S15 E7
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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on Comedy Central

Season 15  "You're Getting Old"  15x7

Aired 12 years ago - Jun 08, 2011

After Stan celebrates his 10th birthday, he begins to see everything differently. The other boys think he's become a major buzzkill and start to avoid hanging out with him. When Stan and Kyle have a major blow up, the very fabric of South Park begins to unravel.

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Recap of South Park Season 15 Episode 7 (S15E07) - 2
Oh, come on. That music sounds like shit.
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It's just vulgar and stupid you know.
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'Tween Wave is sweat
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That's our music. We like it.
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and tell us which one you think is real music.
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Turn it off, dude.
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Dude, have you really listened to the sixth track?
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I don't like it at all, Kyle.
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No. I mean it sounds like somebody is shitting in my ears.
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And what about food?
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and all that stuff develops and changes.
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Yeah, dude, it's just shit.
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You don't see any difference in the pictures?
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and thinks that seemed shitty as a child don't seem as shitty.
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and everything they say just starts to...
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Get out of my room. I'm listening to my music.
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It's called getting older, Randy,
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No, you just don't understand 'Tween Wave because you're old.
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They call at the 'Tweens.
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It's like some kind of britches holocaust.
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We're going up to level detective.
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Okay, I know, how about we go to the mall?
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because I do love 'Tween Wave so much.
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That's there Steamy Nicks.
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and they're all sick.
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No, I didn't lie to you... I was gonna...
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Everything is "that loks like shit" and "this is shitty".
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I won't say a word.
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Adam Sandler is Jill.
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It's Adam Sandler in...
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No, they're penguins. Stop it!
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Hang on, guys.
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Look, Stan, maybe we should just...
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and that's supposed to be my fault?
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it's our best chance to save them britches.