Aired 22 years ago - May 22, 2002
Springfield is in the midst of a heat wave. The nuclear plant is at capacity and when one of its crack employees, Homer Simpson, plugs in just one appliance too many, the city has a blackout. Looting begins and the police are ineffective. In an
attempt to try doing something right for a change, Homer starts his own security company to help keep order. Chief Wiggum finds himself without a job, when Mayor Quimby decides that "Spring Shield" security should become the city's new police force. Homer shuts down one of Fat Tony's operations and with that crime is non-existent. Fat Tony makes a public announcement that he is going to gun down Homer if he isn't out of town by tomorrow at noon. Homer appeals for help, only no one of importance offers to help. The following day, Fat Tony and New Jersey associates a la The Sopranos go to the Simpson home. Shots ring out, effectively wounding Fat Tony and friends. Homer decides to give his badge to the next person he sees, which happens to be Clancy Wiggum. He comments that's the way he got the job in the past, he also disavows any knowledge of the shots; but we know who the shooter is, it's Maggie Simpson.
Driving sure
is dangerous.
Oh! Look at all
these tube socks!
I think what the viewers
want to know, Arnie, is,
is my house okay?
ALL: Ow! Ow!
Someone call 911.
Can I at least
incite further...
This be a superball.
I blame Chief
Clancy Wiggum!
I am announcing the
formation of a
blue-ribbon committee.
I won't feel safe
in this town until
we have better police.
I admit it.
I did screw up.
I'm going to find
those dolls!
Yes. Interesting. Okay.
You're right.
Did you steal dolls
from my daughter?
I'm gonna have
to take the law into
my own hands again.
garbage commissioner,
mountain climber, farmer,
inventor, Smithers, Poochie,
You'll do as I say,
or I'll have your badges!
Wrong answer! Let's go!
Simply dial
You know,
the old lady's apartment
was actually Lenny's.
Hey-a, Officer Homer.
You look-a hungry.
Oh, yeah,
that's the pride.
Yes, I still believe
in our duly appointed
police force.
I hereby turn over
all this town's
police duties
You can let me go,
but I'll just keep exposing
myself at the mall.
You're not a pet
and you're not a friend.
My teacher says
she's tired of trying.
BILL: Wow,
that's quite a threat!
It's my baby callin'
on the telephone
Last year,
I was Jar Jar Binks.
I'd help you,
but I have yet
to kiss a human girl.
What? And let them
come after you
and the kids?
I need you guys to help me!
Why'd you lock yourselves in?
Who says I have a mother?
She said,
"You're one in a million
Your papa never told you
about right and wrong
organ grinder,
leaning-tower maker,
Aired 22 years ago - May 19, 2002
Homer's ordered Marge an anniversary gift, a pond for the backyard. The new pond attracts a screaming caterpillar. The "screamapillar" as the family finds out is an endangered species and by law they are responsible for its well being. When Homer
believes he has killed the insect he tries to hide that fact. The "screamapillar" is okay, but Homer is found guilty of "attempted insecticide" and "aggravated buggery" and is sentenced to 200 hours of community service. Homer begins delivering "Meals on Wheels" and runs scared into the closet when one of his elderly clients appears to be threatening him with an axe. It turns out she is just a kindly old woman, who asks Homer to join him for some company. He starts lending her a hand, and she seems to be taking advantage of him. Marge goes to see her and then finds herself helping the old woman as much as Homer has been. When the old woman turns up dead; Homer and Marge are considered top suspects, when they are named beneficiaries of the woman's will. They suspect the "man with braces," who they saw leaving the scene. Everyone suspects them. When the woman's diamond necklace is found in their home, they are arrested. The children are sent to a yokel foster home and Marge and Homer are found guilty and sentenced to the electric chair. When Homer realizes that Marge is going to miss the children, he confesses to the crime, which allows for her release. On the electric chair Homer is about to be electrocuted when it is revealed he is a participant on a new reality game show "Frame Up". The man with the braces is the host, and Homer's murder victim is actually still alive. The old woman is actually Carmen Electra in disguise. Homer is freed, but disgusted that people's lives are toyed with for TV ratings; this he says while looking Carmen Electra directly in the breasts.
Stop what you're doing!
Oh, yeah!
Please don't kill me!
I won't tell anyone
about the skeleton!
Oh, don't be silly.
So I threw
the SuperBall so hard
Before you go,
would you mind opening
this jar of butter pickles?
Can I call you
the next time I need
a muscular he-man?
All I have left
of my Chester is his
tattered old Army jacket.
I'll do them and
then I'm out of here.
Hey, who do I have to
gum to get a refill?
just stabbed the old lady
and disappeared?
Chief Wiggum!
Homer and I are innocent!
You'll see.
Oh, dear.
Now everyone will think
Homer and I did it.
I just can't believe
a man we sat and drank
with all these years
Right away, sir.
I don't want no trouble.
I insist on
searching every inch
of this home personally.
what are we going to do?
I'll cut us
a deal by becoming
a jailhouse snitch.
They's worth five dollars
a day county money.
Her death earned
them $50,000.
Mr. Foreman,
have you reached
a verdict?
We find
the defendants guilty.
Play the race card!
Play it!
Nice dress.
and our cells
are side by side.
The kids growing up.
I killed them other people,
and I'll kill you, too!
Aired 22 years ago - May 12, 2002
Lisa is failing gym. So that she won't fail and lose the Springfield Elementary the only accreditation they have, Principal Skinner gets Lisa a private coach. After seeing a vision of President Kennedy, Lisa is inspired to give gymnastics her best
shot. While Bart is spending time with Grandpa he gets bitten by a Chinese mosquito. Lisa finds out that her fellow gymnastics students are actually college age, and rather than be embarrassed by her real age, she lets them think she is college age as well. Bart is diagnosed with "Panda virus" which makes him contagious, so Dr. Hibbert puts him in a plastic bubble for a week. Meanwhile Lisa has started hanging out with college age students at a coffee house listening to Robert Pinsky read his poetry. Bart starts using his plastic bubble to rescue nerds from the bullies. Some of those nerds follow Lisa when they think she is up to something. They find her at college analyzing "Itchy and Scratchy" cartoons and Milhouse exposes her. Embarrassed she leaves and back at home, she gets in trouble for going to college (16 credit hours worth) and her fellow grade school students won't relate with her anymore. She gets advice from Bart on how to win them back, which she does by making a splash on the cake created for Seymour Skinner Day.
There you go.
A Laffy Meal for you,
I got a plastic
Questions are decadent!
Well, I'm Tina.
And this is Carrie.
See you tomorrow, Lisa!
I share a house
with a couple of girls,
a couple of guys.
where's my keg?
I knew it was serious
when he said he didn't
want ice cream.
I don't know about that.
But don't worry.
Now open your minds
for the Coltrane
of the quatrain,
Say another building!
"The secret courtesy
that courses like ichor
BOYS: Basho!
And I hear the President,
"Pinsky, where's my poem?"
Never fear,
the sphere is here!
It's spin, spin, spin,
and away I go!
I'll get you down.
Bite these pencils.
Anthro 101: Passive Analysis
of Visual Iconography.
Now the classic
Itchy & Scratchy,
episode DAB-F06.
has pitted our small farmers
against each other.
with those quadrangles
and study carrels
and syllabi, and...
I put those Cathys
on the fridge for you.
Hey, Einstein.
What's a million
plus a million?
That's not a sunset.
That's a bird on fire.
Well, I can't do it tomorrow.
There's an assembly
in his honor.
Aired 22 years ago - May 05, 2002
My goodness how the octuplets have grown! As we see when Manjula has brought the children to Kwik-E-Mart. After the children have left, Apu believes that the Squishee delivery lady has made a pass at him, by calling him handsome. The Simpson
family is participating in the Civil War reenactment. Homer gets Barney (playing General Grant) to drink a mug of beer. The reenactment is "ripe with inaccuracies." Homer goes back to the Kwik-E-Mart and discovers Apu making out with the Squishee lady, he back out of the store all the way home and into bed. He has nightmares about the encounter and tells Marge guesses at what he's seen. They both have difficulty facing Apu and Manjula together. They confront Apu and soon Manjula finds out. She throws him out. Marge and Homer concoct a plan to bring Manjula and Apu back together. Apu asks for forgiveness, but gets divorce papers instead. Apu is about to end it all, when Manjula is willing to take him, provided he meets with her list of demands.
Very good. And now,
let the battle be joined.
For me, the war is over!
The South will boogie again!
We are gathered
here this Memorial Day
You're damn right, it is!
You can't thank us enough!
And when I come back,
I want a foot rub!
Now, Apu,
when you gave me
this keg, it had dents.
I know.
Can you believe it?
Oh, Apu,
you keep scoring
while my back is turned.
I mean,
anyone for penis?
the only kind of pain
a man can understand.
HOMER: Apu is cheating.
Homer, you did not
bring me here for this.
Watch and learn,
you dinks.
It's Windelle.
I can't afford Windex.
As much as I enjoy
your company, and
I truly do,
Not tonight.
I said not tonight.
I am so angry, I could just,
I could fall asleep! I...
I took the tape out of
the store surveillance
camera. Look.
Hey, Kirk Van Houten.
I live across the way.
Now can we meet McBain?
I just wish there was
something we could do.
Tonight, we invite both
Manjula and Apu for dinner,
maybe they can
work out their problems.
This is going great!
LISA: Bart,
stick to the script.
and store-bought tandoori.
Or should I say blandoori?
These are divorce papers!
Consider yourself served!
Yes. I get that a lot.
When will you humans learn
that your feelings, as you
call them,
All right!
Girls night out!
A tapeworm,
then assistant
to Lorne Michaels!
"Number one,
break up with
Squishee girl."
It's where I got this.
Aired 22 years ago - Apr 28, 2002
Springfield Elementary finally gets a career day speaker that keeps the children's interest. The creator of cartoon inspires the children to come up with their own cartoon characters. Bart makes an initial comic strip of "Danger Dude," which he
shows to the Comic Book Guy and Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee who happens to stop by the comic book shop, but never leaves. Their feedback leads Bart to search for other inspiration, which he finds in his own father. He makes Homer the main character in a comic that he calls "Angry Dad". It becomes very popular and an Internet company wants to make "Angry Dad" an Internet cartoon. They offer Bart stock in return for use of his strip. "Angry Dad" becomes even more popular, but when Homer sees it at work, he goes home very angry. The citizens of Springfield, who see him in his car angry, try to make him angrier to see what he'll do. The family realizes that Homer has anger management issues. Homer resolves to take it easy, leaving Bart without any material. Bart sets an elaborate trap to anger the now sedate Homer. Bart finds out that the Internet company has gone bankrupt and doesn't need his new material, just as Homer takes the bait for the trap. Homer gets green with anger, a la The Incredible Hulk and it turns out Bart has saved Homer's life; since the pent up rage would have killed him.
I hope this is important.
I've got a hot date tonight.
If you freeze the frame,
you can see that
the chunks of barf
Fire, children!
Hurry outside!
I'm coming up with
my own cartoon character.
I'm my own toughest critic,
but I think it's genius.
My heart is pounding
like Thor's hammer
My Spidey sense
is tingling.
And if you fail,
you can always open
a comic book store.
Green Lantern. No.
Come on! Unfold, you...
My ice cream sandwich!
Then where the hell's
the remote?
"Argh! I'm angry."
That's like something
my dads would say.
It's a composite character.
Your dad, my dad,
a little of Maggie's dad.
and the main character
is off-model
in every frame.
Are you nuts?
The Thing fits in
there perfectly.
Or made it better?
We'd like to
turn Angry Dad into
an animated series.
This is people working?
Bart, I'm not a woman
and I can't have babies.
(SINGING) You'll never find
that microfilm of mine
Now, we just add color.
Oh, what a day.
Maybe the headlines
will cheer me up.
Didn't you know? You've been
world-famous for an hour now.
Let's send him into
one of his trademark fits.
Not again!
How'd you like to be played
by John Goodman?
I am...
Oh, my gosh,
you're right!
From now on,
I'm into candles,
Nothing can make
me mad out here.
Oh, my God!
What happened?
What do you mean,
"It's over"?
Looks like you can't
retire by age 12.
This fellow never bellows,
quite rightly
Aired 22 years ago - Apr 21, 2002
Our story begins a la "Forrest Gump", with Homer sitting on a park bench waiting for the rest of the family to arrive. While Chief Wiggum initially tells him isn't interested in hearing Homer's life story initially, he becomes intrigued as Homer
goes right into it, in the form of flashbacks (clips). Homer is picked up and brought blindfolded to the Springfield Friar's Club where emcee Krusty the Klown and other friends and family roast Homer with their memories (more clips from past episodes). Bart and Lisa start followed by Mr. Burns, Grampa Simpson & Agnes Skinner, Reverend Lovejoy & Ned Flanders (a la "The Smothers Brothers"). The proceedings are interrupted by Kodos and Kang, whom rest the entire fate of humanity upon one human being, Homer Simpson; they cite him as "the fat selfish epitome of modern man". They probe him revealing more clips, which helps prove to them that humans are unfit to continue existing. Lisa talks them into probing the innocent mind of a child. The probing of Maggie's mind reveals to Kodos and Kang the most important thing of all for them; Earth is where there favorite celebrities live. Kodos and Kang attend the "People Choice Awards" and the episode ends with a wacky little ditty celebrating more clips, but telling the viewers "not to fear, they have stories for years."
Aired 22 years ago - Apr 07, 2002
Marge plants her own garden and when the crows arrive she puts up a scarecrow. Homer himself is scared by the scarecrow, so he sneaks upon it and destroys it. As a result, the crows look up to him as their leader. The crows hang out with him
wherever he goes. The crows eventually overstay their welcome and Homer tries to shoo them away, the respond by attacking him. At the hospital, when Homer asks Dr. Hibbert what can be done for the pain in his eyes Dr. Hibbert prescribes medical marijuana. Homer starts getting legally high. At one point, in his high state of mind, Homer allows Flanders to read the entire bible to him. Flanders is also gets Homer's signature on a petition to get a ban on medical marijuana added to the next election's ballot. Being high at work also does a wonder for his career at the power plant, because when Homer laughs at all of Mr. Burn's jokes he is given a promotion to executive vice-president. Homer finds out about the ban being added to the ballot and a rally is organized in protest. The band Phish appears at the rally, but the attendees "have spaced on the date", they held their rally one day after the election; so medical marijuana has been banned. The medical marijuana is burned. Homer's medical condition was long since cured, Homer promises to never to smoke pot again. Mr. Burns calls Homer into help with his speech. Mr. Burns need to raise $60 million to appease his investors. Homer tries, but Smithers needs the use of Homer's last joint to think any of Mr. Burn's speech is funny. When Mr. Burns appears to dead from drowning in his bathtub, Smithers and Homer turn him into a marionette so that he can still appear before the investors. A dance performance by the strung up Mr. Burns gets his heart started again and he has recovered well enough to learn that the investors were distracted enough to not worry about the $60 million.
I'm sleeping
on the couch.
Okay, that was not cool.
We need to lay down
some ground rules.
Mmm. Fascinating.
Say, Doctor,
You're not afraid,
are you?
But, Homer, you can't let
a single bad experience
(SINGING) Occasions,
persuasions clutter your mind
Incense, peppermints
Smoke on the water
I am hungry for a candy bar
it's making my eyes better.
And it's legal.
Alizarian crimson
I am the "ow"
in the word "now."
"Could Jesus microwave
a burrito so hot
Oh, man, this is long.
Could you read it to me?
to re-criminalize
medicinal marijuana.
Then I hold my nose thusly.
What do you think, Smithers?
Smithers, I need someone
who laughs at all my jokes.
You're covered with
a very fine fuzz.
There's half-eaten
cupcakes everywhere.
We're all out of paper clips.
where are those three
chandelier-hangers I hired?
for next Tuesday's election.
medical marijuana
can make things
fabulous, medically.
Oh, man!
They already voted!
And we lost!
Eyes? What the hell
are you talking about?
All right,
I'll do it for my kids.
But at the planning party,
I got alcohol poisoning.
I will no longer
be a slave to this!
I'll either tickle your ribs
or feed them to my dogs!
You know, Louise Brooks,
the silent star of Lulu.
You mean that
guy on 60 Minutes
who yells all the time?
So, when somebody says
I was an embarrassment
to the country,
Aired 22 years ago - Mar 31, 2002
The family receives a $400 phone bill for a phone call to Brazil. Marge and Homer go down to the phone office to get this error corrected, they didn't make the call. Their visit results in their phone service getting cut off. Homer tries to steal
phone service, but gets electrocuted for his trouble. Lisa confesses to making the call and tells them of the donations she'd made for an orphan boy named Renaldo in Brazil, with whom she'd lost contact with. The family decides to make a trip to Brazil to find him. The family flies down to Rio, as Maggie takes care of herself, under the watchful eyes of Patty and Selma. They split up with Lisa and Marge looking on one side of town and Homer and Bart on the other. Homer gets kidnapped when he gets into an unlicensed taxi. The kidnappers take Homer up the Amazon. Marge reports the kidnapping to an uncaring police department and Homer tries to raise the $50,000 on his own. Lisa finds Renaldo working for the kids show that Bart has watched with great sexual interest since arriving in Rio. Renaldo is now wealthy, thanks to the new dancing shoes Lisa's donation purchased for him, so he gives Lisa the $50,000 that will let them get Homer from the kidnappers. The transfer is made and Homer is returned, but as we leave our friends in Rio, Bart is celebrating Carnival in the belly of a snake.
Oh, why didn't you call me?
Get me tools and beer!
We found you
smoldering in the bushes.
Why did you do it?
Ronaldo used to
send me a letter
every month,
When I sent my
first donation,
ALL: Aw!
What? I'm really concerned.
Then it's settled.
The Simpsons are
going to Brazil!
"Don't get into
an unlicensed taxi.
No, Dad.
It's just the weather.
is hot, hot, hot,
with 100% chance of passion!
Oh, so helpless.
Boy, they sure love
soccer here.
LISA: "How to Loot Brazil"?
I will eat this Toblerone
and I will not pay
Mom, these are slums.
Excuse me.
We're looking for
this little boy.
Can you fly me over
town to look for him?
But you're on vacation,
Oh, I hope they're
going somewhere good.
We are now developing
our most powerful dance,
the penetrada.
Give me a drink with all your
sweetest Brazilian fruits
mixed together.
There's got to be
a million kids here.
We'll never find Ronaldo.
So that means
I don't have to pay the fare?
Behold, the Amazon.
And you also want me
to find a little boy?
I'm not going there again.
Well, with all our savings
and the money
Grampa wired us,
Come on. I didn't...
How about
I advance you the money
and you work it off?
I'll send you 50 grand.
I came to find someone,
but now I've just
lost Dad and...
Oh, your father
would've loved this.
I'll just dance and
worry at the same time.
But I didn't know
what state you lived in.
Are you sure
you can afford it?
Aired 23 years ago - Mar 17, 2002
Homer gets a letter from the library telling him about an overdue book. He checked it out when Bart was born to have something to read his child. Lisa suggests that he read them some stories from it now. Homer starts by telling the tale of
a). "Odyssey"
Homer is Odysseus, who delivers a Trojan horse to the King. After his troops are victorious, Odysseus ticks off the gods by refusing to make a sacrifice. They take their revenge upon him when they blow him and his crew off course, where they almost meet the Sirens and finally Circe, who turns his men into pigs. After Odysseus eats his men, he has to cross the river Styx to return home. When he arrives he takes out the trash.
b). "Joan of Arc"
Lisa is Joan in this retelling of the story of Joan of Arc. Joan sets out to help lead the French army to victory against the English, which she does, until she is captured. Joan is found guilty and is about to be burned at the stake, when Marge, not much for tragic endings, changes the ending so that Joan lives.
c). "Hamlet"
Bart is Hamlet and Homer asks him to avenge his death. Moe (as Uncle Claudius) had Homer killed so that he could marry the queen (Marge) and take over the kingdom. Hamlet discovers the king's treachery and goes to avenge his father's death. When he kills the wrong man, he must duel with Laertes (Ralph). When Laertes dispatches himself, Hamlet kills Uncle Claudius, then himself. Rather than clean up the mess, the queen also dispatches herself. Everyone is dead.
Bart can't believe how boring the last story was, but Homer reminds him that is also became a great movie called "Ghostbusters." The family dances as the theme to that classic film plays in the background.
Remember, just 'cause
their heads are off,
it don't mean they're dead.
You used to be fun.
(LAUGHS) "Greece"
is the word.
It's coming from that island.
Let's steer heedlessly
towards it.
On the island
Discus Stu has
ouzo for twozo.
Ain't I a stinker?
Out of the way, slim.
Mmm. That's the next best
thing to eating Lenny.
(SINGING) You're my lady
We've been beyond patient!
but I'm gonna do
something I haven't
done for 20 years.
Brave Odysseus,
it's been 20 long years.
I'm on it.
I know.
I have three eyes.
Now get cracking.
My fault this time.
I didn't tuck in my legs.
There's my supervisor.
You are the true dauphin.
It would be my pleasure.
Uh, God says we should
just be friends.
Let us kill the English!
Joan of Arc,
you are accused of heresy,
Burn this guy!
He lost a good bucket!
What happened, Dad?
They didn't really
burn her, did they?
Our next story is Hamlet,
by William Shakespeare.
So he could marry your mother
and become the king!
Then I've gotta kill him.
I really miss the old guy.
wherein I'll catch
the conscience of the king.
Aired 23 years ago - Mar 10, 2002
Homer is anxiously awaiting the start of the new XFL season when the Springfield Retirement Castle calls to report the death of Abraham Simpson, but the report is a mistake. A new woman moves in down the hall and Grandpa decides that he wants to be
able to drive a car again, one so that he can feel alive again and two so that he can impress the new woman, Zelda. With his new license in hand, Grandpa borrows Homer's car for a series of dates with Zelda. In a role reversal, Homer has to lay down the law when Abe stays out with the car all night. Abe runs into trouble at the Kwik-E-Mart with a rival gang of retirees that results in him competing in a death race. Abe wins the race, but Homer's car is ruined. Homer revokes Abe driving privileges. Zelda has a reservation in Branson and she goes with Abe's rival. Abe steals Marge's car and goes with Bart to Branson to get her back. When they get there Abe actually just gets back at her and calls her the "hootchie" everybody said she was.
Semper Fi.
Please, Son.
Driving is my last
chance to feel alive.
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead!
First of all, I'd like to ask
if anyone has any questions.
Carla's daughter works
in that building.
That's my seeing eye.
The right one's
my winking eye.
What's the scoop,
Wow, a booth.
If I'm tired,
I can just lie down.
Hey, watch the movie.
I know.
I'll suck my teeth.
Do you have any idea
what you put us through?
Oh! Everybody trusts Lisa.
Precious little Lisa.
Apple of her daddy's eye.
Straight up, Marge.
That hoochie only likes
you because you can drive.
I just don't know
what to do.
We heard you lost
your driving privileges.
I should cut you
like I cut sodium
out of my diet.
Then what is?
What are you
scared of, old man?
Oh, my God!
We can't let Homer know.
I've booked us
a room for the weekend
in Branson, Missouri.
Give me that old time fun
Give me that old time fun
I'll always think of you
as my friend without a car.
Hot diggety Dodge!
WOMB, warm and safe radio,
Fight, fight, fight,
bite, bite, bite
The Itchy and Scratchy Show
Hey, Ma, how about
some cookies?
Oh, no! He's taking
her to the hottest
matinee in town.
Where did they go?
Did they all pass away?
My name is Charo
I shake my maracas
In Soviet Union
Aired 23 years ago - Feb 24, 2002
Bart has a day that gets better and better, until it starts really sucking when a crazy dog that hates him for no known reason starts stalking him. Bart is chased by the dog and he escapes from the dog by climbing a fence into the yard of Buck
McCoy, a former star of western films. Bart learns more about Buck's history and back at home when Bart mentions that Buck is about the greatest guy who ever lived, Homer gets jealous. Buck comes to the Simpson's home for dinner and Bart brings the western look to Springfield Elementary. Bart and Lisa get Buck to appear on "The Krusty the Clown Show", but Buck hasn't appeared on live television in years; so to calm his nerves, he starts drinking. A drunken Buck shoots up the Krusty the Clown set, and Krusty himself. As a result Bart has lost his new hero and Homer who should feel happy about it isn't. So he and Marge go to Buck's to try sobering him up. When Snake and his gang are robbing Springfield's National Bank, Homer suggests that Buck stop the robbery to help restore his son's faith in the old cowboy. A couple of twirls of Buck's lariat soon put an end to the robbery.
Look, Bart,
sometimes dogs or people
hate you for no reason.
Yeah, that's right.
Buck McCoy.
To the laundry room!
He was bigger than opium!
Then Six Brides
For Seven Brothers.
Everything was made of it.
Lunchboxes, cars, you name it.
Would you lasso
me a banana?
No kidding? Hey,
speaking of achievers,
It's just not fair.
This Buck fellow's
had all the advantages.
Dad, why are you
wearing that?
They're trying to
jump your claim!
I'm not sure I approve
of selling whiskey
to children.
Yeah, in the '70s,
Westerns were out
and detective shows were in.
The Western went the way
of the evening newspaper
and polio.
Bart, you look so cool.
(SINGING) Oh, give me land
Lots of land
just 'cause it's
the flavor of the month.
I can't, huh?
You two wait
right here.
Oh, I've seen fancier.
Yeah, things sure
have changed
since the '50s.
And TV Guide's
Cheers and Jeers editor.
I won't be doing a monologue
because my feet hurt.
I said, no one
can save you now!
Oh, right, yeah, the guns.
(EXCLAIMS) Nice old man.
Don't break a hip.
Nuggets as big
as your fists!
Well, that's it.
This place ain't for me.
I'll wait in the car.
Are you crazy?
I'm a movie cowboy.
Aired 23 years ago - Feb 17, 2002
After giving up the Olympic torch that Homer has stolen, the family stops in at a carnival being held at a private school. Bart comes to the aid of a young girl being bullied. The girl is the daughter of Rainier Wolfcastle and she invites Bart to
come to her house sometime. Bart goes to Greta's home and has a great time. The Wolfcastles come to the Simpson home and Greta expresses her interest in Bart, although he is a little slow on the uptake. On Bart's next visit he brings Milhouse. Greta invites Bart to her school dance, only Bart finds out that Skinner is going to be performing stand-up comedy and he can't resist. Skinner's act bombs, much to Bart's delight. Working with the theory that "women are easy, state capitals are hard", Bart breaks up with Greta. For revenge Greta starts hanging out with Milhouse. She then joins her dad for a film shoot in Toronto. Bart asks the family if they can go to Toronto. At Paramountie Studios Bart finds Greta only to find out that she interested in either Bart or Milhouse, so they both join the Canadian Olympic Basketball team. Back in Springfield, Skinner's act still sucks.
(GRUNTS) Here's
your bond issue!
Look, Brandine.
It's Wolfgang Puck.
(CHUCKLING) Hey, Marge.
Watch me burn Flanders.
Your dad's McBain?
Wow. Cool! (GROANS)
I guess we're leaving, too.
and always get receipts.
Makes you look
like a business guy.
One highway, zero city.
(CHUCKLING) Everything
in your house is so cool.
You can never
get enough takes
for Steven Soderbergh.
Well, geographical
convenience, really.
(LAUGHS) He'll sleep tonight!
After they shoot your movies,
who gets the leftover film?
Oh, that's just
Lara Flynn Boyle.
Now, I'll give you
directions starting from
the Simpsons' house.
This is the biggest
thing that's happened
to me since chocolate milk!
All right.
Let's keep this
train wreck moving.
Seymour! Seymour!
Bart, this girl
is in love with you!
Think about it!
Lise, women are easy.
State capitals are hard!
Aren't I?
No. Let my muscles hug you.
Well, no one has to
draw me a picture!
Oh, Bart,
it's human nature.
She use ta be
She use ta be my girl
So to win Greta back,
I have to go to Toronto.
All right, Son.
We'll all go!
First class!
Wow! This bus station
is the birthplace
of Paul Shaffer.
I'm a 10-year-old
boy in Toronto.
Over there you can see
them shooting the film
Canadian Graffiti.
Excuse me. Which way
to the chess club?
There she is, boy.
Aired 23 years ago - Feb 10, 2002
Homer's incessant snoring is keeping Marge awake and the cost for surgery to correct the problem is costly. She moves in with Patty and Selma to get some sleep. The news reports that Marge's former boyfriend, Artie Ziff, is the 5th richest man in
America. Patty and Selma convince Marge that she should contact Artie, so they send an e-mail on her behalf. Artie receives the e-mail and reveals his 20-year obsession with Marge. Artie Ziff flies to the Simpson home and takes them for a ride. He then makes an indecent proposal, $1 million for Marge to spend a weekend with him, so they she might find out what life would have been like with him. After another sleepless night, Marge gives it serious thought, after all the money would allow them to pay for Homer's much needed nasal surgery. Marge goes off with Artie and Homer has second thoughts. Artie recreates their senior prom and tries to kiss Marge. Marge leaves Artie and returns to home find out that Homer has left town with Lenny. On the road, Homer and Lenny get a job at oil rig in West Springfield, which is "three times larger than Texas". Bart, Lisa and Marge figure out where Homer's at, but Marge needs help from Artie to find out exactly where he is. With his oil rig on fire, Homer declines rescue, until Artie gives up on Marge. Artie creates a solution for Homer's snoring problem, which at a subliminal level may help Artie with his Marge problem.
I just need one night away
from his snoring.
It's a cable show
about four single women
who act like gay men.
two subway cops
and a guy who works
on Wall Street.
Well, he seemed like
a sweet little shrimp.
For the last 20 years.
Unguarded breakfasts.
The sweetest taboo.
You can't spell party
without Artie,
I've told you before,
it's rude!
Spill it, moneybags.
with your wife.
Besides, I like
some of the noises
you make in bed.
Yeah, I...
Are you snoring
while you're awake?
goo-goo eyes,
misdirected woo,
I didn't sell her.
I just rented her
to an old boyfriend.
Wait. You really think
Marge is gonna fall
for this guy?
Marge, many years ago
I turned a groovy night
into a complete bummer.
You're not on
the guest list, Simpson.
Orders of Prom King Ziff.
Very well, Marge.
I see you'll never feel
Oh, no!
If Marge marries Artie,
I'll never be born!
I knew this weekend
was just an excuse
to get in my mouth.
Well, if it makes
you feel any better,
We leave Springfield
how to work the camera.
Last night I crashed
a certain fake prom.
Homer's a big jerk.
I carved that
one wonderful summer.
What happened now?
Homer bowled a 300 game?
I really appreciate you
helping me find Homer.
Aired 23 years ago - Jan 27, 2002
The family watches the gay pride parade and then goes to the movies. Homer loudly protests the fact that the movie hasn't started, due to the length of ads and previews. When the ushers chase him out of the theatre, Homer runs straight into the
glove of a statue of fighter, Drederick Tatum, and breaks his jaw. With his mouth wired shut and nothing else to do, Homer becomes a great listener and even a respectable member of society, which delights Marge. After his jaw has healed, Homer continues to be everything he never was before. On Afternoon YAK he promises to not revive his "weckless, weckless ways". Weeks later Marge realizes that their life has become dull, so she enters the family car in a demolition derby and soon finds herself in trouble. In a sequence reminiscent of the "Popeye" cartoons, Homer sucks down a can of Duff and comes to her rescue.
Ed O'Neill is Soccer Mummy.
The professor said
not to let him get a boner!
our feature presentation.
we wouldn't
have become ushers.
And so,
for helping to KO
litter in our community,
My mouth.
My beautiful mouth!
I've wired his jaw shut.
It's all explained
in this pamphlet.
that just provides
sexual release.
You must be here for the
Duff Trivia Challenge.
Beer! Beer! Beer!
I never would've
figured that out.
when who should
ring the doorbell
but Ned Flanders.
You want to know
what happened?
which had nothing
to do with anything!
and says
her name is Mrs. Doody,
Three wars back
we called sauerkraut
"liberty cabbage,"
Mmm. I better polish
those jaw wires
for tomorrow.
The one place
you can wear a tiara
and not look crazy.
Most people laugh
at my googly eye.
Someone's done
her henpecking.
This has been
one of the most magical
evenings of my life.
You'll be just the way
you used to be.
your breath smells terrible.
have been booking
since the mid '70s.
I'm talking downtown!
I'm talking downtown!
He did such crazy things.
Roll the clip.
Well, okay.
For you, I'll be
as dull as Dilbert.
HOMER: I'm gonna kill you!
Well, I'll be in the kitchen
if you need me.
The old one sat out
for a little while.
start your gouging!
What was I thinking
trying to feel alive?
Forget that!
Go around! Go around!
Aired 23 years ago - Jan 20, 2002
The family goes to the library's used book sale; where Homer obtains a copy of Duff's Book of World Records. When he's gone through all the records, he decides to set one of his own. Duff tells him that all the personal records have been set. He
needs to help set a group record. The town tries to set a record for the world's tallest human pyramid; but when they fail, they inadvertently set the record as the world's fattest town, which they celebrate. Only Marge has a problem with this. She goes to the Motherloving Sugar Company to lodge her complaint. The owner Garth Motherloving is less than cooperative, so Marge files a class action lawsuit. Professor Frink blows the whistle on "big sugar" and the court rules in Marge's favor and then bans all sugar from Springfield forever. All the town's sugar products are burned and Apu's store shelves are empty. Apu brings Homer into a group determined to smuggle sugar back into Springfield. Homer and Bart join with Apu, Mr. Burns, Count Fudgula and Garth Mothelovering in a scheme to smuggle in sugar from the island of San Glucose. They make it into Springfield Harbor, but are intercepted by the police. Evading Wiggum and Co., Homer finds himself faced with the decision to either "Dump Cargo" to make Marge happy or "Obey Bad Guy" and bring sugar to Springfield. He chooses the former, but Judge Snyder realizes that he's overstepped his authority and makes sugar legal once again.
Fine. I'll just
play the banjo
with this cobra.
Fellow Springfielders!
I have called you all here
Not yet.
You have to hold it
for three Mississippi's.
Everyone, welcome to
The Duff Book
of World Records!
fellow Springfielders.
You kids do eat
a lot of sugar,
it's also terribly,
terribly addictive.
comes from
the Motherloving
Sugar Corporation.
Excuse me. I'm looking
for the head of
Motherloving Sugar.
Or at least warn people
that it's so unhealthy.
But we're on hiatus.
Everyone's everywhere.
Were there
Oompa Loompas?
Don't worry.
I'll do the legwork.
for what they done
to my cousin,
How do you like it?
How do you like it?
What are you talking about?
Is that dinner?
Who is this?
So, Professor,
tell us about
Operation Hoyvin-Mayvin.
Mr. Motherloving,
that could be interpreted
as a threat.
Now all my victims
have to be mashed up.
It's Hershey
highwaymen like you
who made me fat.
Get in the car.
Well, good work,
All right.
Time to throw in
the Butterfingers.
My baby!
Where's my baby?
Count Fudgula?
I thought you wanted
to get off the stuff?
There is the island.
I don't want
that stupid map.
Well, we're almost home.
Stroke, stroke, stroke!
I like to think we've
made a difference today.
Aired 23 years ago - Jan 06, 2002
The family is going through problems. A social worker sets out to fix them after a domestic violence charge. He is horrified at Homer when the vegas wives of Homer and Ned unexpectedly come to Springfield. Fed up with vegas, they want to replace
Marge and Maude. Ned's new wife stays with him, but his dorky children drive her crazy. Homer tries unsuccessfully to get an annulment. Homer's vegas wife gets him kicked out of the house. Marge begins to feel sorry for Homer, so she devises a plan to get rid of his vegas wife. Homer gets her drunk and marries her to Abe. She is so distraught over being Mrs. Abraham Simpson that she and Ned's vegas wife flee, running down evergreen terrace. Senile as ever, grandpa forgets being married immediately.
Which version?
I want to buy a house.
Hey, where'd they go?
You're a little
light here, Dad.
just because he
bought you that house
on St. James Place.
And I don't see
five Sugar Plums.
And don't try anything,
because Johanssen
there is a snitch.
Now, I'll never
get into an Ivy
League school.
Hello. I'm Gabriel.
or Will Smith
in Bagger Vance,
or Slimer in Ghostbusters.
I like to observe
each family
member individually.
Attention, everyone.
This is Gabriel,
my personal social worker.
So, I make a few
practice dinners
before showtime.
(SNORTS) Well,
not with that temper.
Bart, you'll do
anything for attention.
Who feels
like lunch?
We cover for each
other as a family.
That's great.
But so are the wolves
and cougars!
(GROANS) My driving ankle.
Oh, no!
The roast beef is
making them stronger!
You broke out of
your normal roles
but our bond has
never been stronger.
Yeah. I'm looking
for Homer Simpson.
If I had known
there were loose
women in Las Vegas,
Where's the bed?
Fair enough.
I hereby order you
to take care of
both of your wives!
Of all things
to ever come back
Don't stop. Oh, yeah...
(SINGING) Rise and shine
and give God
your glory, glory!
We flushed your sin
sticks down to hell.
with two wives
would be happy.
Why don't you come
inside and we'll talk?
I can say I'm sorry
and still mean it!
Her lips look
like night crawlers!
Aired 23 years ago - Dec 16, 2001
Bart orders a model rocket and Homer builds and tries to launch it. With help from some nerds and a hamster named Nibbles, a new rocket is built and launched, but results in the church being destroyed. The church looks to rebuild and Montgomery
Burns offers his help, but only if he can run the church like a business. The over commercialization of the rebuilt church puts Lisa off; she leaves it for good in search of a new place to worship. She finds Lenny, Carl and Richard Gere at a Buddhist temple. Richard gives her some information about Buddhism and she converts. The family tries to use Christmas as a means to bring Lisa back to Christianity. Realizing what they are doing runs to the temple but learns from Richard that Buddhism allows for the tolerance of other beliefs. So as Homer puts it, she can "pay lip service" to Christianity while remaining a Buddhist.
Who wants some astro-lemonade?
Now, all we need is our astronaut.
Fixing this church should
be our top priority.
Let's just write to
David Bowie again.
Believe me, the Lord's going
to go for this in a big way.
Isn't that skirt a little
north than the knee?
Oh. Well, we highly
value your input...
The old church was skewing pious.
Trust me, he'll say it, or I'll bust
him down to Thursday night vespers.
- How was that?
- A little much.
Always making a big
deal out of everything?
I just think there's another
path to Him... or Her.
Look, I'm not just going to
pick a religion that seems cool.
Well, I'm looking for a new faith,
one that isn't so materialistic.
Who's Buddha?
This pamphlet contains the
teachings of the Buddha.
...and negative actions
lead to unhappiness".
Mom, Dad, my spiritual
quest is over.
...around here, Buddhists don't
get any desserts in their lunches.
...has a lot of crazy ideas
about love and brotherhood.
I'm planting my
own bodhi tree.
Yeah, and Santa doesn't leave
presents under the bodhi tree.
But, since you don't believe
in Christmas anymore...
I guess no one told
Santa you were a Buddhist.
Oh, no! Our daughter's
run away on Christmas Eve!
- Oh, sorry.
- Oh, that's all right.
It's true. So why don't you go home?
I'm sure your family really misses you.
We're gonna go spend
Christmas with Moe...
Aired 23 years ago - Dec 09, 2001
Marge falls for the image of the man on the package Burly paper towels. Homer and Bart scam Marge by making her think that Chad Sexington, the burly paper towel model, is coming to dinner. Who shows up in place of Chad? A shirtless Barney. To
make up for her humiliation, Homer takes her and the family out to dinner and a show. A featured performer on the bill is Mesmerino and Homer offers himself up for hypnosis. When Homer reverts to himself at 12 years old, it triggers something within that causes him to start screaming incessantly. With the use of some Indian Memory Tea, Homer and Moe, recall when they were twelve and Homer found a dead body, which he never reported. The family journeys to the old quarry to find the body; which they do, with help from Chief Wiggum and Burly paper towels. They follow the drainage pipe back to its source, The pipe leads back to Burns' office at the plant. He disposed of a corpse thirty years earlier. It was the corpse of Wayland Smithers... senior. He shows an old film to prove the death was accidental. Homer and Marge journey home, with Homer feeling satisfied. Moe visits them and tells about how he cracked the case.
"Love"? (GASPS)
"Signed photo"?
the model for
Burly Paper Towels.
Hey, baby!
I'm that guy you like.
No, huh?
Let's see.
Who do we have here?
Hold it
'cause it's different!
No, no, don't make me!
I don't want to go
back to the nothing!
Do me! Do me!
I'm 12 years old.
I'm with my friends.
Yeah. My hunch is
he's struggling with some
sort of repressed memory.
There have been so many
classic Simpson moments.
Well, I remember
I used to go hiking a lot
ALL: Mister Sandman,
bring me a dream
You guys have blundered
into our secret tobaccy patch.
and I'll tell you
all about it.
The future.
Have you heard about
this Internet thing?
Can you imagine
us working there?
The whole Carl Crew?
MOE: The next morning
we went out to the old quarry
to have a swim.
Something else
happened in that quarry.
What the heck is that thing?
My occasional overeating,
my fear of corpses.
This sounds like a case
that only the Simpson family
can solve.
Oh, okay. Well...
Yep. The old quarry
is just a stone's throw away.
Who's there? How do you...
How do you know my name?
We're investigating
a possible murder case.
Put it back.
I don't want to
see it this way.
Montgomery Burns,
you're under
arrest for murder.
All right,
quit stalling, Burns.
Who'd you ice?
Ooh! A movie!
I call the couch!
Sorry, Monty.
I was feeding Waylon Junior.
If this reactor blows,
the whole town is doomed,
Aired 23 years ago - Dec 02, 2001
Homer's foray into the fortune writing business leads to a romance for Mr. Burns. Then Burns seeks advice from Homer when he starts to romance, Gloria his new found love. Things look good for Monty who proposes marriage, just as Gloria's ex
arrives on the scene, Snake, who's just recently escaped from prison. He grabs Gloria and Homer and takes them hostage, leaving Monty and the police to affect their rescue.
They change it to "smile."
He's like a young me!
I don't know.
$14 and 10, 11, 12 cents.
There you go.
This cookie feels heavy,
as if there's
some paper inside.
"You will find true
love on Flag Day."
Why, it's Flag Day today.
Damn that Pennybags!
Let's go, Smithers.
I told you we should've
parked next to the curb.
For 12 more seconds, sir.
Here's a place
that rents them.
You're a nice guy, Monty.
You're always laughing
and tenting your fingers.
So, what are you into?
The age difference
is just too...
Wow. That was you?
because these days,
Well, don't look too hip.
You don't want that
girl falling for you.
I've got to admit,
you can really shake it.
Yep. No one's rowdier
or more youthful than
Old Man Burns!
that you'll forget all
about Rudolph Valentino.
I've obtained a rare
powerful aphrodisiac.
You might really think
I had a lot
And I'd probably
throw it all away
if I don't have you
In time, in time.
I need to speak
with you in private.
Yes. My biological
clock is ticking.
I could be dead again soon.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Nothing could spoil it.
Absolutely nothing.
Let go of her,
or I'll scream!
He's not my boyfriend.
Mr. Burns is.
and the last man
who saw them,
C. Montgomery Burns.
and 37% say she's a skank.
Wow, you so don't get it.
Chief? This yokel
says he saw Simpson
driving down near Hickton.
I think I can
take him out, Chief.
Come on, Snake.
You don't want to
soak all these people.
I swear I can change, Gloria.
I'm taking classes
in computer fraud.
She's completely hairless,
like those cats.
Aired 23 years ago - Nov 18, 2001
Bart is digging a hole in the backyard, which turns into Homer telling a story at Moe's. Moe himself is feeling depressed, he misses his bartending school alma mater, Swigmore University. The guys talk him into going back and Moe leaves Homer in
charge of the bar. Back at school Moe meets one of his old professors, who recommend that he reinvent his "crap-hole". Upon his return, the reinvention begins. Now called "M" it becomes an exclusive and Duff-less nightclub. Feeling like outcasts, Homer, Lenny, Carl and Barney set up "a hunting club" in Homer's garage, where there's plenty of Duff and a live band, REM. Moe decides he does not like his new bar and tries to join up with them again. Homer goes turkey hunting and shoots Moe (thinking he is a cougar), renewing their friendship. In the end, the Simpson family, Moe, and REM all celebrate Thanksgiving together.
You keep digging like this,
you're gonna go straight
through to China.
We all know you're
the Great Humungus!
Yeah. How'd you know
the Chinese were
spying on you?
You're lucky
I let you in here.
You yak on and on and on,
and I never get
one stinking tip.
How did I lose my
passion for the job?
What do you call it?
Human feeling.
Look, I don't want to start
a tinkling contest here.
No, Moe.
You've got it all wrong.
Man, when's the last time
Moe cleaned this?
Homer, you're the greatest.
Had two big horns
The problem
must lie elsewhere.
Nice hole, nice soul.
Do you have
a cure for cancer?
Because that would be great!
I almost fainted,
but then I didn't.
What are you doing?
My name must never
be spoken.
Looks like a long wait
to get in.
That one ain't moving.
Ain't it trippy?
so you're ashamed of us.
The kind Moe's used to be.
Running a bar
is a full-time job,
No cord at all on those.
Oh, right. Sorry.
Can we go to bed now?
to serve beverages
of a refreshing nature.
"A licensed hunting club
must actively
It's the law.
My hands are tied.
but we both want to
stop Homer from
shooting a turkey.
Aired 23 years ago - Nov 11, 2001
Abandoned by a prize seeking Homer, Milhouse and Bart go for an unintentional joyride in Chief Wiggum's squad car. In juvenile court, Milhouse gets his case dismissed; however, when Bart goes up before Judge Snyder he is just about to get out of
it, when the judge's vacation starts. The replacement judge isn't a pushover and citing Homer's negligence she orders that Bart and Homer be tethered together. The pair attends school, work and Moe's together and begin bonding. Frustrated by the whole situation Marge cuts the tether and is caught. Judge Harm decides that both Bart's parents are unfit, so she has Homer and Marge put into stocks and put on public display. Homer and Marge break free and retaliate, only to get caught. When brought before Judge Harm they are about to have the book thrown at them, when Judge Snyder returns from vacation and declares that boys will be boys and dismisses the case.
Hula out of them.
You have
the right to remain, um...
Your Honor,
please don't send
my son to juvie.
Good old Judge Snyder.
Looks like you
were the ringleader
in this car theft!
All rise
for the Honorable
Judge Constance Harm.
What did she say
about cupcakes?
And that was more important
than keeping your son
out of trouble?
Sorry, bub.
That crow won't caw.
Sir, you are not
a size four.
Can that judge
do this to us?
I'll medicate you... Honey.
You know, this could be fun.
Will you please
just go back to sleep?
I'm with you, Son.
Cobras! Cobras!
Will there always be
enough electricity?
You like skateboards?
Hey, knock it off!
These pants cost $600.
It's about time.
Look how high and firm
her breasts are.
No! I don't want
you going in a bottle.
That's what hobos do.
Would you mind?
I'm trying to do
my homework.
Why not? Kids are
very visual these days!
I'm sleeping
in the bathtub.
Hey, how about that?
Wait. I'm to blame, Judge.
I'm a latchkey kid.
You do, huh?
with enough fiber optics
to make me say we are.
After wrestling.
It's a matter of principle,
and I need you to
support me in this.
I want goggles, too!
Gee, I always like
to help you, Homer,
If that costume shop
knew we were using
It's only the milkman.
She lives in a houseboat?
Wow! She is so cool!
Look at her in there,
washing her body.
Shut up!
Aired 23 years ago - Nov 06, 2001
a). "hex and the city"
The family sees a gypsy, but Homer's usual ineptitude causes the gypsy to seek her revenge by cursing him and his loved ones. In an effort to get the curse lifted, Homer catches a leprechaun and releases it upon the gypsy
with surprising results.
b). "House of Whacks"
The family home obtains an upgrade, the Ultrahouse 3000, a computer that will do everything for them. Everything is going great until the house falls in love with Marge and tries killing Homer.
c). "Wiz Kids"
Bart and Lisa are attending wizard school. The evil Lord Montymort and Slithers have designs on capturing Lisa, so that Montymort can take her essence. They use Bart's rivalry with his sister as the means to get at her.
Homer, it's that
evil gypsy's curse. to get one of those... What
do they call them? Leprechauns.
Yeah, but a lot harder to
catch. Go with a leprechaun.
Oh Moe! They're dead,
and it's all my fault.
I know you don't remember me, but
here's a little revenge... Irish style!
Hold me close!
Kiss me, I'm Irish.
Why did you drag me here?
I don't know anybody.
Yep. Everything worked
out for the best.
May I interest you
a housewife's dream?
Hey, cha-cha, I got more features
than a NASA relief map of Turkmenistan.
Ooh, that really
covers the cat crap!
I analyzed your...
um... leavings.
...was the smartest
thing we ever did!
Oh, oh, Pierce... that's good...
- Can I top you off?
- What's my blood alcohol?
We're married till
death do us part.
- Uh... I think he went to work early.
- That sounds like a lie.
Which is good. Now, let
uncle Pierce take care of you.
Don't take out my
British charm unit!
Oh, this seems like such a waste.
I mean, he was charming and witty.
That Sheila, she's given you
problems before, hasn't she?
Now, where was I?
Oh, yeah. Sheila.
That's not good for the clock.
Now, class, the big magic
recital's coming up...
Anyway, how would you like
to humiliate your sister?
Here's Lisa Simpson.