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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on Comedy Central

Season 10

Aired 17 years ago - Nov 15, 2006

Stan becomes coach of a Pee Wee Hockey team and for the benefit of one his players he tries to make them into a team of winners. Meanwhile his father deals with the memory of Stan’s performance in a Pee Wee hockey game from years earlier, when Stan had the opportunity to score the game winning goal.

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Now we just need to kind of organize a little bit and practice our-
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Coach, Wooden spit on my forehead! - I did not!
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No, he has cancer.
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Coach, why do people get cancer?
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Gavin Throttle, coach of the Adams County team. - Hey.
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Your mother's been worried sick and I've been watching TV!
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Have you forgotten what happened all those years ago?
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I crapped 'em! Oh me I crapped 'em!
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Time is running out. Stan Marsh with a chance to win!
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It was like I was living ti all over again.
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Our little Nelson, he's...
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Stop it, Jack! He doesn't mean to take it out on you, coach.
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Will you talk to him, coach? He looks up to you.
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Oh uh, hey Nelson.
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I'm not sure.
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But everyonen does it. I mean, it's not like everyone else gets to live
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That game tonight? I'm gonna be watching, so...
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Coach, can I talk to you for a second? - Come to surrender, coach?
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All right, guys, listen. I saw Nelson in the hospital and he asked me one thing:
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Relax! If we lose we're not gonna be murderers.
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They look pretty strong, coach. I think Nelson's gonna die for sure.
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And that's the end of the game. The result is a tie.
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And now, he's about to find out that tying isn't the same as winning.
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My cancer hurts.
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Wow. At the Pepsi Center?
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One chance, to make everything right.
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All right! Maybe there is hope for me.
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We can't beat Denver County. - Well, sure we can.
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We need a Canadian.
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It's just for one game. He won't get hurt, I promise.
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I can't... sit there in that same crowd and watch you destroy yourself again.
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And now please put your hands together for three minutes of exhibition play
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So let's not let him down. Are you with me?!
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So then we win?
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Yeah. Let 'em play the Red Wings.
Aired 17 years ago - Nov 08, 2006

Last week, in an attempt to make his wait for the Wii instantaneous, Cartman froze himself. Through a bizarre twist of fate, he woke up 500 years in the future, where there are warring factions, some angry sea otters, and worst of all: No Nintendo Wii! Will Cartman get out of this crazy future? Or will he be doomed to never get his hands on the Wii? MORE -LESS

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I want this Nintendo hooked up to my float screen now!
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There's gotta be some way to hook it up! It's the freakin' future!
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I'll tell you what's wrong! I've been waiting 500 years to play the Nintendo Wii!
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Fellow atheists, the time child has returned with information on our sworn enemies
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Their Science is flawed! Their answer to the Great Question is different from ours.
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The United Atheist Alliance is about to send out all its defense ships
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No! Our answer to the Great Question is the only logical one.
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You have to be a dick to everyone who doesn't think like you.
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My monvert's never looked so clean.
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New, from Blasbro, it's Crank Prank Time Phone!
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Crank Prank, Crank Prank Time Phone.
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Making anything other than crank calls to the past could affect the present
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Bark bark. That call is for crank calling only.
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Come on! Come on!
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All right, that'll be 6000 credits.
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Bark bark, I'm sorry, Eric, bark bark.
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from this guy in the past week.
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For when the United Atheist League attacks the United Atheist Alliance
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And I will personally kill the Time Child and eat his entrails on my tummy!
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Oh. Is Mrs. Wall there?
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Yeah. - That was a great one!
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All right, just let me use my tools...
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Silence, otters!
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Science, reason, is that really all there is?
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How reasonable is it to eat off wood instead of your tummy?
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Who knows? Maybe, just believing in God
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No, no, I have me. All right, all right, listen!
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Very funny, Kyle! - It's not Kyle, it's you!
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Eric, are you playing a joke on me again?
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But, you're telling me not to go with you.
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Right before you left for Butters' house, you drank a buncha Ovaltine
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May Science give us the courage to do what we must!
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Then begin the attack! Science be praised.
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so I think maybe you're the only person who can understand this.
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I will. I will suck your balls, Kyle.
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Eric, I really think you should stop calling the past.
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The United Atheist League is bombing the city! We're defenseless!
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What are you otters doing?! This is our attack!
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Unified Atheist League is the most logical name.
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Why is everyone in my past so stupid that they think I'm crank-calling them?!
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Oh yeah! Yeah, I'm a monkey!
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I need to speak to Mr. Garrison right now!
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Aired 17 years ago - Nov 01, 2006

The topic of evolution is introduced to the 4th graders of South Park Elementary and while their teacher is against the theory a change of mind has implications for the future. And speaking of the future, Cartman is trying to send himself there; to the exact date that the newest video game console, the Nintendo Wii is being released.

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You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys havin' buttsex with a fish-squirrel!
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Well there's nothing you can do, so you just have to be patient.
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you guys can unfreeze me.
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After everthing we've been through together, you guys won't even help me freeze myself!
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We have worked years to instill the teachings of Jesus Christ into our daughter
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Well, I told you. We should leave evolution out of the classrooms.
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You are to sit in class and help Mr. Dawkins with whatever he needs!
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It was changes in hereditary traits that allowed the first mammals to breath in the air.
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Like changing us to the point that we walk upright.
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Doesn't that bother you a little?
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Don't ask me, I'm a fuckin' monkey!
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This woman is very opinionated but, she does care about her students.
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Look, I know you think we're at war, but I want you to know I admire your passion.
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So much boldness in a woman. So beautiful.
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I've got a date!
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they'll try to unfreeze me right away.
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All right, you got the spot figured out? You're not gonna lose where I am, right?
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It's almost like you're one of the guys.
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Why is someone as outspoken as you given themselves over to the whole God thing?
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God is a spaghetti monster. Oh thank you, jeez!
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There is no great mystery to life, just evolution and God's a spaghetti monster!
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Yeah, pound my monkey hole, Richard! Yeah, I'm a monkey all right!
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I don't care! Is there a Nintendo Wii!
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Couldn't evolution be the answer to how and not the answer to why?
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I've just never seen a woman with such... balls.
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No Muslims killing Jews, no Christians bombing abortion clinics.
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Oh, all right.
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Yes! Now the world shall feel the wrath of Professor Chaos!
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General Disarray, can I ask you a scientific question?
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When you wake up three weeks later you can be unfrozen, but you're still dead.
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Oh my God.
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Come on, we have to leave! - Oh jumping Jesus!
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What? Really? Yes! Yes!
Aired 17 years ago - Oct 25, 2006

Satan is throwing the world's biggest Halloween costume party, and no one is getting in without a blue wrist band. Unfortunately, even Satan can't plan for everything as a religious organization and the antics of the most notorious serial killers of all time might ruin his good time.

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No! Don't do it! - What's the big deal, Kyle?
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I've done it lots of times. - Prove it!
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that people in Hell can't get wristbands.
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You've never thrown a party of this magnitude before, Satan.
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He is bringing Hell here to Los Angeles and from what we understand.
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His party must be stopped.
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We'll see how long Satan's party lasts... after the fire marshal shows up.
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Honestly, why do let him watch that darn Black Entertainment Channel?
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But we're probably gonna want security at the dimensional vortex gate.
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Oh yeah, P. Diddy had his birthday party here a couple years back and he had one of those.
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Only it isn't a Ferrari... It's a cake. And everyone gets a piece.
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When everyone sees the Ferrari cake, they will shudder and know my greatness!
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Ted Bundy!
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to pick up Satan's Ferrari cake and deliver it to the W Hotel!
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I'm in hell, mindin' my own business and the next thing I know
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Well damn, nigga, there's gotta be some way!
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Yeah, it's okay, but everyone thinks Zazul's schoolgirl costume is hotter.
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And what about my Ferrari cake?! Where's the Ferrari cake?!
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We got that flatbed.
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Did your son say anything before he disappeared, Mrs. Stotch?
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I can do it. It just got... look, it just doesn't matter, because it's not true.
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Yo dawg, keep it down.
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Here he is, the man of the night, Satan!
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I need to make a complaint to the fire marshal.
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It was never delivered to the hotel.
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Dahmer! Stop havin' sex with them intestines!
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Cut it! Come here ya.
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What's the matter with you?! It's ruined!
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You are not gonna believe what's coming for desert!
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Not as sorry as you're gonna be, if I completely miss the party!
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Cool this, sucka!
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Yeah? Why'd you quit? - There weren't enough Italians to eat.
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How's that? - Hey! Leave him alone!
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He can't do it, he can't do it. - All right, be quiet.
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It's okay! It's okay! I found a backup!
Aired 17 years ago - Oct 18, 2006

Cartman, South Park Elementary’s new hallway monitor, takes it personally when he finds out that a teacher has been kissing a student in his jurisdiction. He helps Kyle stop his little brother’s affair with his “Nice” hot teacher.

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Here you go. - I don't think that's really necessary.
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Ike, could you stay just a few minutes please?
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Even though, I do admire you.
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And I can't fight this feelin' anymore
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Baby, I cant fight this feelin' anymore
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They'll say our love is wrong, but we can't let anybody know,they'll never understand.
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Or you can see the light, brah.
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Hold on, please. You don't understand.
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He loves me and only me. And I know I'm a godness to him.
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Yeah, except maybe it's not perfectly great.
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Mommy, I love you, I love you.
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Ex... excuse me.
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You did the right thing telling the police, Brad. Now, who is the teacher? What's his name?
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Hey! He's totally under age! She's taking advantage of him!
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Guys, can I talk to you? - Sure, dude.
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Yeah, I got bigger things to deal with.
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Well there doing it. - Well, yeah now it's personal.
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Oh, Ike. I just had to have an second alone with you.
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I dont need an hallpass, I'm a teacher.
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"Ike, I long to feel your arms around me?"
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You just dealt with the dog, bitch!
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Yeah, I know.
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Ike, I didn't tell on you. You got busted by the hallway monitor.
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Your dead to me, Kyle!
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Looks like the defendant and her lawyer are about to give a statement, Tom.
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I know my actions were wrong, but I cannot be fully to blame.
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But when I drink, the alcohol makes me say and do things I normally wouldn't do.
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Goodluck, ma'am! You can beat your alcoholism!
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Was there ever an history of sexual abuse in your family?
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I think we should go to Milan. Like we always talked about.
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Damnit, where were all these sexed-up teachers when I was a kid?!
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There you are. What are you doing? You giving up, brah?!
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I am the Dawg, the big bad Dawg!
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Ike, is that all you're gonna do is watch TV?
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Beth found out they have a room at the Airport Hilton. We need to search it.
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Aired 17 years ago - Oct 11, 2006

Cartman reveals who masterminded the attacks of 9/11, while Kyle and Stan search for the real truth; meanwhile Mr. Mackey just wants to know who dropped the deuce in the urinal.

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Will you shut up about 9/11! - Kyle, why are you so afraid of the truth?!
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Butters, you don't really believe that, do you?
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I can't believe that everyone here is just buying into what they're told by the media!
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I just can't blindly accept their version.
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What really happened On 9/11?
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Okay, thank you, Leroy, thanks for sharing your dumb little frog with the class.
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my shocking Powerpoint report on the truth...
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but now look at this photo of the Pentagon. The hole is not nearly big enough.
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and there are nine members on Silverstein's board of directors.
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just like the toilet yesterday where womebody went number two instead of number one!
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But probably the most damning of all is the evidence seen in this photo of Tower 2!
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Hello bubbe, how was school today? - Terrible.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 9 (S10E09) - 15
Well, what really happened?
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dropped a dookie in the school urinal and there's still no explanation for that!
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you walk into the bathroom just to find a big dook laying there in the urinal!
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we need to find out who was behind 9/11 once and for all!
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So that's about the long and short of it, Hardly Boys.
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Yeah, I'm totally getting a clue.
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Do you mind telling me why CIA guys are coming to my house and questioning me about you?
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There's just one thing I need to know before we go: you weren't responsible for 9/11, right?
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And maybe, maybe you think it's a victimless crime.
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He's gotta clean up puke with sawdust, m'kay.
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Oh, you think it's funny, huh?! - Mr. Mackey!
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Dude, why would the government attack its own buildings?
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There's a lot of holes in the Theory of Evolution too, it doesn't mean it's wrong.
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It's Anthrax. - Anthrax?!
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You got a whole school here, Clyde! M'kay?
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propped up against the back of the urinal like a brown rag doll!
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There's something you should know...
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You think we don't know your name?! We know everything! We control everything!
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We have the majority of them kept in blissful ignorance.
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Too late.
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All I had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers.
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It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly-executed ever, ever.
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Finally we could invade Iraq and get the oil which made us all richer than before.
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Dangit I missed again! - For Christ's sake, Cheney!
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Because Clyde had a colostomy at age 5. 'Kay?
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and squeeze out a chocolate hot dog... m'kay?
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Maybe... maybe pullin' your buttcheeks apart with your hands, m'kay.
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All right, now we have to switch over to Interbus 65.
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I mean, it seems like it would be pretty hard to escape from the White House
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Come back here!
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Who the fuck are you?! - There's no time! come on!
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Not me. My mystery-solving sons. Come on in, boys.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 9 (S10E09) - 50
I was getting a clue like every two minutes.
Aired 17 years ago - Oct 04, 2006

A renegade player threatens the Massively Multiplayer Online game World of Warcraft and the fate of the game lay in the hands of Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny.

Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 1
Somebody in the World of Warcraft is ignoring the World's rules...
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that he has reached a level we thought unreachable.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 3
No... no.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 4
Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone here who...
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 5
Not now, Nelson. I just joined a big party of night elves
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 6
In the outside world, I'm a simple geologist,
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Why? Why?!
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But, if we all log in together, we might have a chance.
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and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 10
So what's the p-plan?
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Yeah, but I'm playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 12
All right, you guys, this is it!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 13
This shall be a day for all to remember!
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Well, there's only like four races to choose from-
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Prepare to charge!
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Hey, Stan, can I play with you guys?
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How many people's characters were in there?
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Gentlemen, this could very well lead to the end of the World... of Warcraft.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 23
What the hell are you guys doing?
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What if we were super-high level too?
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Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall!
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A hope? - A chance.
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Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
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Live to win
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they have a 90% mortality probability.
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What is this sword?
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But the sword was considered to be too powerful for anyone to possess.
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Let's just hope to Christ they don't start the battle before we can reach them.
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Uh, Kyle, go ahead and cast Arcane Brilliance to raise our intelligence.
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Don't worry, I have that covered.
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At that moment, I will use intimidating shout.
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Everyone target the scorpions.
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Kyle! Dude, what's wrong?
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I can't. Just leave me behind.
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So what?!
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I have a Warcraft character.
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 49
No, I d- I need to play World of Warcraft!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 8 (S10E08) - 50
It's okay.
Aired 18 years ago - May 03, 2006

When Cartman's mom realizes she can't control her son anymore, she gets help from an expert. Cesar Millan, “The Dog Whisperer" takes on the challenge and while he might have what it takes, Eric Cartman's not going down without a fight.

Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 1
Mom, I want a Twinkie. - All, all right dear.
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Right. Then I'm going to have to take it.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 3
All right, that's it! You're going to time-out!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 4
Whoa, how did I do that?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 5
Eric, you need to understand why you are being punished. All right?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 6
All right! I've dealt with this before! We just need to use psychology on him!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 7
Are you feeling angry at me because you think I'm here to change your life?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 8
Well, I'm feeling confused, because I don't understand why you became a nanny.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 9
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Why you, you... you little bastard! How dare you?!
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Find yourself another nanny... televison show!
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This child's behavior is totally unacceptable!
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I'm afraid Super Nanny is in a deep state of mental psychosis.
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We've been through every nanny reality show on television.
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I rehabilitate dogs, I train people.
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So the child needs to learn that he's not the most important person in the house.
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Don't look at the child, just keep looking at me.
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See, I'm not validating his bad behavior with either negative or positive response.
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Ey! You think this is funny, you sonofabitch?
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learning he's supposed to follow you, not lead you.
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And one dog is always dominant, the pack leader.
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What I have done is I have brought over some Kentucky Fried Chicken.
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Okay, I'm fine. I'm cool now. May I have some chicken please?
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Oh, dear.
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All right, that's fine! Butters, I'll crash with you.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 30
Och! Well, I guess now we see just how supportive friends can be!
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Hey Jimmy. You're not gonna believe this, but... I ran away from home.
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This is bullcrap! Mom'll break soon. I can outlast her.
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Look what I did, Eric. I learned how to make Sumie paintings.
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Come on, Ms. Cartman, you must become pack leader.
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Shoulder back, head high, don't reason with it
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He's never done this before.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 40
Eric, I want you to go upstairs and brush your teeth.
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You are the pack leader now. - I am the pack leader!
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and have a nice lunch on a Saturday afternoon with a friend before.
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When you correct the behavior, eventually you will see a change in the personality.
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She doesn't let me wear whatever I want anymore. Things have really gotten out of hand!
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Dude, don't kill your mom. That's not cool.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 47
Well I can't kill her. I'm too obvious a suspect.
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Oh! Well how about I do everything?! How does that sound?!
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 26, 2006

While assisting an ex-Vice President in his quest for attention, the boys get trapped by a cave-in and while searching for a way out, Cartman discovers treasure. Now he has to figure out how to get out of the cave without the others knowing about it and he can keep it all for himself.

Aired 18 years ago - Apr 19, 2006

Towelie writes a book and it gets selected for Oprah’s book club. It becomes a best seller with everyone getting a lot help for their addictions; until a faction of Oprah's staff leak the truth about the book.

Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 1
Now what am I gonna do?
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But you have to think of somethin' fast, an' gettin' high makes you smart.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 3
Hey. Hey, wait a minute. Of course! That's it! Why didn't I think of it before?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 4
I thought I was somehow stronger and more immune than other towels... people.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 5
It's heartbreaking passages like this one:
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 6
No. If I was a towel, why would I be wearing this hat, an' this fake mustache?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 7
Once in a while I come across a book that is sooo honest
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A life that kept getting up whenever it was down.
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She'd pet me for hours usin' every finger.
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Wow. I'm gonna get super-rich now.
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Can't take it anymore. All she ever does is work work work,
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You think you've go' it bad? Oprah hasn't paid any attention to me in years.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 16
Werkin' and werkin', diyatin' and not diyatin'.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 17
That bloke on the show today, the one Oprah supported.
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'Ow do we get proof? - We get somebody else to do it.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 19
I've got some information for you ya might find interestin'.
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What'd 'e say? - He wants to know what information we have.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 21
Hallo? - Who ith thith?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 22
The writer of the book on Oprah's Book of the Month Club is a phonih.
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 24
How are you tonight, Steven?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 25
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 26
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 27
and you've just spent two weeks supporting a lying racist towel.
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And her Gary too.
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 31
Just come on the show and explain in a very level-headed way
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 32
No! Wait a minute!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 33
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 34
Now, it turns out that your name isn't really Steven.
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It's like...
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They bought your book thinking it was true!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 37
You will not get away with this!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 38
Audience, if you look under your seats, you'll find your very own torches!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 39
Our plan is ruined!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 40
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 41
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 42
What is going on?!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 43
Not like this, Mingie. Not like this!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 44
Oh God, I think I'm goinna be sick eh.
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You hostages aren't goin' anywhere till we get what we want!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 46
I'm not gettin' high this time!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 47
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 49
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 50
Aw Mingie, I'm soo scared.
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 12, 2006

With Kyle left behind, Cartman makes his way to FOX to get the Family Guy episode pulled, hoping to ultimately get rid of the show once and for all.

Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 1
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...starting in a small town in central Colorado.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 3
I'm serious.
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Bin Laden went on to say that if Family Guy shows the image of Muhammad as planned,
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Pretty soon the show is compromised and it goes off the air.
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I could do that.
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Unfortunately, Mohammed will appear uncensored on Family Guy tonight at seven.
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Suffice it to say that they will not be persuaded by the possibility of violence.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 11
Mr. President, can't you force the Family Guy writing staff not to write anything about Mohammed?
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Forgive me, Mr. President,
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 14
All right, let's get this over with.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 15
my father worked for a newspaper in my native country of Denmark.
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 17
Sir, if we pull the episode, the Family Guy writing staff will refuse to work again.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 18
If he can scare them like he has us, maybe we can pull the Muhammad episode after all.
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I hope you succeed, kid.
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 22
Hello Mitchell. - Oh hi, Miss Travis.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 23
Yes, I'm totally excited. Family Guy is so funny.
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What are they?
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Each ball has a verb, noun or pop culture reference written on it.
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Loundry Date, Winning, Mexico, Gary Coleman.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 27
Waitwaitaminute waitaminute. These manatees demanded that Muhammad be shown?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 28
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 29
Anyway, the president of the network wanted you to speak with the manatees.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 30
They're the only mammals that are completely unmoved by terrorst threats.
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You fat sun of a bitch!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 32
Did it work? Did you scare the network into pulling the episode?
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That's emotional character development based on what's happening in the storyline!
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We don't know, Mr. President. They just stopped working.
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If you don't my saying, I think you asked for this.
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It's time I stop letting these primadonna manatees tell me what to do!
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 38
Aw, God damnit, you gave him one of your gay little speeches, didn't you?!
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 41
No more tmieouts, fatass! - Time out! Time out! Time out, Kyle!
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No hitting- No hitting in the balls!
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Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04) - 45
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He only wants you to pull it because he knows it will be the end of Family Guy forever!
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You mean... the manatees aren't trying to run the network?
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Okay, I'll make it easy for you
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I can't be responsible for people getting hurt. Especially me.
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Aired 18 years ago - Apr 05, 2006

Cartman and Kyle are at war over the popular cartoon, Family Guy. Kyle loves it and Cartman hates it. When the show airs some controversial content the boys go on a cross country chase with the fate of Family Guy lying with the first boy to reach Hollywood.

Aired 18 years ago - Mar 29, 2006

Stan is the driving force who gets the citizens of South Park to all buy hybrid cars. Just as everyone starts to feel really good about what they’re doing to help save the earth, a stormy dark mass has started accumulating over the town.

Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 1
There, like that! Stop that!
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 2
Dad, Ike and I have been talking, and well, we feel that your new car is changing you.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 3 to become alienated from some of your friends.
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We need to be where everyone is motivated and progressive like us!
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Going away party? What do you mean?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 6
Hey Eric, where is Kyle?
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 7
Come on, everyone! Let's sing! Nanana na!
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Well... Maybe they'll change.
Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 9
I will. I will get everyone to drive hybrid cars! I swear it!
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Well? What do you think, huh?
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Oh it's gorgeous. These old houses are so neat.
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and our daughter, Mindy McDonahue-Beaumont-McCallahan.
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Why do you want Kyle back? Don't you see how awesome it is without him?
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Come on, people. Come on, people now.
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Come on now, people now people now
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People-driving-hybrid people now
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Yeah, I guess it's up to us to show everyone the way. Good for you!
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Everyone else is just ignorant, m'kay?
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for making South Park the city with the highest percentage of hybrid owners in the country!
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Great speech!
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That isn't smog, it's smug!
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to develop over most of Park and Jefferson Counties.
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Oh. Sure.
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Oh, no thanks. We don't do that stuff.
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Yeah. You're right.
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These two smug clouds are combining, fueling each other.
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the smug from his acceptance speech has been slowly drifting north since he gave it...
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South Park still has a chance to make it through the storm!
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we're gonna witness a storm the likes of which we've never seen.
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Yeah. Good going, stupid!
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We've gotta destroy every hybrid car in town!
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How long do we have until the smug clouds collide?
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Wow, Eric. You sure are a great guy for doing this.
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I swore I would never set foot in San Francisco.
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I will. You're really great for going to warn Kyle, Eric.
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They're dropping, slowly, but... but we're running out of time!
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I've started to enter the smug. I'm about a quarter mile in. Can you give me an EL?
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That's it! Eric, hurry! Somethin's goin' on out here!
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The acid. Dude, I'm totally tripping balls.
Aired 18 years ago - Mar 22, 2006

The town is excited when Chef returns to town after world traveling with the “Super Adventure Club,” but the boys notice something is different about Chef. It seems that Chef’s new sense of adventure has gotten the better of him and the boys try to save him.

Recap of South Park Season 10 Episode 1 (S10E01) - 1
Great to have you back. Bye-bye. Seeya Chef. See you later. Bye.
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Did Chef seem a little, uh, trippy to you?
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Oh boy oh boy, I can't wait to have Chef's lunch food again.
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I gotta... I gotta go.
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Come on, children! You're my sexual fantasy.
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We have some information that all this time Chef has been and still is a pedophile.
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Did Chef ever touch any of you... here?
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Something funny is going on around here!
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Hello there, children!
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I specializes in your asshole, Kyle.
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Maybe he hit his head or, or got stuck in some quantum time vortex.
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Right this way.
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Tally ho! - Indeed!
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Yes, what else would we do?
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Then it's off to the mighty Himalayas, where we will climb K-2
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on the plane rides over to these places.
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is because he's been brainwashed! By this fruity little club!
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I just like to make love up your butt.
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He joined the Super Adventure Club
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Why, yes, I have two young boys.
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it can take months, even years, to reverse the process.
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Would you like to daaance? - No thanks.
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Put your hands together for... Spantaneous Bootay!
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He's remembering.
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Tally ho, lads! I must say you're starting to become quite a thorn in my balls.
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But why do you need Chef?!
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Very well. I'm now going to tell you the secret of the Super Adventure Club.
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But every time he got somewhere, he realized that other explorers had beat him to it.
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and the first explorer to bugger all the underage mountainfolk of Nepal.
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And when an adult has sex with a child, the marlocks implode,
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Do you realize how retarded that sounds?
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I'm afraid we're going to have to...
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Okay, you know how like, when you want people to leave but they won't leave,
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Come on, Chef! - I can't... break these locks.
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Because their lives have become dull and empty!
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Chef, we love you.
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A mountain lion!
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You bastards.