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Season 18

Aired 17 years ago - May 20, 2007

When Homer buys the 1,000,000th ice-cream cone at a local shop, he ends up on Kent Brockman's news program. When Brockman swears on live TV after coffee is spilled in his lap, Ned Flanders leads a crusade to clean up Springfield's airwaves, starting with getting Brockman fired. Then Homer once again saves the day.

Aired 17 years ago - May 20, 2007

When finding out Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney plan on sabotaging Springfield Elementary School's annual bake sale by releasing the "ultimate stinkbomb" (a rotten yogurt cup from Springfield's Nuclear Power Plant), Bart and Lisa enlist the help of Jack Bauer and Chloe O'Brian. Meanwhile, Marge attempts to make the perfect cake, so she can win the bake sale. MORE -LESS

Aired 17 years ago - May 13, 2007

Homer unwittingly drags the family into a cornfield maze after attempting to leave a boring Harvest fest that Marge brought them to. When everyone except Homer escapes, Santa's Little Helper rescues him and becomes the town hero. So the Simpsons enroll him in Police Dog Academy where he's teamed with Lou.

Aired 17 years ago - May 06, 2007

Maggie goes on a path of destruction in the Simpsons home after Marge follows advice in a parenting magazine and throws away her pacifier. Marge finally gives in and sends Homer to get Maggie a new pacifier, but when he cant find the right brand, Maggie comes up with her own substitute an especially squeaky dog toy. Homer cant sleep through the toys incessant squeaking and is driven to take sleeping pills, which turn him into a sleepwalker with a penchant for mischief. When one of Homers sleepwalking schemes leaves the entire Springfield Fire Department debilitated in the hospital, Homer and some of his fellow Springfieldians become volunteer firefighters. They extinguish several fires and are rewarded with gifts, but when the gifts stop coming, they seek other forms of compensation for their heroic acts. MORE -LESS

Aired 17 years ago - Apr 29, 2007

Bart becomes a hometown hero when he makes the game-winning catch at his Little League game, sending the Springfield Isotots to the championship for the very first time. Meanwhile, Homer runs into some luck, when a customer misunderstands Homer's excuses for a sales pitch after falling asleep in a department store's display bed. The impressed store owner hires Homer as a salesman. MORE -LESS

Aired 17 years ago - Apr 22, 2007

Marge becomes a spectacle during a PTA meeting for not having an e-mail address, and she decides to take a chance on using the Internet. Amazed and delighted by all the Internet has to offer, Marge decides to join a popular role-playing fantasy game named "Earthland Realms." To Marge's dismay, the game has her interacting with practically the whole town of Springfield, including Bart, who happens to be the game's most feared and destructive player. Meanwhile, Homer saves Lisa's soccer game from cancellation after he volunteers to take the place of a referee who recently quit. However, Homer's refereeing skills only exasperate Lisa, and her competitive streak gets the best of her. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Mar 25, 2007

When the fireproof safe (which was bought after one too many house fires) explodes, Homer and Marge try to recreate the photos, but when one of them uncovers a scandal in the background, Homer decides to join the world of paparazzi - forgetting what happened the last time he had a job that dealt in revealing other people's flaws to the public (in "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?") MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Mar 11, 2007

When Homer accidentally declares bankruptcy, Grandpa ends up leaving the Springfield Retirement Castle and falls in love with Selma; Bart and Lisa con a delivery man out of cardboard boxes.

Aired 18 years ago - Mar 04, 2007

Principal Skinner decides to allow Lisa to tutor Cletus's kids instead of them enrolling into Springfield Elementary, but they end up on Krusty's show as a Musical Act; Bart sees a psychiatrist after pretending that he's possessed by a ghost in an an attempt get free food from the cafeteria.

Aired 18 years ago - Feb 18, 2007

Eccentric documentary filmmaker Declan Desmond returns with his new film "Growing up Springfield" in which various characters in The Simpsons are interviewed. Homer and family pretend to be rich on the documentary, until Mr. Burns catches them in his summer home.

Aired 18 years ago - Feb 11, 2007

After saving Springfield from burning down in city-wide fire, Mayor Quimby awards Bart with a driver’s license. During Bart’s travels to a nearby town, he develops a serious relationship with a teenage girl. Meanwhile, during a presentation at school, Lisa lies about her Native American heritage and when everyone believes her, the lies result in some escalating problems for her. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 1
Åãþ åßìáé áêüìá ðåñÞöáíïò ãé' áõôü ðïõ åßìáé.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 2
Ãéáôß Ýðñåðå íá ðù øÝìáôá ãéá ôçí êëçñïíïìéÜ ìïõ;
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Áêüìá;! Ôïõò ðíßãåéò Þ ôïõò êÜíåéò Ýñùôá;
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Ãéáôß; Áöïý åóý äåí ìå âïçèÜò.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 8
Ôüôå öïâÜìáé üôé áõôÜ ôá õãñÜ ìáíôçëÜêéá èá ðñÝðåé íá óþóïõí ôçí êáôÜóôáóç.
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Áí áõôü äïõëÝøåé, èá ðÜù ãñçãïñüôåñá áð' üôé Ý÷åé ðÜåé ðïôÝ äåêÜ÷ñïíïò.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 10
- Ïé öëüãåò ðÜíå óôçí åýöëåêôç óõíïéêßá. - Åêåß äïõëåýåé ç ìáìÜ ìïõ!
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Áõôü åßíáé! ÈÝëù ìßá Üäåéá!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 14
ÁõôÞ åßíáé êáêÞ åðï÷Þ ãéá ìÝíá, íá Ý÷ù ìáæéêÞ êáôÜññåõóç ïñãÜíùí.
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Åãþ íá óïõ êÜíù ôï ðñþôï ìÜèçìá ïäÞãçóçò.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 18
êé áõôü ôï êÜíåôå îáíÜ êáé îáíÜ ìÝ÷ñé ðïõ êÜðïéïò áðëþò êÜíåé ôïí ãýñï;
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 19
Ëïéðüí, Ýíá êïììÜôé ôçò Ýêèåóçò ìïõ... åì... äåí Ý÷åé ðëÞñùò äéáóôáõñùèåß.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 21
Óôï üíïìá ôçò ÌåãÜëçò ×åëþíáò, èá áðáíôÞóåéò óôçí åñþôçóç;
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 24
ÌåôÜ, ðÝôá ôéò óôïí ôïß÷ï ôçò öõëáêÞò ãéá íá äçìéïõñãÞóåéò ÷Üïò êáé óýã÷õóç.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 25
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 26
Ôé åßíáé ôþñá;
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ÊáìéÜ êïðåëéÜ áðü 'óáò ôçò áñÝóåé ç óôÝñåï ìïõóéêÞ;
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 32
Åßìáé ï Ìðáñô Óßìðóïí, ðïéá óôï êáëü åßóáé óõ;
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Ìðáñô! Áõôü åßíáé æÞôçìá æùÞò êáé èáíÜôïõ.
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ó' áõôüí ôïí åãêáôáëåéììÝíï ðñéïíüìõëï; - Ìçí íïéÜæåóáé ìùñü ìïõ.
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Äåí åßíáé óùóôü íá öéëÜò êÜðïéïí áí äåí óêïðåýåéò íá ôïí ðáíôñåõôåßò.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 40
Äåí èá ìðïñïýóåò íá 'óáé ï ðáôÝñáò. Ïýôå êáí ðëçóéÜóáìå ó'áõôü.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 41
¸íáò Íïñâçãüò óðïõäáóôÞò áíôáëëáãÞò. ¸öõãå ðñï ðïëëïý, ðßóù óôçí Íïñâçãßá.
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Ïé æùÝò ìáò èá ìðïñïýóáí íá Þôáí êáôáðëçêôéêÝò åêåß.
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Ïé Üíèñùðïé ôçò öõëÞò ìïõ æïýóáí óå áñìïíßá ìå ôç ãç.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 46
Äåí õðÜñ÷åé öõëÞ ×éôÜôóé. ÐÞñá ôï üíïìá áðü ôï öïýñíï ìéêñïêõìÜôùí ìïõ.
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Êáé ðïéïò ìðïñåß íá ôçí êáôçãïñÞóåé ðïõ èÝëåé íá åßíáé ìßá áðü åìÜò;
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 48
Ôé; ¼÷é êáé óõ, «Áñêïýäá ðïõ Øåýäåôáé»;!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 49
Ìðáñô, èÝëù öñÜïõëåò. Ôþñá áìÝóùò.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 12 (S18E12) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Jan 28, 2007

In an effort to stop Homer from taking revenge on the Rich Texan for cutting him off on the highway, Marge, Lisa and Bart offer up three cautionary tales of revenge.The Count of Monte Fatso: A parody of the book and film The Count of Monte Cristo, in which Homer is cast as the Count.Revenge of the Geeks: Using a futuristic device called the “Get-back-inator,” Milhouse takes revenge on the Springfield Elementary bullies.Bartman Begins: A parody of the Batman origin story, in which Bart is cast in the title role. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Jan 07, 2007

Homer surprises Marge with a visit to her favorite childhood vacation spot: an island called Barnacle Bay. But when the family arrives, they are shocked to discover Barnacle Bay’s tourism and economy has been decimated by the disappearance of the local delicacy, the “Yum-Yum” fish. After causing some major damage to the boardwalk, Homer is forced to join a fishing crew to work off his debt and a parody of The Perfect Storm ensues. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Dec 17, 2006

At Christmas time, Marge opens up her home to the jobless Gil. But problems arise when Gil overstays his welcome and Marge can’t bring herself to kick Gil out of the house.

Aired 18 years ago - Dec 10, 2006

After being forced to attend Nelson’s birthday party, Bart becomes best friends with the schoolyard bully. Meanwhile, Homer develops a big interest with one of Lisa’s fantasy books.

After Homer is fired from the power plant, he buys an ice-cream truck and sells ice-cream. His successful business yields an abundance of discarded popsicle sticks and Marge finds another calling in life, as she uses the leftover sticks to create popular life-size statues of various citizens from Springfield.

Aired 18 years ago - Nov 19, 2006

Lisa aides Moe in discovering his inner-poet and he gains swift popularity and recognition from a group of successful American authors, when Lisa helps to get his poetry published. However, Lisa is crushed, when Moe enjoys his newfound success with literary giants and fails to credit Lisa for her assistance in his poetry.

Aired 18 years ago - Nov 12, 2006

Bart pre-enlists in the Army and when Homer goes to the Recruitment Center to clear up the mess, he is tricked into enlisting in the Army himself. Upon completion of basic training, Homer is assigned to lead some troops against a disgruntled Army Colonel in a war games simulation.

Aired 18 years ago - Nov 05, 2006

Three more scary tales are offered up in this 17th edition of the Treehouse of Horror.Married to the Blob: After eating mysterious green goo from a meteorite, Homer grows to massive proportions while he eats everything in sight.You Gotta Know When to Golem: Bart takes control of Golem of Jewish folklore, and forces the ancient statue to do his bidding by writing instructions on scrolls and placing them into the Golem's mouth.The Day the Earth Looked Stupid: Taking place in 1938 Springfield, the townspeople react to Orson Welles’ famous War of the Worlds radio broadcast. However, they pay no attention when Kang and Kodos actually do invade the town. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Sep 24, 2006

After buying Homer a collection of handyman's books, Marge becomes a handywoman, but uses Homer since no one in town is thrilled over the idea of a female carpenter. Meanwhile, Bart finds out that Principal Skinner has a peanut allergy and uses a peanut on a stick to torture Skinner, but the joke is on Bart when Skinner discovers that Bart is allergic to shrimp. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Sep 17, 2006

When Bart has problems with acting out, Marge and Homer take him to a child psychiatrist, who suggests that Bart should taking up drumming. Bart turns out to be a natural with the drums and much to the chagrin of Lisa; Bart is approached by jazz musicians, who want him in their band. Meanwhile, Lisa turns to rescuing animals as a way to deal with her jealousy and depression, over not being a member of a jazz band herself. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - Sep 10, 2006

At school, Lisa befriends a boy named Michael, who happens to be the son of mob boss, Fat Tony. Fat Tony is put out of commission by a rival family, and Homer and Bart get involved with the mob, when Michael, who is nothing like his father, is not interested in the “family business.”

Recap of The Simpsons Season 18 Episode 1 (S18E01) - 1
Hop in what?
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Hey, loser, we got a ride from a real fan.
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This is for every bus driver, lunch lady, gym coach, hall monitor...
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Just a sec, I've got to finish my science project.
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That weird kid who never says anything.
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No problem, I'll just drive up to your house and get it.
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and never forget: the divisor goes into the dividend.
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Oh, fun is so fun.
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My daddy had to potty in a bag.
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- That's me. - I p-- you didn't let me finish!
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- You're sitting with me? - I'm not afraid of you.
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There's a triple-A battery in my macaroni and cheese!
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Are you just saying that 'cause you're afraid of my dad?
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My dad wants me to go into the family business.
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Because I broughtthis Finding Nemo bedspread.
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Sadly, my Anna Maria was whacked by natural causes.
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Your words honor my family.
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Boss, the Calabresis are here for the sit-down.
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I thought you meant "hot-sync" it. You know how it is with us--
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we figured you'd gone soft, and were therefore whackable.
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You said you meant to make brownies.
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You're my everything, over here!
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My God, this is like a lap dance for my taste buds!
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A chef, huh?
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Hey, Tony, catch you later. Your kid's got a bright future--
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Michael, you have made me appear weak in the eyes of my enemies.
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the Calabresis are gonna try to put him down for a dirt nap.
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What am I gonna do now?
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Whoa! Where did that come from? Whoa!
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All right, tap jockey, you owe Fat Tony 50 bucks. Cough it up!
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Take it, take it! Just don't hurt me!
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for keeping McDonald's and Burger King out of town.
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Dad, you want I should plug him in the ankle?
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