
Season 6

Aired 47 years ago - Mar 27, 1978

With the possibility of contaminated morphine, the doctors at the 4077th administer placebos to the patients, which seems to work. Meanwhile, a new soldier, "Boots" Miller, is released on a Section Eight.

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He would've drowned ifhe hadn't drunk his way down to five feet.
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Perhaps later.
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setting up all his empties for his own private bowling tournament.
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My name is Colonel Potter, soldier, and I bust wiseacres like you.
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Aha! Here's a young lad with the peach fuzz still fresh on his cheeks.
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It's Rosemary Clooney and "Come On-a My House."
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- It's a lot of pain here. Where's that damn morphine? - Radar's breaking out a new box.
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- 1830. - Well, this should keep us going through the night okay.
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- Till we find out what this is. - Yes, sir.
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Oh, dandy. Just once I'd like to see supply get here ahead of demand.
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Now just act natural, stay in the light.
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This microphone bit is strictly for sandlot psychos.
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- Good night, Miller. - Good night, Klinger.
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So the $64 question is, "What do we do in the meantime?"
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- There he goes again. - I have never heard such a hasty and unsubstantiated conclusion.
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One night my Aunt Grace was visiting...
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she was gonna be fine, completely cured.
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The body can do remarkable things if the mind will let it.
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Charles, we're all in this together.
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You're Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm passing out morphine.
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What do you want, sirs? I'm busy underlining.
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I wish Aunt Grace were here to test these out.
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Yeah, she was a great comfort to the boys during World War I.
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Looks like I've finally got you fellas working with me.
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Enemy planes overhead. Twelve o'clock high.
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- I got... I got two of 'em! - Give me that rifle, damn it!
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Now I know you're crackers. Get out of here, Miller. Go on!
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I'm not one to harp on things, but this is all up to us.
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I was in the Hasty Pudding shows at Harvard.
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How long till this takes effect, Doc?
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All right. Open your mouth, close your eyes.
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Knowing that, it is very difficult for me to sit in there and smile.
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See? Told you.
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Between the placebos, the sleeping pills and the ice packs...
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Don't spread it around. We'll be out of jobs.
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And when he woke up his appendix, the watch and the doctor were gone.
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I'm sick and tired of Charles topping us every time we open our mouths.
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What is it? Is he wearing your dresses?
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- Keep your hands in sight, move slow and no talking! - May I present a lunatic?
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Hand Klinger the rifle.
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I'll be in my office doing the paperwork to get him out of here.
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I painted her swimsuit on her.
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Sure. Big brown eyes. Beautiful smile.
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Never! I've seen her, and not only couldn't you date her...
Aired 47 years ago - Feb 27, 1978

Charles takes amphetamines to keep up his energy level, and even drugs Radar's mouse, "Daisy", so that it will win a race against a Marine's mouse, "Sluggo".

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sometimes referred to as bennies by you Bohemians.
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- Right. What? - Do you want extreme depression?
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genetic background are far too hyperactive.
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always consult a highly trained physician like myself.
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The one where, uh, Popeye beats up all the Nazis.
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Hey, uh, you guys are, uh, marines, huh?
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If we ever raid a kindergarten class, I'll call ya.
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Hey, Doc, we gotta be there.
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Yeah? And how's his eyesight?
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- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bet, bet, bet. - Daisy has a pack to support.
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From the moment I awake, till my first cornflake, I tingle at Aurora's delight."
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"Korea, the Surgeon's Buffet."
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Yeah. The way the mail moves around here I may be cutting it a little close.
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She left him and went to live with... not to marry, mind you...
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Now if you could only write like that, hmm?
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Just lay down your cash. I hate a guy who butchers Shakespeare.
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Gentlemen, you see before you a brilliant, incisive paper for the A.M. A...
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It's taken you a long time, but I think you're finally beginning to fit into this place.
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All I have to do is set my mind to something, and eventually, inevitably, I conquer it.
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Those were the tiniest and neatest stitches I've ever seen, Major.
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Right away, Major. Klinger, you've built a reputation you can't live up to.
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[B.J.] Building a four-lane highway can be relaxing.
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- Daisy, you're looking great. - [Squeaking Continues]
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I wanna beat those marines so bad. Then I can really rub it in.
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- No! Keep her away. I don't like mice. - She's just a rodent.
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- Oh! She runs like a deer. - Fantastic!
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Pierce, if I could sleep I would, but I can't, so I'm not.
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That you're not Superman, Dr. Pasteur and Al Jolson all rolled into one.
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Well, as a veteran of sleepless nights, irregularity and no appetite...
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- Sir, I wish you wouldn't say that in front of her. - Why? Is anything wrong?
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Your vantage what?
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- [Chattering] - [Chalk] How we doin'on the bucks?
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Right here. Twenty dollars on Daisy.
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We'll see. Sluggo's ready.
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All right. On your mark, get set...
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She stopped!
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[Screaming, Cheering]
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- Sure. I'm goin'with you, Father. - Wonderful, Radar.
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I think Radar just won a spot in the Montezuma Hall of Fame.
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I know. I'm usually such a happy person.
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Why would his pressure be 160 over a hundred?
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- It's locked. - No problem.
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- Don't worry about it, Charles. Just a spot inspection. - Give me that.
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- Nonsense. It's ridiculous. - Charles.
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She keeps runnin' round and round and round in her cage...
Aired 47 years ago - Feb 20, 1978

Potter is upset when General Waldo Kent informs him that people in the 4077th are complaining about his leadership. Potter returns to camp and discovers that the complaints are coming from a Corporal (actually Lieutenant) Benson, who had been sent by a disturbed Colonel Frank Webster, who had been wounded some months earlier...and probably wanted payback for being made to wait until the real casualties were treated. MORE -LESS

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I can transfer you to any stateside post you want.
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- Hi, y'all and everyone else. - Hi, Hawkeye.
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That's the whole theme of the party... Derby Day.
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Look, Major, I'm not even supposed to be here.
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Amazing what can be done with a box of Kleenex and a bottle of rosewater.
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Then I'll be brief. I'd like you to transfer me to the M.P.s.
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Belly up to the bowl, Colonel. You're just in time for "slap happy hour."
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Quiet, Pierce!
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someone who can't settle a matter face-to-face.
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Then I had to get a picture to see how long to make the tail when I cut it out.
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But does he listen to his doctor? No.
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Congratulations. Then this is a commemorative meeting.
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roadside medical stand!
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- That's it. Get out! - But, sir!
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Don't you ever forget that.
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I'll fill them in in my own way when I'm good and ready.
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Your secret is safe with me. I can sure capisce that.
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Why has it taken you a year?
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Don't be ridiculous. I know it.
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Pierce, someday you'll be old enough to grow your own beard.
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There have been bad reports about this unit floating around headquarters.
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- Right. - You betcha.
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That's all. Good night.
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If it don't move, paint it. If it does move, pick it up.
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Then wait outside. I still don't want to talk about it.
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Look, let's stop the hostility festival and discuss it, okay? Please?
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- I can't believe it. - Believe it.
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- Yeah. - Resentful...
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Here's his Ogilvy and Cabot stationery.
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"I'm afraid I have some very disturbing news to report."
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I could never marry without the permission of Grandmama Winchester...
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- There's an explanation for this. - Whatever it is, I don't believe it.
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for a letter addressed to the inspector general.
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- Oh! - What?
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How many regular guys you know write home to "l" Corps?
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- That fink! - You can use stronger language than that.
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It was in some literature that came a while back.
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- Benson, grab the other end. - Oh, Benson, we'll need a hand...
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- I'm sorry, but... - When an officer gives you an order, you better move.
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- That was one of them. - Ah, Colonel, we got a little going-away present for you.
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- What'd I ever do to you, Corporal? - It's Lieutenant, sir.
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I do. Came through triage with a tiny piece of shrapnel in his tush...
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Maybe. From a human standpoint things are plenty tight.
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I'm gonna put that shrapnel back where I found it.
Aired 47 years ago - Feb 13, 1978

With a temporary transfer of personnel between the 4077th and the 8063rd, Captain Roy Dupree replaces Hawkeye, whilst Lorraine Anderson makes eyes at Charles. Fearing this to be permanent, Charles and B.J. successfully conspire to have Dupree permanently removed from the 4077th. Charles (to Hawkeye): "God, I missed you!"

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to ever suture a belly wound: Captain Lo-rain Anderson.
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- Where should I bring the captain's bags, sir? - Put 'em in the Swamp, Radar.
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- This is so terrific! - Ah. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
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dangling from our earlobes?
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And it's very hard to squeeze a marriage through a tiny little telephone wire.
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of a pig and roll me in the mud.
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- Roy Dupree from the 8063. See? - Yes, I know. It rhymes. I...
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Uh, here's to the three of us. We're gonna have more fun than a mosquito in a blood bank!
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- Yes, I know. It rhymes. - University of Arkansas, '44.
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Why don't you ask me to do something hard? Where'd you boys get this iced tea, anyway?
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- Careful, Roy. That coil might... break. - Oh. I'm sorry, B.G.
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- This old boy's all right. Get him to post-op. - [Potter] More suction here.
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- You just watch this, Colonel. - This is no time to practice up on slipknots, Captain.
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Gotta hand it to you, Dupree. You know your beeswax. You're just what the doctor ordered.
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with a very delicate arterial transplant.
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- Very skillful, Doctor. - And you're very observant, Captain.
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Yes, and can we please keep the conversation on a professional level?
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Excuse me, but this is an operating room and not the back of a school bus.
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Ooh-whee! I do love women with spunk!
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I'm head nurse, and I'm here to see that nothing gets killed, including time.
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Well, maybe not that much spunk.
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and stuffed them in our bra.
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- Lorraine, must you go into every detail? - Come now, Margaret.
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Really? Margaret? Where did you find this girl? She's just delightful.
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Look, cowboy, call me "wacko," "eight ball," "loco," and even "crazy"...
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Mind if I join y'all?
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Now, if you wanna choke on your cud, try eatin' over at the 8063. Boy, that is bad.
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- Permanent, as in forever? - Yeah. We'll have a big ol' time.
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but I also believe in a lot of good, clean, dirty fun.
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- Colonel Potter, sir. - You hooted, Captain?
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- You mean a permanent transfer? - It'd make me happier than a cow with a bellyful of calf.
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## [Singing Continues]
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Come on, Slop-along. Time for you to drawl into bed.
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- I think it's mine. - Darn.
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Why, I was ridin' bareback before I could even speak.
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Yahoo! Did he fall for that!
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Oh, yeah? Kind of you.
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Do you mean, why don't I act childish and undignified and silly?
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You sound like one of those rigid, sour, old nurses we used to make fun of.
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I loved you. And then later, I hated you.
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and the next morning, I was in a war in charge of 10 nurses, and the party was over.
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You can't let "Major Houlihan" take over your whole life.
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You know what I was thinking the other night?
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- What's that idiot doin' on my Sophie? - Taking a moonlight ride.
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Dupree, I don't ever wanna see you around this horse or my camp again.
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Oh, well, this is it.
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Why, thank you. Always a gentleman.
Aired 47 years ago - Feb 06, 1978

After a delay of three weeks, five sacks of mail arrive, and everyone in camp reacts to good and bad news from home. Hawkeye receives love letters addressed to another Benjamin Pierce, another man has approached B.J.'s wife, and Radar's mom has found a boyfriend. Klinger: "I may not have a family in Toledo, but I got one here."

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 1
Nibbling on her shoulder blades in an avocado grove, and at harvest time.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 2
- Oh, damn! - Okay. I'll read it to myself.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 3
Sounds like she handled it very well.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 4
No, you don't understand. I'm heavily invested in Canadian sorghum.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 5
- Oh, yeah, sure, sir. - Here he is in the sandbox.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 6
- Um, uh, it's personal. - Oh, in that case, it's none of my business.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 7
Laverne wants a divorce. She wants to divorce me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 8
Klinger, I understand only too well. And this one isn't even original. Blow!
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My family has had problems with immigrants ever since we came to America.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 10
Margaret, I'm really interested in your welfare. Share your troubles, it might help.
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She loves to drop in little phrases like "two different worlds" and "one's own kind."
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- and ignoring you in the process. - Is that so?
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Most assuredly you are good breeding stock, wide pelvis.
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They're marvelous. They're so, uh, surrealistic.
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- [Sighs] - You don't seem to be enjoying the movie, son.
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- Who needs the D.A.R.? - George Washington.
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Rethread it yourself! I've had it!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 18
No, it's not. This is phony, sir.
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Look, son. We can't let every soldier who gets a "Dear John" letter go home.
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- What if we become strangers? - Oy.
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#You belong to me #
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- Ah, you servicemen are all alike. - Come on, come on.
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Gonna play poker, I assume. Good.
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Her guy. Makes sausage casings. Big hands.
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- You'd squeal? - Oh, for your own good.
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Yeah. Can I, uh, can I talk to you?
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- Yeah, I know. - She started keeping company with this man.
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Every Sunday he gets her in his Nash Metropolitan...
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Great. It's good for the cardiovascular system.
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Yeah. Maybe I am jealous.
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And he really wanted me to like her, but I wouldn't.
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And loneliness is everything it's cracked up to be.
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maybe we could introduce your dad to my mom.
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Just tell me where to plug this thing in.
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Sparky? Y... Sparky, I know it's quarter to 3:00 in the morning.
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- Hey! - [Squeaking Bear] What?
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- Now he's gone AWOL behind my back. - Who?
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Ah, it's okay. I have to get up in another six hours anyway.
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Well, Captain Hunnicutt's a captain, Colonel.
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I... I just wanted to check and see if you still need me, Peg.
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Always was.
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I, for one, will never forget.
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I just... I only read one of them.
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I tell you what. I'll write to them. I've always wanted to be a foreign correspondent.
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- Okay. - Thanks. Well, nice meeting you.
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It's my sense of humor. I'm a very funny guy.
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You jackass! What kind of idiotic stunt was that?
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Aired 47 years ago - Jan 30, 1978

Hot Lips, believing herself to be pregnant, asks Hawkeye to test her. The only rabbit available to use for the test is Radar's pet, Fluffy. Meanwhile, Martinson, a patient, holds Charles at gunpoint, demanding he be sent back to Ohio.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 19 (S06E19) - 1
Well, I was with Donald...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 19 (S06E19) - 2
- There's nothing wonderful about it. - Are you kidding?
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And you know what it means, don't you?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 19 (S06E19) - 4
- I've been irritable lately. - Well, if you count irritability...
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Come on. Come on.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 19 (S06E19) - 6
You'll be out of here by noon Thursday.
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He was right next to me when the mine went up.
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- I thought they'd put me into something I was prepared for. - Like?
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Just leave me alone.
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Don't crack wise, Klinger. The missus knows how hard this stuff is to get over here.
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But these... are my children.
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and decided to take full financial responsibility.
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This one is swarthy. The other is blond.
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- I ran out of names. - This kid has got to be at least 19.
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and this is my grandson, Corey!
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Pregnant? Well, zip-a-dee-doo-dah!
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aren't, uh, uh... [Stammers]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 19 (S06E19) - 19
- We'll be sorry to lose you, Margaret. - Well, wait a minute.
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- his rabbit and our head nurse... - Then I outrank him!
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- I think. - Radar, you have a female rabbit, don't you?
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- Can-Can we get on with this? - Yeah. Yeah. The pregnancy test is for...
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We inject her with some fluid from Major Houlihan.
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just the ovaries.
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- Wish you hadn't done that. - Well, I figured I'd rather let her go than to see her killed.
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- But it's possible. - Yeah, theoretically, sure.
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- I'll read to her from Uncle Wiggily. - Yeah, well...
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Nonsense. There's nothing to it. Tweezers.
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Yeah, but people bad stuff isn't as bad as rabbit bad stuff. I'll just wait out here.
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I'd say about a week.
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But there really isn't a whole hell of a lot we can do about it...
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"This is to certify that Tom Martinson, Associate Professor of Art History...
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Well, now, don't-don't... Don't go away. I think it's important you observe this.
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- No. It surely isn't. - The daily grind. The stupidity.
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- 'Cause I know you'll understand this. - [Cocks Pistol]
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Colonel Potter! Colonel Potter! Is that too loud?
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- but he's a real father. - [Mulcahy] Please, Major!
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- Now, let's see that chopper! - We'll have to call one in. He'll be here at dawn.
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- No harm'll come to ya. I promise. - Just stay back!
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You did a fine job, Captain. I've never seen such delicate work.
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- Let's put the specimen under the glass. - I'll get it.
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Uh-oh. Your shoulder's bleeding. Can I fix that for you?
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- [Radar] Wild look in his eye. - He's holding my specimen!
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- Somebody go in there and get him! - Colonel, I volunteer.
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Take me instead of him. I got your escape plan.
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Okay! Okay! Get out of here! Anything's better than you!
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- [Margaret] Charles! Thank goodness. - Ladies and gentlemen...
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I don't think Klinger's in any danger, unless we make some grandstand play.
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But we'll make it. Even if we have to struggle...
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- Ya better get that chopper. - [Potter] It's here! Anytime you're ready!
Aired 47 years ago - Jan 24, 1978

With the arrival of a shipment of records, Radar plays the part of a disc jockey and helps to get everyone through the incredibly long deluge of wounded.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 1
- That's it? - Oh, come on, Klinger. I don't know what to say.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 2
Oh, well, then maybe you should be the announcer.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 3
Um, I just thought you might like to hear, uh...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 4
- What kind of stuff? - Disc jockey talk.
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Attention, all personnel. Incoming choppers. Sounds like plenty.
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The 8055th has bugged out. The 8063rd is overloaded.
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That's an order, not an opinion.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 8
- [Helicopter Overhead] - More choppers.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 9
I will loan Radar one of my classical recordings to relieve this pop nightmare.
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Margaret, will you please hand me these things on the beat.
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to go out in the kitchen and heat Erin's formula.
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Uh, I can't see it, 'cause the record's spinning.
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I'd just put the three ball in the side pocket. Four in the corner.
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Each and every one contains numbers up to a hundred and six.
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lest he believe this man to be the patient du jour.
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Wanna join me at the bar for a shot of cough syrup?
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- How's he doin'? - Not good.
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"Fang in the tone-arm cobra"?
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Yeah, hold on a second. Go ahead.
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Hot diggity! That's the first good news I've heard in two days.
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Corporal, let me remind you.
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- Not even room for complaints. - Leave an aisle.
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- I think mine's alive. - Hope none of you boys are sleepwalkers.
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I, however, am neither an incompetent nor a horse.
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- Get your filthy feet off me. Get them off! - [Both Yell]
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that moldy oldie, "Sentimental Journey."
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- it reminds me of a very special young lady. - Mildred?
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there she was, this willowy blonde beauty.
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I couldn't have handled it.
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- [Charles] Watch out, you idiot! - [Man] Get out of the way.
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I don't know what good Bloody Mary here is gonna do ya. He's on the rocks.
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- Zale. Zale! - Hey, there ya are.
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Frank? I beg your pardon?
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You don't understand. Look, l-I really pass out.
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If he snores during the night, make him go back to his own cot.
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this clean, wholesome youth from this stinking drunk.
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That's all anybody does. Does anybody give around here?
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 50
talking to you over the mike, and this is the 23rd playing...
Aired 47 years ago - Jan 17, 1978

With British and American casualties heavy, the 4077th's supply of penicillin has been stolen. Father Mulcahy discovers, from Corporal Bryant, the location of some penicillin, and he and Klinger go out in search of it. They are shot at, but safely return with the drug and save the day.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 17 (S06E17) - 1
I'm sorry, Father. That was a dumb thing to say.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 17 (S06E17) - 2
Now it's seeping into the abdominal cavity...
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- Let's not forget penicillin. - How can we? We don't have any.
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Oh, it's a joke.
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- You're a real pal, Doc. - Roberts. Ten milligrams of morphine here.
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- [Drops Accent] Who are you? - Major Derek Ross, Gloucester Regiment.
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They all look ready to go right now.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 17 (S06E17) - 8
Uh, gentlemen, perhaps it would be best if you let me handle this.
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But, Major, they're here on the American plan. Won't cost you a farthing.
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Oh. Well, see, I'm goin' home.
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- Oh, I see. - I didn't like doin' it.
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I sent it back to the States, to my wife.
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Oh, I see.
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Keep sponging him down and continue I. V.
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I got a lot of pain. Give me a shot, Doc.
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[Sighs] Oh. Just knowing I was getting some relief was...
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- [Scoffing Laugh] Aw, come on, Doc. - You're hooked, Johnson.
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Oh, Colonel. Was Klinger able to round up any penicillin?
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Is it animal, vegetable or mineral?
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- Well, maybe I'd better be more specific. - Hallelujah.
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- Something I should work out myself. - Whatever you say.
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- I'm afraid not. - Lf we don't get some soon...
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- Oh, yeah? Where? - Well, uh, I can't tell you that.
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- [Engine Starts] - [Gears Grind]
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Hey, I'm from Toledo. Half my mail comes from death row.
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[Engine Stops]
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Ah! Look. Look, there it is.
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- [Bell Tolls] - Watch it, Klinger!
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It means "Class dismissed." Let's get outta here!
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- Whoo! Shot, Father! - [Gunfire Continues]
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I can't take it anymore, Doc.
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No. It isn't worth it.
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- What are you doing? - I'm sorry. My sleeve is caught in your cluster here.
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Penicillin! Penicillin!
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All right, nurses. Come and get it... penicillin.
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- Call me if there's trouble. I'm gonna get some sleep. - Yes, Doctor.
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And there's nothing quite like putting one's spiritual values into action, is there?
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Just a simple Lebanese psycho.
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- Captain. Hey! - [Drowsily] What is it, honey?
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How do you like that guy? He only works 19 hours, and all he can think about is sleep.
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[Chuckles] Go on. Read your letter, Billy.
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Doctor, would you please spare us your diatribe until we're finished here?
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Carry on, chaps.
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Don't you understand? When I was here before...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 17 (S06E17) - 50
Oh, yes. Yes, of course. The, uh, the Marquis de Sade School of Bedside Manner.
Aired 47 years ago - Jan 10, 1978

In need of a special surgical clamp, Hawkeye and B.J. hire Mr. Shin, a local jewelry dealer, to make it. Days later the clamp is used to save the leg of a wounded soldier. Mr. Shin goes into the surgical supply business.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 1
Well, what do we do? Call? Write? Send up smoke signals? What?
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You can go on in your usual sub-humorous way, gentlemen...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 3
- Margaret, calm down. We'll help you look for it. - Where'd you put it last?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 4
Fourteen-karat gold with tiny stones all around it...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 5
Klinger, have you seen my wedding band?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 6
That'll be kind of tough. The garbage truck just left.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 7
- That put her mind at ease. - You have to know how to talk to her.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 8
My bird wants to talk to your bird. Patch me through to Colonel De Roo on the double.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 9
Ninety days? That stinks.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 10
Darn dam! Why don't they draft a brigade of beavers?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 11
Mr. Screwdriver coming up.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 12
Ah, here it comes. There.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 13
[Laughing] Gentlemen.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 14
Hit it with the hammer, will ya?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 15
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 16
- That's for being right. - Thanks.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 17
Look, I am a master craftsman.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 18
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Just make it work, Leonard.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 20
It was only a lousy gold watch. Please, get a rifle.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 21
and I won't have a chance to shower!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 22
All right, MacArthur. Let's see you return from this.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 23
- Not five minutes ago. - Well, come on. Let's see it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 24
Ah, the acid test.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 25
Is it coming off? Is it coming off?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 26
You don't believe me? [Screaming]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 27
- Thank you. - I should get a medal: The Purple Hand.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 28
Come on, Hawk. What have we got an engineer could want?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 29
Great. No problem.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 30
- It'd be worth a divorce to have her off our backs. - [Knocking]
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Behind every great inventor is his nurse.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 32
We've heard about their unit parties. Those guys are animals.
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God knows what else you missed. I want you to go back over there and recount everything.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 34
- I'll even throw in my magnifying glass. - No sacrifice too big for you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 35
- The more you spend, the more I got. - Oh, yeah?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 36
Easy job. Cheap setting. Miracle glue.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 37
- And don't try to talk me down. - You? We wouldn't dare.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 38
Ah, silver snuff box. Beautiful.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 39
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- What? And be denied all this? - Look familiar?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 41
Who is it?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 42
On the few rest breaks I had, I re-combed every inch of trail.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 43
- You can let me try that nail polish. - Of course.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 44
Wrong! That is very wrong!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 45
Hawkeye and B.J. Bought it and gave it to me to give to you.
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Wait a second. Hold it. Okay, put him to sleep.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 48
- How bad is he? - Bad enough.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 49
How would you like to be bent into a horseshoe?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 16 (S06E16) - 50
- Scissors. - Scissors.
Aired 47 years ago - Jan 03, 1978

The 4077th has just ended a rough 3-day ordeal with wounded soldiers. Charles plays (?) a French horn and drives Hawkeye and B.J. crazy. They refuse to bathe until the French horn playing is stopped; the two are even forced to eat outside because of their unhygenic presences. Meanwhile Potter attempts to saves the life of a patient, Saunders, whose unfortunate accident has rendered him suicidal. Time and time again, Potter pleads against Saunders' taking the easy way out; Saunders holds out until a little dose of reverse psychology finally discourages him. When a "battle of the bands" eventually erupts between Winchester, Hunnicutt and Pierce, the camp collectively intervenes and hoses down Hawkeye and B.O. while Margaret has a soldier run over Charles' French horn with a jeep. Later, Sang Nu presents Charles with a new which doesn't have a mouthpiece! MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 1
Gentlemen, I've just finished an arduous session of work...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 2
Remove that sock.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 3
That thing may be the only thing that keeps me from going mad...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 4
If you're thinking what I'm thinking. Are you thinking of stinking?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 5
I will play this thing as long as there is music in my soul and breath in my body.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 6
They're lighter today. I can hold them up with one arm.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 7
Did the wind just suddenly shift?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 8
Oh, yeah. We had the chance. Syrup?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 9
Excuse me, Colonel. I've lost my appetite.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 10
No offense intended, but...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 11
Let's go. Hold it!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 12
No. I mean, you really stink, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 13
It's kind of primitive, but it'll hold him...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 14
- Sir! - Post-op, and handle him carefully.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 15
- Could he mean us, Dr. Nameless? - I believe he does, my rancid colleague.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 16
Look who's talking!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 17
Good news, everybody! No more wounded.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 18
You've just won a 60-day tour of the front.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 19
I don't want her looking at me. I don't want anyone looking at me.
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- Your wife? - My girl.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 21
She's never gonna buy this. I don't blame her.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 22
You won't accept this, but you've been very lucky.
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- His eyes are watering! - But not enough!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 25
Whew! Glad to see you boys are working this out.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 26
Fine. There's an empty bunk with the enlisted men.
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- Got some vintage stuff. - How vintage?
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- And rubs it out. - Tough day at the office, Colonel?
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- That cabinet is supposed to be locked at all times. - He smashed the glass.
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I don't even get the satisfaction of being a hero.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 32
So save the "everything's gonna be all right" speech for the next guy.
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Sorry, sirs. You can't come in.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 34
- Where would you like to sit? - This side.
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- No, I'm expected inside. - Father.
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- No, I just want to be upwind of you. - Of me?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 38
Speaking of body chemistry, you're dangerously close to blowing yourself up.
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The irresistible force is about to polish off the immovable object.
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[Sighs] This is getting ridiculous.
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- Put it down. We're gonna talk. - No more talk!
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You'll need some help. You've screwed up everything else.
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That's what you want. You want to die, and I'm here to help you!
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is stronger than the part that wants to end it.
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Cease watering! Second wave!
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- [Screams, Laughs] - [B.J.] How well do we know each other?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 15 (S06E15) - 50
- Here, where are you taking that? - Where it belongs.
Aired 47 years ago - Dec 20, 1977

After Charles hands B.J. two hundred dollars, he begins to take advantage. Everyone gets together and persuades Charles to play poker. He has incredible beginner's luck until Radar discovers that Charles whistles loudly when he bluffs. They all win back their money and then some.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 1
Oh, sir? Congratulations, and many more of 'em.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 2
First medical team report to the chopper pad.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 3
[Hawkeye] Please, take the rest of the siege off.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 4
I can't see it. Retract the liver.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 5
Then this large family moved in next door.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 6
- Thanks again. - Oh, don't-don't mention it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 7
Just this once? It's been a long day...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 8
- Or maybe the garage. - I hope you make up your mind before you lay down carpeting.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 9
- Uh, the green one. - You're right.
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- Anything else? - No. Take it black.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 12
You're the kind of guy who lets that kind of guy get to you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 13
I send him my pay, and he sends me an allowance of $30 a week.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 14
Korea's answer to Marshall Field's.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 15
What do you mean, there's not enough pay?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 16
- [Cheering] - Colonel, what about the officers?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 17
It's not as if it were my fault, darling.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 18
I cannot believe you are gonna be this cheap.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 19
Oh, Colonel.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 20
Excuse me. Twerp!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 21
- But it wouldn't be right. - Why not?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 22
that you call music makes me want to upchuck.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 23
- [Groans] - Mind if we join you, stranger?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 24
- In that case, the bar's closed. - The bar is what?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 25
Charles, sometimes you can be a real prince.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 26
Be a good chap, bring it to me in the Swamp, all right?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 27
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 29
Of course you do. A little game at the Officers Club.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 30
What's the point of playing at all?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 31
And I'll be in the chips before you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 32
I really should stay here. My sermon still needs a big finish.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 33
Well, that and to ask for your hand in a poker game.
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- Not after tonight. - Oh!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 35
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That's wonderful, sir. Is it okay if I save some so I can get in it?
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Oh, my.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 38
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 39
Well, no sense in bein' greedy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 40
- What? - A four-card draw, and he gets a straight?
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Sure you have... in the Reptile House.
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but I'm going out for a little fresh air.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 44
I'd give Radar's last dollar to know how he's doing it.
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After tonight, they'll have enough cash to buy every parent in Korea.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 47
Let's get to it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 48
- Do either of you fellows still owe me any money? - Paid it all back an hour ago.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 49
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 50
Aired 47 years ago - Dec 13, 1977

Margaret and Hawkeye seek solace from enemy fire in each other's arms and end up, briefly, as lovers.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 1
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- I don't know. I'll see. - No. You just rest. I'll fix breakfast.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 3
Oh, no peaches.
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You know, I really love your sense of humor.
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And there we were, hiding behind our masks all the time.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 7
dust all over my face.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 8
You know what I like about you?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 9
We can't get "l" Corps to send a plane to look for them.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 10
What kind of authorization do you have for that?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 11
[Chuckles] Wait until you see what I do with leftovers.
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- Come on! - [Groans] My leg doesn't work. It stiffened up overnight.
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Who knows how many more there are out there?
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Not if we find them. Let's keep looking.
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Ah! Ah!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 21
That's funny. He bleeds just like our side.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 22
Look. I love how brave you are.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 23
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 24
I think we found them. We spotted a jeep, and I think I saw Margaret.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 25
- I like my men neat. - And not on the rocks?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 26
- Don't you ever shave? - Just my legs.
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What do I usually tell him?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 30
[Rifle Bolt Locks]
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- Glad? - Stop laughing!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 32
- Scissors. - Scissors!
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or you're liable to get handed something you didn't expect.
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- What the hell is the matter with you? - Not a thing, Captain.
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but all this genuflecting is making my pants baggy.
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who, thank God, are still with us, body and spirit intact.
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[B.J., Potter, Charles Laughing]
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They may have even sustained each other.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 41
- Klinger. - A MASH compass.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 42
"This is a chief surgeon and a head nurse.
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B.J. Hunnicutt and Doug Aylesworth.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 44
And you're so nice to come home to. Isn't that right, Major?
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- You got any idea what that was all about? - I think so, yeah.
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Only I'm afraid, if we make up, it's liable to start all over again.
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[Hawkeye] Don't call the police. I just wanna talk.
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For a minute, I was afraid I might like you too much, but I don't think I have to worry.
Aired 47 years ago - Dec 06, 1977

Lost behind enemy lines, Hawkeye and Margaret form a personal truce and seek shelter in a roadside hut.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 1
Exclamation point.
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- If it please you, Effendi. - Why should I be offended?
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Here, Major, before you go. You got a letter from Col. Penobscott.
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You be sure and call us when you get there so we'll know you're all right.
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## [Hawkeye Singing Opera]
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It's a game, right? Like knock, knock?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 7
Why don't you read me your letter?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 8
- [Margaret Screams] - Maybe you're right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 9
I can't hear you anymore. Do you read me?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 10
8063rd, this is MASH 4077. What's happening?
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[Margaret] That means we're behind enemy lines.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 12
I try to avoid roads that are in the process of disappearing.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 13
There's just something wrong with the motor. Get out and fix it.
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Maybe the muffler unraveled.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 18
[Laughing, Cheering]
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- I take a lot of cabs. - Oh! Come on!
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Get me General Roberts.
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What are you getting mad at me for? I'm just delivering the message.
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Will you stop that?
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- In more ways than one. - Come here. Come here. Come here.
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- A real fixer-upper. - [Shell Explodes]
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and then you come back without him?
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- I think I got something stuck in my leg. - Oh, my God.
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Oh, will you be quiet? You're hurt. Do you want some morphine?
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Will you be quiet and hold still?
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- Uh-huh. - [Explosions Continue]
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Major, we're both looking for that great exit sign in the sky.
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butter each other's bread, if you get my drift.
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What a waste. I'll get Colonel Potter.
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I just thought you'd like to know, sir, there's been quite an error...
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You have me confused with a lunatic.
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- What did he say, Charles? - That idiot thought I was Klinger!
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Gentlemen, I am as concerned about them as you are.
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[Chuckling] What are you laughing at?
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It can't be too dirty. Whatever's in the bottom is still alive.
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I hate the destruction.
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"My dear Darleen..."
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and hear the gentle whoosh, whoosh, whoosh of the waves."
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"She'll make an excellent hostess when we return to the States.
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And the worst thing is this stupid woman with the ocean whooshing...
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I wish there was something I could say to ease the pain.
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Aired 47 years ago - Nov 29, 1977

Colonel Victor Bloodworth predicts that 280 wounded will arrive at the 4077th. Hawkeye is antagonized by Bloodworth and shoves him against a wall. Bloodworth presses for a court martial until he becomes one of the wounded and watches Hawkeye saving a soldier's life. Realizing Hawkeye's value as a doctor, Bloodworth drops all charges.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 1
his numbers, his pinpoint accuracy... I think he's kind of cute.
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My taste buds are setting a table on my tongue. My salivary glands are having a flash flood.
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- That is pate de foie gras. - I happen to know Paddy DeFoiegras, and this isn't him.
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My bunkies have palates that are obviously more attuned to Spam on a shingle.
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- Bless your heart. - I hope he saves some for us.
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Ohh! Why, that looks "scrumpt-u-ous."
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- Devonshire pheasant. - Ohh.
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To civilization in Korea.
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- Voila. - How clever!
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Oh... never mind.
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- You can't do that with army hash. - It doesn't fall apart this easy.
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- [Both] Mmm. - Mmm.
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- More Hill 403. - Bloodworth's parade of casualties.
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while we take care of guys who are really in trouble.
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- You just got off the boat a few hours ago? - Yeah.
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I'm sure Bloodworth didn't figure any pilots.
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It was the pheasant that was foul.
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Major, can we terminate this nauseating discussion...
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- Probably from something we didn't eat. - How are you, Major?
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Just keep your eyes off my gills and on your patient.
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We beat Bloodworth by 77 "healthies."
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Well, look who's here: Colonel Bo Peep, counting his sheep.
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Don't let it get you down. If the war doesn't work out for you...
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- Let go of me, Captain. - You make me sick.
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- I said let go of me. - I'll let go of you.
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Colonel, I've already put myself over my own knee. You don't have to do it.
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Only two weeks ago! When was the last time you had a Packo Hungarian hot dog?
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In all the time I was there, not once did I see anybody use a cue stick on a ball.
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## [Scatting]
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I'll keep 'em forever. Thank you.
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- Now, if you'll excuse me... - Wait, Colonel.
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I'd like that man cleared of the charges.
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You know what gets to me is I let him get to me. I actually pushed him.
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Sorry, sir. I ran out of hankies.
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- Menopause? - Toledo heartburn.
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- What Socrates is trying to say is he wants the jacket. - I don't need a translator.
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Major, get your mind off collecting fees.
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- Winchester, it's yours. - Hunnicutt, I misjudged you.
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Colonel, you got yourself a jacket.
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- [Hawkeye] A severe thoracic trauma back there. - [Potter] Shattered patella.
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- This is one time it's good to be at the end of the line. - [Hawkeye] This guy can wait.
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- Your humble surgeon. - Anyone but Pierce.
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That does it, Charles. It's hypodermics at 20 paces.
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Oh, fine. What do you wanna talk about? Books? How 'bout Death Takes a Holiday?
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I spent the last 48 hours digging pieces of Hill 403...
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That hill back there, where I got clobbered... all that screaming.
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It just doesn't stack up against all that.
Aired 47 years ago - Nov 22, 1977

Colonel Potter, deciding that the camp is out of shape, enforces a calisthenics course. When nobody is enjoying it, he makes it fun by splitting the camp into two teams. These teams compete for three day R&R passes. Klinger tries to get out of the army by getting fat.

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That's what I mean. He's all tired out. Now he's gotta run a marathon...
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- Anybody hurt? - The driver was a bit shaken up, but he'll be all right.
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[Mulcahy] I'll get over here by the cross.
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- Oh, please. - My hamstrings are playing "I Surrender, Dear."
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Sure do. We just ran out of muscle. Join the party.
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This is a mobile hospital. If we ever have to bug out, you won't be able to lift a tent pole.
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You've just picked up a whole new bunch of volunteers. Dismissed.
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Isn't that what the army's all about?
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- [Klinger] I second that! - Charles, could we have a word with you, please?
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- You wouldn't! - And rinse them in your Earl Gray Tea.
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leave out the jumping part.
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Couldn't help but notice that some of you are less than delighted with the program.
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- From the first flap. - So, in my usual, quiet, effective way...
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Brilliant, huh? Hmm?
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- Always helps to sweeten the pot. - Pierce, Hunnicutt...
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[Man Announcing] The mast colors of 67 countries and their legions of athletes...
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[Announcer] Now the start of the marathon, which is to see a great runner in action...
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in two hours, 23 minutes, three and 2/10ths seconds, for a new Olympic record.
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No starts till you hear the sound of the gun. I want a good, clean race.
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- You did that deliberately! - If you can't jump over a crutch, you're no athlete!
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[Announcer] In the pole vault, Don Laz of the United States...
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I have every reason to believe we're gonna go out there and win this thing!
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Now I want you to get out there and fight! Fight, fight, fight!
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This grueling event, equivalent of one and 8/10ths miles...
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[Potter] The object is to stay up in the saddle.
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Lieutenant Colonel! Darling!
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- So this is Lieutenant Colonel Penobscott. - Oh, yes!
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So far, your little missus there has been quite a standout.
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- Dismissed. - Oh, thank you, sir, from the bottom of my belly.
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Stop! Hold it, time out and just a doggone second!
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Anyway, with my athletic ability, Pierce's side wouldn't stand a chance.
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[Shouting, Whooping]
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[Announcer] Mae Faggs, Barbara Jones, Janet Moreau, and Catherine Hardy...
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And the lucky participants are...
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Aired 47 years ago - Nov 15, 1977

Radar notices a number of tattoos on one of the wounded, and convinces himself that with a tattoo he will be irresistible to women. Everyone tries to discourage him, and he admits to having received a tattoo that will wash off. Meanwhile, Margaret is frustrated with a new nurse who keeps getting upset at the sight of combat injuries.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 1
A good nurse doesn't fall apart like a teary-eyed schoolgirl.
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- Yes, ma'am. - [Whimpers]
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- Aah-aah! - [Knocking] - Yeah?
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So are the surgeons she's walking out on. Maybe she shouldn't be here.
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- Sure, we can buy her a little time. - And a little drink.
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Top military form. This war's the best thing that ever happened to him.
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- Major will you please stop whispering? - Why?
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- See? - I wonder what this is?
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- The kid could use a break. - I've given her several.
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and it's a responsibility I do not take lightly.
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- Hi. My name is Corporal O'Reilly. - Corporal Hendrix.
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Oh, not Louise. How bad is she?
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- Wow. - Guess I'll have to get a tattoo artist to put her in a sarong.
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- I'm thinking of getting a tattoo myself. - Oh, don't do it yourself.
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- Yes? - What do you think about gettin' a tattoo?
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- Gee, that's swell. - Swell. Couple of years later...
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- Just get Major Houlihan, will ya? - I'm on my way.
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- What? - Does it have any tattoos on it anywhere?
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So was Mrs. Potter when I married her. But after a few months she settled down...
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Now, Major, Cooper's just going through her own little baptism of fire.
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- Lord knows I wouldn't want to do anything to upset her. - [Door Bangs]
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I do hope that you two vaudevillians realize...
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Even my wife smokes a corncob pipe.
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- You find that amusing, Corporal? - Not anymore, sir.
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As a matter of fact, tattoos are the common man's way of investing in art.
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- at least let us meet you there when you have it done. - So you can razz me some more?
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- Does this mean that you're getting off my back? - For the moment.
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From now on, I'm going to be just as tough and unfeeling as you are.
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Uh, no. Guys with tattoos don't pal around with guys like me.
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- Wow! - Marine emblem. Semper fidelis.
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- I can't touch another drop for six months. - Wow!
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But someday you're gonna meet a cute little dame, and she's gonna be crazy about ya.
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- Aw, gee, that's a shame. - Somebody should've tied him up.
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- What do you want? - You look all choked up. I don't think it's the food.
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Everything around here will be just fine if there's a little less leaning...
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This morning he got run over. You trying to tell me you're not upset by that?
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I've been a little rough on you. I want you to know that I'm sorry.
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Radar, did you tattoo your tush?
Aired 47 years ago - Nov 08, 1977

Charles plans a scheme to get rich when he discovers that blue scrip is going to be exchanged for red. Hawkeye and B.J. outsmart him, and he is left holding the worthless scrip. Klinger tries to get into West Point so that he can get out of Korea.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 1
- Prove it. - Tomorrow we'll be issued new army money. Red for blue.
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I appreciate what you gentlemen did for him. By the way, my name is Maxwell.
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Pants fit cute over tushy.
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Ah, yeah. Red for blue. That news all over town.
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- How much not quite? - Ten cents on the dollar.
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Buy tailor-made clothes. Please, 29 bucks.
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We're doing them a big favor.
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I add to his wardrobe, but he no add to my pocket.
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Hang on, Mr. Kim. We'll see what we can do.
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Then someone rolled a grenade in the game, and we all crapped out.
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Ah, sorry, guys. I can't. I gotta be here to exchange Boone's scrip.
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Thanks. And bless you for an honest woman.
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I had a full house. But it's all worthwhile, mind you.
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- to give an entrance examination to West Point... - Oh.
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in a floppy hat and a beard, and the next day she's off to West Point.
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Hep, ho, hep, ho, hep, ho, hep, ho, hep, ho! Detail, halt!
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- When do I leave, sir? - As soon as you knock off the "sirs" and pass the test!
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- He's a biggie, sir. - Connections. Why is it always connections?
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I'd have thought my horse would have a better chance of getting into West Point.
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- Wouldn't that be wonderful? - Oh, yeah. It would give a new meaning to "lights out."
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- I said double or nothin' to 10. - Twenty, you welsher!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 23
- Break it up! - Yes, sir, as soon as I rearrange his teeth!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 24
- No, sir. - Then hit the showers. Rest of you, as you were.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 25
Anybody see a canvas bag?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 26
- Charles... - Don't bother asking, Pierce. The answer's still no.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 27
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 28
I better go alone. There's no sense his beating up the both of us.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 29
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 30
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 31
- Right? - That's right. Yes.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 32
- Father, he'll get it back. - I know he will...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 33
who stole the money entrusted to Captain Pierce.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 34
- Oh, ye generation of vipers! - I think that did it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 35
Ninety-two, ninety-three ninety-four, ninety-five.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 36
could we all please hold the bowing to a minimum?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 37
between our two great nations.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 38
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 39
math, history, geography, world politics...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 40
[Clears Throat] Okay. Go. And good luck.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 41
What kind of a family would only feed their children beans?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 42
and I have to get back for a very important operation.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 43
Just trying to be helpful, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 44
as a result of Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo."
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 45
- And we thought he didn't know the answer. - I'm gonna get a drink.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 46
"and Mayan Indians of the Southern Hemisphere.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 47
or how to accessorize those drab gray tunics?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 48
You mean I've washed out?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 49
I got 45 bucks of my own. At least I can give Boone a down payment.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 8 (S06E08) - 50
No one allowed aboard till further notice. Orders from the bridge, sir!
Aired 47 years ago - Nov 01, 1977

Hawkeye falls in love with Kyong Soon, a Korean woman who is caring for her sick mother and orphaned children. But all hope is lost as Kyong takes her possessions and the children to the south after her mother has died.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 1
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 2
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 3
- I'll show you your tent later. - Yes, Major.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 4
- All hands and no brains. - Let's hold down the chat, Lieutenant.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 5
- Uh, well, in an amusing sort of way. - Uh-huh.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 6
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 7
No. She and her mother lost their home in an air raid.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 8
There's a well about a mile away where we get water.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 9
I wanna make up for some of those wonderful things I said before.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 10
a doctor, used to come to the house.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 11
but no one here know La Rochefoucauld.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 12
- You do know La Rochefoucauld. - I do?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 13
- What did I say? - You said you was a chicken.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 14
You know, she's taken in a bunch of widows and kids to live with her?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 15
- Is this your heart going thumpity-thumpity-thump? - Oh, do yourself a favor.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 16
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 17
Uncle Ho has been bombed out for six months.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 18
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 19
And have a really romantic evening, Pierce.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 20
[Hawkeye] I hope our table's ready. I hate waiting at the bar.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 21
- It's the only violin music I had. - Nice.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 22
- What's the matter? - I'm afraid.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 23
Even by the way you yank vegetables out of the ground and carry water from a mile away.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 24
I'm touched by you, too, because you care about my people...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 25
Will you? Please?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 26
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 27
What does "Hawkeye" mean?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 28
On Thanksgiving, we eat a turkey, which is kind of a vulture with a double chin.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 29
a couple of chairs.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 30
- Good-bye. - Good-bye.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 31
Lieutenant, I was just thinking about you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 32
- Oh. - The man you were out with must have been a total drip.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 33
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 34
- They want you right away. - I can't. I'm trying to put this kid's spine back together.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 35
As far as I know, all I have is firm fingernails.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 36
[Engine Running]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 37
- I know. - I'm so sorry.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 38
Colonel Potter, there was no reason to transfer Lieutenant Gleason.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 39
divorced my wife, or sold the car.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 40
Gee, I never stopped to think about it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 41
- Even there's nothing left of it. - All right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 42
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 43
- You sold the phonograph? - And I traded the car for a pair of oxen.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 44
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 45
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 46
- Doesn't that help? - Would it help you?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 47
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 48
You haven't the courage to confront a man face-to-face. You attack his meat behind his back.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 49
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 50
Aired 47 years ago - Oct 25, 1977

With supplies low, the 4077th gets a truckload of ice cream churns and salt tablets. But what it needs are light bulbs, and in the dimly lit post-op Charles makes an error for which he draws the ultimate wrath of his two surgeon bunkmates. Meanwhile, B.J. receives a mystery novel that everyone in camp reads in turn. The last page is missing and the solution to the mystery is undiscovered until B.J. calls the author by long distance. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 1
- You remember Nurse Gilmore? - Yeah, she was engaged to the navy dentist.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 2
This woman has the patent on wonderful. Smell that. Is she wonderful?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 3
Sorry. O.D.? O.D. Is a duty.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 4
You can't buy me. How much?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 5
Her wit is so sharp, you could shave with it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 6
Trust me. No one will ever think of you as anything but completely rotten.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 7
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 8
I am endearing myself to the C. O...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 9
Boy, you've got a tough ear. It's all lobe.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 10
- Cleanest they've been in years. - Gee, that's wonderful, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 11
This meatball surgery of yours is causing my skills to deteriorate.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 12
I need you here, and you'll stay here like the rest of us.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 13
Well, keep trying.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 14
it's a myopic farm boy, Corporal Radar O'Reilly.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 15
- we would've ordered mucilage. - [Chuckling]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 16
Okay, your bus leaves in an hour. Get to the departure lounge early.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 17
Captain? He's the chief surgeon.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 18
Oh, yeah. Hey, listen...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 19
To continue about Corporal O'Reilly...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 20
Well, I brought you this case of grape Nehi as an apology.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 21
Can you tell me what I'm about to say now?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 22
Come on, Beej. You gotta have a pair of pajamas.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 23
- Charlie, you got pajamas. Just lend me one pair. - No.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 24
- Sounds pretty risque. - Should be for eight books of green stamps.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 25
- Five bucks. - See him.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 26
[Man On P.A.] Attention, all personnel. Incoming wounded.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 27
Talk to Senator Griswold. After all, you paid good money for him.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 28
with dreadful taste in clothes...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 29
I suppose you've performed that operation a hundred times.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 30
- I'm going! I'm going! Save the towels! - Oh, Klinger.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 31
I'll get closer.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 32
Father, there's no need for "Oh, dear." I'm a married woman.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 33
I can see her now, checking her watch for the 60th time this minute.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 34
And speaking of Paris, if I don't amours toujours in Seoul ce soir...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 35
Look at me. I'm one foot closer to Seoul.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 36
Oh! Forgive me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 37
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 38
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 39
- Why this constant preoccupation with sex? - Lack of occupation with sex.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 40
You brain has to teach your taste buds to lie to your stomach.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 41
- Very good. You catch on fast. Take some more. - Well, one piece perhaps.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 42
That's a great deal of food, Major.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 43
Father, observe the hollowed cheeks, sunken eyes.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 44
All clear. Now, whose are these?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 45
- This is a recording. - Of course.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 46
- You all right, Charles? - Everything okay?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 47
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 48
I should've been in Seoul in Gilmore's arms last night.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 49
[Charles] Now, you see here, what I've done here is...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 50
I'm merely sharing my expertise with the less learned.
Aired 47 years ago - Oct 18, 1977

Hawkeye tries unsuccessfully to get to Seoul, to see Nurse Gilmore for the weekend. Meanwhile, Winchester has taped a letter home, asking for his influential parents to help get him back to the States. To get even, Hawkeye and B.J. switch Winchester's clothes, causing Winchester to alter his eating patterns.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 1
- You remember Nurse Gilmore? - Yeah, she was engaged to the navy dentist.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 2
- Yeah, wonderful. - Oh! That's wonderful.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 3
I've already done mine. Weekend's your turn.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 4
You can't buy me. How much?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 5
When they heard the sound of her laughter, six nightingales got out of the business.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 6
Trust me. No one will ever think of you as anything but completely rotten.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 7
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 8
I am endearing myself to the C. O...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 9
Boy, you've got a tough ear. It's all lobe.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 10
- Cleanest they've been in years. - Gee, that's wonderful, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 11
This meatball surgery of yours is causing my skills to deteriorate.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 12
I need you here, and you'll stay here like the rest of us.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 13
Well, keep trying.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 14
it's a myopic farm boy, Corporal Radar O'Reilly.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 15
- we would've ordered mucilage. - [Chuckling]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 16
Okay, your bus leaves in an hour. Get to the departure lounge early.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 17
What is it, Radar? I'm in a hurry. I gotta get my body to Seoul.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 18
Oh, yeah. Hey, listen...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 19
To continue about Corporal O'Reilly...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 20
Well, I brought you this case of grape Nehi as an apology.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 21
Can you tell me what I'm about to say now?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 22
Come on, Beej. You gotta have a pair of pajamas.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 23
- Charlie, you got pajamas. Just lend me one pair. - No.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 24
- Sounds pretty risque. - Should be for eight books of green stamps.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 25
- Five bucks. - See him.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 26
[Man On P.A.] Attention, all personnel. Incoming wounded.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 27
Talk to Senator Griswold. After all, you paid good money for him.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 28
with dreadful taste in clothes...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 29
I suppose you've performed that operation a hundred times.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 30
- I'm going! I'm going! Save the towels! - Oh, Klinger.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 31
I'll get closer.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 32
Father, there's no need for "Oh, dear." I'm a married woman.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 33
I can see her now, checking her watch for the 60th time this minute.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 34
And speaking of Paris, if I don't amours toujours in Seoul ce soir...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 35
Look at me. I'm one foot closer to Seoul.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 36
Oh! Forgive me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 37
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 38
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 39
- Why this constant preoccupation with sex? - Lack of occupation with sex.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 40
You brain has to teach your taste buds to lie to your stomach.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 41
- Very good. You catch on fast. Take some more. - Well, one piece perhaps.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 42
That's a great deal of food, Major.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 43
Father, observe the hollowed cheeks, sunken eyes.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 44
All clear. Now, whose are these?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 45
- This is a recording. - Of course.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 46
- You all right, Charles? - Everything okay?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 47
Oh. Well, it's time... it's time for a diet.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 48
I should've been in Seoul in Gilmore's arms last night.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 49
[Charles] Now, you see here, what I've done here is...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 50
I'm merely sharing my expertise with the less learned.
Aired 47 years ago - Oct 11, 1977

The 4077th, caught up in tension and nerves, creates a bonfire to release their pressure. Meanwhile, Sidney Freedman is depressed over a young soldier who blames him for his injuries, because Freedman had sent him back into combat.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 1
She's a pretty good observer, Winchester.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 2
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 3
Excuse me, sir. Mommy's got dinner ready, but I can't find my daddy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 4
- I got it. Smell this. - Oh, come on. Don't start with me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 5
I'll tell my daddy you did that. He's got big long hairy arms.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 6
- Look what you're doin'! You're hurting him! - I haven't done a thing!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 7
Sidney, wait up.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 8
Use the V.I.P. Tent. I'll discreetly direct a few of the loonier ones your way.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 9
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 10
If we had to burn every louse in this camp, we'd have to burn this camp.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 11
Sure. What's up?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 12
He touched his nose in surgery and won't admit it!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 13
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 14
with his laundered hankies and his monogrammed caviar.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 15
What do you think of him?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 16
I'll go now. I'm sure you have some sort of...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 17
[Chuckles] I would recommend, uh, treatment.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 18
No. Don't waste your clinical come-on with me, Doctor.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 19
Which I suppose you find, uh, very revealing, right?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 20
it could really be a nice little fire.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 21
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 22
Okay. If I'm not here, I've just gone dancing.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 23
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 24
Tom, you were able to walk back to the ridge because of the work we did together.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 25
Sorry I raised my voice back there, Doc.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 26
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 27
Well, this is a novel approach. Go on.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 28
And I ask myself...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 29
"How could she wear a peasant blouse with a tweed skirt?"
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 30
Now that's sane, right?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 31
And I ain't gonna. Period. That's it. I'm gettin' out.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 32
I hope you do get out someday.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 33
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 34
Well, you better slip it back off, Zale...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 35
Look, Colonel, they don't want to burn the whole camp, just carefully selected bits of it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 36
You are hereby directed to assemble one regulation, bon-type fire.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 37
- I think I'm goin' crazy. - Why is that?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 38
And when you told Klinger that it proved he was crazy 'cause he carried a teddy bear...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 39
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 40
That's okay though, 'cause I have a feeling I will.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 41
- I'm telling you as your doctor. You oughta think about it. - Well...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 42
He may let you ride with him back to Seoul. You interested?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 43
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 44
I'll never forget what it felt like being back in that foxhole...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 45
Well, he may do all right.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 46
Come in.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 47
- Who is your friend, Father? - You.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 48
But when I lose one, I've lost a mind.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 49
You've certainly done an admirable job here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 4 (S06E04) - 50
## [Fanfare]
Aired 47 years ago - Oct 04, 1977

Madness strikes as B.J. and his old friend Bardonaro play a series of practical jokes on each other, just as Bardonaro is about to leave Korea. Hawkeye gets the last laugh. He sends Bardonaro off without his traveling papers, and in a jeep with too little gas.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 1
Oh. Is your camel with you?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 2
My Toledo priest is working on that.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 3
- Cheese it, the cops. - Hawkeye.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 4
He's going to investigate B.J. Claims he's an impostor, not a doctor.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 5
- It goes on and on. - I think he's a spy.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 6
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 7
Come on. This is ridiculous. The army has all my credentials...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 8
The spy laughed, refusing both cigarette and blindfold.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 9
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 10
Uh... Just checking for a hand buzzer.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 11
Kid stuff. We gave that up 10 years ago.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 12
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 13
Hey, I had to say good-bye. Got my orders in my jacket. I'm heading stateside.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 14
Well, listen. I gotta cut it short.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 15
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 16
[Laughs] Oh, he gotcha!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 17
You see, Donald is a man, and you know how men are.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 18
- Here's the supply record. - Will you butt out! This is man talk!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 19
[Clears Throat] Uh, Captain Hunnicutt?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 20
[Chuckles] Bardonaro again.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 21
I'm afraid you'll have to come along, Captain.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 22
Bottle of scotch? How about a free operation? Appendix? Gallstones?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 23
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 24
- Oh, no, sir, camel. - Out.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 25
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 26
Ioud music with a bunch of bimbos.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 27
- Naked? - He, uh...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 28
You're gonna give in to a naked general when I got wounded in post-op?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 29
Don't worry, son. We'll have this cleared up before you know it.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 30
[Engine Starts]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 31
- Major, we've got a crisis! - So has Donald!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 32
Colonel, I'm begging you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 33
[Klinger Muttering, Trilling]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 34
Keep shouting like that, you'll break your glasses.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 35
Oh, sorry, ma'am, colonel's orders. No personal calls until after 1700 hours.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 36
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 37
- I'm sick of the army! - That's all in alphabetical order!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 38
He created an inordinate amount of smoke, interrupting my...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 39
I took some shell fragments out of a South Korean soldier.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 40
Colonel, did you witness this... company sock wash?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 41
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 42
There's one way to prove it. Put it on.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 43
- That miserable Bardonaro. - Ahh!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 44
Ah, you'll see him again. Remember when I took his coat?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 45
Get rid of this dead soldier, soldier.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 46
- Oh! - Say no more. You've convinced me.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 47
I didn't think so.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 48
It's always the other guy. [Trills]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 49
[Mock Laughing]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 50
Aired 47 years ago - Sep 27, 1977

Radar wants to become a man so Hawkeye recommends he goes to Seoul. On his way there he is hit by a mine. Hawkeye performs surgery on him. After surgery, Hawkeye goes to the Officers Club where he gets hammered. The next day he goes to surgery severely hung over. Radar tells Hawkeye he is disappointed in him. Hawkeye explodes and is then yelled at by Major Houlihan, Colonel Potter and Father Mulcahy. Radar and Hawkeye make up. Radar receives a Purple Heart. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 1
that he hadn't been a good boy in France.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 2
Find some nice lady who reminds you of your father and let nature take its course.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 3
Y-You mean actually go to Seoul and... you know?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 4
Okay. Okay.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 5
Oh, no, I'm going into Seoul to, uh...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 6
[B.J.] I want X rays here... pelvis and lumbar areas.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 7
B.J., it's Radar!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 8
What the hell was he doing out there in a Jeep anyway?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 9
Right. We're just carving turkeys.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 10
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 11
- I thought I killed him, you know? - I know.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 12
You start crying and sing "Somewhere over the Rainbow." Can we go home?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 13
from where comes Judy Garland, the Tin Man and Radar O'Reilly!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 14
[Man On P.A.] Rise and shine, folks. Incoming on the helipad.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 15
Good. Have my brain removed.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 16
Really, Charles, if that weren't so amusing, one might laugh.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 17
- Oh, where is the badinage of yesteryear? - Shut your hole, Charles!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 18
Hold it in. Stand on one foot like the rest of us.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 19
- What is it with him? - We got home kind of late last night.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 20
He's laying over an oil drum throwing up.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 21
- [Sighs] - It's incomprehensible to me that a surgeon of your caliber...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 22
God, I hate this place.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 23
Have you seen him today? He's doin' great.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 24
if they'd done what you did.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 25
Oh, I didn't know cornflowers was bloomin' yet.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 26
Has Hawkeye been around to check you over yet?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 27
never go driving in Korea without a steel parasol.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 28
I hear you had to leave the O.R. This morning.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 29
But I am, so I'm not allowed to be human. Is that it?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 30
And, gee, when you walk out on an operation...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 31
Don't you know what it's like to stand day after day in blood?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 32
and while you're at it, the hell with you!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 33
I don't know how it happened.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 34
Have a seat, Father.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 35
and you, you call him a ninny?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 36
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 37
- I think I must be, yes. - I think you are.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 38
Your behavior is incomprehensible... again!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 39
And you're doing fine. Really.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 40
I never got to say anything!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 41
Oh, yeah? Well, you can just forget it. Just forget it!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 42
So why don't you just crawl back in your bottle of booze and pickle yourself?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 43
- Yeah? - My, yes, I certainly do.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 44
Of course, I was 14 at the time. I wasn't a grown man like you are.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 45
Oh, that's okay, Radar. Rest your roster.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 46
Look, next week when you're up and walking around, you may run into Hawkeye...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 47
We'll see.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 48
Yeah, I've been staying away from the firewater, Rosie.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 49
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 50
Aired 47 years ago - Sep 20, 1977

After Maj. Margaret Houlihan-Penobscott leaves for her honeymoon, Maj. Frank Burns becomes very distraught, so Potter sends him on R&R. As they deal with the physical and psychological wounds in a heavy load of casualties, members of the 4077th wonder why Maj. Burns is late in returning from R&R and why Margaret returned from her honeymoon in a deep funk. Soon they learn that Maj. Burns has been arrested for antics with a general and his wife in Seoul; later, Hawkeye and BJ will discover that Margaret has already encountered marital troubles. Radar gets a temporary replacement for Maj. Burns: a Major Charles Emerson Winchester III. Maj. Winchester arrives at the 4077th, only to painfully discover that he's the permanent replacement after Frank Burns is thoroughly examined, uncannily acquitted, undeservingly promoted (to Lt. Colonel!!!), and quickly transferred to a VA hospital in Indiana. The Eye Of The Hawk and Beej struggle with Charles' conceit about his professionalism in OR, but they discover that he can take it as well as dish it out when it comes to practical jokes! MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 1
- Both testaments. - Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 2
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 3
So young.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 4
- Right hemothorax, full of blood. - Don't talk.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 5
- Local anesthetic, seven stitches. - Can't you find anything else?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 6
Klinger! This is crazy. I gotta get on the horn to "l" Corps.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 7
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 8
On his way to a Section Eight. He's down in Seoul flipping his beanie.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 9
- for teaching me this game. - Colonel?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 10
and get out to Colonel Potter at the 4077 th.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 11
- Major Houlihan! - [B.J.] Look who's here.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 12
Clamp. We need more suction.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 13
Hit the dirt!
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 14
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 15
Set me free and for the rest of your life, I'll bring you belly dancers...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 16
- Yeah, it looks that way. - So...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 17
No, just a well-built ship that crossed his wake. Have you got him locked up?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 18
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 19
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 20
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 21
Colonel, Dr. Berman is going into heart failure. He can hardly breathe.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 22
If you don't do this very carefully...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 23
You gotta admit though, these jokers'll make you laugh.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 24
He saw an officer and a blonde walking down the main drag.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 25
You... Frank is being transferred? You mean for good?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 26
Not an easy task. Each object holds such unpleasant memories.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 27
- Oh, come on. How does she look? - Beautiful. A goddess.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 28
- [Chuckles] - Terrible. Thank you.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 29
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 30
Oh, I'll give him a fond memory.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 31
Basic black before 5:00? Really.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 32
Here we are, for your refreshment pleasure...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 33
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 34
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 35
Well, I hope he's succinct. My jeep will be here momentarily.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 36
- That's ridiculous. - Of course it's ridiculous.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 37
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 38
a bombardier, a tank commander...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 39
B.J. Hey, thanks, Hawkeye.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 40
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 41
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 42
Winchester, you're not going anywhere.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 43
and I shall be delivered from this fetid and festering sewer.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 44
[Man Over P.A.] Attention, all personnel.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 45
- Finish! - You haven't made my bed.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 46
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 47
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 48
This is the rush hour, Major.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 49
[Hawkeye] I'll take him. Give him a magazine. I'll be right there.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 50