S3 E18
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Mondays 10:00 PM on TBS

Season 3  "The Magnificent Steven"  3x18

Aired 17 years ago - May 13, 2007

After Stan is prosecuted for sending contaminated cattle to a slaughterhouse, he says that it began as a quest to make a man out of Steve. Meanwhile, Roger sparks a cat fight between Francine and Hayley, for reasons of his own.

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Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 2
What in the name of Red Grange is going on out here?
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 3
The sun's rays will bake you to a leathern Willie Nelson crust.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 4
A man is tough.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 5
With these big, strong hands?
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 6
Something worked.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 7 #7 Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 8
Oh, oh, not you, Francine. God, no.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 9
Never mind, I can reach it.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 10 #10 Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 11
So if any of you boys want to cry or wet yourselves,
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 12
Well, good luck, Steve.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 13
Tubs, your folks seemed not to care much either way.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 14
Made you this.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 15
Look, he says I'm the prettiest girl in the house.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 16
Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe you'd rather go inside and bake a soufflé.
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Can't expect a rancher to ranch on an empty stomach.
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I live in the house.
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Did you know they have a new dipping sauce?
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 23
Get rocked on Goldschlager like grown-ups.
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 24
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 25
And a yard full of cows isn't gonna change that.
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We'll just take these cows across town and drop them off at the slaughterhouse.
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Tough riding.
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Hello, ma'am,
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But no!
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Oh, yeah? There's something wrong with your dad, too.
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have you ever seen anything more beautiful?
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 33
But they're gonna be men when the cattle drive ends
Recap of American Dad! Season 3 Episode 18 (S03E18) - 34
Prairie dog and jackrabbits stop and say hello
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Great job, Stan.
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We gotta stop him!
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Why did it have to be moths?
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We're gonna bring these cattle to slaughter!
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Technical knock out. Francine, doesn't she look terrific?
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Well, you know what I see?
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I can't condone this.
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