
Season 6

Aired 13 years ago - May 16, 2011

Robin and Barney bond when they intervene in Ted's relationship, and Marshall and Lily watch a ticking clock as he fears that he soon will be the victim of food poisoning.

Aired 13 years ago - May 09, 2011

When Ted is faced with an important decision that might affect his future with Zoey, the gang expresses their true feelings about her.

Aired 13 years ago - May 02, 2011

When Marshall and Barney argue over the destruction of the Arcadian Hotel, Robin and Lily try to mix the right combination of cocktails that will force them to make up. Meanwhile, Ted plans a romantic weekend away with Zoey.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 22 (S06E22) - 1
Meet the new lawyer I hired to help save the Arcadian.
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So they found water on Mars. What?
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Is this because I brushed Lily's boob with my elbow the other day?
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No. I'm still not ready to put my mouth on anything yet.
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Can you believe this one? Wants our booth.
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Barney, your wife just called from the hospital.
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250 was months ago. No, no, no.
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I'm sorry, but your crabs... have super herpes.
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"All Night Long"?
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Are you sure it doesn't taste like anything else?
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Okay! Enough! You guys are outta here.
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Don't look, baby. Just don't look.
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Oh, I don't know. Red wine has kind of an odd effect on Barney.
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If we want them to open up, I say we go straight-up gin.
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He's headed right towards me, showin'me no respect.
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I'm not going anywhere near you and a martini.
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I only say that because it would be so stupid if we did.
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A dream that babies have.
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I dare you guys to dare us to make out.
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Hey there, darlin'.
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Okay, I'm gonna go pick up Zoey, then we're off.
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Ka-ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka-ka!
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Hopefully, by the time you get back, we'll be allowed back into MacLaren's.
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But I wasn't about to ruin our first big romantic weekend away...
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But now you turn my best friend against me?
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The Arcadian is a beautiful, magnificent hotel.
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God, it reminds me of those awkward Sunday dinners with my mom, my dad and his mistress.
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Do you know what I had to do to get you that job?
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Well, here we are.
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- Oh. - They even left a chocolate on the pillow.
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- I didn't even think of that. - It made me wonder what could I have done to make him stay.
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Might as well have some fun. Care to join me?
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- Hey! - What are you doing in our bathroom?
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Brandy was my father's mistress.
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Kids, don't drink tequila.
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I think that small man sounded very moved by the Arcadian's beauty.
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the truth is, l...
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and we believed her.
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Kids, you never forget the first time, or place...
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No, no. Not right now.
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 18, 2011

When Barney tries to bond with his father, he asks the gang to help make his life seem more exciting by lying about their own lives. Meanwhile, Robin runs into a guy she has a crush on.

Aired 13 years ago - Apr 11, 2011

Lily and Barney react badly when Marshall finally quits his job at Goliath National Bank to take a volunteer position at an environmental organization. Meanwhile, Ted and Zoey's opposing positions on the future of the Arcadia come between them.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 1
Sure, it pays less...
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that you've been planning.
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So, Marshall walked in the next morning all ready to quit.
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- # Don't let your life # - Out of nowhere, Marshall actually liked GNB.
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That one was a bummer.
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You know, sometimes I feel bad for Lily and Marshall.
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- No, they don't. - Yes, they do.
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Baby, I did it. I quit!
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You're cool with that, right?
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You wanna play Who's Hot and Who's Scott?
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If they declare the Arcadian a landmark, the whole project is dead.
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your whole project goes down the tubes?
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The downside to having giant Japanese anime eyes is that they're easy to read.
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We take turns! Sometimes.
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Oop! I gotta go. The invitations are ready.
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He's stupid. Hershel's way better.
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"Barney, I'm not gonna conduct a couples session between you and this woman.
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Would you mind driving out to Kennedy with me...
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Hey, Marshall, it's me. Listen, I know I've been kind of a jerk about your leaving GNB.
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Oh, that's cool. No biggie.
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- Oh, no. I'm fine. - Okay.
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Oh, my God. Is that how support feels?
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or... oh, I don't know... my lifelong dream of building a skyscraper in New York City?
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- Um, he speaks perfect English. - Yeah, l-I know.
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I honestly haven't thought it all the way through, and I don't intend to.
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Marshall's been asking a lot lately.
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and that he's not thinking about how we're gonna pay any of our bills...
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- There's nothin' to talk about. - You trashed your office today!
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I've never told anyone this before.
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As things grew heated...
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ticking, ticking, ticking.
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which is why you're ready to spill your guts.
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- Huh? - It all started months ago in the GNB commissary.
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An exploding meatball sub.
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More marinara sauce.
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It's meatball sub day today, which is why I wanted Marshall to come over and have lunch.
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Hey. Oh, Professor Rodriguez. Thank you so much for coming.
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Yeah. Listen, Marshall. l-I need to talk to you about something.
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 21, 2011

Barney meets his father and is shocked by the differences in their lives. The rest of the gang learn their "gaps"; knowledge they should have by now, but don't.

Aired 13 years ago - Feb 28, 2011

When Barney starts to have real feelings for Nora, he worries that something is wrong with his heart. Meanwhile, Robin starts dating a guy who acts a lot like a dog.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 18 (S06E18) - 1
Handsome? Rich? Well-endowed?
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Oh, hey, guys. This is Nate.
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If you weren't so much stronger than me, I would slap you.
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Oh, I should go. Lily, can I talk to you for a second?
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You have to promise me you won't lie to Nora.
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Twent... Flag on the play. Doc, I have a date tonight.
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Although I did notice a few irregularities, there's nothing to be...
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Naked push-ups. Naked chin-ups. I was at dinner.
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is gonna sound a little weird...
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I mean, not tonight, or even to you necessarily.
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and wake up next to him in the morning, every morning, for the rest of our lives.
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Does this place have a kitchen? I'll be right back.
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I said, "He's a dog," as in a dog.
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Robin, it's fine. You said you wanted a dog, and you got one.
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Uh, yeah. And we hope our nosiness doesn't give you pause.
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We're just trying to make sure he's not a heel.
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- No, I'm good. - Oh, shoot.
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I'm being serious. I had no idea that deep down he's such a romantic.
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- You? - Three.
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I really am.
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And that explains your 14-second cardiac arrest.
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Guys, I'm serious!
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Barney, you can't blackmail us into lying to Nora.
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- The calzone? - Checkmate.
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- The 'N Sync concert. - 1998, Cleveland's Gund Arena.
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There's a man back there who seems fascinated by the records flipping in the jukebox.
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We did not meet him at a strip club. No, sir.
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They're only here, like, once a year.
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I'd love to meet your parents.
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Oh, no. I got called back into work.
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Sandwiches make me hungry.
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pick it up and then keep eating it.
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Oh, my God.
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I had a really great time tonight.
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There's just one little thing, and it probably doesn't matter, but...
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- It wasn't me. - Me neither.
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Can you pick up some calzones?
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You just can't tell someone exactly what you want out of a relationship.
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Okay, if you were new in town and had just ingested an eighth of sandwich...
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Day's not over.
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 21, 2011

Marshall becomes obsessed with saving the environment after seeing a documentary on garbage. Ted runs into The Captain. Barney admits he has feelings for a woman.

Aired 13 years ago - Feb 14, 2011

Barney declares February 13th a holiday for desperate women. Marshall receives a Valentine's Day surprise from Lily. Zoey and Ted work on figuring out their relationship.

Aired 14 years ago - Feb 07, 2011

Barney gets emotional when he opens up to Honey about his life. Ted admits to having feelings for Zoey to the group.

Aired 14 years ago - Jan 17, 2011

While on a trip to Minnesota, Ted and Barney try anything to make Marshall laugh. Marshall runs into an old nemesis from high school.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 14 (S06E14) - 1
What's up, Marshall?
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This video is entitled...
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- runs away. - running away.
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to help create a theme for the service, or... whatever.
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Me too. We went for a hike in the snow and had this amazing talk.
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"Last words" seems like a good theme.
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Those are the last words my father will ever say to me.
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Hey! Marshall! So my dad called up from the street.
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he'd say stuff like...
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My dad's last words to me were a string of...
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Let's see what happens.
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That wasn't it. They couldn't find a cab, so I went down there.
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I just want to leave you with a little advice.
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Oh. Sorry. My phone's charged.
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Oh, my God.
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My phone's been out of juice, so he must have called me the day that he, uh...
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Just don't put too much pressure on it.
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My only regret...
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You get to hear your dad's voice one last time.
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Why don't you just whip up a batch of your fancy tofu-sushi bagels...
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Judy's finally sleeping, and it's all because of me.
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What if, God forbid, all of your dads died right now?
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I have to go.
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Which is ironically what I might be looking at.
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happy birthday, R.J.
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- Yes. - Yes.
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Please, and, Barney, no more videos, okay? I'm just...
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We haven't made Marshall laugh once.
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- Hey, Marshall. - Mm.
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I think I can live with that.
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The stories his mother and brothers told were so perfect.
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And then he kissed me.
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It doesn't hold a candle to your Crocodile Dundee thing.
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Baby, are you okay?
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Okay, so it's a pocket dial.
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And he was my best friend.
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Thanks a lot, God!
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But we got this voice mail.
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You know, like, an entire human life...
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Oh, sorry about that, buddy.
Aired 14 years ago - Jan 03, 2011

Afraid they will never get pregnant, Lily and Marshall decide to see a specialist. Robin begins her new job.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 1
Or... Or cost-saving alternative...
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Really, dude. Bravo.
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Ms. Aldrin, please just put your feet on the stirrups.
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Oh, yeah. Bjorney.
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You don't mind if I take pictures, do you?
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Now, while all this was going on...
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- Hi, guys. - Welcome.
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- Sandy, this is... - Robin.
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Well, I was just putting on a brave face. Okay, think about it.
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So, second day of work?
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- We definitely had sex. - We did not have sex.
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We did have sex. Oh, I remember now.
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The more you fight it, the worse it's gonna get.
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But I thought you talked to your dad about everything.
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as long as we don't mind stepping over the cord.
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Dad, there's a... There's something I need to tell you...
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Yeah. Yeah. That laser tag thing is awesome.
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- Genius! - Okay.
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I'm a dirty, dirty girl.
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# Let's go to the mall Let's go to the mall #
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It's too late. I'm already wrapped around a hydro pole.
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I'm freaking out. Is there a chance that I can't have kids?
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The thing you're about to do in here...
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I can't do it, Doc.
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Excuse me. Lily, can I just talk to you in here for a minute?
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but right now I have to get excited about something else.
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Marshall! Marshall!
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Seriously, Marshall, picture it.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 39
I just thought he needed to listen to common sense and reasonable discourse.
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I told you to steer into the skid. That was bad advice.
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your father says he has front-row seats to the Minnesota Twins.
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This isn't working.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 44
And so Marshall told his parents everything.
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get back in that bathroom and "blow-dry" your hair.
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And I need more numbers on how the holiday season impacted the economy.
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- Okay, I didn't do it. - What?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 49
And though she never quite shook the nickname...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 13 (S06E13) - 50
I'm afraid I have some very bad news, Marshall.
Aired 14 years ago - Dec 13, 2010

Lily and Marshall receive shocking news that has a profound impact on the gang. Ted begins his duties as best man for an old friend's wedding.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 1
who just recorded seven episodes of Million Dollar Heads or Tails.
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Marni, flip that coin.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 5
Robin, you better check yourself...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 6
I am gonna finish this whole bottle tonight.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 7
And to show you that I'm serious...
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Which could be a stepping stone to bigger things in your career.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 9
But what we didn't realize was that in a few minutes...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 10
What am I doing with my life?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 11
Well, you are looking at the new associate researcher at World Wide News.
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I wanna be cool Aunt Robin...
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The next day, Robin called Heads or Tails to respectfully decline.
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What am I getting all up in my head about?
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What's with the gingerbread house?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 17
And now she's totally winning Celebrity Rehab.
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The Dibiase.
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So why do I still feel outside of awesome looking in?
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I'm gonna give y'all a bunch of free stuff.
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You get a lap dance!
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I'm not going back either.
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- Unless... - What's up, Barney?
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We give them food, a place to live, clothes for job interviews.
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You cut a hole in the floor, she reaches into the living room, finds the tree.
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Sorry. Force of habit. Congratulations!
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And I'm freaking out tool
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No, don't wavel That makes no sensel
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 39
# Why all these lights popping off in my face? #
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 40
I have never seen you guys looking so at peace.
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Our baby heard The Jerky Boys!
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 42
It's like I have a hot, burning ball of stress in my chest...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 43
So disappointing.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 44
Wow. I thought you guys would be devastated.
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lie together as man and wife until Lily is great with child.
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even though we beg you to take us off that list.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 49
Tails, you take the job at World Wide News.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 50
Aired 14 years ago - Dec 06, 2010

When Ted's new friendship with Zoey tests the theory that single men and married women can't be friends, he invites her husband, "The Captain," to hang out with them. Meanwhile, Marshall and Robin decide to spend alone time together, and Barney and Lily possibly have a fight.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 1
You just made up those nicknames right now.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 2
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 3
She said, um, uh...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 4
(phone plays "Anchors Aweigh") Oh, that's the Captain.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 5
She lied to her husband? Uh-oh.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 6
Pur-leez! You lie to your husband all the time.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 7
No, you just need to spend time
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 8
Marshall and Robin went to dinner,
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the game last night?
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ROBIN: Man, this is awkward.
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Am I supposed to not talk about that?
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I am still mad at you for...
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NARRATOR: Wait. They were on the street.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 14
I think I probably didn't.
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Well, I'm afraid
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 19
Marshall, no. No. I...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 20
I guess it's 'cause we never hang out alone together.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 21
And yes, she's a little plain,
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 22
Marshall, do you know how the myth of mermaids came to be?
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the manatees out in the water started to look like...
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You see, every woman, no matter how initially repugnant,
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MARSHALL: And it took one year, three months, and 16 days,
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It's a thing.
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Big-time manatee.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 29
I'm trapped on a boat with a madman!
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 30
So, Ted,
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No surprise there.
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Want to hang?
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it's call a woman fat right to her face!
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 34
Kids, I'm officially admitting defeat.
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Complete crushing blackness.
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that feed off its lifeless husk.
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Wait here.
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I bought this special for tonight.
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too much time alone with me, I'll turn into a mermaid?
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Okay, even if that happens, is there any way to un-mermaid me?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 42
If a baby's on board that train,
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 43
That's what Barney and Lily were fighting about!
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the whole time undressing me with your eyes.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 45
That was it! I remember now!
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 46
Hey, you want to see a magic trick?
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A pregnant woman who's become a manatee can become
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Okay, now we're even!
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It's far more remote, and I wouldn't have
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But I know she really likes you.
Aired 14 years ago - Nov 22, 2010

When Ted leaves the bar early to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for his friends, the gang winds up partying all night with The Blitz, an old friend from college who has bad luck. As a result Ted is forced to spend Thanksgiving with Zoey.

Aired 14 years ago - Nov 15, 2010

Barney's discovery of a Canadian kids show called Space Teens, that Robin appeared on as Robin Sparkles, leads the gang to get her to reach out to her co-star, Jessica Glitter.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 1
I don't know. This does have all the earmarks of porn.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 2
Whoa! And who is this exquisite keytarist...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 3
Yeah, come on, Barney. It's just a cute little story about...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 4
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 5
We're about to enter an asteroid belt, eh?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 6
Like, uh, Electric Company or Sesame Street or, um...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 7
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 8
Can you just please try to look at this with the innocence of a child?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 9
Okay, Space Teens, let's multiply.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 10
I'm sorry. We gotta ration this.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 11
I get a Christmas card from her every year, but we're not really friends anymore.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 12
Look, I may not see him a lot, but it doesn't matter.
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- Lily, how old would you say that kid is? - Four years, three months.
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Robin said, "To hell with this, I'm outta h-hare."
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 17
Aha! When a second uterus plumped becomes...
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 20
It's their national mascot.
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If Robin's beaver devours six inches of wood every half hour...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 22
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 23
'Sup, Schmosby! What's the man doin'?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 24
- He's staying here? You're staying here? - I know. It's so good, right?
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- Don't care. - He's been stuck in Cleveland his whole life.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 27
Well, I figured you'd be busy reading What to Expect When You're Expecting to Expect.
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Look, Lily, Robin is clearly getting tired of you constantly talking about babies.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 29
So, Lily did just that.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 30
And as a future mother, I'm gonna need the support...
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When that baby comes, you don't have to see it.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 32
I had to. We were growing apart, and we're better off without each other.
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I can't. The damage is done.
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I got so many great pictures of all the billboards.
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Your time's up.
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I'm sorry. You did not get a rose.
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That's your scrotum.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 39
You refused to talk to Robin, so I thought that you might like to talk to...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 40
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 41
His friend Barney looked me up, hoping to buy my Space Teens costume.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 42
Yeah, well, Marshall and I are about to get pregnant...
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hockey, bow hunting for caribou, math...
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- That's cold. - Didn't you do the same thing, minus the baby?
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And now I haven't even talked to her in five years.
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but I feel bad about leaving you out here.
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- Sweetie, who was that? - It's my friend Ted.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 50
In fact, uh, we're getting married.
Aired 14 years ago - Nov 08, 2010

When the gang goes to a black tie event at the Natural History Museum, Ted gets introduced to Zoey's husband, The Captain.

Aired 14 years ago - Nov 01, 2010

When Zoey enrolls in Ted's class, she manipulates his students into taking her side in the fight to save the building being torn down to make room for his project. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily spot Robin marching in the Halloween parade of shame.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 1
November 5, 6, 7 at the Farhampton Civic Center.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 2
this is going to help your image...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 3
but I was also designing the new headquarters...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 4
- Boo-freakin'-hoo? That's it? - Yeah.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 5
I'm a professor. Okay?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 6
That's why every year they produced a feel-good video to improve the bank's image.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 7
I care about high-yield off-shore investments...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 8
and saying it makes me feel like a hooker.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 9
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That's not an expression! That has never been an expression!
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 11
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Uh, just want you to know, we are making good progress on this new project.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 13
Okay, Mother, I'll see you tonight.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 14
Aha! It's someone we know.
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- Oh, come on! - It's someone we know!
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 16
It was recently made clear to me...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 17
What's the Arcadian?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 18
- I lost 'em. - Look, you're new at teaching.
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But I have a simple method for shuttin' down troublemakers.
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We're familiar with it.
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Lily, my students are adults, and I treat them that way.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 23
Well, I'll do what I can...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 24
He was an embarrassment, a huge embarrassment.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 25
so when you arrived at the GNB party after we left...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 26
Yeah, your nose is bleeding like a faucet.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 27
If getting fired is an execution, at least the guy had a last meal.
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No. Sir, that is what's wrong with this company.
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Exactly. Kind of.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 32
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 33
The one day I miss the sack circle, you guys sub her in?
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And, no, none of them had heard the Pixies' B-side.
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Robin? Like, how I think about her when I'm in the shower?
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So why are you smiling?
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If I don't shred it, I could use that money to start my own brewery.
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You're not fired.
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Hello, Professor.
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I can't. I need my severance check.
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Randy, on behalf of everyone at GNB...
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Yeah. I'll bring out your eyes.
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so thank you, Randy.
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I've been meaning to clean out that file cabinet for ages.
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You don't. Ted, you're their teacher.
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like I did with Johnny Marley.
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Aired 14 years ago - Oct 25, 2010

Marshall and Lily try to figure out how to conceive a baby with the gender of their choice; Robin's perky new co-anchor irritates her.

Aired 14 years ago - Oct 18, 2010

Ted becomes conflicted after meeting an attractive woman who is passionate about saving the landmark building being torn down for his new project.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 1
Snakes. Did you just say "snakes"?
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than the hottest girl I've ever slept with?
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the intricacies of intergalactic trade law.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 4
Glenmckenna, aged 30 years in oak casks.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 5
A glass of the J-Jumbo Jim's Grape Scotch sounds lovely.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 6
and efficient that fits comfortably in your pocket,
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 7
such as Winston Churchill...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 8
I do not do that.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 9
Impossible. Max's penis is stuck in my brain like a splinter.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 10
do you want to ruin...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 11
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 12
But you definitely have me rethinking this eye shadow.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 13
Whose dream?
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You can shoplift and pretend you're just confused.
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I was a tranny before, but it's still sweet.
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Will you sign this petition?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 17
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when she found out that you're the one
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I'm a veterinarian.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 22
The point is, you weren't pretending
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So I walk into my boss's office
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Got it: small penis.
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Yeah, but, uh, you know what they say.
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The office is tiny. The conference room is tiny.
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And I figured, "Hey, Ted's a vet.
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You're great.
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Oh, come on! What about you men and your locker room talk?
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that guys don't talk about sex?
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You just broke in and stole these guys?
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Chinese Democracy.
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Although I hear there's a lovely rooftop patio
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a sociopath, a lunatic,
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Well, I can't tear down The Arcadian.
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...or "It's always 4:20 somewhere"?
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Ted, everything okay?
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I had to. Now that you have no shot with the girl,
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And stop shouting!
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You're right. I can design it however I want.
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Ugh, he thinks I like this...
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like Lenny from Of Mice and Men?
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call Robin, okay, and have a good laugh about it?
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Well, that explains a few voicemails.
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where everything comes together...
Aired 14 years ago - Oct 11, 2010

When the gang teases Robin about not being a real New Yorker, she sets out to prove them wrong by racing to catch a glimpse of Woody Allen.

Aired 14 years ago - Oct 04, 2010

Barney uses his best womanizing tactics to try to convince Ted to design the new GNB building; Robin drunk dials Don.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 1
and left an... indelicate voice mail.
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Give me your phone. We're deleting Don's number.
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And by solo, I mean...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 4
After initial contact, I'm now in the ignoring phase.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 5
but I need to have sex with a girl at least three times...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 6
Now I'm gonna have to hear all about it, right?
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I was chosen to design the new Manhattan headquarters for Goliath National Bank.
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Ted Mosby, it's back on.
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is your lifelong dream.
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that thing on his space résumé?
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With clearly marked emergency stops...
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Of course not.
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That's Space Architecture 101.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 15
Okay, I get that he's mad at me for turning down the job, but acting like I'm not even here?
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Barney wants me to take the job so bad, he's putting the moves on me?
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They totally pull focus up from that whole chin situation you got going on.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 20
"This just in"...
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It's not that easy, okay?
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- See how you like it. - My "plezh"!
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Where do the grown-ups go for the real karate class?
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How long ago did you take that class?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 25
because it reminds you of a version of yourself that you could be...
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It is not the same as giving birth.
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where he brags on himself in the form of a complaint?
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It sucks!
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l... Well, I mean, not exactly in those...
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Oh, Teddy, you are so gonna spread your legs and design that building.
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No problem.
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# Your witness lied #
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You guys played one gig four years ago. I'm deleting it.
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Well, it's just that without that number in my phone...
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It represents the spirit of adventure.
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I executed the paperwork for the new architect this morning.
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I thought you didn't even want the job.
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Wow. Half?
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before me fell for.
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Come on, Ted. This is your dream.
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at the end of it all, have the rug pulled out from under me?
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- Where's the poop, Robin? - How do you do that?
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Uh, look, I am sorry for all the calls.
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And that Asian slut on your Facebook page... she's dead too.
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 50
Okay... One day, Don and I are moving in together...
Aired 14 years ago - Sep 27, 2010

When Barney convinces the gang to help his mom move out of her home, they quickly learn that she has been very protective of Barney and lied to him about events throughout his life. Meanwhile, Ted gets upset when Robin oversells him to a blind date.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 1
Oh, yeah. I was all like,
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 2
Robin, how can I possibly live up to that review?
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and then they see it, it blows their freakin' mind.
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Thank you guys so much for helping us out with this stuff.
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I was so awesome,
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hit it from the inside...
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I sincerely apologize about losing all the invitations
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Also, Janey Masterson's mother is a whore,
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Does your mom make stuff like that up a lot?
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 10
Did she tell you that Bob Barker was your dad, too?
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He still believes every lie that my mom told us growing up.
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his mom would suddenly decide he was "sick"
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Like when we tell Ted he'll meet the right girl and settle down.
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their heads full of crazy cough syrup nightmares,
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A sugar crash. No. Santa needs protein.
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Home run king, Frank Aaron.
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Mom addressed this and never sent it.
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Oh, no, that...
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I guess I never sent it. That's embarrassing.
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right on top of the Sloppy Joe, because it's delicious that way!
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that I oversold you to Liz. Well, I fixed it.
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"Is he going to rock your world in bed? No.
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Listen to me. There is no Yourson, North Dakota.
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but Bob Barker is absolutely, unequivocally not your father.
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the peaceful Long Island retirement
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Oh, what's done is done.
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How about we just go wildly to both extremes
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I'm sure that everyone will get it's a joke.
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I don't know who lives here, but it's not my dad.
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I just...
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It's time to grow up.
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You're my son.
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He took a big step today...
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 38
He just thought he'd meet his real dad today,
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I felt I had to respect her wishes, but
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We'll snap Barney out of this when he gets back.
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Can't we just let the guy be black for a day?
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try to hail a cab in Manhattan.
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♪ When the night has come ♪
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♪ I won't shed a tear ♪
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♪ Won't you stand now? Won't you stand now? Hey! ♪
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You said Liz was a total ten.
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but, like, super buff, like in Cape Fear.
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He's beautiful.
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 50
Aired 14 years ago - Sep 20, 2010

When Ted and Barney argue about who has "dibs" on a hot girl, Ted realizes that she is there with Cindy, a girl he previously dated who is also the roommate of his future wife. Meanwhile, Robin is heartbroken over Don, and Marshall can't keep quiet about his desire to start a family.

Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 1
You can't call dibs on a girl I've been sitting here thinking about...
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Look, I don't have time for a fake history lesson, so I'll keep this simple.
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I'm almost ready to leave. Let's just go through the checklist.
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Oh, yeah? Yeah? Be my guest.
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- Tell me this isn't true. - l... I had implied dibs.
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We could just do it right here. Let's do it, baby.
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That is not what "shields up" looks like.
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Robin, seriously, I love you...
Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 9
Robin, I am here for you. Whatever you need.
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Try? I will absolutely say no.
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And if you let your guard down for so much as a second...
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It was a tough summer, but I think our girl's been a real trouper.
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The girl sitting at the bar... shields up?
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Marshall, whoa! Wait! A big package just arrived.
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Lil? Isn't that sweet?
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to this magical, special night for two weeks now.
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I have cut out alcohol, caffeine and sugar.
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But... Can I go smell her first?
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Recap of How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 1 (S06E01) - 22
So you went on one date with one of her friends.
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It's not like you have a shot with Reading McGee over there, right?
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Was it possible?
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- Candles, banjo... - Who else did you tell?
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I may have mentioned it in passing to a couple of colleagues at work.
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- I noticed you hadn't changed your last name yet. - Oh, no. I'm gonna...
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frilly French undies and a box of wine.
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Okay, everyone needs to shut up so that I can think!
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And now I want something cheesy. Who's feeling nachos?
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and I can go get it whenever I want.
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So he just gets no notice?
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Can I see you for a minute, in private?
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Marshall talks to his dad way too much, right?
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some ding-dong is steppin' up, thinkin' he can get some of this broke off.
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- Oh, do I? - Yeah, you do.
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After things didn't work out with us, I got really sad for a while...
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Any one of those three. Whichever's easiest and right nearby.
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A high five doesn't even cut it. High six!
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It's my dad.
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- Dad, I'm in the middle of somethin' right now. - Did it feel like a boy?
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He's so, um, enthusiastic.
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It's... It's why women fall in love with the Eriksen men to begin with.
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Has that thought not occurred to you?