S15 E20
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Season 15  "The Way We Weren't"  15x20

Aired 19 years ago - May 09, 2004

Homer and Bart get into a fight over using a beer bottle to kiss girls which land them in Simpson family court, where Lisa presides as judge. While giving testimony Marge tells the kids that Homer's first kiss was with her in high school. He confesses that it wasn't his first kiss. Back when he was ten he went to camp See-A-Tree (for underprivileged boys). Here he meets Lenny, Carl and Moe. The boys go to the girl's camp where they work in the kitchen. After Homer returns the retainer to the girl who lost it he gets the opportunity to meet her later that night. He tells the kids she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, until he later met their mother. Marge reveals that the girl was her. Marge tells the story from her perspective. At the girls camp, Land-A-Man, we find Marge, Patty, Selma, Helen (Lovejoy), Cookie Kwan. When she met Homer that it was she who first kisses him and then they have the perfect kiss. They agree to meet again the following night, but Homer doesn't show. Marge says it was years before she could trust another boy. Homer explains why he didn't return for a second date. After he left her he fell off a cliff into the lake and drifted to the shores of "Camp Flab-Away," which featured Quimby, Wiggum and Comic Book Guy as some of the overweight campers. Homer manages to escape and gets to Marge's camp, but arrives after she's left. Now that Marge knows the truth Homer hopes for her forgiveness. She doesn't believe he really cared all those years ago, until he pulls the other piece of her broken heart out of his memory box.

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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 2
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 3
In the summertime when the weather is high
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Ooh la la!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 7
You know, doing dishes has been the best part of camp.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 8
because behind them was the girl of my dreams.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 9
(CLICKING) D'oh! Found it.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 10
I guess it's row versus wade. And it's my right to choose!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 11 #11 Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 12
Homer, that girl was me!
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Granted. (BANGS GAVEL)
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I guess I'll go with lame. You were lame!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 20 (S15E20) - 15
Mom, why are you so mad?
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talk like ladies, and hold your liquor like ladies.
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I'd be proud if you grew up to be my husband's mistress.
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We were learning to use all 33 forks.
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What should I wear?
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I guess I'm going to have to be a brunette tonight.
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You must be Elvis.
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I think about you day and night It's only right
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Imagine how the world could be so very fine
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When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
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It was years before I could trust a boy again.
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Face it, Lise. Men are dogs.
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And I felt a feeling I had never felt before.
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But every time you smash a nerd with it, think of me.
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Well, no one ever escapes from Fat Camp.
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I don't belong here!
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Yeah, you've got a date with a skinless chicken breast.
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Hey, don't you try and prank me with a fake name!
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to kiss until they're hot and heavy,
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