
Season 10

Aired 42 years ago - Apr 12, 1982

Klinger buys a goat, with the intention of getting rich by selling it's milk. Then the goat eats the 4077th's $22,340 payroll, leaving paymaster Hawkeye holding the bag. Meanwhile, Charles also thinks he can make a killing when he sees an ancient vase.

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Must leave today. Three dollars in hand beats your $1 0.
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Nothing personal, Hunnicutt. I just think it's, uh, cute.
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[ Sighs ] All right. Rizzo. Rizzo.
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[ Clears Throat ] Five.
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Sign that. Klinger, put that in the safe.
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Of course, I lived right next door. Klinger, I'll need another unit ofblood.
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Metz, please. Thankyou, Margaret.
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is about to pay for itself 50-fold.
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Your milk machine is having a snack.
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Any fool knows a goat eats eveything.
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- all those people who are still expecting to be paid? -Just tell 'em the truth.
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Tomorrow doesn't buy me beans.
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Come on. Folks, why don't we all talk about it over drinks?
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Yes, of course. Of course. Naturally.
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I must have that vase. W-
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Now let's see. Now where- [ Muttering ]
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- Beat it! - Sure, Major.
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- Thankyou. Eveybody, step right- - Wait a minute.
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Whew! This must be the tent that made Milwaukee famous.
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to tide folks over until the new payroll is issued.
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That's no problem. It's all covered in the militay regs.
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but this man and I have been through a lot.
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so I can meet my deadline and keep the general off my back.
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Ieaving a grand total of $22,340 unaccounted for.
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- I did not steal the money. - I don't care ifyoustole it oryou lost it.
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I don't have time to kid.
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ifthis money, say, had been lost in a fire?
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All right. All right, I'll investigate.
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How about anybody who heard munching?
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since me and Zola took little Billy Bubba to the U-Pet-Em in Bossier City.
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I thought I might "hep" you consolidateyour debts into one vey friendly loan.
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mightjustwave that $1 00 underthe nose ofthat investigator...
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Eveybody gets $50 to tide them over.
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Uh, beg- beg your pardon, sir...
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And you'll have it again tomorrow about this same time.
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this Bayou bloodsucker his $50 today, he's gonna bleed me dy.
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I was touched by the orphans' predicament, and I'd like to "hep."
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Sory, Major, the only thing I got left is an old case of grape Nehi.
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And maybe I'll flap my arms and fly to the moon.
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I'll be informing "I" Corps that in myjudgment...
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Well, that's Van Zandt's idea of justice.
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You sit in that chair right overthere and you makeyourself comfortable.
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thatyou would be a fool, as it were, not to accept.
Aired 42 years ago - Apr 05, 1982

Potter's attempts to assemble the crew for a family portrait are thwarted by a feud between bunkmates Pierce, Hunnicutt, and Winchester. Things are not helped by the efforts of Margaret, Klinger and Mulcahy to bring the Swampmen back together.

Aired 42 years ago - Mar 22, 1982

After losing to the Marines once again, Colonel Potter wishes there was one sport the 4077th were any good at. When Klinger mentions he can bowl, the Colonel decides to have a bowling competition. Unfortunately, he and Klinger are the only 2 good bowlers in the camp, so BJ and Father Mulcahy are "recruited" to the team. Colonel Potter becomes obsessed with winning the game, and excludes Margaret from the team because she helped the team lose at softball. Then the 4077th team hear the Marines have got a "ringer" in their team after pulling some strings..... Meanwhile, Hawkeye finds out his father is in hospital and tries to speak to him over the phone, watched by Charles, who envies Hawkeye's close relationship with his father. MORE -LESS

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Hot damn! Well, what doyou think ofyour old C.O. now?
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So far, it's still onlyyou, me and Captain Hunnicutt.
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- Pierce. - Okay, yeah, I'll wait. I'll wait.
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What- I don't understand. What do you mean, you can't call Portland from guam?
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- Ah. - Yes! Yes, I can hearyou. Yes. Can you hear me?
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- You came in here for tyouts. - I came in for cocoa.
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Hunnicutt, you bowl like a grade-school kid.
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Uh, Pierce, I'm gonna take a little break, go get some coffee. Do you want some?
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No, no, no, no, no. I can't clear the line. I'm-
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Enough, Colonel. I'm developing a rather ugly blister on my thumb.
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- [Ball, Pins Clattering] - You're lofting again!
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Areyou suggesting that I allow some leatherneck...
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- [Ball, Pins Clattering] - Colonel, they may have a pro, but you don't!
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That's great! That's great! Thankyou, thankyou.
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Okay. Hello, Dad? Over.
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and play baseball with nurses?
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Oh, golly!
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I'm afraid you've lost me.
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And a few days later, he made me scrambled eggs and bacon...
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[ Chattering ]
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- Get overthere. Sit down. - Margaret, you did your bowling captain proud.
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that I mean it, that I- that I really do...
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The worst is a distinct possibility.
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My father and I have been 1 2,000 miles apart in the same room.
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The soup would be served...
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closeness, the fun ofyour relationship.
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Next time, keep those big gunboats ofyours behind the foul line.
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Remember, no fair knockin' 'em overwith your breath.
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- Pitts, you and your bowlers lend us a hand. - Right. Come on, guys.
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Sure, the rat leaves the sinking ship. Clamp.
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- [ Charles ] good foryou. - Thoughtyou'd want to know, Major.
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Beej, you're in luck. Some ofthose magic pepper-uppers just came in.
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Whose side areyou guys on, giving him a pep pill?
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- How we doing? - A better grade oflousy than before, sir.
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Uh- Uh, my inside- I'm turning blue inside.
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- Bending? - Of course.
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- Say it's something a little less embarrassing, likeVD. -Yeah, that'd work.
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Houlihan? I thought shewas still someplace between third and home. [ Laughing ]
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Hello, Dad? Yeah, hi. It's me.
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Listen, Dad-Ye- Dad, I- I can hear how tired you are.
Aired 43 years ago - Mar 15, 1982

Hawkeye is the golden boy of the world press when he treats a celebrity prizefighter, 'Gentleman' Joe Cavanaugh, who has a stroke at the 4077th. Father Mulcahy finds the news hard to take, as Cavanaugh was a hero of his.

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potholes you could hide in, and all the dust I could swallow.
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Sergeant, why don't you give the boys a hand and find...
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- No, I'm afraid I don't. - Well, I understand. It was a while ago.
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We'll have the cameras going. Then we're gonna have a little banquet for you...
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or I'm gonna get me a new boy.
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- Hey, how's your pal Truman? - Ah, he's fine.
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- They keep getting banged up, we'll keep doing our job. - Thank you.
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That same gentleman you now see flashing teeth...
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[Chuckles] we had the pleasure of visiting your establishment.
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how about a couple of shots of you posing with the champ?
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Say, Colonel, how about a shot of you toasting the champ?
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[Clears Throat] Uh, restaurateur...
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I wouldn't get your hopes up, Father.
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Aw, I got to call the Press Train at Munsan, get some guys down here.
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- [Chattering] - Boy, what a dump!
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Geez, Louise! You could at least let a fella get some clothes on.
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- Then can I go back to bed? - Not yet.
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But look on the bright side. We'll answer all their questions at once and get it over with.
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- [All Talking At Once] - Dr. Pierce, what happened to the champ?
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- What's the prognosis? - Well, he's dying. It's just a matter of time.
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We need this room. That phone is the only way these guys can get their stories out.
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You need to restock, just use Wilberforce's memo.
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- How does he look? Is he awake? - Does he have any idea what happened to him?
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and their conditions are not gonna be printed up on the front page.
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Well, to tell you the truth, I'm surprised he's made it this far.
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Actually, l-I'm doing a sidebar story on what exactly a stroke is.
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Okay, shoot.
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- How you must suffer. - Oh, what... Come on, will you? Do you...
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Pierce, how blind can even you be?
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- They sent me for a doctor. Cavanaugh's slipping fast. - Dr. Pierce, you're on.
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I had two heroes.
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rambling fields and trees...
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I was small and wore thick glasses...
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Well, when I was 12, my father dragged me to see my first fight.
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All of a sudden, you stopped punching.
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- I'll be along in a minute. - I know.
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- It's wriggling like a bucket of worms. - Try hand pumping.
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- Bring it in here. - [Pierce] Wait a minute. Wa-Wait. Hold it.
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- [Questioning Continues] - Were you with him when he died?
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This table's metal, so we'll have to stand away from it.
Aired 43 years ago - Mar 01, 1982

Winchester, Pierce, and Hunnicutt find themselves in the sticky position of having to decide which enlisted men to recommend for promotion. For Winchester it could be a matter of life and death.

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Pierce, check these men for required time in service, time in grade, et cetera.
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- Igor... - And last, but not least, fresh peas.
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And if I call ahead, I can reserve a lovely supply shed with a view.
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Well, it might be, sir. [Laughs]
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- I think I better be going. - Oh, no, don't go.
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And I deeply resent any attempt on, uh...
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I could arrange to have the cake brought to your tent tonight...
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Sure hope I stop soon.
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I'll bet you have. You figure there's anything in this world...
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- Does it make a difference? - If you like fishing, it doesn't.
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Hitalski... Hitalski... Yes, I do remember your name.
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My father's a career man.
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- No, I don't know. - Well, if I ain't promoted, I'm making you responsible.
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- Yeah, what? - On your medical chart under "sex"...
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Fine, sir. What do ya got there?
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a little grouse feather ought to do the trick.
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Oh. I'm sorry, Jimmy.
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boys didn't stink and fish did.
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You see, I got a girl back home.
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You see, they're always going off with these Korean women.
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I don't like being laughed at.
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I'll try to remember that.
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Patriotism is not the issue.
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Oh, w... Well...
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Well, I have just one more bit of business.
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The only board he should be in front of is a parole board.
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Not for long anyway.
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Oh, yeah? Well, at least I'm man enough...
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You know, I'm really glad you said that.
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- I've got to get the wine. - Ah. Good.
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- Go away. - I think I know that one.
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- Him again? - Admittedly, he's not perfect.
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- I implore you, help me. - Charles, there's no way.
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committed in the name of manhood than for any other reason.
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No, I'm not your father.
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O wise and compassionate board members.
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He was tearing the place apart.
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Well, that's too bad for the both of us.
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This is the best day of my life.
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Here's your travel orders.
Aired 43 years ago - Feb 22, 1982

Hawkeye goes to help at an aid station, and under heavy shelling he draws up a will, leaving various items to his friends at the 4077th.

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Well, it's just a hobby. My real profession is raising orchids.
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- Wait a minute, wait a minute. What? - A doctor. Battalion Aid.
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But drive carefully. His chart says no potholes.
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hereby decree this to be my last will and testament.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 16 (S10E16) - 10
[ Thinking ] B.J. [ Sighs ]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 16 (S10E16) - 11
To Charles Emerson Winchester III...
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- Pretty funny, huh, Winchester? - Charles!
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what Michelangelo would have done with the ceiling in this place.
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[Hawkeye Continues ] You've been the victim ofa ceaseless stream ofdumbejokes.
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They got our phones!
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general Kratzer's here to visit some ofhis wounded. He brought along his own cook.
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or I swear- I swear, I'll flatten you!
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Far be it from me to disturb such an elegant repast.
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[ Sighs ] Tetracycline! Wh- Oh, here it is. Yeah.
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The sulfa's in the living room between the end tables.
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Here, here, we, we got plenty.
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- I'm sory! - Oh, no, I love it, I love it.
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- [ Wheezing ] - Oh, stop.
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Okay, Captain, how's the nitrous holding out?
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- More, a little more. More. I can't get in. - [ grunting ]
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[ Sighs Deeply ]
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Well, for a man who's had it...
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Now that I think ofit...
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- What's the biggest oneyou ever tied into? - Thirty-pounder.
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I couldn't reel him in, 'cause I-I you know, I was afraid...
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he thrashed his head, and he drove the hook right into mythumb.
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Might be worth a ty. These rivers are probably full of North Korean fish heading south.
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It makes me miss him a little less, knowing that you're around.
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-[Margaret] What? - How doyou know that?
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- They're finally shooting their heavy silence at us. - [ Chuckles ]
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There's some stuff in there about Maine.
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This is more than nice. This is home!
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- genuine Lebanese salami. - Where'd you getyour hands on something like that?
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I hope you'll wear it, even if someday it does go out of style.
Aired 43 years ago - Feb 15, 1982

Potter sends for Sidney Freedman when he loses confidence in his surgical abilities, and Winchester loses patience with his bunkmates' sloppiness.

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You get some rest now.
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What about Fisher? We're buddies.
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Yeah, and I'll be there too.
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- Oh, that's just terrible. - Better things...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 15 (S10E15) - 6
Would you people knock off the chatter?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 15 (S10E15) - 7
Tell me this, Captain. How the hell am I supposed to keep up with it?
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Yeah, and not the usual ambient stench.
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Greetings. Major.
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- [Laughs] - ##[Man Singing On Record]
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- ## [Stops] - I'm flattered.
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right in front of my own people.
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He operated on a boy with the same wounds as mine had.
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No, that was it.
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Besides, maybe tomorrow I can scare up a poker game.
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- Wake up, stinky! - [Mutters]
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Hey, that's my knife!
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Freud once observed people exhibiting this type of behavior.
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Just give me a couple of slices of that burnt toast and an urn for the ashes.
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I hate to waste your time when there's plenty of bona fide members...
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Colonel, the extra blood has arrived, and the refrigerators are all full up.
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- Fisher? - Uh, yes.
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Well, his fever's down, his vital signs are good.
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Hey, what are you doing? I just struck clean. You're tracking dirt all over it.
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[People Chattering Softly]
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Shh! Shh!
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- Sidney, would you come with me? - Yeah.
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- Why not the wrecking crew? - They were just blowing off steam.
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- Listen to this. - ## [Man Singing]
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- Do you think maybe you're not really mad at Hawkeye? - ## [Continues]
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That's when something snapped.
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those choppers are comin' in...
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Sherm, we're all worried about getting old, but we've got to face it.
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Back in Hannibal, I had an uncle... Uncle Roy.
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and removed an enterolith from her belly.
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I've lived that wide-eyed little boy's dream ever since.
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But even if he wanted to...
Aired 43 years ago - Feb 08, 1982

Charles has a serious toothache, but hates the thought of having anything done about it. The doctors suspect prejudice when an inordinate number of black casualties are brought in from a single unit, led by Major Weems.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 14 (S10E14) - 1
- There's a spare bunk in our tent. - Sold.
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A simple "hello" would do.
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Oh, that's tempting.
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Yeah, we'll leave a wake-up call for peacetime.
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Are you going to give him codeine on top of morphine?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 14 (S10E14) - 7
You're going home.
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Before he knows it, he'll be stateside...
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Corporal Dorsey's from a very poor family.
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What have you got there, Major?
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I saw you take a drink, Major.
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which have remained unimproved since the Spanish Inquisition.
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Since you're so certain this too shall pass...
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Well enough to beat the pants off me four times.
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He just showed me a picture of his family in Brooklyn.
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I had a friend in med school from Brooklyn.
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You got a C.O. Who wants to send a kid home...
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- He wants to keep Sturdivant. - Sturdivant? He's the white kid, isn't he?
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They knocked the bridge out again.
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I'm Major Charles Emerson Winchester, the neighborhood MASH.
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Oh, mixture of ginseng, powdered deer horn and other secret herbs.
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- Have you seen a dentist? - No. I ha... No.
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- Oh. - Now, let me see.
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Mixture of ginseng, powdered deer horn and other secret herbs.
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That's it. We're all out of MASHes.
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Sir, I swear to you, there's absolutely nothing wrong.
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the least I can do is pass it on to you.
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I'd love to.
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- I'm getting him a dentist right now. - Wait a minute, Colonel.
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- Sure is a nice night. - Mm-hmm.
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[Charles Groans]
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Boy, it just seems no matter how many times you go through this...
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but I also feel charity begins at home, with your own kind.
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a little dark in post-op, if you get my drift.
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This man's army just hasn't been the same...
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how come you're sending those boys home...
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they can't tell me what to do with them.
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What do you say we step inside for a nightcap?
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Major Rockingham is the Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel...
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The Civil War ended almost 100 years ago.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 14 (S10E14) - 47
I think you stated your case with a great deal of eloquence...
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You've got a point. A court-martial would take a lot of time.
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Aired 43 years ago - Feb 01, 1982

An AWOL soldier, Nick Gillis, seeks sanctuary in the mess tent, after Father Mulcahy's service. At the same time, a special Sunday brunch is due to be served, following the donation of some eggs to the camp by a grateful farmer.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 13 (S10E13) - 1
Extra Large. Grade "A."
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- [Indistinct] - [B.J.] You know, I was thinkin'....
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We only got our M.D.'s so we could operate on each other's livers.
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You wanna join us?
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Oh, let's see, 15th of next month, it'll be forever.
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I, uh, just got a letter from him the day before yesterday...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 13 (S10E13) - 9
Aren't you listening to me? I just told ya, I been here over a year!
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Uh, does your unit know where you are?
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[Sighing] I've been AWOL since yesterday.
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- it's him. - Yeah.
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[Door Closes]
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I want these eggs boiled exactly three minutes and 15 seconds.
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- [Overlapping Chatter] - That does it!
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Mildred clipped this recipe right out of Argosy.
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They're in the kitchen lined up as far as the mouth can water.
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You sleep. I'm gonna go to the kitchen and see if I can lick the shells.
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You almost slept through the services.
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the rewards for which we are all destined...
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with the second and fourth reels of this week's movie, Mr. Belvedere Goes To College...
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I've prepared a list of churches offering round-the-clock...
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and followed it right into this mess tent.
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- # Praise... # - Now, Gillis. - Hey, hey, hey!
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- He's got a pretty good reason, Colonel. - Maybe so, Pierce...
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- The hell I can't. - Didn't ya hear the chaplain? This is a church.
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Just a minute, Sergeant.
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If the boy chooses to take refuge here, then I must grant it to him.
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- Father, what's going on? - Everything will be straightened out.
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- Then who is? - I'm gonna call the Judge Advocate General's office...
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You boys knew Gillis was AWOL last night. I don't like getting bad news late.
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I'm sorry, Colonel, and I'm sure future Private Pierce feels the same.
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Leave everything exactly the way it is.
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Allow the delicate fragrance of frying kippers...
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What you're stepping in is my kitchen. Step out!
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[Screams] Imbecile!
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- Sometimes when people are lonely, they... - Lonely?
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Come with me. You boys stay right there.
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I'm afraid I can't accept the Judge Advocate General's decision.
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Private Gillis will remain in sanctuary here.
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- Take it easy on me. I'm a veteran. - Folks, Father Mulcahy...
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Things are tough all over, Doc.
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- [Chattering] - Ridiculous.
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Hey! Hurry up, will ya? These people either want eggs or answers.
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- Anybody got any gripes? - [All Shouting]
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Fresh eggs call for fresh air. We're gonna have a picnic!
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- That's Italian. - That's even better.
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Stop pushin' me, Father. I'm not goin' back.
Aired 43 years ago - Jan 18, 1982

Hawkeye is outraged when a sensationalistic war correspondent, Clayton Kibbee, reports irresponsible G.I. stunts as tales of military valor. Kibbee: "As for the last two pints of blood, there's no big finale, no heroes. They helped an old soldier, who'd had visions of glory but finally got it through his thick head how tragic and inhumane war can be. Maybe he'll know better next time." MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 12 (S10E12) - 1
- These biscuits are as hard as golfballs. - And guaranteed not to slice.
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Folks, I'd likeyou to meet Clayton Kibbee, or Clay, as I- [ Chuckles ] like to call him.
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Ha! Well, I lost all mine writing 'em, and call me Clay.
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Whileyou're patchin' up soldiers, I'm gonna write about it.
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with someone who actually appreciates the finer things oflife.
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All you motorcycle nuts are nuts.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 12 (S10E12) - 8
- Where'd you get that bike? - I swapped a Korean 1 0 parkas for it.
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great. Eveybody should have a hobby. By the way, yours should be resting.
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Well, the blood you just got was donated by my readers back home.
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- Don't wory. I'll do somethin' with it. What's your full name? - Thomas Anthony McKegney.
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Your lips tell me "No, no." but there's "Please, please" in my eyes.
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Oh, I know, like grover Cleveland, Voltaire, Pocahontas.
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Well, you can close the book on this motorcycle. Stupid points.
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- Had the same problem too. The points were shot. - No kiddin'?
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- I wanna file my stoy on that first pint ofblood. - Done.
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Myword. That's him.
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- um, no, no- a privilege. - Ha! No, the pleasure's all mine, Father.
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Well, call me Francis, Clay.
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Oh, yes, thankyou, Doctor. The four of us are having a wonderful time.
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Thanks, Max. Thanks. You folks, excuse me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 12 (S10E12) - 25
"Escape was impossible, but 'impossible' is a word that has lost its meaning...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 12 (S10E12) - 26
- that threw him almost a hundred feet." - Wait a second. Wait a minute.
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"He'll be back laughing with his buddies in a week...
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What areyou complainin' about? You came offsoundin' pretty good.
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It's the wartheywant to readabout: the romance, the heroics, the glory.
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I mean, he's- he's writing this up like it's an adventure stoy-
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 12 (S10E12) - 32
I'm sure Clay included only those elements necessay to the stoy.
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- [ gushes ] - How wonderful.
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Well, it's nothing serious. It's Private Belson there.
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Come on, son. You can tell me. Don't be modest.
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Wonderful. Fresh fish filleted.
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- I'd have gone to Wisconsin. [ Clicks Tongue ] - [Vehicle Engine Running]
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- Areyou sure? - I told you I rode one ofthose all through World War II.
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[ Cheering, Whistling Continues ]
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- Now that you've fixed it, let's hope it doesn't kill you. - You have no spirit of adventure.
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[Margaret] You've ledsuch a fascinating life.
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I thought all wars were the same.
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- I guess my "No Fighting" sign worked. - Mmm.
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I came all the way over here to see a war...
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and ifl could have, I would have walked out in the middle.
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Maybe somebody borrowed it.
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Well, look on the bright side. You'll probably get shot too.
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- ##[Continues ] - I think I hear a battle cy.
Aired 43 years ago - Jan 11, 1982

Margaret's birthday plans are spoiled when she and Klinger get stranded on a desolate roadside. Meanwhile, Charles gives a lecture for Margaret, and the surgeons assist in the delivery of a calf.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 11 (S10E11) - 1
But animal not so lucky.
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You know how to make a cow say "Ah"?
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- and see ifyou can track down that veterinarian. - Wait a minute. That's it?
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- Fine. I'll do it first thing Monday morning. - Uh, sory, Major.
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- Colonel- - Excuse me, Margaret. This is bigger than all of us.
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but ifl don't, uh, come now...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 11 (S10E11) - 8
Well, you're only a hundred years off, and both their names do begin with an "M."
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but whatyou're asking me to do sounds dangerously close to nurse's duty.
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Iet's see.
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On the other hand, the 1 932 performance with its limpid runs-
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Excuse me. Can a person go back for more?
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According to the vet, anytime in the next day or two.
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Excuse me, gentlemen. Opportunity knocks, and I am the doorman.
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Great time to have a calf. Careful! You're dripping on the sign-up sheet.
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Oops, your face! You've got five seconds to get myjeep and get me out ofhere!
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- Okay.Just let me sell a few more tickets. - No!
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[Hawkeye ] Uh, back. Behind. No. Uh- Uh-
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Ah. We got nothing to do but sit and wait. We're on cattle call.
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Hunnicutt, even your inane child's game...
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- Oh. - You get her up on the table. I'll hold her hand.
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I packed less than this when I moved here. Hey, hey. Wh-What's all the commotion?
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Look, Major. No one wants to get to Kimpo any quicker than I do...
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Why areyou stopping?
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As you will have observed, I am not Major Houlihan.
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only in cases of severe trauma...
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Yesterday this was at "I" Corps.
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and see ifyou can feel the calf's head.
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Now I know how big that last rockwe hit was.
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a condition which makes it easy to get lost...
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Well, uh, this may come as a shock...
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- All that fun and celebrating. Who needs it? - Celebrating.
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To be with somebody I chose- somebody I wanted to be with-
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There's a newspaper in the jeep. I'll makeyou a birthday hat.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 11 (S10E11) - 40
Ifher blood pressure weren't so damn low, we could do a cesarean section.
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Well, that concludes our little lecture on the administration of Levophed.
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- ofthe administration of Levophed. - On whom?
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[Animals Croaking, Chirping]
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I know it's not much, but it's better than nothing.
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Somewhere a multitude ofWinchesters are doing somersaults in their graves.
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- There it comes. - [ B.J. ] Hey. The foot's comin' out.
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- That's a good vital sign. - Come on.
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- Don't mention it. - I certainlywon't.
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I got a halfa bran muffin, goin' cheap.
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- That was a pleasure I wanted to reserve all to myself. - Look. I know howyou feel.

Whilst suffering a fever, Klinger communicates with the spirit of a dead soldier, Private Weston, who stays on to witness his own last rites.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 1
Private Weston is dead.
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I mean it!
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Who wants to die? I don't want to die.
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Secondly, it is not a hook. It is a nail.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 6
- Why don't you hang your stuff down here somewhere? Okay? - What?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 7
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- You're right. It is a nail. - My shirt! You imbecile!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 9
I've got a dramatic scene coming up in O.R., and I want to get in the mood.
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He never lies. And we respect him for that.
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Oh, I like that. Long thin tines.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 13
You were... You were sitting on that log and laughing like a hyena.
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Listen to me, Hicks. You got four people workin' on you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 15
It's genuine calfskin.
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One picture.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 17
- Oh! - No matter where Patricia Dugan sat...
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- One ring. - One ring.
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It's got the faces of three Lebanese presidents on it.
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Push the fluids, and keep him off the beach.
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You know how many bad guys there are in the world?
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That was Job's question to God.
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The answer is in the vastness and grandeur of the universe, not in bitterness.
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Don't waste your strength.
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Well, look. What do you expect?
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Klinger, I'm gonna talk to you like a father.
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- if you'd just let 'em know that it's all right. - [Slurps]
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Excuse me. Moment. My point is that your diagnosis may be correct...
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- Cold packs is what I'm trying to talk about. - Wait.
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and all they can do is stand around and argue with each other...
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[Chuckles] I'm not putting up with this.
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Yours very sincerely...
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"so that's why I'm writing you this letter, although I wish I didn't have to.
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"But I want you to know it was very sudden, and he felt no pain.
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"And then when we'd be on patrol, and he'd see I was getting scared...
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I think it's one hell of a good letter, and it's very decent of you to do this.
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- Well, those ice packs were just the trick. - Thank you, Colonel.
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And to the army... that lets us eat it, drink it, breathe it and salute it.
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- Cute little guys. - Spr... [Chuckles]
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 10 (S10E10) - 50
Something's happening to me...
Aired 43 years ago - Dec 28, 1981

To boost post-yuletide morale on Dec 26, Potter has the officers and enlisted men change places for the day.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 9 (S10E09) - 1
Come on. The weather is better over here anyway.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 9 (S10E09) - 2
it's so hard to reconcile them to their proper place again.
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One salient point I think you've overlooked... This is a medical unit.
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at the 4-0-double-7?
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As my last official act as temporarily deposed monarch...
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I think it's a ridiculous idea.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 9 (S10E09) - 8
- Enough of this baloney! So who's trading with who? - Yeah!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 9 (S10E09) - 9
I was just about to undo the first snap on her parka.
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We were all drunk. You're not gonna hold us to what we said last night.
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I'm sorry. I know it's early, but I wanted to get a good jump on the day.
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Now, we all know what goof-offs Doctors Pierce and Hunnicutt can be...
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As our resident gourmet and lover of good food...
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if only to teach you that soup is not a solid object.
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To you, chateaubriand on a shingle.
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Now, if I may interrupt your dinner menu...
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Two sacks.
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Oh, orderlies. Time to change the linens.
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First they divide the country. Now the furniture.
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- Watch it. You're sweating in the oatmeal. - Who would know the difference?
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- Where'd you get that? - Out of my desk.
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Uh, thank you, sir.
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- Maybe you'd like to dry your head. - No... 'kay.
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Since today's a holiday and we're all so festive, why don't we have lunch catered?
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- [Chuckles] - Not bad.
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Do you have any idea what the street value of peanut brittle is?
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Two Archie comics and a bag of Walnettos.
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I'm afraid you missed a smudge there, Hawkeye.
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Get another C.B.C. And start him on pen and streptomycin in the usual doses.
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I got a kid with a temperature and a sinking hemoglobin.
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Well, chief?
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Why don't we address ourselves to that, gentlemen?
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it seems to me this is just the kind of situation when a good C. O...
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Last, I'd alert the kitchen to go easy on the gasoline for cooking...
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It's not right.!
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- No, no, no! I just made that bed! - [Groans] Too late.
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Kellye, run another hemoglobin on him in a little while and see how he's doin'.
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How am I doin'?
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Now, what are you busting your buttons about?
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Well, my morale's only two-thirds boosted. Right, Colonel?
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- What seems to be the problem, Winchester? - Is this a joke?
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Either he goes or I go.
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I really could use your help.
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Well, my morale is at an all-time low.
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Don't worry, Colonel. I wouldn't interfere with genius and his gourmet meal.
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- Me as me, or me as him? - You as you.
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Maybe when you operated on his wound, you lit the fuse on his thyroid.
Aired 43 years ago - Dec 14, 1981

B.J. and Hawkeye resolve to clear Klinger's name after he chooses Winchester to defend him at his military court-martial.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 1
If one of the state's two star witnesses suddenly defends me to the hilt...
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That's what makes him the perfect choice.
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- We're gonna get me. - You?
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I didn't say that. Your guilt or innocence doesn't concern me in the least.
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A good lawyer is not swayed by disaffection for one's guts.
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Let me defend you, Klinger, and I assure you, you won't regret it.
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"Maxwell Klinger is a rare individual.
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Father, would you tell the court in your own sacred words...
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- Please proceed, Father. - The old ones were all tattered.
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I don't know how he convinced the Seoul Plaza Hotel...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 13
- Hey, Hawk, what kept you? - Oh, I'm sorry.
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Oh, listen, listen. I was in Seoul.
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I am so glad he keeps his key in here now. I hated going through his socks.
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So how are you doin'?
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- Charles... - Yes. Pierce.
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[Chuckles] Hunnicutt, you do indeed possess hindsight.
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- Tomorrow. - Ah! Good.
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Why would he want to run away? The man has all the confidence in the world in me.
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Come on, Max. How big a case can they have against you...
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Good luck, Klinger. You are... You are the cement that binds our unit together.
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To a veritable pulp, Max. I shall personally see to it.
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- I could whip him with one deposition tied behind my back. - [Gavel Raps]
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[Clears Throat]
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And though my learned colleague with his months of experience...
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I mean, of course, this innocent man. Sorry.
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- so he can find it later. - What if he doesn't come back, sir...
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Damn. I wish I could be there in person to vouch for his character.
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that Corporal Klinger failed to file a stolen goods report...
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He has continually expressed a reluctance to testify against him.
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- I see. Helping out. - Yes.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 37
Well, long enough for Klinger to get to your tent...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 38
Objection! The question is irrelevant and immaterial...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 39
Your witness, Major. I have no further questions.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 40
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 41
Klinger's only hope is to get a recess long enough to go to law school.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 42
Great. Two blood baths in one day.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 43
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 45
Aspirin, three times a day. [Chuckles]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 46
[Potter] Unfortunately, too many of'em come back for seconds.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 47
do not agree...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 48
If you send this man to the stockade, it will be an injustice...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 49
and his.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 50
See that, Margaret, I've got a bleeder.
Aired 43 years ago - Dec 07, 1981

The military police think they've solved a rash of thefts at the 4077th when they apprehend Klinger with Hawkeye's stolen camera.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 1
Ifyou can't buy that, I'll be glad to cut it in half.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 2
Brilliantly. Pierce is demonstrating his mastey ofblack and what photography.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 3
Except I always buy American. I got me a Brownie Hawkeye.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 4
Therewas this big full moon, and suddenly it hit me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 5
Nurse, I'm a little concerned about all the dirt we're flushing out ofthis wound.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 6
Hey, Hawk, this looks more like Father Mulcahythan your photograph does.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 7
Come on, come on, eveybody. Tall ones in the back.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 8
Quiet, Winchester.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 9
- How could I leave something you wouldn't let me get my hands on? - Out of spite.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 10
And I'm gonna do something about this before we all end up standing around in our skivvies!
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 12
I made that promise before someone raided the icebox.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 13
You'd think after a week they could at least come up with a dead end.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 14
- Hello, Corporal? Now we're getting somewhere. - Corporal.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 15
No, this is not Crazy Al ofSpecial Services.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 16
I did file a stolen goods report. That's why I'm calling you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 17
- He told us he'd get to the bottom ofthis. - Those guys are tough.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 18
Uh, Klinger, uh, they're having a little problem with the stolen goods report ofyours.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 19
Stolen good Reports. Here we go. Filed under "g" for "goniffed."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 20
Look, I'm sory. I'll send it right away.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 21
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Where would a guy sell, uh, stolen merchandise around here?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 23
Just like Macy's, except eveything there stolen from gimbels.
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[ Chattering ]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 26
Ten, 1 0. Okay. [ Speaking Korean ]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 27
Why do I have to pay to buy my own watch back?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 28
Oh, you mean Polaroid. You lucky. This brand-new. Come in last week.
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- [Turns Engine Off] - Hi, fellas. What's goin' on?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 31
Of course I don't mind. But I think it's important foryou to know it was stolen.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 32
You acquainted with these men?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 33
Excuse me. I'm looking for Captains Pierce and Hunnicutt.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 34
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 35
We like to work fast, sir. See, we got the report yesterday, soyou get the camera back today.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 36
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- We caught him dead to rights. - We're two ofhis best buddies.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 38
- Not a trace. - It's been a long day foryou, hasn't it, son?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 39
You also told them that I held back the stolen goods report for a week.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 40
Now, now, eveybody calm down and let grayer heads prevail.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 41
Then, believe me, sir, I didn't steal anything. There. Nowyou don't have to investigate me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 42
This investigatorwill find out he's on a wild-goose chase.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 43
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 44
In mere seconds, I will showyou the proper use ofthis toy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 45
He's right, you know. The only reason the army let him in was because prison turned him down.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 46
Klinger, this is the best damnejob ofcataloging I've everseen.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 47
Colonel Potter, meet Captain Arvin Triplett, special investigator from C.ID.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 48
- Oh, he's a real papertiger. - Now for the really tough one.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 49
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 50
And then Klinger said to me...
Aired 43 years ago - Nov 30, 1981

Winchester infuriates the camp when he hoards his stateside newspapers, and Hawkeye reunites two Korean brothers who have been fighting on opposite sides of the war.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 1
- How come you got a newspaper? - Because the Boston Globe does not travel second class.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 2
- I want the crossword puzzle. - Gentlemen!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 3
first page to last... and I read one, and only one, per day.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 4
simply because you suddenly find yourselves with nothing to read.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 5
[Man On P.A.] Attention all personnel. Triage in the compound.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 6
won't strain our doctor-patient relationship.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 7
What, pray tell, is a "Fearless Fosdick"?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 8
I'll bet she even had her feet shined for the wedding.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 9
If I don't get something to read soon, I'll go crazy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 10
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- Couldn't resist catching up on the news. - [Chuckles]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 12
Why don't you come inside, Father? I'll make you some tea.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 13
Well, lookee here.! It's been so long, I wouldn't swear to it...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 14
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 15
When, and only when, I have read each day's paper...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 16
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 17
Okay, folks. I guess the tar-and-featherin' party is over.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 18
Unfortunately, it's a common word heard every day around the war.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 19
[Speaking Korean]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 20
You can't miss it... It's big, green, smells like New Jersey.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 23
which has obviously been pilfered...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 24
until the missing issue is returned!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 25
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 26
Winchester, just a hunch... Will Rogers never met you, did he?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 27
Look, as long as your prisoner is my patient...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 28
His kidneys, they are not strong.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 29
- He's your brother? - My real name is also Kim.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 30
and would be able to carry on the family name.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 31
that I am a spy sent by the North.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 32
In the North, we are taught to hate all Americans.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 33
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 34
- Uh-huh. - I mean, can you imagine...
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As ashamed as I am to admit it, Charles, we're innocent.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 38
- which, in this case, stands for "Public Apology." - For what possible purpose?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 39
Never! I did not fire the first shot in this news war...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 40
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[Speaking Korean]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 42
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 43
## [Humming]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 44
if I have to steal a B-29!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 45
you're being martyred for a good cause.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 46
[Laughter Continues]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 47
you'd have saved us all a lot of aggravation!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 48
I'm demanding an official apology from the person who started it in the first place.!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 49
was, in fact, not delivered that day...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 50
- Now may I please have my clothing back? - [Laughter]
Aired 43 years ago - Nov 23, 1981

On the eve of a big poker game, B.J.'s pride is bruised when he finds out his wife is working as a waitress. And Potter takes driving lessons from Klinger.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 1
- [Knocking] - The colonel will see you now.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 2
is charged with reckless driving in Kimpo.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 3
you sent the violators off to a day of remedial driving school.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 4
and get Grandma Mavis really steamed?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 5
- Where indigestion meets inebriation. - Mm-hmm.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 6
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 7
- Look, it's not gonna be forever. - I'm talking about now.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 8
Next war, we'll know better. We'll sign each other's.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 9
And you will know the rules of the road so good that, when you're dead...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 10
- Attention! - At ease.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 11
Late? You? Why... Why, you're not late, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 12
Well, sir, the rest of these boys don't have the power to bust me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 13
For those of you who are not familiar with this term, say it with me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 14
Take it easy, Charles. You're not the only one whose chips are down.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 15
not only does Uncle Sam have to pay for that bird...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 16
Good morning, sir. I hope you didn't get up on the wrong side of your chair.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 17
A man that's been around the block as much as you...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 18
How jesuitically safe. I'll see that and raise you two more bits.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 19
- "Best wishes to the lucky graduate." - Two.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 20
While you play poker, I'm gonna switch to gin.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 21
Two bucks, huh?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 22
Well, this is real interesting. I see your 20...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 23
- Good heavens. Joel McCrea never did that. - B. J.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 24
Except the dealer.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 25
Rackman... 89. Potter, sir...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 26
Twenty-six out of 30.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 27
who took a wrong turn on the written test?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 28
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 29
I'll be shuffling off to the poker game.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 30
Even "Peanut Brain" Hoffman squeaked through.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 31
How would you like the next hand to be in your face?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 32
- I think you're full of bluff. - Cost you 10 bucks to find out.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 33
- Hawk, you in? - No, I don't... I don't think so.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 34
I'm down 150 zops.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 35
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 36
I don't know what's greener, them or their uniforms.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 37
[Sighs] What?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 38
and has its lights flashing?"
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 39
"What is the minimum braking distance...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 40
- Can we stop now? We've been going at this all night. - No. Ask me another question.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 41
Captain, what are you getting so excited about?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 42
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 43
Maybe you know him... about 6'4", mustache, big chip on his shoulder.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 44
Bad news from home is no excuse to start acting like public enemy number one.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 45
Look, Beej, believe me. We-We're on your side.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 46
Certainly not you. While you're here, all of you is here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 47
is worse than anybody else's?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 48
Well, go on. It's your turn.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 49
Ninety-eight! Hot diggety!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 50
I take you for a ride. You look at the scenery.
Aired 43 years ago - Nov 16, 1981

Hawkeye writes a heartfelt letter to President Harry Truman to protest at the continued fighting in Korea. Meanwhile, Colonel Ditka has promised a much-needed water-heater if the 4077th beautifies the camp.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 1
- Green tie is optional. - All right. All right. I'll be right over.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 2
all the medical, engineering and supply goodies we need to make this war more comfy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 3
Okay, Colonel, the rainy season's up and coming.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 4
Not to mention sterilization.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 5
Yes. You see, you don't notice it because you're here every day.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 6
The top brass wants us to leave this country better than we found it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 7
That's the way it is. Well, I've gotta get to the 8228th.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 8
With all due respect to Pierce's sarcasm and your tantrums, sir...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 9
What really chafes my chaps... is that you're right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 10
Major Houlihan's starting up a beautification detail.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 11
Picture Swiss cheese with cities.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 12
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 13
- How's yours? - Sick.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 14
And tomorrow they're gonna try and retake that hill.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 15
[Blows Whistle] Okay, put that dirt over here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 16
What am I gonna do?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 17
Well, speak of the bush beater.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 18
U.S. Magazines and papers. I see all the movies.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 19
Okay, fork over the moola.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 20
- Next time I'll pay. - Thanks, toots.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 21
Some green-behind-the-ears novice with a bug up his cassock.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 22
But I shouldn't have to solve the medical problems.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 23
It is patently absurd for officers to waste valuable time...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 24
On the other hand, if one chooses to socialize with sordid working women...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 25
Young lady, does your mother know what you do for a living?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 26
- Yes. - Colonel...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 27
so I have taken the precaution of posting a chaperone...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 28
Excuse me, fella. This is a no parking zone.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 29
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 30
It's got everything... trees, bushes, green ground?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 31
Men, the job is over.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 32
There's still something missing.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 33
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 34
- What kind of an operation? - I wanna have eyes like Americans?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 35
Then you know that having an eye operation isn't going to change who you are.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 38
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 39
That homemade hooch will kill ya. He should have stuck with an American brand.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 40
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Besides, I'm getting ready to hit the road.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 42
Oh, you don't have to be modest with me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 43
and very shy with girls.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 44
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 45
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 46
You have Turk soldier here, no? I wish to see.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 47
- Would you do the honors? - It would be an honor.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 48
A gun.! Watch it, fella.!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 49
Gimme a break, will ya, fella? Dying on duty is a court-martial offense.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 50
Aired 43 years ago - Nov 09, 1981

The latest scuttlebutt affects everyone's behavior when a visiting is rumored to be recruiting for a new M*A*S*H unit. The gang fears that the 4077th will be split up.

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- General Edwin Torgeson? - You know Torgy Porgy?
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[Groans] This is terrible.
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- I hope not. Too many of these can run down a neighborhood. - Captain, this ain't funny.
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I am an indispensable five-star scrounge.
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Somebody's liable to take this seriously.
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Oh, ho, ho. Wrong on two counts.
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If they made you chief surgeon at the new unit, that'd make me chief surgeon here.
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They're gonna take somebody from here. And it's gonna be one of us.
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Gentlemen, am I to infer from your conversation...
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Nah, Charles. I've had offers like this before.
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Everybody thinks he's here on a fact-finding tour.
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Boxing. How apropos. A fighting man who likes... fighting.
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Charles, I can't talk to you now. I'm very busy. I have to prepare my duty roster.
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the first thing you need is a commanding officer.
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Not a very rosy prospect. But-But it seems to me it's out of our hands.
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- Are you asking me to be an accessory to a fabrication? - Yes.
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- So tell me, how is Torgy? - Ornery as ever.
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Uh, if it's all right with you, Colonel, I'd rather bunk with your surgeons.
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Not exactly the metaphor I would have chosen, but, uh, I do have something on my mind.
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They wanna hang my portrait along their... ecclesiastical esplanade.
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and heavenly light streaming down from above.
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Ah, right. Not like some of those young officers...
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A thousand pardons. In my religion, this is the month of the sacred bull.
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- Klinger! - May your life be free of snakes. Sh-boom be with you.
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No, we haven't heard anything about that down in Seoul.
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- I got it. Here, boy. Here, boy. - Get him. Get him.
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- Major Charles Emerson Winchester, Major Burnham. - Ah...
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My real forte is diseases of the aged-but-not-yet-retired.
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- No kidding? - Talks about it all the time.
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eating... beans after a hard day of sheep ranching. [Clicks Tongue, Whistles]
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I think my surgical skills would take a giant leap if I were to find a new locale.
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He loves to spend as many hours in the saddle as he can.
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She's a might peculiar though. Enough of this idle chitchat. As I was saying...
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[Plate Clatters]
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- [B.J.] Don't you just love it rare? - Oh, yeah.
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Padre, I'm comin' down with a case of Rembrandt's elbow.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 3 (S10E03) - 38, 38...
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- Nah. You might as well. - Don't you hate it when they come in the middle of happy hour?
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All right, all right, all right. We'll pack him off for now. We'll finish him in the morning.
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- The patient is dead? - No. We just don't know where he is.
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Uh-uh! Until he hits the operating table, we're not responsible.
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What happened to the Hippocratic oath?
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## [Singing]
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This... Very difficult diagnosis. The patient's wounds are not what they first appear to be.
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Long as he has a week to rest up, he's great one day in a row.
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It's me who'll be going. They need a chief surgeon.
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- Oh, go suck a combat boot. - Margaret!
Aired 43 years ago - Nov 02, 1981

Father Mulcahy counsels a GI who is plagued by guilt because he has swapped tags with a dead colleague. Meanwhile, B.J. and Charles consider ways of keeping a soldier-salesman quiet.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 1
If a guy's got B-positive blood, it'd be nice if his dog tags didn't say A-positive.
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I mean, I'm, uh, goin' home in two weeks.
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- I believe I asked about your shoulder. - It's fine.
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You'd be surprised how many G.I. S in your position haven't.
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But, as I always say, "A rose in a minefield is still a rose.
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Nobody ever died from getting the wrong mail.
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but what kind of an idiot would invest hard-earned capital with a footslogger?
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Margaret, you should know better than anyone... there is no security in fidelity.
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I hate to scoff and run, but I gotta get to post-op. Is there anything I should know?
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Quiet, Mrs. De Sade. I'm thinking.
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- I'm-I'm sorry? - What form of Judaism do you observe?
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Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you said you were Orthodox.
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We sent all the uniforms to be cleaned, but yours didn't come back.
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As I always say, "People don't plan to fail. They fail to plan."
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I'm sorry to wake you, Father, but he said he had to see you, and it wouldn't wait.
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Or may I call you Josh?
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Night before last...
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My buddies got killed.
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I swore to myself that if I ever got out of that alive...
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He was goin' home in just two weeks.
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I must say, this is the most unusual confession I've ever heard.
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Never. I'm gettin' out of here alive.
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Of course not. But your actions are sinful.
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Yeah, well, first things first.
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Rice, can't you leave these people alone?
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You know, for the grandson. Lot of wisdom in what you said...
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Ah, Father Mulcahy. A little coffee after dinner?
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If he keeps it up, I'm going to stage a new production of Death of a Salesman.
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Next thing I knew, I was sashayin' down Memory Lane.
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Yeah. Mildred noticed that too.
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- Fine-looking boy. - Yep.
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Actually, I came in with a problem...
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Now, don't go far. And do yourself a favor... read this.
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Well, it's rather difficult to explain.
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The chances that you'll lose your power of speech are one in 200.
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That would relax the latrickium and take the stress off the shoulder blade...
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Oh, hi, Father.
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- I don't want to do this. - Oh, I understand.
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"Your Uncle Marvin got so excited you were coming home...
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"when you come down the gangplank.
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to come down the gangplank, and he won't.
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Tall ones, short ones, blondes, brunettes.
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"Since I cannot remember what you look like, I'm not sure which one is yours.
Aired 43 years ago - Oct 26, 1981

A touring USO show brings an unexpected touch of vaudeville to the 4077th when the star showgirl requires an emergency operation. And wouldn't you know, the comedian is Klinger's hero!