S28 E9
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3 years ago
Sundays 8:00 PM on Disney+

Season 28  "The Last Traction Hero"  28x9

Aired 8 years ago - Dec 04, 2016

A workplace accident leaves Homer in a cast, and in a position to sue Mr. Burns. This leaves Marge unfulfilled, so she turns to an unexpected source for romance. Meanwhile, Lisa is made "Bus Monitor" and tries to keep the peace.

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Recap of The Simpsons Season 28 Episode 9 (S28E09) - 2 #2 Recap of The Simpsons Season 28 Episode 9 (S28E09) - 3
- Uh, it's actually concrete. - Woo hoo!
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Except for one nagging detail.
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Oh. There's too much violence
Recap of The Simpsons Season 28 Episode 9 (S28E09) - 7
Sorry. That's between me
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Now maybe there's something fun we can do?
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Q 15?
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All the fighting seems to start with who sits where on the bus.
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What do you mean, there's a legal issue
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Mm. And it has to be handicap accessible.
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I'll discuss things with the foreman.
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Hmm, I thought the one good thing about you hurting yourself
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Mr. Smithers! Come in, come in.
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First, a get well card to himself.
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How could I have forgotten to sue Mr. Burns?
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Are you home during the day because you were injured
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Wait, what was the number after the first three fives,
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Uh, your wife needs to eat this cupcake...
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I'm a notary public.
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Oh... Aw...
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Well, I've tried to use it constructively.
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through the use of complex social algorithms.
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New management, same mistakes.
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And then I'll make them achieve their un-dreamt dreams.
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My first PG-13 fantasy.
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Release the hounds.
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Like Princess Leia and C-3PO.
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Oh, my God. She wants to kiss me.
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Thank God I've got a husband with benefits.
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Wait a sec.
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And I'm not sure I want to.
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That doesn't leave this room.
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and I've divided the playground into swingers and pushers.
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Order. Order. Maintain order.
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Well, at least I have me photos.
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Did we, uh, lose anyone?
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Oh, I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to.
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Without Waylon to talk to, I feel completely alone.
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Don't you think I deserve something for that?
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Wait, wait, wait, wait.