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Season 15

Aired 20 years ago - May 23, 2004

Lisa is going to read a poem at the town's celebration of their natural landmark "Geezer Rock," but Homer who believes he is doing the right thing removes a bush from the landmark that causes it to fall apart. Mr. Burns is caught in the landslide and Smithers fears he is lost. Lisa is disappointed that no one got to hear her poem and Marge suggests that she get it published. To Smithers' delight, Mr. Burns has survived the landslide by slithering his way out however; he is annoyed to find out that no one missed him when they thought he was lost. He decides to buy every media outlet in town. Lisa distributes the first issue of her own newspaper the "The Red Dress Press," which is a success. Now she has to get out a second issue and she enlists the help of her fellow children. Meanwhile, Mr. Burns has taken control of all the media outlets in Springfield, except one, her newspaper. Mr. Burns tries to seduce Lisa into selling out but she won't give up. Now Mr. Burns starts to play hardball, he cuts the power to the Simpson home. Principal Skinner offers Lisa the use of an old mimeograph machine, which gets her latest issue out. Mr. Burns talks with Homer to get the dirt on Lisa, that Homer readily supplies and Burns uses this information against her. Lisa is ready to give up and Homer realizing what he's done responds by printing a newspaper of his own. Homer's paper inspires others to think to begin to think for themselves and soon everyone is printing their own newspaper. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - May 16, 2004

It's shot day and Bart tries to evade the needle. Dr. Hibbert manages to get the job done but Bart suffers a side effect of temporary hearing loss from the shot and he takes advantage of it for all it's worth. At Springfield Elementary the annual Donkey basketball tournament is being held. During the playing of The Star Spangled Banner Bart has his shorts eaten by a donkey, leaving his bare ass exposed towards the flag. Martin snaps a picture and everyone present is outraged at this behavior. As a result the Simpson family becomes very unpopular. They go on a cable news channel and only manage to dig themselves into a deeper hole when the host manages to twist Marge's words into saying that Springfield hates America. The negative publicity causes Mayor Quimby to change the name of the town to Liberty-Ville and they make everything patriotic. The family is arrested under violation of the "government knows best act" and they are brought to a reeducation center. The last registered Democrat tells them how they can escape. During their musical number they escape through a tunnel but find they were on Alcatraz. They are rescued by a passing French freighter and taken to France. After being there a while they decide they miss their life in America and go back as illegal immigrants. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - May 09, 2004

Homer and Bart get into a fight over using a beer bottle to kiss girls which land them in Simpson family court, where Lisa presides as judge. While giving testimony Marge tells the kids that Homer's first kiss was with her in high school. He confesses that it wasn't his first kiss. Back when he was ten he went to camp See-A-Tree (for underprivileged boys). Here he meets Lenny, Carl and Moe. The boys go to the girl's camp where they work in the kitchen. After Homer returns the retainer to the girl who lost it he gets the opportunity to meet her later that night. He tells the kids she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, until he later met their mother. Marge reveals that the girl was her. Marge tells the story from her perspective. At the girls camp, Land-A-Man, we find Marge, Patty, Selma, Helen (Lovejoy), Cookie Kwan. When she met Homer that it was she who first kisses him and then they have the perfect kiss. They agree to meet again the following night, but Homer doesn't show. Marge says it was years before she could trust another boy. Homer explains why he didn't return for a second date. After he left her he fell off a cliff into the lake and drifted to the shores of "Camp Flab-Away," which featured Quimby, Wiggum and Comic Book Guy as some of the overweight campers. Homer manages to escape and gets to Marge's camp, but arrives after she's left. Now that Marge knows the truth Homer hopes for her forgiveness. She doesn't believe he really cared all those years ago, until he pulls the other piece of her broken heart out of his memory box. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - May 02, 2004

Homer is intrigued by a commercial that talks about a contest that will allow the winner, the finder of a golden ticket, a trip to "Farmer Billy's Bacon Factory." Homer buys a lot of pork products but is only able to find a silver ticket, which allows him to judge the pig competition at the county fair. When Homer sees an injustice being done to Lisa's entry in the place setting competition, he decides to take action. Remembering Chief Wiggum's warning about felony assault, he disguises himself as "Pie Man" and delivers a pie in the face as revenge. He disappears as quickly as he came, making Springfield wonder if they will ever see him again. When Bart gets ripped off by Comic Book Guy, "Pie Man" delivers some "key lime justice." The police decide that "Pie Man" needs to be stopped and they shoot him when he makes his next appearance. He takes time out from his fleeing to save Marge and then kisses her, even though she tells him she's a married woman. Later at home, the wounded Homer makes a promise to Lisa (who's figured out his disguise) that he will stop his pie avenging. When Mr. Burns goes too far, "Pie Man" makes another appearance, but his escape from the plant is thwarted by his own laziness. Mr. Burns turns him into his personal hit man. Homer finds himself in a dilemma when Mr. Burns wants him to deliver a pie in the face of Lisa's Buddhist hero the Dalai Lama. When he comes clean in front of a crowd, no one believes that he was capable of being the "Pie Man," only his family believes in him. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 19 (S15E19) - 1
How about a bite of the world's biggest brussels sprout?
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Hey, I know that country!
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but I love this country to me she has no sins
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Ha! Clearly had a snout job.
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The setting features tuning forks, champagne flutes and of course, chopsticks.
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like a yard dog that sneaks into the house!
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This table's about as solid as your underlying concept.
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We all know pi-r-squared.
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Oh, I have a funny feeling we will.
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Gee, I thought I had a bigger package than that.
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"Richie Rich incorporates in Delaware,"
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Maybe you're right, Lisa.
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This magazine you sold me isn't "fantastic four."
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Don't do the crime if you can't do the key lime.
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There is no way I'm going to be dating a man with pie on his face.
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Fistface? Who's fistface?
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Ooh, I bet he's Ned Flanders.
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This is for your show's slight decline in quality over the years.
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I'm going to go turn the siren on; that always cheers me up.
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Yeah, but he's skipping the hardest part of being a cop:
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Uh, listen... I'm married.
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That was so exciting, yet familiar.
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Let's see... cartilage, cartilage, muscle, nerve!... Artery... bullet!
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We've been getting his mail for weeks.
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So it would seem.
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Simpson, you're late, bald and stupid.
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Lousy Burns..."bald-headed..."
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Hey, Homer, throw me at Mr. Burns!
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you make one last hit, then you're out of the business forever.
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It's not a rubber band; it's a scrunchie!
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Do I get two paychecks?
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I just can't!
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Not because he wanted to, but because he was being blackmailed by his boss?
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- You know, I'm not pie man. - I don't care.
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Now pie that brownie, fruitcake!
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Aired 20 years ago - Apr 25, 2004

Bart lectures the other students on water balloons and after hitting Lisa with one he gets into a fight with her all the way home. Marge tells the pair that they are going to Dayton, Ohio to celebrate Uncle Tyrone's birthday. Bart and Lisa aren't thrilled with the idea and get to stay home. As a family activity they rent a video, "Love Story" and Bart and Lisa are bored by it such that they ruin any moment the film might have created for Homer and Marge. Homer and Marge look forward to their trip without the kids and on a whim they decide to forgo seeing Uncle Tyrone and get on a plane to Miami. Lisa and Bart are aware that the hotel in Dayton where Marge and Homer were supposed to be staying was wiped out by a tornado. Bart discovers there parents are in Miami. They get Grandpa to take them there. While Bart and Lisa find their parents, Grandpa goes looking for companionship. Marge and Homer see the kids waiting for them so they take off again, only Bart and Lisa are on their trail. Homer and Marge are in Atlantic City when they spot the kids so they go on the run from them in an instrumental musical montage. Meanwhile Abe has found companionship in Miami with a man named Raoul who appreciates his rambling stories. Homer and Marge finally find themselves in Niagara Falls, but the kids are their as well. Feeling a little guilty Bart and Lisa decide to give their parents their space and go to the amusement park only to find their parents are already there. Homer and Marge run from the pair only to find refuge in a giant inflatable castle, which their lovemaking antics cause to fall into the Niagara River. The couple floats toward the falls and certain death only to be saved by their large floatation device. Later back in Springfield, Ned and Rod Flanders receive their credit card bills. MORE -LESS

Aired 20 years ago - Apr 18, 2004

Principal Seymour Skinner and Ms. Edna Krabappel are finally getting married. Edna has a great bachelorette party at the Simpson house, featuring Duffman and a top-less Chief Wiggum; meanwhile at Seymour's bachelor party at Moe's, he confesses to Homer the fact that he is getting cold feet. When the actual event is about to occur, Edna has second thoughts; feeling that Seymour has never been on board with this whole idea all along. Edna runs from the ceremony. Unknowingly both Homer and Marge are each with the pair in an attempt to get them back together. The attempt fails when the state of Homer and Marge's own marriage gets in the way. Edna returns a gift to the Comic Book Guy. She becomes charmed by his banter and agrees to accompany him to lunch. Homer tries having Seymour serenade Edna, but they discover she's seeing Comic Book Guy. The family goes to Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con to try to keep Edna from making a big mistake. After seeing Futurama creator Matt Groening, they find Edna being proposed to by a Klingon clad Comic Book Guy. Seymour enters wearing a Catwoman outfit and begins battling Comic Book Guy. Edna stops the fight, and tells the pair that neither man is for her. Now Homer must make some amends to Marge to keep his marriage together. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 17 (S15E17) - 1
O are all of you people?
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( drunkenly ): There's something
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Really hot.
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about loud music and a strip-da-didilly-dipper.
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hey, ladies, ladies, I-I really am a cop.
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Hmm, hmm, like what you see, ladies?
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like that class picture photographer.
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Wussy. Grinch.
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You know, homer, edna was
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lenny... my man...
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Homer, you're still talking to me.
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Oh, by the way, can i borrow your car tomorrow?
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because once a union has been sanctified by god,
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I think skinner might make a run for it.
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Here comes the bride. Repeat. Here comes the bride.
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( Playing "the wedding march" )
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We had a long discussion about that
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I'm not quite ready to take that plunge.
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"I surrender."
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I do. ( All gasp )
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I can't do it. That dress is a vera wang.
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She was only doing it for the appliances.
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with some delicious shrimp mocktail.
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I spent $15 on those dance lessons,
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what is the center of the circulatory system?
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( Bell rings )
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Oh, passion's for teens and immigrants.
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But a relationship can't be
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oh, god, I've lost the love of my life.
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Don't worry. If I feel the urge to sober up,
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her beautiful, beautiful penmanship.
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You'll be my cyrano? Hey, if we get
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How's that, homer? Mm-hmm.
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Oh, that's so lovely. "But it's too late
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whittling away the batteries until they die.
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Because I'm successfully married.
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Ah, yes. An incredible hulk melon baller.
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Is there a mrs. Comic book guy?
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Would you like to get some coffee?
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Now, could you give me a pushing start?
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oh, edna k, oh, edna k oh, edna k, oh, edna k
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uh-plee-ee-ee-eease settle for seymour
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well, well, if it isn't the square in our love triangle.
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Oh, but it can. I adore edna.
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and then the bi-monthly science fiction convention.
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And you meet the worst guys on the rebound.
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( Groans )
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Oh, my goodness, it's matt groening!
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What about an original sketch or snippet of my hair?
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just to see you smile." Aw... that is the most romantic
Aired 21 years ago - Mar 28, 2004

The family is at a downtown department store, where among other things Lisa looks at the latest in fashion for young girls, Marge gets some rejuvenating cream, Homer uses the dressing room for something other than trying clothes on, and Seymour and Edna are selecting some wedding china. Bart uses the wedding gift registry to sign himself and his bride "Lotta Cooties" for wedding presents. He invites a number of people to attend his wedding and he plans to return all the unused gifts for store credit. He gets all the gifts delivered but he gets caught by Chief Wiggum. The judge sentences Bart to six months of juvenile detention. Bart tries to find his way at the center, and when Homer becomes a guard, it doesn't improve his situation at all. The boys and girls are brought together for dance lessons, but Bart's partner Gina decides that they have an opportunity for escape and since they've been handcuffed together, she brings him along. Out on the lam together they become attached, even after they've gone to a blacksmith to get their cuffs removed; because when Gina is own her own she knows she has nothing to return to, whereas Bart has a family. When the pair is found, Gina makes a confession that makes it so Bart is free to return to his family. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Mar 21, 2004

Homer, Lisa and Bart get tickets for the latest chapter of "Cosmic Wars." The movie wasn't what they hoped it would be. Marge suggests that the kids write a letter expressing their dissatisfaction to creator Randall Curtis. Two weeks later when they get a stock letter in reply and they ask if they can go to the "Cosmic Wars Ranch" and complain in person. The family (sans Maggie) goes to Northern California. While Marge and Homer go on a winery tour, Bart and Lisa go to the ranch to find the creator and make their feelings known. After Bart and Lisa have their meeting with Curtis they rejoin their parents, who they find are both drunk on free samples they had at the winery. Marge and Homer are really enjoying their wine together, but following one their nights of drinking Marge finds her with a hangover. They agree that she can stop drinking and they can still have fun together. They go to Oktoberfest and Marge almost gets away with not drinking, but drink she does and they both leave the drunk, with Homer driving. After he drives their car off the road, Homer decides to make it look like Marge (who is somewhat passed out) was behind the wheel. The police arrest Marge; Homer is nowhere to be found at the time and he later bails her out. Barney suggests a rehab clinic for Marge to start attending. Homer finds out that Marge is going to be gone for a month, he asks Flanders to watch the kids while he goes to break her out of rehab. He finds her and confesses his guilt, which makes her angry and she starts drinking again. After some heavy drinking, Marge realizes that it isn't drinking that she liked; it was being together with Homer. She gets Homer and together they leave, after Homer promises to cut out drinking all clear liquors. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Mar 14, 2004

Homer tries to take the kids (Bart, Lisa Rod & Todd) to a movie; meanwhile Ned has taken the seniors for ice cream to celebrate Jasper's birthday. With all the kid friendly movies sold out, Homer (on Lenny's recommendation – he's in the movie) takes the kids to see "The Re-Deadening" a horror film that really scares the children. So much so that Bart and Lisa begin hearing noises from the attic. They try to investigate, but their fears scare them out of the attic. They get Homer to lead an investigation into the attic and they find that Artie Ziff has been living there. Ziff tells them why he is living in their attic, his Internet business failed and he's lost everything. He wants to stay there and promises to be on his best behavior until he gets back on his feet. Artie stays, but Marge sees a news report that the SEC is looking for Artie Ziff. Meanwhile, Artie is playing poker with Homer and his friends. Artie puts up 98% of his remaining stock to make a bet and Homer wins the pot, just as the SEC sweeps in to arrest Ziff. Homer (as majority stockholder) is taken into custody. Homer is put on trial and sentenced to ten years in prison. Marge tells Artie that the only reason no one likes him is because he only thinks of himself, which he soon begins to realize and after a night of passion with the only Bouvier sister (Selma) he can have he Ziff turns over his corporate books and Homer is exonerated. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 14 (S15E14) - 1
Hey, lenny, is your film appropriate for kids?
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Then I have no choice.
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Everything you see is make believe,
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I'd better tell the governess.
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Can we go home?
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Mm-hmm. That's my girl.
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like roofing and driveway scams.
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with donald sutherland as the priest who stopped believing...
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Bart and I will explore the attic
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oh, god, oh, god, oh, no...
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put together.
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and will be held against you in a court of sex.
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"Why america loves saddam hussein."
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I've been hiding in your attic,
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Oh, yeah. ( Chuckles )
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I would stop, but I love my voice!
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Everyone loved my corporation.
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they even took my repo vans.
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Not even a fresh remark. Except this one.
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No way! He's an annoying sneak who's out to steal my wife.
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( Sighs )
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Doesn't your father ever read to you?
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Yeah, but after the ice cream man cut up his credit card,
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It seems ziffcorp spent stockholders' money
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that ziff is living in a cave somewhere.
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Maybe I have some kind of "tell."
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Flush. What have you got?
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I sure am, with all the inherent legal liability.
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into his home
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I'm the fat one!
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Dudes, I think this guy's comin' on to me.
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and she was so beautiful, but what man would want her now?
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Marge, I think about a lot more than just moi.
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I never want you in this house again!
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Okay, kids, this book
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"Johnny's friends get some payback on daddy
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The smell of marge's pork chops...
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aw, it's no use, son.
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We were jogging and ran out of cigarettes.
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No. She kicked me out for sending her husband to prison.
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Come on, short round, we're going back to my temple of doom.
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I'm going to stop now.
Aired 21 years ago - Feb 22, 2004

Apu and Manjula are signing up two of the octuplets for Miss Wickerbottom's Pre-Nursery School and after a verbal exchange with Dr. Hibbert, Homer decides they should do the same for Maggie. Because she can't talk, she doesn't pass the initial screening. Afterwards Lisa discovers that even though Maggie can't talk she does show signs of brilliance. Another screening at the pre-pre school shows of her talents and reveals that she has a higher IQ than Lisa. Maggie's new brilliance leaves Lisa searching for a new identity, since she no longer has her status as "the smart one." Lisa tries stand-up comedy, becoming a goth ‘Ravencrone Neversmiles,' cheerleader, rapper, soccer player, cowgirl; none of which workout for her. After she is discovered trying to sabotage her sister's education Lisa leaves home with 2¢ to her name. She decides to stay at the Natural History Museum, where her family is sure to never find her; however Springfield's "finest" do discover her location and they bring the family to help them find her. An accident gets Marge, Bart and Homer trapped in an exhibit and they look to Maggie to get them out, but Maggie's secret to her brilliance is nowhere to be found. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Feb 15, 2004

On a school field trip to the Museum of Television and TV Milhouse shows that he has developed a new attitude where he just doesn't care. Meanwhile Mr. Burns has moved Homer, Lenny and Carl to an offsite location (Moe's) so that they don't ruin a visit by the plant's board of directors. Apu and Manjula stop by celebrating their anniversary, making Homer realize he hasn't gotten anything for his anniversary with Marge. He gets extremely drunk and finds himself ‘dancing' on the street where people, thinking he is homeless, start giving him money. Milhouse reveals the secret to his new attitude is the fact that he and his mother are moving to Capitol City, where they are going to get a fresh start. Both Bart and Kirk Van Houten are going to have to learn to get along without Milhouse being around. Bart tries to adapt to a world without Milhouse, especially after a visit to Milhouse in Capitol City makes him realize that things will never be the same. In the meantime, Homer has begun begging as a second job when he realizes he can make good money that allows him to buy Marge an expensive anniversary gift. With Milhouse out of his life, Bart finds himself bonding with his sister and she is enjoying the new relationship with her brother; a relationship that gets tested when Kirk gets "pity custody" of Milhouse and Marge is enlightened by the homeless on Homer's second source of income. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Feb 08, 2004

Marge, the kids and Milhouse go to the library where they find there are no longer any books on the shelves. With no books for reference, the kid's reports are in danger of not being able to write their reports. Fortunately, Marge knows some history and relates to the children the following tales: Henry VIII (Homer) tries to find a wife that will bear him a son. Lewis and Clark (Lenny and Carl) get assistance from Sacagawea (Lisa) in their quest to explore the western territories. Mozart (Bart) the musical child prodigy wows them in 18th century Austria, while his sister (Lisa) fights for her own musical identity. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 11 (S15E11) - 1
but I can't chop my wife's head off
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Sire, there's no such thing
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Your majesty, I work for the pope.
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sweetie, sometimes
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Or-or why can't we elect our leaders?
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I get ireland?! ( Laughing )
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 11 (S15E11) - 7
Okay, now let's put a son in the oven!
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so I left a magazine in the basket.
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( Screaming epithets )
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your lawfully wedded husband till your first
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My track record! I've had ten sons.
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Sire, I know what you usually do
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I was looking for that one woman
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We still finish each other's sentences.
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Finally, henry's daughter, elizabeth, became queen.
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( grunts )
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we girls learned about sacagawea
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They paddled up the mississippi from st. Louis.
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and carl. Thanks, and welcome
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In our language, her name means
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because by myself, ze darkness,
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Mmm. You know, these... ooh!
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look as big as possible.
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Well, nothing can crush the frontier spirit.
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We got the job because we own a compass.
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( sound of rifles cocking )
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Water under the bridge, eh? Eh?
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How do you like that? Sacagawea has an opinion!
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the compass is painted on... aw, she'll be back.
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Which you mountain lions find terrifying.
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Look! The pacific ocean!
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this country can bestow.
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Bart, what famous historical figuredo you want to write about?
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Boring? Is there anything boring
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mozart! He makes bach turn back...
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sonata in a, k331, third movement.
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but you forgot to push the merchandise!
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tito, randy and jermaine?
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ewww! A plague rat!
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to such an undeserving fool?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 11 (S15E11) - 41
Papa can we have a heinrich's bratwurst?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 11 (S15E11) - 42
oh, I can't stand it... thank you! Thank you!
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( Tittering )
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Claret, port, riesling!
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right from your butt, butt, butt
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( murmuring ) the emperor finds it boring.
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oh, mozart, I know you are gravely ill,
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Let's get you covered in leeches!
Aired 21 years ago - Jan 25, 2004

Homer compromises the power plant's security system and as a result gets fired. Marge and the kids go to a bookstore and while there she sits in a on a book reading and then asks the author if anyone can write a book. The answer gives Marge an idea. Meanwhile, Homer has gotten a job as a car salesman; but there is an ambulance on the lot that seduces Homer into quitting that job and becoming an ambulance driver. Marge wants to start writing her novel and Homer agrees to watch the kids, while putting in his night shift as an ambulance driver. Marge completes her novel and lets Lisa read it. Seeing one of the characters is hard on her father, Lisa suggests that Marge let Homer read the novel. Homer makes an attempt, fails and tells her that he did. Marge gets her novel published and the kids worry that if Homer ever reads it or sees it as a MADtv sketch, he will be heartbroken. Marge's novel comes out and everyone in Springfield is talking about it. Homer gets the book on tape version, as read by the Olsen twins, and finds out what everyone is talking about. Mad Homer chases after Flanders to do something he should have taken care of a long time ago. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Jan 11, 2004

Milhouse comes over with a Psycho Cycle bike conversion kit, which they use on Bart's bike to make it look cooler. While riding the modified bike, they are hassled by older boys with "big boy" bikes. It makes Bart wish for a ten-speed bike. To get a new bike Bart sacrifices his old bike right in front of Dr. Hibbert's Mercedes. As Dr. Hibbert leaves his Mercedes then runs over Snowball II and Lisa is devastated. Bart and Homer get Bart a new bike, but it needs to be assembled and Homer tries to do his best. The bike falls apart when Bart tries to show it off to the older boys. Later Bart and Homer are watching "Robot Rumble" and the father and son teams inspire Homer to try building a robot for them to enter in competition but Bart leads Homer to believe that Bart thinks he is an oaf. Marge and Lisa look for a new cat and Lisa finds a new one that she calls Snowball III. Homer tries to build a robot, but his result is a failure. Homer looks to his father for inspiration and becomes a robot instead of building one. Bart wakes to find Homer's robot in his room, which is actually Homer inside of large metal shell powered by a tricycle. Lisa finds that Snowball III has drowned in the fish tank. Bart competes on "Robot Rumble," with the robot he's called "Chief Knock-A-Homer," but Homer is nowhere to be found. Homer, hidden inside the robot, manages to win his first match, but only after he receives numerous cuts and bruises. Lisa gets (and quickly loses) a new cat named Coltrane. Chief Knock-A-Homer quickly works his way into the finals, but Bart is sorry that his father hasn't been able to see any of the Chief's victories. The Chief's final match is scheduled to be against Professor Frink and his son's deadly looking robot. Lisa, depressed about her propensity to kill cats, is surprised when a crazy lady leaves her with a new cat. Lisa sees that new cat looks kill proof, and decides to call it Snowball II and forgot the whole dead cat thing ever happened. After the first round of the finals Bart discovers the secret inside of Chief Knock-A-Homer and thinks his dad is even cooler for doing that. The match is stopped in the second round when Homer's presence in the robot is revealed to everyone. The law of robotics saves Homer's life and the Frink robot goes out its way to make Homer comfortable. Nature's greatest killing machine is declared the winner. MORE -LESS

Bart is trying to watch "The Gator Baiter," when Lisa turns the channel to "Dollhouse Do-Overs." In their ensuing scuffle for the remote, the channel is changed to "Roofi," an entertainer that appeals to very small children. To get the TV back Bart suggests that Marge buy Maggie a "Roofi" CD, which Lisa tries to warn him against. The warning doesn't work; Marge fills the house and family car with the sounds of "Roofi," which drives Homer, Bart and Lisa crazy. Marge takes Maggie to an outdoor "Roofi" concert being held at Cletus's farm. The concert turns into a disaster and the babies begin to riot. After paying $1 million in additional taxes to help pay for the damage the babies caused, the single (and other childless) adults of Springfield join SSCCATAGAPP (Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples And Teens And Gays Against Parasitic Parents) and begin to revolt against children. "Children are the future, today belongs to me." Marge takes up the cause on behalf of the children and works to get voter sponsored initiative proposition on the ballot. Marge forms PPASSCCATAG (Proud Parents Against Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples And Teens And Gays). The tobacco lobby tries to endorse Marge's cause, but she won't take their money; however, Mr. Burns signs her petition and others soon follow. Her "Families Come First" proposition #242 gets on the ballot. Homer's attempts to help Marge's initiative, but his kind of help might only hurt it. Bart and Lisa (well Lisa anyway) come up with a plan to get Marge's prop 242 passed. It seems the members of SSCCATAGAPP have no immunity against children. MORE -LESS

Aired 21 years ago - Dec 14, 2003

It's Christmastime and at the power plant Mr. Burns passes out Christmas bonuses, a $5 dollar voucher to the cafeteria. For reasons unknown, Mr. Burns gives Homer a "confectioner's card" for Bart featuring a "current baseballer." The "current baseballer" is Joe DiMaggio and it is his rookie card that Homer brings to the Comic Book Guy, where he gets everything he has in the register for the card. With this financial windfall, the Simpson family goes Christmas shopping at the Springfield Heights Promenade, where the rich people shop. Homer spends the remaining portion of his share of the money for a gift for himself (a personalized talking astrolabe) and has no money left to buy the family a nice Christmas tree. Marge and the kids find out what he's spent the money on and are disappointed in him. Spending the night on the couch, Homer watches "Mr. McGrew's Christmas Carol" and the story works its magic on Homer, and Homer wakes with resolve to be good and unselfish. Homer starts helping the less fortunate and his good deeds begin to make Ned Flanders' jealous. To combat against Homer's good reputation, Ned decides to give everyone in Springfield a Christmas present. Homer decides to outdo Flanders, but on advice from Lisa and her Buddhist view of the world, Homer decides to take everyone's presents. Homer and SLH (a la the Grinch) sneak into everyone's home and take all of their presents. The angry mob finds Homer in downtown Springfield. Ned tries to come to Homer's rescue, but a "star" in the sky saves them both and they return the presents. After Moe's failed annual suicide attempt the whole town joins in a rendition of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 7 (S15E07) - 1
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I've smudged it with nacho fingers. I must deftly lick it off.
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That your grandmother loves
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(GASPS) That's the rich people's mall!
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then we'll spend the rest of the cash on a Christmas tree so large,
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Um, we'll do that.
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That thing for me!
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ASTROLABE: Today is the birthday of comedienne Margaret Cho.
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Dad, I don't like the looks of this neighborhood.
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Cause we got a Christmas convoy, ain't she a beautiful thing?
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Gorgeous, huh? And quite the bargain.
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Homer, is there something you're not telling us?
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There's a trickledown theory here.
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jabbing at you just when you seem the most content.
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Santa was in an awful pickle.
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Mr. McGrew? I love that blind senile old man!
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Woo-hoo. Sorry, pardon me, ma'am.
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McGrew, I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.
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Spirit, surely there is some time to reform my selfish ways.
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"Unloved by all?" No!
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I just saw the greatest cartoon of all time.
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Reform, Ebenezer Urkel!
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Yes. But this time I'm sober-ish.
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These pants smell worse than my old pants.
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Oh, wow, it just stings a little.
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But I'm afraid you're a distant second this week.
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I'm jealous of girls because they get to wear dresses.
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And here's another act of Christian charity I pulled out of my butt.
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Thank you.
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who's holding families at nice-point.
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I'll rotate your tires! I'll even fold up that map for you!
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I said "man," not "man-God"! Keep your pants on!
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What's that one good American car?
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I'll take away their presents!
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They'll thank you in the morning for stealing Flanders' junk
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WOMAN: Some jerk stole Christmas!
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I wouldn't put it past him. He stole my gold tooth the night he left.
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by any governing body. You're like wild.
Aired 21 years ago - Dec 07, 2003

Maggie is locked in the bathroom and is eventually freed when Lisa goes against the norm and tries their rescue solution as second time. Then the family hears the doorbell. They find Dr. Hibbert at the door; it seems that SLH had impregnated his poodle and he is turn over the puppies to the Simpson family and making them their problem. Despite a book that says that Homer was taking Homer to have SLH neutered, Homer was never able to complete the deed. They distribute the puppies and Lisa and Bart stop by Krusty's house and give him one of the puppies. Krusty takes the dog for a walk and finds that his star is not included on the Jewish walk of fame. He goes to complain and finds out that he was never Bar Mitzvah, which means he is technically not Jewish. Bart and Lisa take Krusty to see his father, who agrees to help Krusty achieve his goal. As Saturday is the Sabbath, Krusty gets Homer to replace his show on that day. Homer's replacement show is a talk show, with Moe, Lenny & Carl as his guest panelists. The replacement show becomes a success; meanwhile Krusty works on learning his Jewish traditions. Homer's show has become so popular that the network decides to fire Krusty. Homer's incredibly popular and Lisa wants to put his power to good use. Krusty pitches the FOX network on a new show that covers his Bar Mitzvah. Meanwhile, Homer's attempt to start covering topics based on Lisa's suggestions, but it becomes a ratings nightmare resulting in his cancellation. Meanwhile, on FOX Krusty's Bar Mitzvah is a rating's bonanza, but the spectacle disappoints his father. Later at a real Jewish temple, Krusty has a real, almost serious, Bar Mitzvah. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 1
Let's dance the last dance
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And don't just dump them all off on some crazy lady.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 5
No. But I'll take one!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 6
Telemundo... Me... Turned it down... ABC...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 7
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You could nuzzle me all night.
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Brazilian wax! Get your velvety smooth, Brazilian wax!
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Okay, boy. Let's find my star.
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Chaim Potok! What is he? Some kind of Klingon?
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Good, good. Circumcision?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 13
Now see here! Do you know how much I donate to the B'nai B'rith?
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I just found out I'm not Jewish.
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We have so much to discuss.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 16
What more can a man want?
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Krusty, your dad's a rabbi. How could you not have had a Bar Mitzvah?
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It's because you're a puts. Everything is a joke to you.
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Her name is Rachel Cohen and she just got into Brandeis.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 24
Hey, that's great. But I got a problem.
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Such expensive flowers, filled with remorse.
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I need someone who's not intelligent.
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Children, I wish to announce that our show has undergone a reformatting.
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I'm your host, next card.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 30
Theaters, airplanes? Why even here! Look!
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How about some new oldies, geniuses?
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Yeah, yeah, twins. I get it. Now let's watch
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Now you can't mix milk and meat. You got that?
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Listen, Homer, I'd like to raise an issue.
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That light's a little bright. You think you can move it?
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Oh, God! You're canceling me!
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So did I, son. And look where I am today.
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Well, I took Bart's advice last week, so I guess it's Lisa's turn.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 6 (S15E06) - 44
Okay, how about you televise my Bar Mitzvah? Live.
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Yet the lMF insists on unrealistic debt repayment schedules.
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it's Krusty the Clown's Wet 'N' Wild Bar Mitzvah!
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put your hands together for the Beach Boys Experience!
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Now let's meet a man who's muscle-bound
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That's one way of putting it. Time for me to get into character.
Aired 21 years ago - Nov 30, 2003

It is Mother's Day and Homer goes with the kids to Sprawl-Mart to buy Marge a better gift. They find Abe working there as a greeter and Lisa asks her aunts to help them pick out a gift. Patty and Selma recommend the Kitchen Carnival, which makes food fun. Marge likes the gift, which can deep fry, make cotton candy and caramelize anything. Later that night, Homer creates an 85 lb. sugar ball and he seems to fall in love with his new creation. Marge insists that he get rid off of the ball, which he takes to the dump. At the dump he gets attacked by a bear. He returns home and finds that his attack was covered by the media. He's been labeled a coward and it begins to affect his life. Too combat his fear he needs to attack the bear that bested him, and he constructs a bear attack proof suit. Marge forbids him from using the suit, but he goes anyway. With help from Lenny, Carl, and Bart, Homer goes out into the woods in search of the bear. Of course when he actually encounters the bear, he is without the suit. The bear takes Homer to his cave and Homer removes the tag from the bear that was causing it discomfort. He bonds with the bear and tries to keep it from being hunted. He lends the bear his bear proof suit and it helps to get him to the wildlife sanctuary, where the bear is free to be attacked by other animals. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 5 (S15E05) - 1
Apparently, we're not "TV pretty."
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I feel like a secretary on Administrative Professionals Day!
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Kitchen Carnival! I love it! Thank you, Homie.
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His passenger is just a big piece of candy.
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(SOBBING) I was saving sugar for my wedding night!
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Maybe you're right, Marge. Or maybe you're right, Candy Ball. No, Marge!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 5 (S15E05) - 13
Goodbye, old friend.
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Homie, what happened to you?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 5 (S15E05) - 16
That sound can mean only one thing.
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But you didn't see that on tape.
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Not with a gun, but with a camera!
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than some dead hero any day.
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Hey, Simpson, I heard your dad's afraid of a little, old, giant grizzly bear.
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Hello? Anyone home?
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Oh, Goldilocks.
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Here's what you gotta do.
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Mr. Simpson, if you want to find that bear that attacked you, use this.
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The bull grizzly is seven feet tall, weighs more than a Mazda Miata
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 5 (S15E05) - 31
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 5 (S15E05) - 32
The Bear Buster 5000!
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Check it out, ladies. A suit that makes me completely invulnerable to bear attacks.
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That's the whole point of Moby Dick.
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for reasons that are confusing even to him.
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Lisa, I think your father just left!
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That man and his foolish pride. We've gotta go follow him.
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I never realized how hot this suit is.
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Yeah. We borrowed 'em for the radio.
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Mr. Connor, thank you for helping find my husband.
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Ma'am, I will find your husband before that bear kills him.
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I guess this is it. If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die a man.
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Jeez, I don't know why bear hugs enjoy such a great reputation.
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I got you babe, I got you babe
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Well, I'm gonna make sure it never harms another living creature!
Aired 21 years ago - Nov 23, 2003

Mr. Burns uses his ATM card and gets a $1000 bill. It hits him in the chest and then blows away, right across town and into the Simpson living room window, where Bart gets a hold of it. His parents (well Marge anyway) make him put up a notice so that the owner might have a chance to claim the bill. When no one can identify the bill, Bart wonders what he can do with his new windfall. He realizes that he can make money showing off his bill, so he opens up the "Museum of Modern Bart" in his tree house. Mr. Burns makes his claim for the bill, but all is not lost. Bart has made over $3000 in admissions to his museum. To make use of the money the family decides to go to England, where Abe recalls having a memorable night with a beautiful English girl named Edwina. In merry ole England, the Simpsons meet Prime Minister Tony Blair. Abe tries to find Edwina, meanwhile the rest of the family tours London. Everything is going fine until Homer slams his rental Mini into the back of the Queen's horse drawn carriage. Homer is put on trial, makes an ass out of himself in court and is thrown into the Tower of London. Lisa finds a way for Homer to escape his tower cell, a secret tunnel once used by Sir Walter Raleigh. Unfortunately the tunnel leads to the Queen's bedroom. Homer's pathetic plea with the Queen works and the family is allowed to leave the country, provided they take Madonna with them. Before boarding the plane, Edwina calls out to Abe, and introduces him to her daughter of 58 years, Abbie, a woman who looks like Homer in drag. Abe runs on board the plane as fast as he can. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 1
No, it doesn't.
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(SINGING) It's Bart's moon party from outer space
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Well, someday I'd like to go on a nice vacation.
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I want to see it some more.
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They deserve to see the boy behind the bill.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 7
A subscription to BARTFORUM Magazine,
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When the errant bill struck my chest, it left a distinctive bruise.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 9
The Hard Rock Cafe in Phoenix has better crap.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 10
Bart, I don't care what Mom said.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 11
I wanna go to England. How come?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 12
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 13
I'll never forget you, Edwina!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 14
You have my word as a gentleman and a lady.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 15
Why are you greeting lowlifes like us at the airport?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 16
There's so much to see here. Parliament, Stratford-on-Avon,
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 17
I'm greeting a lovely Dutch couple at Gate 23. Cheerio.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 18
I had already hired this cab when you got in.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 19
So give me some free maps and none of that dry British wit!
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And was he a gentle, caring lover?
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Fish? I don't know. I'm not really a vegetarian.
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Well, Marge. You gotta admit, I've been on my best behavior this trip.
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Homie, I don't think we'll be able to find the kids from up here.
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We thespians believe it's bad luck to mention the name of this
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Ah! Now I've said it!
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Now if you'll excuse me, I have a performance to give.
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Yes, this trip is entirely uneventful.
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 4 (S15E04) - 38
Oh, that thing is supposed to be on fire.
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Be they homecoming or dairy.
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Why did you let him be his own barrister?
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You understand these things. You're a grandmother.
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my family torn by tragedy,
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If there is any love left in you for me,
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you couldn't know which nags to focus on.
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In return, I will spell the word "color" with a "U."
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Won't that get me in more trouble?
Aired 21 years ago - Nov 16, 2003

It's Vegas night at Springfield Elementary, where Martin is school class president, and the event is quite a success. Homer wins big and wants his $200,000; but when he and everyone else find out they aren't going to win any real money, there is a riot and Martin is forced to resign. Lisa runs against Nelson for class president. Lisa struggles to fight against Nelson's popularity, she of course all about the issues, while he isn't. Lisa sings her way into popularity that helps her win the vote. The administration is worried about having a popular president, whom is also smart. They start giving her distractions to keep her from knowing about their plans to remove the music, gym and art programs. Lisa is identified as a sellout, but as her last act as president, she gets all the students to go on strike. After several days, Chalmers wants action and he gets Skinner to transfer Lisa to a school for the gifted and troublesome. While it's Lisa's dream to go there, Homer isn't going to pay for it. Lisa returns to Springfield Elementary, where the programs have been restored thanks to the cancellation of flu shots and the selling of loose cigarettes. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 3 (S15E03) - 1
you're going to have to resign as president.
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Hey, student body president!
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Why don't you start a rumor that he's ding-a-ling-a-ling, hello!
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Honey, you could be popular. You've just gotta be yourself
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Yo, everyone, it's me, Nelson!
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I've polished an apple or two
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Don't vote for me kids of Springfield
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Vote Lisa! Vote Lisa! Vote Lisa!
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Yeah. The students will do anything she says.
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Well, if you ask me, a woman's weakness is her sense of vanity.
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Actually, Lisa, I wanted you to see you.
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I may be the new girl But you can't brainwash me
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Nails, dimples ears, scrunchie
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Has made me a super tween
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Then I'd have nice things.
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It'll either be a picture of you or the drinking fountain that won't stop running.
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Well, I have some ideas for ways we can improve the classroom experience.
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so kids can call them whenever they have questions.
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"Move the brush fire hazard needle"?
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I'm proud to present you with an official key to the study hall.
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You're like Geraldine Ferraro. Except you won where she failed miserably.
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I was being sarcastic.
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Say goodbye to music gym and art
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My stomach is filled with haggis and hurt
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 3 (S15E03) - 33
A perfect day to unveil Operation S. L.A.A.A.M.
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They've taken everything. Oh, no.
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"and approved by Student Body President Lisa Simpson!"
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Look, they're taking away the art room!
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But a tango takes two
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With the band gone, how will I know who to beat up?
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just so they could exploit me and ruin my good name.
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(MIMICKING ELVIS PRESLEY) Hey, baby, come here. I want to kiss you.
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And not a good place mat. It's from someplace called "Doodles."
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Any student caught striking will be severely disciplined unless all of you do it.
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Principal Skinner, I will not call off this strike until you bring back music and art!
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Principal Skinner, can't you just reinstate those programs?
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Remember, boys. These are little kids.
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Sit down, boys! We're joining this strike!
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Today professional buttinski Michael Moore arrived on the scene.
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Aired 21 years ago - Nov 09, 2003

Homer learns of his mother's whereabouts, through clues that she leaves in the newspaper. When Mother Simpson returns to Springfield, she is quickly recognized by police and Mr. Burns, and is taken to court over her germ warefare sabotage from the 60s. With help from Homer, she is acquitted, but when she reveals that she used false names when visiting national parks, she is booked on forgery charges. Homer carjacks a bus and tries to help her escape, but, not wanting her son involved, she kicks Homer out of the bus and drives off. When the bus crashes, Mother Simpson is feared dead. But another subliminal newpaper message reveals otherwise. Guest stars Tom Kenny and Glenn Close. MORE -LESS

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 2 (S15E02) - 1
There's money on the counter. No tip.
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And you made NASCAR racing exciting.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 2 (S15E02) - 3
Check it out! I finally found a dead guy's clothes that fits me!
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But I am not a Grim Reaper...
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Ok. Who am I giving the finger to today?
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It's Patty. Chump!
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Sir, I'm honored to inform you that you've won the Nobel Prize.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 2 (S15E02) - 14
Great glavin in a glass! (gibberish) The Nobel Prize!
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Well, our relationship was never great.
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and slept with Marilyn Monroe by night
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 2 (S15E02) - 17
With the rolling and the heaving, and the... you make me sick!
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Maybe, I can help you two patch up your differences.
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I could reanimate him, without the needless switching of tools.
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where my belly should be.
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Some kind of a tin-can man from planet tomorrow?
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Well I did finish first in the walk for the cure, of homosexuality!
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 2 (S15E02) - 26
- The people like killed? - No! Your son!
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Comic book guy's ass won't fit in couch.
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She's the sexy star of Alias.
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Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. Professor John Frink.
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I'm here to accept the Nobel Prize for stupid.
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The science, the love, and the physics we called quantum. Ain't that right? People?
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Muffins are suprisingly high in calories. The pyramids were actually built by Sears.
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Yes, but, how? He is 63 years old. Pressure point here and here.
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to know that's a bad idea.
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This is the most exciting nobel prize ceremony ever!
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I maybe a soul, but I'm hungry.
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Stop the World I Want to GOOF OFF
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If we both touching the watch, neither of us will be affected.
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We can do anything we want!
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mayors... have... been... repeatedly...humiliated.
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Come, let us kill them before learning of the magical secret which they possess!
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Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 2 (S15E02) - 50
- And no one would stop us. - I'm gonna play naked basketball.
Aired 21 years ago - Nov 02, 2003

"Reaper Madness" - Death becomes Homer and our hero must learn to reap what he sows (and pull a fast one on the almighty). "Frinkenstein" - Soon to be Nobel-prize winning Professor Frink reanimates his father for some gruesome body parts-swapping. "Stop the World, I Want to Goof Off" - A parody of Clockstoppers, starring Bart and Milhouse.

Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 1
If I knew this would take so long, I'd put on a TV.
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Clearing away the oldies and the sickies and the chokies.
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This robe is pretty soft.
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- Dad! You've become the new Grim Reaper. - No way, forget it.
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Never mind. I'm death now.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 6
Would anyone like to see Mr. Simpson harvest a soul?
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 7
Pardon me. Coming through. Rest in peace. You're dead. Take a dirt nap. Meet the worms.
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Now release me from this ghastly vocation.
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This isn't Marge. This is her fat sister. Selma.
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- Tack fÃ♪r att ni fÃ♪rärar vĺr stad. (Swedish) - Jumpy Jiminy!
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I only wish my dear father were here to see me win.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 16
I was always a disappointment to him. You see, he was one of those Heman scientists
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 17
I get seesick taking a shower! Clean, but nauseous!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 18
- We never spoke again. - Well, where is he now?
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Except you have no penis.
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I'm getting me a real spleen and then I'm gonna vent it on you boy, chick.
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Hey, Hey, 700 Club, you look like a healthy specimen.
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Confucious? And Milton Berle? Boy I have been barking up the wrong tree!
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Stockholm, Sweden
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- that my father has become a (moronic golem?). - Not any more, son!
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You all have such big hearts and such big brains with large juicy dripping with knowledge heads!
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Every brain unlocks more secrets of the universe.
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I'm proud of you. And now it's time for me go to Hell...
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and lose your father on the same day.
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Well, of course father, that'll make too sense by your brain desire.
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If you like space in the attic, aren't you gonna be happy.
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To restart time, click watch again.
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Wait till the other kids see we're already on the RED unit of Adventures In Reading.
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Ah, my slacks...
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 45
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 46
春ç"°é•‡å¸‚æ"¿åŽ 今晚议题:ç"·ç"¨åŽè½®é©±åŠ¨è½¦ï¼š10美分
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 47
so I covered the meeting hall with ultraviolet powder.
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 48
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 49
- Oh, that was close. - Bart, look at the watch!
Recap of The Simpsons Season 15 Episode 1 (S15E01) - 50