S9 E1
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Wednesdays 10:00 PM on FX

Season 9  "The Gang Broke Dee"  9x1

Aired 10 years ago - Sep 04, 2013

Dee starts to embrace the desperate, self-loathing qualities the guys have beaten into her over the years, sending her stand-up comedy career to unexpected places.

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Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 2
Go with it.
Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 3 #3 Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 4
And tomorrow we can shit on her.
Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 5
I passed out at the park the other day, and a couple of kids
Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 6
This is ridiculous.
Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 7
Can we say hi? There she is!
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And then your brain goes.
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I want to be very clear about this.
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So I just wanted to give you my card.
Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 11
to be a talent scout so he can hit on women.
Recap of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) - 12
Can you do better, all right?
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You care all of a sudden?
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Hey, everything all right over there, Dee?
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Describe the ways in which you find him attractive.
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always fall into?
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What-what is that?
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Oh, come on, don't get too excited, all right?
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Uh... Walt, just Walt-Walt's the plan.
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A woman said "vagina."
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What are you doing?
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They're all like, "Clickety
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I'd like to say it was fun, but I've had a better time ripping
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Let's give it up for Landslide!
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It's a landslide!
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We got to be on that list.
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Dee, enough of this, okay?
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Career? Oh, wow, Dee.
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Instead, you will fly too close to the sun, and you will choke
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is gonna be a star.
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night, and something came up.
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This is all... This is all...
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Ew! Mm-mm.
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Hey, what do you say we go back to my hotel and have sex?
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take you off of my hands forever, but... I realized
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I see that now.
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All right.
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♪ I'm gonna knock you out
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Okay, Dee is here, Dee