S8 E17
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3 years ago
Sundays 8:00 PM on Disney+

Season 8  "My Sister, My Sitter"  8x17

Aired 28 years ago - Mar 02, 1997

Lisa has a stellar reputation as a babysitter, but when Homer and Marge leave her in charge of Bart and Maggie, everything starts going wrong.

Mouse over thumbnail for slideshow

Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 1
They must've kneeled in the wrong place and prayed to the wrong god...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 2
Oh, gee, I'd really love to want to help you, Flanders...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 3
But I'm smart and responsible, and my parents will be right next door.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 4
We just move one space at a time. It's less fun that way.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 5
And thank you for sending Lisa to protect us from the bug you sent.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 6
Yes, he had a brother robot named Rod, who was two space years older than him.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 7
So long, Lisa! If anything goes wrong, just dial 911 -
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 8
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 9
- [Car Door Opens, Closes] - [Lisa] Thanks for the ride!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 10
You made all that money for sitting around and watching TV and eating food?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 11
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 12
- Actually, Bart, Lisa's going to be in charge tonight. - What?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 13
Well, we have to run. I'm sure you kids will work things out. Good night.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 14
I think you will find me fair and fun.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 15
- [Horn Honking] - [Gasping]
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 16
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 17
Bart, if you don't want to have a babysitter, maybe you should stop being such a baby.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 18
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 19
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 20
Ooh! Malaria Zone!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 21
The entire menu was personally approved by my secretary.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 22
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 23
That's right. I want the 25-foot Italian party sub.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 24
Come on, Maggie. Good Maggie.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 25
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 26
Good evening there, miss.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 27
Well, there's been a mistake.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 28
I didn't see any U.F. O!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 29
[Growls] Bart, you are gonna be in so much trouble when Mom and Dad get home.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 30
- Yeah. "Go to bread." - B-E-D! Bed!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 31
- Make me! - I'll make you!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 32
Okay, we'll call it even if I can just have some of that big sandwich.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 33
[Gasps] Eww! Your arm! It's got extra corners!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 34
Oh, no. I'm going to preserve the evidence until Mom and Dad get home.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 35
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 36
Bart, you need first aid! Let me in!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 37
I'm banging my head. I'm gonna make the lump even bigger.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 38
If so, thank you.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 39
Simpson? Look, we've already been out there tonight for a "sisterectomy"...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 40
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 41
beat him silly with a block of frozen lima beans.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 42
"Complete confidentiality"?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 43
I'm just a little concerned about the kids. Maybe I should call.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 44
Happy, happy, happy family!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 45
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 46
Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 47
Excuse me, little lady. The wheelbarrow line's over there.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 48
Well, if it isn't Springfield's finest little babysitter, Lisa Simpson!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 49
Uh, hold on a minute. Let me have a look at that wheelbarrow, please.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 50
[Tires Screech]

Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 2
Oh, gee, I'd really love to want to help you, Flanders...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 3
But I'm smart and responsible, and my parents will be right next door.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 4
We just move one space at a time. It's less fun that way.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 5
And thank you for sending Lisa to protect us from the bug you sent.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 6
Yes, he had a brother robot named Rod, who was two space years older than him.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 7
So long, Lisa! If anything goes wrong, just dial 911 -
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 8 #8 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 9
- [Car Door Opens, Closes] - [Lisa] Thanks for the ride!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 10
You made all that money for sitting around and watching TV and eating food?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 11
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 12
- Actually, Bart, Lisa's going to be in charge tonight. - What?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 13
Well, we have to run. I'm sure you kids will work things out. Good night.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 14
I think you will find me fair and fun.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 15
- [Horn Honking] - [Gasping]
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 16 #16 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 17
Bart, if you don't want to have a babysitter, maybe you should stop being such a baby.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 18 #18 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 19 #19 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 20
Ooh! Malaria Zone!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 21
The entire menu was personally approved by my secretary.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 22 #22 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 23
That's right. I want the 25-foot Italian party sub.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 24
Come on, Maggie. Good Maggie.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 25 #25 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 26
Good evening there, miss.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 27
Well, there's been a mistake.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 28
I didn't see any U.F. O!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 29
[Growls] Bart, you are gonna be in so much trouble when Mom and Dad get home.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 30
- Yeah. "Go to bread." - B-E-D! Bed!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 31
- Make me! - I'll make you!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 32
Okay, we'll call it even if I can just have some of that big sandwich.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 33
[Gasps] Eww! Your arm! It's got extra corners!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 34
Oh, no. I'm going to preserve the evidence until Mom and Dad get home.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 35
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 36
Bart, you need first aid! Let me in!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 37
I'm banging my head. I'm gonna make the lump even bigger.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 38
If so, thank you.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 39
Simpson? Look, we've already been out there tonight for a "sisterectomy"...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 40
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 41
beat him silly with a block of frozen lima beans.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 42
"Complete confidentiality"?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 43
I'm just a little concerned about the kids. Maybe I should call.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 44
Happy, happy, happy family!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 45 #45 Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 46
Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 47
Excuse me, little lady. The wheelbarrow line's over there.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 48
Well, if it isn't Springfield's finest little babysitter, Lisa Simpson!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 49
Uh, hold on a minute. Let me have a look at that wheelbarrow, please.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 50
[Tires Screech]