S6 E5

Season 6  "A Jock Strap in Hell"  6x5

Aired 15 years ago - Oct 20, 2008

Charlie tries to help Jake's former teacher, who became a stripper after dating him, but things go from bad to worse when she has a religious conversion.

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Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 2 #2 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 3 #3 Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 4
...who shot your ass up full of novocaine?
Recap of Two and a Half Men Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 5
Remember the girl from the salon who tried to shoot you with a bow and arrow?
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And whenever a dental hygienist drops a quarter never bend over to pick it up?
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Alan, let me ask you something.
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She said that I ruined her life.
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...who had a nervous breakdown, lost her job...
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At long last realizing that your actions have consequences for other people.
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Wait up, I'll drive.
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I've never understood why this isn't in the olympics and synchronized diving is.
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Because this is a bikini club.
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So anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for the way I ended it.
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Are you gonna get me my house back?
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...we'll have to start renting him out as a speed bump.
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Oh, thank you. Thank you.
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Well, who am I to judge?
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If you wanna find out how much you can earn per hour...
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Good for you. That's a good start.
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He's not exactly the quicker picker-upper.
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Well, you've given me back something I lost a long time ago.
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No, and I don't intend to. I just wanna see you get your life together again.
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Desiree, wait.
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It suddenly became clear to me why you came back into my life.
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I really don't think he'd send me.
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- Morning. - Morning.
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Uh... Uh, Miss Pasternak, while I'm thrilled you're helping Jake with his schoolwork...
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Ah, thanks for the invite, but, uh, Sunday is kind of our "me" day.
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Isn't this a beautiful little church, Charlie?
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