S7 E15
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2 years ago
Sundays 9:30 PM on FOX

Season 7  "Three Kings"  7x15

Aired 15 years ago - May 10, 2009

Peter imagines his friends and family in three of Stephen King's most famous works. Stand by Me parody - Twelve-year old Peter, Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe travel along a railroad track on a journey of self-discovery. Misery parody - Brian is injured in a bad car crash only to be "rescued" by his "number one fan," Stewie. The Shawshank Redemption parody - Cleveland and Peter become fast friends in prison.

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Recap of Family Guy Season 7 Episode 15 (S07E15) - 2
I'm cranky 'cos all my stuff is junk.
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Glad I could do my part.
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Uh, guys, anyone know when the next train is scheduled?
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Hey, sorry you paralyzed, Joey.
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than any of us could
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Now, get lost!
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I mean, we live in the same town.
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called "Don't-feel-sorry-for-us-ball"
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Unfortunately, about a week ago,
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you are a good sport and a trooper.
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Paul, I still wish I could talk you out of this.
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The Weather Service has reported a big snow storm on its way.
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Who ... wh-who are you?
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in your bag, and, I was wondering if I could read it
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smudge at the crime scene.
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Let's see ... How can I explain this to you?
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And we're supposed to believe
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Rurrr, rurr, rurr, rurr.
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If I let you go, you'll just run straight to the police
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Alright. Big finish.
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Later, Andy came back with more than 2 words.
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Wow. Can you carve me a set of
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Well, anyway, I'm a pretty corrupt guy
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never made a sound again.
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Like, literally, no idea.
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and that little stunt you pulled today
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Nope, now you're bein' acute.
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I don't know, Sir.
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It's just a stupid made up word
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there was only one thing on my mind.
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Is that..? No, no, beach dog.