S17 E10
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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on Comedy Central

Season 17  "The Hobbit"  17x10

Aired 10 years ago - Dec 11, 2013

When Wendy tries to prove a point about how much pressure little girls feel to look like celebrities, it gets her in trouble with everyone at school, and gets Clyde a new girlfriend.

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Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 1
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 2
You did! You said Kim is short, fat, with big hairy feet and she's a hobbit.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 3
Have you stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe...
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 4
And you're gonna have to find that line because nobody likes a girl who's jelly.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 5
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh, that's right. - Uh-oh.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 6
Now, there've been malicious rumors started at this elementary school
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 7
Yes, she has a friend named Gandalf who happens to be a wizard.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 8
Okay. If my fiancée Kim is a hobbit,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 9
in her room that is slightly below ground.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 10
No, I know, you just you smoke that long pipe sometimes when you sit by the fire.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 11
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 12
This is Lisa Burger's class photo, right?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 13
streamline the shoulders, put highlights in the eyes and... there.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 14
- ...and then go tell her I love her. - Butters!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 15
Uh, Butters, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 16
- Wow, she's hot. - Yeah, we just started dating seriously.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 17
Yeah, dude. She looks amazing. Clyde sent me her pics.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 18
She's fat and ugly.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 19
Girls that don't have what you have will always put you down.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 20
Just maybe I should have you sent off to Jelly School.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 21
but she better watch her jelly behavior
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 22
Uh, Wendy, I'm just trying to make you understand
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 23
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 24
If my fiancée is a hobbit, then, um...
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 25
She must be a beautiful sexy woman!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 26
If she was here you could all see for yourself how beautiful she is,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 27
I got it. Yup. Let me tell them. Love you too.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 28
'cause I'm making a fool of myself out here.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 29
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 30
Nobody here is jelly but the boys don't even notice the rest of us any more.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 31
Don't be sad. If you want to look really hot, like me,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 32
Get right up there.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 33
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 34
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 35
No way, go back to Annie Nelson. She's built like a slim-Jim.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 36
- Hey, Wendy, can I ask you a big favor? - What?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 37
- You have short legs. - I do?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 38
Wendy, in my office, right now, mkay?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 39
♪ On occasion she hangs out ♪ ♪ with dwarf friends. ♪
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 40
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 41
♪ My girl ain't no hobbit. Please, God, ♪ ♪ tell me I ain't engaged to no hobbit ♪
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 42
Lisa Burger.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 43
I don't think so. We don't wanna cheer with a hater!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 44
What are you gonna do?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 45
and tomorrow will speak before the State Senate to ban the use of Photoshop images,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 46
And you're not just being a hater.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 47
OK, because I do understand that the Jelly School in Aurora
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 48
That's fine! People can call me whatever names they want to. I don't care!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 49
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 50
And all the hobbit ever wanted was to be beautiful.

Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 2
You did! You said Kim is short, fat, with big hairy feet and she's a hobbit.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 3
Have you stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe...
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 4
And you're gonna have to find that line because nobody likes a girl who's jelly.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 5
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh, that's right. - Uh-oh.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 6
Now, there've been malicious rumors started at this elementary school
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 7
Yes, she has a friend named Gandalf who happens to be a wizard.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 8
Okay. If my fiancée Kim is a hobbit,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 9
in her room that is slightly below ground.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 10
No, I know, you just you smoke that long pipe sometimes when you sit by the fire.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 11 #11 Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 12
This is Lisa Burger's class photo, right?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 13
streamline the shoulders, put highlights in the eyes and... there.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 14
- ...and then go tell her I love her. - Butters!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 15
Uh, Butters, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 16
- Wow, she's hot. - Yeah, we just started dating seriously.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 17
Yeah, dude. She looks amazing. Clyde sent me her pics.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 18
She's fat and ugly.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 19
Girls that don't have what you have will always put you down.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 20
Just maybe I should have you sent off to Jelly School.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 21
but she better watch her jelly behavior
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 22
Uh, Wendy, I'm just trying to make you understand
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 23 #23 Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 24
If my fiancée is a hobbit, then, um...
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 25
She must be a beautiful sexy woman!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 26
If she was here you could all see for yourself how beautiful she is,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 27
I got it. Yup. Let me tell them. Love you too.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 28
'cause I'm making a fool of myself out here.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 29 #29 Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 30
Nobody here is jelly but the boys don't even notice the rest of us any more.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 31
Don't be sad. If you want to look really hot, like me,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 32
Get right up there.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 33 #33 Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 34 #34 Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 35
No way, go back to Annie Nelson. She's built like a slim-Jim.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 36
- Hey, Wendy, can I ask you a big favor? - What?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 37
- You have short legs. - I do?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 38
Wendy, in my office, right now, mkay?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 39
♪ On occasion she hangs out ♪ ♪ with dwarf friends. ♪
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 40
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 41
♪ My girl ain't no hobbit. Please, God, ♪ ♪ tell me I ain't engaged to no hobbit ♪
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 42
Lisa Burger.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 43
I don't think so. We don't wanna cheer with a hater!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 44
What are you gonna do?
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 45
and tomorrow will speak before the State Senate to ban the use of Photoshop images,
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 46
And you're not just being a hater.
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 47
OK, because I do understand that the Jelly School in Aurora
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 48
That's fine! People can call me whatever names they want to. I don't care!
Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 49 #49 Recap of South Park Season 17 Episode 10 (S17E10) - 50
And all the hobbit ever wanted was to be beautiful.