S2 E17
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2 years ago
Sundays 9:30 PM on FOX

Season 2  "He's Too Sexy For His Fat"  2x17

Aired 24 years ago - Jun 27, 2000

Due to Brian's embarrassing flea problem, the Griffin's move into a hotel while the house if fumigated. Lois and Peter soon discover that Chris has been skipping gym class because he's self-conscious about his body. Peter tries to talk Chris into getting liposuction, while Lois starts preparing him special low fat meals. Stewie starts taunting Chris by eating everything in sight, and starts packing on the baby fat. Even though Chris isn't up for surgery, Peter decides to go for it. The new, svelte Peter has Lois all hot and bothered. Peter loves the results of his lipo and decides to have some work done on his face. The new, handsome Peter starts getting all sorts of special treatment: at the gym, at the grocery store, even from total strangers. Lois doesn't like the new Peter's attitude, especially when he joins "The Beautiful People's Club." Karma catches up to Peter while he's on his way to the club. Unable to take his eyes off himself, Peter plunges his car over a cliff. The nasty fall - and subsequent crash-landing into a large vat of lard - leaves him horribly disfigured (ie: back to normal).

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Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 1
Oh, come on. He'll call back.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 2
Mom, there's fleas all over the house!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 3
We got a 602 at 31 Spooner Street!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 4
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 5
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 6
- They're in the carpet! - Got one over here!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 7
We pray.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 8
Well, you might wanna bring some cash, cos some places don't take credit cards.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 9
Oh, my. What a lovely room. Oh, and it's so clean.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 10
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 11
This is marvellous! I feel like a young Johnny Weissmuller!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 12
If I wanted to embarrass him, I'd do somethin' like this.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 13
- This is my son. - Oh. My apologies.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 14
I say, hello! You there! I'm ready to get out! Somebody!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 15
like your great-great-great-uncle Jabba the Griffin.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 16
Don't listen to your sister. Stickin' your finger down your throat doesn't make you throw up.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 17
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 18
Oh, yes! Yes!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 19
- Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! - Hup! Hup-hup! Hup! Hup!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 20
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 21
Dad, this says I gained weight.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 22
I tell ya, he's been workin' out all week and he hasn't lost a pound.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 23
Well, Nell Carter used to be twice as big before Broderick got through with her.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 24
I'm like a Green Beret, you know. I sneak inside you and I skulk around
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 25
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 26
and we have something very tasty for big fat you. Bon appétit!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 27
Dad took me to a doctor to get the fat vacuumed out of my belly.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 28
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 29
Peter, you can't just suck 200Ibs of fat out of yourself. It's not natural.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 30
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 31
- Could you... could you help me do it, Brian? - Sure. I'd be honoured.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 32
I like Hillary Clinton, I don't care what anyone says. Argh!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 33
Meg, you're not gettin' plastic surgery.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 34
the great Eskimo actor Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 35
or your eyes are too close together, or your chest is flabby. You are who you are.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 36
Oh, this is crazy. You walk in here with your chiselled jaw and your...
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 37
You... you've really let this family down. We should be embracin' the things God gave us,
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 38
- There's a baby in that refuse bin. - Not too close, Barnaby.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 39
Warren Fredericks, Quahog Beautiful People's Club. Come on in front.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 40
Well, as a rule, I would say no, but OK, come in.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 41
Hey, when you're beautiful, doors magically open for you.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 42
Here's your introductory basket. It's got lotions, Ferrari sunglasses,
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 43
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 44
I would, but my doctor advised me against heavy lifting.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 45
- Yeah. I think it looks better. - You pasted it over me.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 46
Seein' us all might give him somethin' to shoot for.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 47
- Lois! - What? Oh. Brian. I was...
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 48
But I've never been more attracted to him. Does that make me a bad person?
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 49
Well, let me tell you somethin', buddy. If my son can't come in, then I'll just come in.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 50
Don't look at me! I'm hideous!

Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 2
Mom, there's fleas all over the house!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 3
We got a 602 at 31 Spooner Street!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 4 #4 Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 5
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 6
- They're in the carpet! - Got one over here!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 7
We pray.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 8
Well, you might wanna bring some cash, cos some places don't take credit cards.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 9
Oh, my. What a lovely room. Oh, and it's so clean.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 10 #10 Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 11
This is marvellous! I feel like a young Johnny Weissmuller!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 12
If I wanted to embarrass him, I'd do somethin' like this.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 13
- This is my son. - Oh. My apologies.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 14
I say, hello! You there! I'm ready to get out! Somebody!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 15
like your great-great-great-uncle Jabba the Griffin.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 16
Don't listen to your sister. Stickin' your finger down your throat doesn't make you throw up.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 17 #17 Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 18
Oh, yes! Yes!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 19
- Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! - Hup! Hup-hup! Hup! Hup!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 20
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 21
Dad, this says I gained weight.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 22
I tell ya, he's been workin' out all week and he hasn't lost a pound.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 23
Well, Nell Carter used to be twice as big before Broderick got through with her.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 24
I'm like a Green Beret, you know. I sneak inside you and I skulk around
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 25 #25 Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 26
and we have something very tasty for big fat you. Bon appétit!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 27
Dad took me to a doctor to get the fat vacuumed out of my belly.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 28
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 29
Peter, you can't just suck 200Ibs of fat out of yourself. It's not natural.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 30 #30 Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 31
- Could you... could you help me do it, Brian? - Sure. I'd be honoured.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 32
I like Hillary Clinton, I don't care what anyone says. Argh!
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 33
Meg, you're not gettin' plastic surgery.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 34
the great Eskimo actor Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 35
or your eyes are too close together, or your chest is flabby. You are who you are.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 36
Oh, this is crazy. You walk in here with your chiselled jaw and your...
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 37
You... you've really let this family down. We should be embracin' the things God gave us,
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 38
- There's a baby in that refuse bin. - Not too close, Barnaby.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 39
Warren Fredericks, Quahog Beautiful People's Club. Come on in front.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 40
Well, as a rule, I would say no, but OK, come in.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 41
Hey, when you're beautiful, doors magically open for you.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 42
Here's your introductory basket. It's got lotions, Ferrari sunglasses,
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 43 #43 Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 44
I would, but my doctor advised me against heavy lifting.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 45
- Yeah. I think it looks better. - You pasted it over me.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 46
Seein' us all might give him somethin' to shoot for.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 47
- Lois! - What? Oh. Brian. I was...
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 48
But I've never been more attracted to him. Does that make me a bad person?
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 49
Well, let me tell you somethin', buddy. If my son can't come in, then I'll just come in.
Recap of Family Guy Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 50
Don't look at me! I'm hideous!