S8 E13

Season 8  "Skunk, Dog, Crap and Ketchup"  8x13

Aired 13 years ago - Jan 03, 2011

Alan feels paranoid when Lyndsey becomes friendly with Charlie.

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Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 8 Episode 13 (S08E13) - 2
I am way past guys like you.
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Thank you. Yeah, yeah, no,
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And one of these days I'm gonna die of liver failure.
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♪ Two and a Half Men 8x13 ♪ Skunk, Dog Crap and Ketchup Original Air Date on January 3, 2010
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Don't worry, she's leaving very soon.
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if he were to choose between say...
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I'd still go with Kentucky. It's a better school.
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Oh, please. The only young people you care about
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No, no, I will not chill.
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Is it slippery when wet?
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No. Why not? What's wrong with her?
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What are you talking about?
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Harmless horseplay.
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Wow, you really missed the signals, didn't you?
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Apparently, you didn't have the lip for Amy Driskell, either.
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You're welcome.
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No, I guess that's about it.
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Doesn't it?
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Get your mind out of the gutter.
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In a lot of ways, this isn't just the key to your house,
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What would you say about inviting
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There it is.
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Wendy Freidman,
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For him, you're unexplored territory.
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I mean, you know, you can be courteous to him.
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You know what, I made a mistake.
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Okay, okay, ju-just to clarify--
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I have no interest in Lyndsey other than as a friend,
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Jake's got it. Jake!
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So you're just gonna
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left to say except you're an idiot.
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(dryer buzzes)
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He gets really paranoid when he's high...
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If you will.
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See the dirty look she's giving Wanda?
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Anything good in my life, you have to take it away.
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"You don't mind that I'm carrying most,
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Good skunk.
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I got skunked.
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'Cause you showed up smelling like a skunk?
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I said, that son of a bitch.