes back, I'll ask him about a pass for you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 28
Why don't you go to bars and roll an officer like other children?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 29
Can you identify yourself?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 30
Just do your job, I'll do mine, mister.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 31
I have to get to Seoul so we can execute him over the weekend.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 32
- [Knock At Door] - One second.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 33
Klinger. Klinger, where did your mother and I go wrong?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 34
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 35
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 36
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 37
Would you mind turning your head, please?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 38
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 39
Boy, this card's getting a workout today. Radar?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 40
It was my postgraduate specialty... Blindfold and Last Cigarette 102.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 41
- I'm with you, Rocky. - Stall?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 42
Tough luck. He's down in Tokyo attending a series of medical conferences.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 43
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 44
Hawkeye, can I see you? Uh, sir, it's important.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 45
You gonna sign out my prisoner?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 46
[Imitating German Accent] You are being foolish. We have ways of making you talk.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 47
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 48
- He could die between here and Seoul. - I'll take that chance.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 49
Get off the pot, Major. Lean on 'em.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 50
Major Burns, I just thought of something.
Aired 50 years ago - Sep 17, 1974

As Hawkeye and Trapper are planning to leave for Tokyo, an unusual offer to swap POW patients between the Chinese and the 4077th comes in. Henry, after much debate, agrees to send Hawkeye, Trapper, Frank, Radar, and Klinger into enemy territory. Frank almost botches the swap when he brings a squirt gun to the exchange. Fortunately, the Chinese Dr. Lin Tam has a sense of humor; he went to the University of Illinois, after all. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 1
- We're off to see the wizard. - And who's that?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 2
Understandably, there's some gaps in my education.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 3
Oh, I thought you were signaling a left and a right turn.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 4
We're kind of off the Daichi, Henry. Too near the railroad. Noisy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 5
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. Now, they've got this package for me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 6
Henry, you have all the subtlety of a community bedpan.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 7
- why I was signing them either. - Signing.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 8
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 9
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 10
Boy, I'd sure love to send my hips out for a walk.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 11
This guy's got a simple laceration. He can wait.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 12
- Or to be in front of it. - Or both.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 13
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Oh, you teaching me medicine now? [Snorts] That's rich.
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I remind you, Captain Pierce, army standard triage procedure...
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Allen Jenkins played the bus driver.
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We did, um, 18 laporotomies, 21 busted femurs...
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Saturdays and Sundays off, and we don't have to do windows.
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No, they've got nine shot-up G.I. S on their side of the line...
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- It's a trap! - Absolutely. They're savages.
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Well, I'm afraid this is what you call your command decision.
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Wait. Just a minute. Hold it, hold it, hold it.
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Little Feet for Women, by Louisa May Alcott.
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That can't be 20 miles from their border.
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- Rape a doctor? - I'll hit him with my purse.
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Yeah, but if it's not, if you guys get killed...
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- We would. - That's right. She and me. We.
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They're a pair of fools for going. Grandstand play, that's what it is.
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But, uh, what about the danger?
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Frank, there isn't a man in this war who isn't afraid.
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- Just in case. - But they said not to, not even sidearms.
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Lt. Colonel Alvin F. Houlihan, regular army."
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Come on, George.
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- Really, Klinger? - [Hawkeye] Terrific.
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We knew you'd want to be where the action is, ya big monkey.
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- Right on the ball. - Lord, bless this mission of mercy.
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#East, maybe east and west maybe west #
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Okay, keep your eyes open. We're getting close.
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Frank, if they find that gun on you, they're gonna play mah-jongg with our teeth later.
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- Keep it out of sight. - I'd like to see my wife again.
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Uh, we're doctors too... all three of us... we three. Hi.
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We'd better do it.
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What's the matter with you guys? You gonna side with me or the R-E-D?
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Aired 50 years ago - Sep 10, 1974

The MASH 4077 is visted by General Steele. He wishes to move the camp 5 miles down the road. Hawkeye and Henry are charged with mutiny. And Hawkeye is also charged with impersonating a reporter.

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- Mortars, Marty? - Outside ofTaejon, Trap.
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He ought to be in the soda shop, reading dirty magazines.
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Let him read it. I haven't seen a sports page in months.
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carved from a pound cake his mother sent him six months ago."
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I mean, it's strictly G.I. From now on.
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General Steele is gonna headquarter here for a week.
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What about the pigsty we live in? My part is neat and tidy.
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- How's he doing? - Stable, Doctor.
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- Baden-Baden in July? - Uh-uh.
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"TheJoy of Nudity." [Scoffs]
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- General Steele is arriving at 1000 hours. - That's only a few minutes.
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## [Whistling Continues]
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- Hold it. - What is it?
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I read about these new snaps in the, uh, snap bulletin I got there.
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- Just the gang, sir. - [Softly] Call formation.
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- Something, General? - I'm a bit surprised.
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Trim the hair in your nose! Got that, Sergeant Donovan?
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This is our chaplain, Lieutenant Father Mulcahy.
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- The backbone of the service. Where are you from, son? - Iowa, sir.
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Well, I got drafted as soon as I could.
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- How do you feel? - So-so.
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- You have a fantastic grasp of the obvious. - Love your uniform.
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- Oh! Thank you, Radar. - Yeah.
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Hey, the word's out that general's a little bit "el wacko."
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Beautifully prepared, an apple in its mouth and all.
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Let me put it to you this way. Have you ever seen a bird...
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- Camaraderie. - Precisely.
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- You wanna stop and have another saltine? - Hawkeye?
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This is our supply room, General. Aw, Pierce!
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Ah, a member of the Fourth Estate.
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Best thing since the Gatling gun.
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you didn't come to dinner and then we come in here and find you horsing around with a girl!
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Gimme a break. I'm starvin'.
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- You should've called me sooner, sir. - Good pretzels.
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- Twenty minutes, General. - And what is your fuel consumption?
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MASH means Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, and mobile you shall be!
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That general is nuts! I've seen that look in every Hitchcock movie.
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I can't disobey an order. I mean, unless somebody gives me an order to do it.
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This is it. We move tomorrow. That's an order.
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[Jeep Siren Wailing]
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- You bring that chopper back down here! - Too late, General.