
Season 8

Aired 44 years ago - Mar 24, 1980

A no-nonsense Colonel, who is notorious as a hard-nosed disciplinarian, visits the 4077th during an outbreak of April Fools' Day pranksterism. Colonel Potter tries in vain to halt the mayhem before Colonel Tucker arrives in camp.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 25 (S08E25) - 1
Sir, I must protest the rash of mindless pranks being perpetrated around here.
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Klinger, how would you like to get the last rites... and a few lefts?
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of the surgeon general's office, is coming to observe our medical setup.
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Uh, sir, about that three-day pass I just decided to ask--
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But, sir, I'm already drowning in paperwork.
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Klinger, did you see anybody else lurking around here earlier?
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We're talking about a man who picks his teeth with a rusty nail.
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- Pierce? - Thanks for the room service, Margaret.
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And I'll follow your instructions to the letter.
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All he said was no jokes while Tucker's here. Tucker's not here yet.
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No help will be forthcoming from the guy who had ''Kilroy'' painted on his head while he slept.
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Why should it?
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once you get the hang of the Luther Rizzo secret of military success.
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Hey, play your cards right...
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Is your hat on too tight?
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- I know, I know. - Listen, you stay here.
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Those weasels! Oh!
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- Where is my tent? - We pitched it somewhere.
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- No, he's the idiot, and he's the schmo. - This is disgraceful.
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here to observe your medical staff in action.
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Oh. How do? Uh--
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Sir, your quarters have been prepared with fresh linen, fresh fruit and fresh air.
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Despite my direct orders...
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The senior inspecting officer...
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Sorry you were out of your tent before I could serve your breakfast.
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Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
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Hey, he just saved this kid's life.
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but when it comes to cutting, these people are the real McCoy.
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If you'll excuse me, sir, I must fill out daily reports and deliver mail.
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- Are you tired, Captain? - As a matter of fact, I am.
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Why, Doctor, you don't have anything to hide, do you?
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- I hardly need the support of a woman. - [ Gasps ] Wh--
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and I can't think of a better way to start...
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you're all on report for gross insubordination...
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I'm doing the daily reports, Colonel Potter's correspondence--
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- Even the Sphinx is sweating. - They've broken you.
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as you can plainly see, I wasn't born yesterday.
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Of course I tried to set an example. I am queen of Egypt.
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- Get up from there! - Easy, Potter.
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I just thought of something.
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- Let the crime fit the punishment. - I love it.
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I still say we should wait until he's sleeping and glue his feet together.
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I'll have a shot and a beer. What'll you have?
Aired 45 years ago - Mar 10, 1980

Angered by the way civilian doctors in the States are profiting from the war, Hawkeye presents the Army with a bill for his medical services. Meanwhile, Charles reluctantly demonstrates American medical practices to three Korean medics, and is on the receiving end of their medical expertise.

Aired 45 years ago - Mar 03, 1980

B.J. finds himself attracted to a famous war correspondent, Aggie O'Shea, who has fallen in love with him.

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Well, okay, but you'll be up all night sticking postage stamps on my geisha girl.
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What I want is to be sent to Tokyo.
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There's also an extra bunk in my tent if you're not choosy about roommates.
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So, now that you've seen our world-famous Mess Tent, what can I show you next?
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Really? Oh, there is something that I'm kind of curious about.
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Whither thou goest,Jackson. Do you mind a backseat driver?
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- Needling a nurse? - I surrender already.
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That's what I had in mind-- sticking close, playing doctor.
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Well, it doesn't exactly hurt. It just feels kind of heavy.
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How do, ma'am. I'm sorry I turned in before I had a chance to meet you last night.
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- We've got Aggie and Grandpa Moses here. - Oh, really, Colonel?
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- Scout's honor, not a giggle. - All right, let's go.
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- You're frothing at the mouth. - You betcha I'm frothing. Now, what are you doing?
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- Who's this cute little guy? - Used to be my clerk.
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Oh. This man I recognize.
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- I'm no Norman Rockwell. - No need. We already have one.
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Sugar Ray beats Jake LaMotta, and I'm a sportswriter.
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to put the Phillies ahead of the Dodgers and into the World Series.
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Couple of trips over here, and I'm a war correspondent with Bill Mauldin overtones.
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You don't find a lot of women in your line of work.
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- Does it show? - Yes.
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Please. I hate the way you beat around the bush.
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- Aggie, you're really something. - Oh, let's not lose control.
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You're an extraordinarily attractive woman.
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and the feeling is very, very mutual.
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- Good thinking, Houlihan. Still, this place is no picnic. - Well--
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Well, we're all adult.
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B.J.? B.J.? Oh, that's a laugh.
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Hold it right there. Don't move.
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Mmm! That is quite good.
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Ho, ho. I didn't run away last night. You did.
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It's a wonderful day for, uh-- for--
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- ? That's all I live for ? - He sings very well.
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So, listen, uh, how do you feel today?
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Can be. These kids never come in here laughing.
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- I feel pretty good, mostly. How you doin'? - Fine.
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and my Aunt Shirley, not necessarily in that order.
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Into the sac around the heart to drain it.
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Anything close to the heart is risky.
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Would you like a second opinion?
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viciously gossiping about tawdry, backstreet romances, and I'm not in 'em.
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Pitching Woo? Isn't he the Chinese baseball star?
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It's nice to know you find my personal life so entertaining.
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I'll give you a hand.
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It's the way I'm beginning to feel about her.
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I never met a woman like her. She's so different, so exciting.
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and he'd be hanging around the malt shop with Emmy Lou.
Aired 45 years ago - Feb 18, 1980

The 4077th can't escape the Korean War, even in its dreams. Exhausted after two days without sleep, members of the 4077th steal away for catnaps and experience dreams that reveal their fears, yearnings and frustrations.

Aired 45 years ago - Feb 11, 1980

Klinger redecorates his quarters, but the resultant ridicule he receives drives him to new heights in his efforts to get out of the Army. Meanwhile, the doctors are perplexed by the reaction of an Asian-American war hero who tries to kill himself when he's told that he will be going home. Sidney Freedman is called in to assist.

Aired 45 years ago - Feb 04, 1980

Irritated that the 4077th is planning a "surprise" party for him, Hawkeye volunteers to go to the aid of a wounded surgeon at the front. An additional irritant to Hawkeye is the arrival of Dr. Borelli, a wisecracking medical advisor with whom he habitually disagrees.

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A what? A fist? Somebody picking on you, Father?
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They're interested in you. You have to realize these people are very bored.
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Hawk, will you look around? See how depressed these people are?
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Laughing at their stupid gag gifts and pretending I'm surprised?
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Hey, hey. Dr. Borelli is here!
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- You haven't met our C.O., Colonel Potter. - Colonel.
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Sir, I'll put this stuff out to thaw in the V.I.P. tent...
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Didn't I always know you as Hawkeye?
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You still got that cuckoo who runs around dressed like Dame May Witty?
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[ All Chattering ]
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Well, Dr. Borelli, what new medical information have you brought us this time?
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This is kind of a body shop. We send 'em down to Seoul for major tune-ups.
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You can give us all the poop in the morning in my office at 0800 hours.
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Now, I've got some paperwork to finish up. What say we put a cork on it for tonight?
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- No, I gotta go. - Come on. Relax.
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- Hold it. Hold it! Listen! - ...everybody talking at once!
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We could dress up in civilian clothes and come as actual people.
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Oh, he'd love it, once we got him tied to the chair.
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Father, I refuse to take part in a senseless bash...
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- A costume party. - Something exotic. An Arabian Night--
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Why don't you ask Borelli? He's an expert on everything.
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Gee, what's everybody talking about?
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Don't pick nits, Major. It's that tiny imperfection that makes it special.
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- You gave him a hint. - Fix the cake.
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Major, I think you'd better move your chair a bit.
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There's an emergency call for you. Battalion Aid.
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Okay, people. We've got a problem. A Battalion Aid surgeon's been badly hurt.
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I'd feel awful if I was back here, snug and safe...
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- Pierce, will you get going? - Yeah.
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We're not doing Hawkeye's birthday. We're doing B.J.'s anniversary.
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Just with one hand. I'll skip the corn on the cob.
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Hey, you want to eat the cheese? Go ahead and eat the cheese. What do I care?
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- Trust me. It's terrific. Come on. Try it. - I don't want--
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No more bickering. We're here to do a job, okay?
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I did everything I could to get him ready, sir.
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All right.Jarvis, start another unit of blood. Then wash your hands and put on some gloves.
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- Scrub like what? - You know, like that.
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but we spend a lot of time dragging guys off the line while people are shooting at us.
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He may be just another patient to you, but he's damn special to me.
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Forget it. Even if he needs a graft...
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Leave it open. He'll be fine. Besides, there's less danger of infection.
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First save Captain Kramer's life. Then you can kill each other.
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Have some punch, Hunnicutt, so we can get this glorious occasion over with.
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Hold it. We got customers. In here, guys.
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Is this a special occasion? Or is this one of your everyday candlelit suppers?
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- [ Explosion ] - That was a lot closer.
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Anybody hurt?
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Let me see the other one.
Aired 45 years ago - Jan 28, 1980

Tired of their constant complaints about the quality of recreational activities at the 4077th, Colonel Potter appoints Hawkeye and B.J. as the new morale officers. Winchester's morale has already reached a new peak: He's ecstatic about his operation on a wounded soldier, Sheridan, which saved the boy's leg, leaving only "negligible" side effects - less use of his right hand. However, the soldier was a concert pianist before the war, so Winchester obtains music written by Maurice Ravel for a pianist that had lost a hand in World War I. MORE -LESS

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[ Hawkeye ] Nothing ever changes. Same old love stories in the Mess Tent.
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- Margaret, I shall need another nurse, please. - Yes, I'm gonna handle it.
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Once again from the Arrogance Ballroom, you've just heard Satchmo Winchester...
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there's slight damage to the flexor tendon and the neurovascular bundle.
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I'm fed up with your silly jokes about the movies, the food...
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A thriller from contents to appendix.
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Ah, that wit and humor warms the cockles of this old ticker, boys.
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Top of the morning, bringers of mirth and good cheer.
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- Oh, very good. - Bravo!
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That should be easy, considering the fact that the best one we've seen in months is...
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Here's the list. I'd like it filled immediately, please.
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I'm warning you two. I want those cosmetics...
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- Oh. - You're quite a lucky lad.
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When you consider that boys come through here every day...
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- For how long? - Afraid it'll be permanent.
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I'm a concert pianist.
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[ Chuckles ] I see. Oh.
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These folks expected a lot from you.
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When are we gonna get those new movies you promised, huh?
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- Oh, great. What do we do, show it on a pillowcase? - With selected tall subjects.
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But who has to stand over this slop every day...
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This place is a cat's whisker from loco.
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Oh, yeah? What kind of a party?
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- You don't have a thing in mind, do you? - Even less than that.
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David, I'm sorry to awaken you, but... I feel that we need to talk.
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You have a very special gift.
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show compassion, provide comfort.
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- Of course I care. - Then you must not give up.
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- Dirt. - No! A picnic!
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Huge, boiling kettle full of lobsters, crabs, clams, whatever they've got.
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Me? You want me to drive halfway across Korea...
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Klinger, this is a list of pieces of music.
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The natives are hungry tonight. Listen to the pounding of those gums.
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- Somebody get a rope! - Let's season 'em!
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we'll get a postcard from Toledo any day now.
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- You dopes! - You idiots!
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Shh. I told 'em I was taking 'em to the circus.
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What a terrific idea! These crabs are delicious.
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and a fun-filled trip in Seoul.
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What the hell is this all about?
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- Are you familiar with the story behind the Ravel? - No, and I don't really--
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who, like him, was willing to accept this great challenge.
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Wrong. Because the gift does not lie in your hands.
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Rachmaninoff, Chopin.
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or you can find new ways to share your gift with the world--
Aired 45 years ago - Jan 21, 1980

Hawkeye is appointed temporary commander of the 4077th when Colonel Potter rushes off to Tokyo on a mysterious mission. While in command, Hawkeye's main problem is housing a large group of Korean refugees comprised mainly of rambunctious children who need medical care.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 1
Hawk, the only order you've given in two days is for a double scotch.
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This is Dr. Pierce, benevolent despot. I'm Dr. Hunnicutt, loyal subject.
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- Some puncture marks too. - We better inoculate them for tetanus.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 4
Buffalo bagels. Did you get at those weekly reports...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 5
Just your laundry, sir. They starched your shorts again.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 6
- [ Children Squealing ] - Children! Children!
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[ Speaks Korean ]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 8
- [ Chuckling ] - Eh, I guess it's all in the delivery.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 9
What we need now is cool, calm leadership...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 10
- [ Giggling ] - Hey. hey.! Come on, slugger.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 11
I got ya! [ Laughs ]
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the Big Bad Wolf slides right down the chimney.
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- Okay. - Night, kids.
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Who in the name of Annie's argyles are all these kids?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 15
But things got a little complicated. Dr. Pierce says no problem.
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Well, you have to understand the army's sense of humor.
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Oh, Colonel. this is the lady who brought us all the kids.
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It sensitizes the whole system.
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They're ugly. We're doing 'em a favor by eating 'em.
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The whole world's spinning down the tubes, and nobody even seems to notice.
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''To Colonel Sherman Potter from Smith, Smith and Brown, attorneys-at-law.''
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Okay, ten shots-- one every two hours.
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All the Indians got them-- Father Mulcahy, Major Houlihan...
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- I don't understand. - You won't believe what was left on my door.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 27
No.Just ordered me to deliver 'em and made a beeline for his office...
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Or a will.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 29
- his mood, and the package from lawyers. - Yes, it would.
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He says he'll explain everything tomorrow night.
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Relax, Margaret. You can't be a mother hen...
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[ Chuckles ]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 33
Come here, son.
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See? That private is me in Paris. I was just a kid.
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I just pray to God they stop this war...
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It's top-notch, honest. Watch.
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[ Klinger] Okay, kid, this is it.
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- [ Grunts ] - We can use all the blessings we can get.
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- Yeah. - Yeah.
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- Major. - Sir.
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No matter what the problem may be.
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It was a long time ago-- 1 91 7, to be exact.
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Went through hell together and lived to get drunk about it.
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The shells were screaming, and we were singing and toasting our friendship.
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We'd save this bottle, let some legal eagle stow it for us...
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For good or bad, you're looking at the last survivor.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 18 (S08E18) - 50
I've been a very lucky man.
Aired 45 years ago - Jan 14, 1980

Colonel Potter turns crotchety when he catches the mumps, and his condition is worsened when Winchester gets the same disease and has to be quarantined with him. A temporary replacement surgeon, Newsome, is quickly brought into the 4077th and seems to be a gem in terms of both personality and ability.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 1
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 3
and God knows there isn't a pillow around that could go the distance with ya...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 4
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- His very own roomie! - So here he is now...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 6
- This is a private room. Go someplace else. - There is no place else.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 7
You're too modest, Winchester.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 8
yours does not appear to be a standard army issue folding canvas cot.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 9
- Yes, but, Colonel-- - Don't even think it, Winchester.
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I'm disinfecting the place. We got mumps here, and I gotta be careful.
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Klinger, Maxwell Q. Welcome, sir.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 12
[ Laughs ] 21 -1 5.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 13
Now I know what the corporal is spraying the office with.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 14
Ah, Tokyo-- hotbed of combat.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 15
Let's go, Steve. Another ''come as you're hurt'' party.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 16
Well, this isn't exactly new to me.
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mostly in pieces-- Keep that pressure up.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 18
Kid had about 1 2 pounds of shrapnel in his leg.
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Kid kept his leg. We found the battalion.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 20
Colonel, it hardly requires an advanced degree in differential calculus...
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Some Zane Grey maybe.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 22
''En-riko'' Caruso? The singer?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 23
?? [ Caruso Singing In Italian ]
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can hardly be mentioned in the same breath with the immortal...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 25
This is Dr. Steve Newsome. He's our replacement surgeon.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 26
Ah, indeed. Most, uh, reassuring.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 27
Well, that's a good guess. I did my undergraduate work there.
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[ Man Over P.A.] Attention, all personnel. Rise and whine.
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We'll take him first. Okay, see you in O.R. under the big clock.
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I'll tell you though.
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I would never have taken you for an early riser.
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- Couldn't sleep. - How could anybody with all that gargling going on?
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All right, out with it. But give me the abridged version.
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Sir, I will never be whole.
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The odds are you'll wind up in a house filled with little roman numerals.
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At least the other doctors have something to do.
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Because my pleasures are a little more on the quiet side!
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- Take a nap. - I'm not sleepy! [ Clears Throat ]
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I demand my rights. I'm going to play my music.
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- Oh, no.! - [ Potter ] Oh,yes.!
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No, don't!
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Get him under. Why didn't we get two replacements when we ordered one?
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- Isn't there any chance we can reconstruct? - No, the artery's gone.
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Pierce, Hunnicutt.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 17 (S08E17) - 50
[ Hawkeye ] Steve?
Aired 45 years ago - Jan 07, 1980

Horrified by the gigantic size of his monthly bar tab at the officer's club, Hawkeye vows to give up booze for a week. Meanwhile, Winchester desperately tries to halt his sister's impending marriage to a man he considers unworthy of the Winchester heritage.

Aired 45 years ago - Dec 31, 1979

A baby born to a Korean woman and an American GI is abandoned at the 4077th. Knowing that Amer-Asian children are often mistreated in Korean society, the troop sets about the frustrating task of finding a new home for the infant.

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 1
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It always amazes me how a baby can take an otherwise normal adult...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 3
a fact confirmed by our ever-vigilant sentries and their seeing-eye dogs.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 4
I am about to make a Solomon-like decision.
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She doesn't like strangers.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 7
- It was for a good cause, Major. - It better be.
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It's enough to drive a man to Officers' Candidate School.
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I can just see you with a house full of little teeny majorettes.
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- That's a good idea. - She's mysterious, like the shifting sand.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 11
That gutter you're in is a festival of old sneakers...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 12
[ Margaret ] Isn't she lovely?
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 14
Little boys have been emasculated...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 15
She'll end up a virtual slave-- or worse.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 16
Armies, for centuries, have fought around it, left it untouched.
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It isn't. But it's the best we can do.
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And no funny stuff. The Red Cross ain't exactly headquarters for rib-tickling.
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Fine, gentlemen.
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Why don't you do something about the Amerasian babies?
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Me too. See you. Thanks for the use of the hall.
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- handed down from father to son. - Pay attention now.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 23
There you have it, my dear.
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But it'll be a boy-- somebody I can take to the Mud Hen games...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 25
That's a D.F., C-1 39. That's a disposition form.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 26
The company commander then recommends for approval or-- or rejection.
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- God gets it. - Nope, the 8th Army.
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We fill out this D.F. form. We buck it all the way to MacArthur.
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I explained to you that this is covered under Korean civil law.
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Captain, there is a war going on out there.
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She's doing great. At least she had a good day.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 32
Hold it down, Colonel, please.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 33
Threatening to file the A.G.'s top aide under ''D'' for ''Deceased''...
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and I'm not trusting anybody's damn sensitivity but my own.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 35
- Who do we talk to, Yugoslavia? - I am sorry.
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Its culture goes back many, many centuries.
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Korean law barely acknowledges their existence...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 38
France, Great Britain, the Netherlands...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 39
[ Clock Ticking ]
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 15 (S08E15) - 40
Okay, Pierce. Nothing much medical going on.
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[ Laughing ] I do apologize for these constant interruptions.
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of these matters themselves, I fail to understand.
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Look, if you wish to accomplish our objective, you will leave this to me.
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- Oh! How gauche! - Yes.
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- No? Just like that? No? - Pierce, please.
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from a blood relative in the child's country of origin.
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Just a moment. Mr. Prescott, there are always alternatives.
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We are discussing a little girl--
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- We'd best be off. - I hope we're doing the right thing, Father.
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you sure turned this place upside down.
Aired 45 years ago - Dec 17, 1979

Friction arises between B.J. and Winchester when they are asked to write an article for a prestigious medical journal, on how they saved a soldier's life with a daring operation. Meanwhile, Hot Lips receives an eventful visit from Scully, her combat soldier beau.

Aired 45 years ago - Dec 10, 1979

A brawl at Rosie's Bar puts Rosie in the hospital, and the 4077th doctors are pressed into service as temporary saloon-keepers. Meanwhile, Father Mulcahy is apprehensive that his long-pending promotion to captain will again be denied. Potter: "The Pentagon. Weird looking building. Four walls and a spare. Monument to Murphy's Law."

Aired 45 years ago - Dec 03, 1979

Klinger discovers that his duties as company clerk include catering to the eccentric whims of the 4077th officers. Consequently, the unusual demands by Klinger's superiors leave little time to write a letter home to Toledo. Meanwhile, the Doctors are concerned about a young soldier who appears to be mentally deficient.

Aired 45 years ago - Nov 26, 1979

Hawkeye and BJ race against the clock to save a soldier from paralysis. BJ harvesting an aorta from a dead soldier doesn't sit well with the soldier's friend.

Aired 45 years ago - Nov 19, 1979

Hawkeye and BJ lose their way while rushing urgently needed antibiotics to the 4077th, which is wracked with low-mileage Thanksgiving turkey-induced salmonella. Wandering back to M*A*S*H, the pair are found by a peculiar North Korean soldier.

Aired 45 years ago - Nov 12, 1979

Charles returns to the 4077th after a trip to Tokyo with an uncharacteristic hangover and the uneasy feeling of a romantic entanglement. Meanwhile, the hospital struggles to find a cure for an outbreak of deadly hemorrhagic fever.

Aired 45 years ago - Nov 05, 1979

A South Korean Woman misinterprets Klinger's motives when he tries to aid her daughter financially. Meanwhile, Hawkeye wrestles with his conscience over a promise made to a dying soldier, Eddie Hastings.

Aired 45 years ago - Oct 29, 1979

A beautiful and ambitious young nurse, Harris, who plans to become a doctor when she leaves the Army, finds herself in a misunderstanding with Father Mulcahy. Meanwhile, the camp's water supply is depleted, and the rest of the 4077th is more concerned about where their next shower will come from.

Aired 45 years ago - Oct 22, 1979

Klinger and BJ both have Radar related woes, causing them to go on a drinking binge. A drunken BJ becomes violent with Hawkeye.

Aired 45 years ago - Oct 15, 1979

As company clerk Radar O'Reilly reluctantly prepares to depart the 4077th, the unit is still without electricity due to a broken generator, and the operating room continues to fill up with war wounded as night falls. The responsibility for procuring a new generator falls on Klinger, who lacks Radar's masterful knack of cutting through red tape in search of much-needed supplies. MORE -LESS

Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 1
Aah! [ Grunts ] Margaret, you're gonna have to hold that back for me.
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Okay. I think she's ready.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 3
- [ Sparking ] - I don't like the sound of that sizzle. Turn it off!
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Hey, listen. If I'm not back to my unit by oh-noon-hundred, I'm gonna be AWOL without leave.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 5
Well, it's not fair. Nobody should be allowed...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 6
Hey, Olsen?
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- Where are you headed? - Me? Korea. The war.
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Oh, I'm Walter O'Radar-- I mean, I'm Walter O'Reilly.
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although Major Houlihan would kill 'em if they did.
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Give him a quarter gram of morphine.
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- How long am I gonna hurt like this? - Two or three days...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 15
We're not talkin' chipped beef here. Generators are mighty scarce.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 16
Got a distended abdomen here. I need some gastric suction.
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- I've never even heard of that. - It's a thingamabob dreamed up in the '30s...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 18
Yeah. He knows me. I've been sending him love letters for a year.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 19
And while you're at it, make arrangements with the 8063rd...
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- You know what I miss the most? - Uh-uh.
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- No kidding? - Yeah.
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That's where all my family is-- my mom and my Uncle Ed.
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- I'll just wait for my regular flight. - Listen, bub.
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Damn. I mean, shoot.
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as long as I stopped for water every 1 0 minutes.
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He wants some more meat loaf. She'll have another slab of liver.
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- That's better. -Just a roll...
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Have 'em belly up to the buffet.
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Perhaps for your ox?
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The sad thing is, one man's poison is another man's meat.
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I was gettin' carsick and airsick at the same time.
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How lucky can I get? Okay, you clowns, come on.
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What the heck. I was the first one on. Figures I oughta be the first one off.
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Well, there she is: Dr. Wangensteen's magic suction machine.
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and the aspirated material collects down here in the chipped beef can.
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I haven't been this moved since Heidi.
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 39
- Oh, no, no, no, no! Thanks. I know a lot of doctors here. - Oh, I'm much better.
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- Radar.! Ha-ha.! Welcome back, son. - Thank you, sir.
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You got back in the nick of time. While you were away, both our generators went AWOL.
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- I'm gonna get somethin' to eat and take a shower. - No time for the shower, son.
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A generator's only a three-call finagle. I mean, a couple boxes of toilet paper here...
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Oh, my gosh. Oh! Look what you've done to this place!
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[ Sighs ] Geez, you go away for a little R & R...
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 46
Huh? Hu-- You're telling me!
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I got a neat collection of SpikeJones records with a lot of burps and-- [ Gulps ] on 'em.
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Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 49
- I'm tellin' ya. I couldn't get one. - What?
Recap of M*A*S*H Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 50
Oh, boy. One break. I can't catch one lousy break.
Aired 45 years ago - Oct 08, 1979

On leave in Tokyo, Radar is desperately needed back at the crisis-stricken 4077th, but his return is delayed by outside events. While casualties continue to pour in from the front, the 4077th's generator conks out, and the backup has been stolen, depriving the medical unit of all electrical power. But Klinger, filling in for the vacationing Radar, lacks the expertise and experience to wheel and deal for a new machine. MORE -LESS

Aired 45 years ago - Oct 01, 1979

The arrival of a wounded Korean woman sparks a conflict at the 4077th: Hawkeye wants to heal her, but a steely ROK officer, Lt. Park, is more anxious to "question" her about alleged guerilla activities.

Aired 45 years ago - Sep 24, 1979

A Congressional aide, Williamson, visits the 4077th on a supposedly routine fact-finding tour, but it's discovered that his motives are far deeper - too uncover Margaret as a communist sympathizer. His case is full of innuendo, so the gang set out to help Margaret.

Aired 45 years ago - Sep 17, 1979

A clumsy foot soldier, 'Look out below' Conway, finds the quickest way to the crew's heart, boosting morale at the 4077th by cooking gourmet delights. Only Colonel Potter, burdened with a personal crisis, is immune from the high spirits enveloping the hospital.