S11 E18

Season 11  "West Side Story"  11x18

Aired 10 years ago - Apr 03, 2014

Walden's ex-girlfriend invites him to her boutique opening; Gretchen hopes to spend more time at Alan's home.

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Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 2
How the hell did you get that?
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 3
Larry and I are the same way. Watch. It's a movie.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 4
Mighty Ducks Two! Mighty Ducks Three!
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 5
There's no duck in The Wizard of Oz.
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 6 #6 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 7 #7 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 8
Hey, how did I get here? Am I sleepwalking?
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 18 (S11E18) - 9
- Yes, the diet. He's not stupid. - You're right, honey. I am weak.
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There she is.
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It makes me smell like dead fish, but I get a glow.
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Oh, if you can't find me, just follow the smell of dead fish!
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Like she wants to eat me?
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or the next two days hanging out with us.
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Sorry, my date's a little tipsy.
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I don't know what you're talking about.
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You were, like, "Larry!" And I was, like, what?
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I think Lyndsey's tired of having me around.
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I can't wait to see what your place looks like.
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My heart back.
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"Alan Harper's Place is filmed before a live studio audience."
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or "Jeff", or "J-Dawg", or "DJ Strongman".
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You had me at "free."
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I thought it was appropriate to come to the place we had our first date.
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And honestly, the no-sex thing isn't weird at all.
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No kisses on my neck.
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- Oh, this is a cute place. - Yeah, it really is cute, isn't it?
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You're terrible at coming up with names.
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Every time I count to a hundred, I get stuck on 69.
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You care enough about me to pass up sexy wordplay.
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Hold on. I think Alan saw a spider again.
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- Where is Alan? - He's at my place.
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"Try it, Walden. It won't kill you." I wish it had.
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I’m just glad we're together.
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and molested the kid sleeping in your bed.
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Oh, no, no, Lyndsey, wait.
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