S16 E8
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Sundays 8:00 PM on Disney+

Season 16  "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass"  16x8

Aired 20 years ago - Feb 06, 2005

The family goes to run down Springfield Park, where a carnival is being held to save it. Homer performs a wild crowd-pleasing dance at a local carnival, after beating Bart's performance in a game. Ned Flanders has captured the performance on videotape and Comic Book Guy (Jeff Albertson) puts it up on the Internet. The video gets worldwide attention, much to Homer's embarrassment but his tune changes when a football player wants to buy the rights to use his dance as his own end zone celebration. Homer turns the opportunity into a new lucrative occupation, which prospers as other athletes come to learn from him. Meanwhile Ned looks to create his own wholesome entertainment by creating his own versions of bible stories, which get the backing of Mr. Burns. Marge doesn't like his approach, which eliminates the good aspects of the stories, and only concentrates on the violence. She threatens a boycott, which gets Burns to remove his financial backing, leaving Ned with no creative outlet. The commissioner of football (and all the owners) want to talk to Homer, his teaching of crazy antics to their players have increased their ratings. They want him to choreograph the Superbowl half-time show. Homer struggles for a show idea and on the night before the big show he still doesn't have one. Homer looks for inspiration at the church, but instead finds Flanders, who is looking for an outlet for his ideas. Together they bring the story of Noah to the half-time show, but everyone boos as no one wanted to see such a "blatant display of religion and decency."

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Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 8 (S16E08) - 2 #2 Recap of The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 8 (S16E08) - 3
Stupid Internet... whole world laughing at me...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 8 (S16E08) - 4 #4 Recap of The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 8 (S16E08) - 5
Hello, I'm Deion Overstreet.
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and I'll buy any other dances you've got, too.
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"L" is for "loser" Which describes you, sir
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I have a new job choreographing end zone dances
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we can make our own entertainment.
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Your mouth is hopin' for a soapin', boy.
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Mr. Overstweet, could you do an obnoxious end zone dance for me today?
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I think I can fit you in.
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What the... Oh, I get it.
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I would pay to see it again and again and again and again,
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selling club soda as flu vaccine.
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You remind me of a young Dorothy Hamill.
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I'm sorry, but I do not understand English.
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No! As your financial backer, I insist upon reality.
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you know, inject your services with a little razzle-dazzle.
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The only just solution is to cut the baby in half.
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A talking tree in a commercial.
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Tonight, the Clipper and the Stripper,
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athletes are now taunting and boasting just to get on our highlight reel.
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Everyone sucks but me.
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I want to see him, too.
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our ratings are up 62%.
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Wow. At last, my pathetic little life has a meaning.
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I now pronounce you PacMan and wife.
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I don't know. It's a lot of pressure.
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Maybe the homeless people sleeping on the floor will have some ideas.
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Are you even listening to me?!
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Wow, all these people are going to see Dad's show.
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But don't stop watching. In the second half, points count double.
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All right... Sucker.
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before cowboys, before dinosaurs: