S20 E3
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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on Comedy Central

Season 20  "The Damned"  20x3

Aired 7 years ago - Sep 28, 2016

The police are investigating Cartman’s mysterious disappearance on social media; Gerald is thrilled with the media attention as he continues to troll everyone and anyone.

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Recap of South Park Season 20 Episode 3 (S20E03) - 2
It doesn't matter. He's coming.
Recap of South Park Season 20 Episode 3 (S20E03) - 3 #3 Recap of South Park Season 20 Episode 3 (S20E03) - 4 #4 Recap of South Park Season 20 Episode 3 (S20E03) - 5
I tried getting on community message boards and swaying people's minds,
Recap of South Park Season 20 Episode 3 (S20E03) - 6
Don't let him rattle you.
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The first presidential debate with moderator Lester Holt.
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but the fact of the matter is, I should not be president.
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She's... She's not as bad as you think. I promise.
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I am giving you this!
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She doesn't mean what she's saying.
Recap of South Park Season 20 Episode 3 (S20E03) - 12
The four of you were good friends with Eric Cartman,
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Now, because of the actions of one sexist, bigoted, racist troll...
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Come with me.
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I just saw a new poll that says more and more of you
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Don't you get it, Randy?
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at least he doesn't sound like another politician.
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I am not a good person for the White House.
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and trying to suck his dick!
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But, uh, now this troll is being copied by other trolls
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You weren't the only one.
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You do now.
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I'll seriously throw up and have lost all faith in humanity.
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I'm completely clueless how to proceed.
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is the apparent victim of extreme trolling once again.
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Paul, Danish women's volleyball champion Freja Ollengaurd
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Oh, my God.
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And he has a lot of the same emotions I do, you know?
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What the hell is wrong with people?!
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Completely confused and with shit for choices?
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As our ancestors did in days long ago,
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you must say its name.
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about how women are just as funny as men.
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I don't get it.
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I'll follow you.
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Yeah. Everyone wants memberberries these days.
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Oh, my God. There's this many?
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