S7 E8

Season 7  "Gorp. Fnark. Schmegle."  7x8

Aired 14 years ago - Nov 16, 2009

While overcoming a bad break-up, Chelsea invites her beautiful college roommate to stay at the house.

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Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 8 (S07E08) - 2
I should really listen more.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 8 (S07E08) - 3
Drink... Drink,drink,drink.
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For that matter,who's brian?
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After dinner,we can go back to her apartment so she can pack a bag.
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- Right,charlie? - Absolutely.
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I - I don't want it back!
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Well,you obviously didn't put much thought into this one.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 8 (S07E08) - 12
No,no,no,chelsea's girlfriend is staying here for a few days,
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I feel bad kicking your brother out of his room.
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I've been a really good boyfriend tonight.
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I'm so sorry to put you out like this, but your brother said...
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Gorp. Fnark. Schmegle.
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Chels,you in there?
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I'm sorry I'm such a basket case.
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Okay. I want you to make gail happy.
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- This is a dream,right? - Of course it's a dream.
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Oh,aren't you sweet.
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Wait,wait,wait,wait, wait,you're leaving?
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So how long are you going to be gone?
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Cahoots,that's a funny word.
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Oh,don't be silly. Happy to do it. Uh,mi casa,hercasa.
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If there was a spark, it's only 'cause she was warming up her taser.
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Woof! Who's that?
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- Gail,you okay? - I'm fine.
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That's my dog.
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- Why can't I find a nice guy like you? - Absolutely.
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Oh,crap,crap,crap,crap, crap,crap,crap,crap.
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I gotta get gail out of here before I do something i'm going to regret.
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