S13 E7
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2 years ago
Sundays 8:00 PM on Disney+

Season 13  "Brawl in the Family"  13x7

Aired 22 years ago - Jan 06, 2002

The family is going through problems. A social worker sets out to fix them after a domestic violence charge. He is horrified at Homer when the vegas wives of Homer and Ned unexpectedly come to Springfield. Fed up with vegas, they want to replace Marge and Maude. Ned's new wife stays with him, but his dorky children drive her crazy. Homer tries unsuccessfully to get an annulment. Homer's vegas wife gets him kicked out of the house. Marge begins to feel sorry for Homer, so she devises a plan to get rid of his vegas wife. Homer gets her drunk and marries her to Abe. She is so distraught over being Mrs. Abraham Simpson that she and Ned's vegas wife flee, running down evergreen terrace. Senile as ever, grandpa forgets being married immediately.

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Recap of The Simpsons Season 13 Episode 7 (S13E07) - 2
Which version?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 13 Episode 7 (S13E07) - 3
I want to buy a house. Hey, where'd they go?
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You're a little light here, Dad.
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just because he bought you that house on St. James Place.
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And I don't see five Sugar Plums.
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And don't try anything, because Johanssen there is a snitch.
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Now, I'll never get into an Ivy League school.
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Hello. I'm Gabriel.
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or Will Smith in Bagger Vance, or Slimer in Ghostbusters.
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I like to observe each family member individually.
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Attention, everyone. This is Gabriel, my personal social worker.
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So, I make a few practice dinners before showtime.
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(SNORTS) Well, not with that temper.
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Bart, you'll do anything for attention.
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Who feels like lunch? Me!
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We cover for each other as a family.
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That's great. But so are the wolves and cougars!
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(GROANS) My driving ankle.
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Oh, no! The roast beef is making them stronger!
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You broke out of your normal roles
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but our bond has never been stronger.
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Yeah. I'm looking for Homer Simpson.
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If I had known there were loose women in Las Vegas,
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Where's the bed?
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Fair enough.
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I hereby order you to take care of both of your wives!
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Of all things to ever come back
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Don't stop. Oh, yeah...
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(SINGING) Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory!
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We flushed your sin sticks down to hell.
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with two wives would be happy.
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Why don't you come inside and we'll talk?
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I can say I'm sorry and still mean it!
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Her lips look like night crawlers!