S7 E1

Season 7  "818-JKLPUZO"  7x1

Aired 14 years ago - Sep 21, 2009

Charlie must make a difficult decision about his future and with which woman he wants to spend his life: Chelsea or Mia.

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Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 2
Well, she eats, she sleeps, she poops.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 3
In fact, she doesn't look like my mom or my stepdad either.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 4
I'm just gonna find her a piano player.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 5
it's... jklpuzo.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 6
You don't have to call Mia either.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 7 #7 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 8 #8 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 9
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 10
Okay, seriously, what did you do today?
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 11
Oh, yeah, there was one other thing.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 12
It was Mia.
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I thought it'd be inappropriate.
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Uh, no reason.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 15 #15 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 1 (S07E01) - 16
Nothing more romantic than seaweed hanging from a cold, shriveled penis.
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Alan, what do you say we take a hot shower and un-shrink the Snuffleupagus?
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What about her?
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You're planning on being here until Mom dies?
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♪ The way I do ♪
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♪ You're gonna miss, miss, miss my love. ♪
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Yeah. Plus I kind of nailed it, right?
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There she is!
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No, no sparks.
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Good, because that couch isn't Scotchguarded.
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All right, so psychosomatic constipation.
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Well, it's been pretty slow,
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I'm not sitting here sketching ponies, Charlie.
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Then she asked me if I could help her out with this music project, and I said no.
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Hey, you think there's a connection?
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That makes a certain amount of sense.
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She likes milk.
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However, if I spend any more time with Mia without sleeping with her,
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Just promise if anything happens to me,
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♪ Lived a girl that I swear to the world ♪
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You really want to help her out? Sneak up behind her with a big rock.
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♪ 'Cause your mama was working on the chain gang ♪
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Can I hear a little?
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If I recall, you had a list of reasons.