S3 E20

Season 3  "The Last Walt"  3x20

Aired 12 years ago - Apr 18, 2012

A visit from Cameron's father features an awkward dinner for Jay and Gloria at Mitchell and Cameron's house. Claire helps Luke face the death of an older neighbor, Phil and Alex have a father-daughter bonding experience. Haley throws a party without permission.

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Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 2
Yes, I thought of a chaperone--
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 3
I've built beds my whole life--
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 4 #4 Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 5
Oh, I missed a call from my dad.
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 6
in all of Hell's Hollow, Missouri.
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Yeah. Yeah, 6:00. We're really looking forward to it.
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 8
Okay, look, between you and me,
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 9
Not Jay. The guy rubs me the wrong way.
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 10 #10 Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 11
No, it's just sad.
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 12
You never took Alex on a pony ride.
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 13 #13 Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 14
Did that guy steal Morrie's TV?
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 15
but I... I might have fallen behind a bit with Alex.
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wait for the light to be just right, say a few words.
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I would've taken that phone with the big buttons.
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You know you can talk to me.
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and say, "your dad's one lucky man," he was wrong.
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fire extinguisher, burn kit.
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Oh, this was a delicious meal, Mitchell.
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- Oh! - Oh, you didn't need to, dad.
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I know. I know. You gotta do homework.
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or--or "the time we drove 100 miles
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the sound of a pin dropping could induce labor.
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I would make the buildings, and he would inspect them.
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Got 17 stitches.
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It's Cameron, actually-- has the high laugh.
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Oh, man. I'm sorry I doubted Jay.
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Oh, it's--I-I could see that, but, you know,
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My dad's got it.
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you wanna take a minute and say what Walt meant to you?
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Oh. Hi, Luke. Where's Walt?
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No. He had a heart attack.
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He's in the hospital?
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I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just found out my face does this.
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It goes right here.
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Yeah. That's...
Recap of Modern Family Season 3 Episode 20 (S03E20) - 44
Okay, it's "go" time.
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No. It's about what he didn't do when he was alive--
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There'll be there forever.
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I really wanna help, but you know when someone yawns,
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What? What's that face?
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Mitch has a more slender wrist
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