Drama, Suspense
Dr. Gregory House, a drug-addicted, unconventional, misanthropic medical genius, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.
Aired 19 years ago - May 24, 2005
When Stacy insists her husband Mark get tests, House insists he can handle things. But despite the fact Mark's tests prove negative, his steadily growing symptoms indicate he is dying. While House struggles with the mystery and make increasing
demands on his staff, Wilson worries about House's emotional well-being, and Cuddy considers adding a new employee to the clinic.
Previous tests revealed nothing
that would cause abdominal pain
or the mood swings.
If that's negative,
CT his abdomen and pelvis,
with and without contrast.
We CTed your abdomen.
Nothing that would explain the stomach pain.
There's no need for exploratory surgery,
Dr. Cameron has a diagnosis.
Leslie vs. Leslie seems to be right in point, but
I'm sure they're going to try to distinguish it by...
[The overhead speaker pages Dr. Lodkin]
Mrs. Warner. The surgery went well;
he's in recovery, you can see him now.
We'll check his blood
for Alzheimer's protein markers.
His sister voted for Nader, twice.
That's about it.
Hope you like oatmeal raisin. Love, Stacy."
Said no. Champagne tap. No red cells,
no white cells, serology's negative.
This serves no diagnostic purpose.
What if he has the virus but
isn't producing those antibodies?
With the head, the look.
O2 stats are within range.
Six more have sent him flowers,
candy and a teddy bear, which
I'm sure he finds very comforting.
He. And he sent me the bear.
[The phone rings]
What is it?
He said he went to Paris and
the PET confirms it, so what?
Yeah, well, one of the true tragedies of
this condition is it makes you want to stick
your cool, new mountain bike in the garage
He might.
If you think you're right
you don't give a damn what they think.
- You don't know Gregg.
- Not like you do.
Doc, he ain't right in the head!
- No pain killers!
- You were wrong!
[Thunder in distance]
You were right.
What's so great about you?
You always think you're right.
Aired 19 years ago - May 17, 2005
House's ex-girlfriend Stacy Warner returns – not for House but to get help for her ailing husband. While House decides whether or not to take her case, Cuddy forces him to present a lecture to a class of medical students. As he weaves the stories of
three patients who all present with a similar symptom, House gives a lecture the students will never forget.
It means there's either
a neurological component
or he's having an affair.
Most likely cause of leg pain is muscle strain.
Tightness of the ankle,
loss of muscle control.
and one will be very close to death.
Bzzt! Sorry, thanks for playing.
what say we check up
on the volleyball player?
I need to know everything about you.
No, because she took such an interest
she discovered a tiny nodule.
You have decreased reflexes
in your patellar tendon. Anyone?
We have no history,
he could be allergic.
What say we take five?
Get some coffee, go pee.
She loves you, she just...can't...
stand to...be around you.
No. But that would make
you interested, right?
Or you go online and find
there's only three poisonous snakes
common in New Jersey:
And who goes looking for the snake?
If you have a reaction, we're ready to do
whatever's necessary to ensure your airway
stays open and your heart keeps beating.
On average, drug addicts are stupid.
- Susan!
Oh, yeah, he's dying, but there's
no wife and kid. Which is great.
They grade you on gentleness and supportiveness?
Is there a scale for measuring compassion?
Well, I need to go home.
You find out what matters to them.
I... I don't know.
If you can't handle that reality,
pick another profession.
It may become necessary
in order to save your life.
Kids with prosthetic legs are running
the 100-meter dash in twelve seconds.
That's why I need
the damn morphine!
[His breathing quickens,
and the monitors all go off.]
They're all just chemical reactions that
take place when the brain shuts down.
We've got to
let him cut the leg off.
You don't think you deserve to be happy?
I love you, too. I'm sorry.
Aired 19 years ago - May 10, 2005
House apparently triggers a stroke in a clinic patient, but the major topic of discussion is House's imminent date with Cameron, The team must deal with the patient's odd lifestyle, overbearing "friend," and reluctant parents in order to stop the
strokes and try to save his life. Meanwhile, Wilson, Cuddy and the team offer House and Cameron advice while laying odds on the outcome.
Aired 19 years ago - May 03, 2005
During an meningitis outbreak which overwhelms the clinic, House is drawn to a single patient: a 12-year-old whose symptoms don't quite match everyone else's. House, Foreman, and Chase must devise ingenious ways and locations to treat the girl's
delicate condition in the middle of the chaos, and make an unexpected discovery. Meanwhile, House asks Cameron to come back to her job but she has one requirement that he might not be able to meet.
It's a figure of speech.
I-- I'd be completely lost,
get in everyone's way.
Go like this.
Twelve-year-old female.
Fever, rash, neck pains.
Not meningitis.
Get a lumbar puncture.
Some brain infections can be
pretty clever at hide-and-seek.
Push me again.
Okay, I want you to hold your knees
and tuck your head.
I just-- I haven't slept.
I'm so tired.
We need to find
where it's coming from.
It's not bleeding.
I wonder if that has anything to do
with you costing us $100 million.
because she's an idiot or she's insane.
All he did was save his job.
Many sick people.
Puking in the hallways. It's crazy.
We can reschedule.
Are there dead people
in those cabinets?
- That's right.
- He's in a band.
like the Asian kids who don't leave
the library for 20-hour stretches.
Okay. We're, uh, we're pretty sure
it's not cancer.
She was totally unresponsive...
Well, let's see now.
There's the 18-year-old has-been that she
beat out to make the Nationals,
- When I was in med school,
I had this old professor--
- Who touched you in the naughty place?
You actually speak four languages,
or are you just banking on never
being interviewed by anyone who does?
Uh, well, that's, uh, great.
I think that's all we need.
Okay. Well, they were nice. Pointy.
I'm "ultrasounding" your head.
I'm not talking about her.
You're talking about Cameron.
You'll have a surgeon in the room in ten.
Maybe she's adopted
and we've got the wrong history.
Actually, none.
or a girl's body,
as the case may be.
- You wanted it.
- Yeah. I did.
to handle a simple thing like an abortion
without Mommy and Daddy's help.
- Well, when can we take her home?
- Uh, in a few days.
Aired 19 years ago - Apr 19, 2005
While House and his team scramble to discover what's causing brain and kidney dysfunction in a pregnant woman, Vogler is working to get House fired after House's pharmaeutical speech. House determines the illness, but the woman and her husband must
struggle with an emotional and heartbreaking choice: choose between her or that of her unborn child. Vogler calls for a vote to remove House, but when Wilson refuses to make the vote unanimous, Vogler threatens to take his money if Wilson isn't voted out. Finally, Cuddy must take a stand against Vogler.
The nurse will be in soon
to take some blood.
I'd like to run some more tests.
You've been so good to me and-
How come you're not
in your office?
Call the OB-GYN service
and rub some prayer beads.
Well, ultrasound looks good.
No sign of fetal distress.
Like this- this cold got
really bad all of a sudden.
Starving babies is bad-
and illegal in many cultures.
Preterm labor.
And, uh, in fairness
to your point of view,
Great to see you back in the office.
I guess Vogler found you?
- We gotta talk.
- Ooh. We gotta talk.
This is how Vogler's
gonna destroy me?
If I don't give him one,
he makes one up.
Vogler's just one vote.
Yeah. There's swelling,
indenting the esophagus.
You were making antibodies
to fight the tumor.
Pretty good.
Twenty-eight weeks, so about 80%.
If you postpone- even for a week-
He accepted a Corvette from a patient
who was a known member
of the New Jersey Mafia.
Well, first of all,
you can't void my vote
by making me stand in the hallway.
The next generation is not my patient.
I told you.
She only has thighs for me.
This job and this stupid
screwed-up friendship,
First Cameron, then Wilson.
Otherwise in good health?
Angiogenesis inhibitors
prevent the tumors
from creating blood vessels.
His odds are much better
than yours are.
You didn't say, " You don't know
what it would be like."
but after that I couldn't even
look at him without thinking of her.
Well, thank God you were here
to save all those lives!
- Honey.
- [Machine Beeping]
The best course for the baby
would be an immediate C-section.
The longer we postpone,
She's stabilized.
How long was her oxygen at that level?
Naomi's baby lives.
- Nothing.
- Charging.
Thank you.
I've sent a test down to confirm.
When it comes back, you should start Olive
on immunoglobulin replacement.
What did he do?
Buy you dinner and roses?
Threaten to drown your dog?
But if you're doing this because
you are afraid of losing
his money, then he's right.
Aired 19 years ago - Apr 12, 2005
At a high-level campaign fundraiser, a senator becomes violently ill. Vogler forces House to take the senator's case and offers to let off the hook on firing a team member if he'll deliver a speech on behalf of Vogler's pharmaceutical company. It
looks like the senator has AIDS but House refuses to settle for the easy answer. And House ends up giving the speech, but it doesn't go quite as Vogler planned.
wait a second,
don't I own that company?
The fast we can get you better,
the faster you can get out of here.
Your political consultants
have written you a nice story.
Get an MRI and
a lumbar puncture.
Chase has nothing to worry about?
Sure. You were pregnant.
Mmm, but you'd only make
that argument if you were an
administrator covering your own ass.
If that were true,
would Dr. Wilson's mouth be
contorted into that ugly little shape?
but it only causes a lesion in your brain if your immune system is extremely weak to begin with.
But...you haven't even
tested me for HIV!
You get to keep all of us if you flog his products?
it's a bad role model,
it's a dis-discredit to the race.
I don't.
I'm testing you
for booze, drugs and GHB.
I take chances all the time,
it's one of my worst qualities.
I need to draw some more blood.
Why are you spying on my case?
Unless we find out the underlying disease,
this guy's lied to his last constituent.
I knew he was going to Africa and I figured
he was vaccinated for Hep A and B.
Get out of my life,
how much clearer can you get?
Looks complex.
Central necrosis?
House is a lousy teacher.
You can't lie for beans.
I said I was selling it.
I didn't say I was giving it away.
Well, not enough to indicate lymphoma.
Don't you hate doing this?
I don't think that's why you're asking.
[Starts to cough and can't stop.
It sounds like he's gasping for air.]
This indicates partial sleep arousal.
you sleepwalk right into his arms.
See, antibodies are basically your defensive line.
Start the senator on
IV immunoglobulin stat.
No, there's things I can't do, and
like you said, I have to live with reality.
Whenever one of his drugs is about to lose its patent he has his boys and girls alter it just a tiny bit and patent it all over again.
[Playing "High Hopes" on piano]
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 29, 2005
House must fire one of his doctors and leaves them to think about it while they deal with an overweight 10-year old child who suffered a heart attack as the result of taking diet pills. House is also faced with a woman who won't accept surgery for a 30 lb. tumor because she wants to remain overweight.
You need to get rid of
one of your people.
- What's the problem?
- Heart attack.
That's what five pediatricians,
two nutritionists and a psychologist said.
Is this... thing treatable?
Way over. Kids in my neighborhood
used to call me "Rerun".
Not from Mummy.
Everything in society tells us
we have to be thin to be successful.
It will be more cost-efficient
once I grab Cameron's ass,
call Foreman a spade, and Chase--
You're not, either.
I don't wanna do this anymore.
Oh, please. Save your pathetic insincerity
for your boyfriend.
I assume I don't have to point out
that now would be an extremely good time...
You might wanna broaden
the search just a little.
Right. So it's the money.
You resent it, but you're gonna tell me
that he doesn't need the job.
And you are?
With my job, yes.
Jessica really
doesn't have any friends.
I assume his goal is to stir up
antagonism toward me.
Nope. But I've never
gone swimming with you.
I just-- I just wanted to fit in.
Right. So I guess it's the media
and pharmaceutical companies' fault now,
Oh, my God.
Did you actually see her prepare
and administer the heparin?
Hey! Stop worrying about your asses
and start worrying about the patient's.
And I do know what "induced" means.
We did this?
I'll definitely think twice before
correcting one of your mistakes again.
Because I'm not insanely insecure,
and because I can actually trust
in another human being,
If he can work it so we keep the current
staff for the same amount of money,
She told me about the tumor.
Yeah? She also tell you
why she's refusing to have it removed?
You have kids. How novel.
That changes everything.
At this point, it doesn't matter
what caused the necrosis.
Do you want to fire me?
You jumped on this idea
like a life raft. Not one question
about what else it could be.
Love her green eyes
and his baby blues.
looking for married women
with surgical scars.
I don't need you.
- Pyoderma gangrenosum.
- More sores.
It's perfect.
It explains everything.
Once it's gone,
everything will get normal very fast.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 22, 2005
Just before mobster Joey Arnello spills the beans in federal court and enters witness protection, he collapses. A court order instructs House to find out if he's faking. House and his team struggle to diagnose and cure Joey while Joey's brother Bill
tries to slow things down and keep Joey from testifying. Meanwhile, Cuddy struggles to convince Vogler that House is an essential part of the hospital.
I got served with a federal court order.
Some witness went into a coma.
We're not leaving until he's gone,
or you show me...
He's also an eight on
the Glasgow Coma Scale.
You told him you liked him?
No, ofcourse not.
Brother says he was
changing a tire and it slipped.
I'm not releasing him.
'Cause the brother
doesn't want you to?
He loses money.
- Why bother? Just to piss me off?
- Keeping the government off our ass.
Watch that line.
He's still not responding.
or the receipt for fur handcuffs
that she found in your pants?
House has some directed donations,
No. That's me.
They have to believe
you'll actually hurt them.
Oh, and, uh,
So there's nothing wrong with this.
Vogler doesn't set me up
to have a mobster take a swing at me.
If we knew that,
we wouldn't need a diabolic plan,
would we?
Not really. We just take
Joey's blood out of his body...
We'll keep him on the pig
for a few more hours,
and then take him off the candy.
- Brother won't be happy.
- Maybe I have to give back the car.
- What hep "C"?
- Oops.
- The estrogen level indicates it is.
- It indicates something else entirely.
Stop, or I snap your nose off!
Yes, I have, a very simple one.
You paid the marshal off.
- Why would you be wrong?
- His estrogen level.
That would be quite a trick.
He slapped me so hard,
his brother turned straight.
But if you're wrong, he dies.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 15, 2005
Billionaire entrepreneur Edward Vogler spends $100 million on the clinic and becomes the new Chairman of the Board. As a businessman, Vogler intends to turn the clinic into a profitable venue for his biotech venture and plans to eliminate the
financially draining services of Dr. House. Meanwhile, a businesswoman who has it all - perfect life, perfect body, perfect job - finds herself inexplicably paralyzed. When he diagnoses her secret, House must risk his job and his medical license to get her a necessary transplant.
- What about a disk herniation?
- I don't know, Eric.
Thank you.
and overnight
I was worth a billion dollars.
and being able to look at her and say,
"Good morning, honey. I love you."
- How old is she?
- Thirty-two.
If you don't wanna sell,
it means you don't care
if people get your product.
Just wanted to see if your dad,
you know-- Bizarre.
He's using patients as guinea pigs.
- Yeah, he took your parking space.
- It's not necessarily bad news.
I'm just suggesting
we look outside the box.
What if her sed rate is elevated?
Next time, skip Aunt Elyssa.
Okay then.
Just gotta think like a billionaire.
Dr. Simpson, did you hear?
New management.
The guy got over a million dollars.
Don't tell me he's complaining.
There is no cancer in your bone.
Dr. Becker--
What happened to our regular,
old-fashioned colonoscopy?
- I'll redo her angio--
- You'll do nothing!
Thoracentesis revealed
a transudate?
Because of my position
on the transplant committee?
He's still not wearing the coat.
- I don't understand how that--
- You're a high-powered bulimic.
You make yourself throw up.
You know, how much is your life worth?
How much is my job worth?
Because that's what's
on the table right now--
your life.
Pressors and vasodilators
have not improved
her condition whatsoever.
You don't have hunches.
You know.
Any psychiatric conditions?
History of depression?
She's a little blue.
My patient's getting a heart.
But usually he's putting it
in our face.
Oh, will you stop it
with the book?
Why are you doing this?
Is that good or bad?
It depends.
Ironically, a substance
that tightens every other
corner of your face.
Today, hospital's
come into a lot of money.
Aired 19 years ago - Mar 01, 2005
A 12-year-old boy believes he's cursed after a Ouija board tells him he's going to die, and his father makes increasing demands on House as they try to diagnose the boy's pneumonia-like symptoms and incongruous rash. Meanwhile, Chase's estranged
father, a renowned doctor from Australia, visits and House invites him to sit in, much to Chase's discomfort. When House diagnoses the boy's illness, the young patient is forced to face the idea that his father may not be everything he believes.
I'm dying.
Papular lesion, one centimeter,
on top of a long, thin scab.
What kind of pneumonia
causes this kind of rash?
Legionnaire's disease.
Biopsy that rash.
Okay. This might be a bit delicate.
Hard to deal with sometimes?
Said I was gonna die.
A secret club.
What's the secret-- they're all morons?
with about 30 years of Aussie.
Dad comes 5,000 miles,
you're more curious than Junior is.
I wouldn't have assigned
Dr. House to your case
if I didn't have every confidence in him.
Is the anthrax doin' it?
-just happening to strike at once.
- Unless you've got a better theory.
Works for spaghetti.
Six doctors' brilliant conclusion
is to take it easy.
I write a check, name goes on a plaque,
It doesn't hurt yet.
Keep going.
You haven't seen him in years,
he flies across the Atlantic to see you--
There's about 20 distinct
autoimmune diseases--
Why are you here?
I've got to talk to House
about this treatment.
It's a macrobiotic diet--
popular with Hollywood starlets
and... cancer patients.
I suppose it isn't.
- Okay. So--
- I told you we should
get him off the cytoxan.
One's always been
more than enough for me.
Well, then I should definitely tell him.
I'd wanna know.
You wanna know everything.
All this hate. It's toxic.
- But the throat nodules still don't fit with that.
- That's two diseases pretty much
exclusive to Southeast Asia.
Scale from one to 10--
how painful?
Comes here expecting us to do
an extra-good job because he gives
a whole lot of money to this hospital.
No wonder he got anthrax.
The leprosy weakened his immune system.
I want you to call down to Carville, Louisiana,
home of the last leper colony in the Lower 48.
I tell you my dad left,
my mum drank herself to death,
you gonna care about me more?
I've given him enough hugs.
He's given me enough disappointments.
Breathe again.
Aired 19 years ago - Feb 22, 2005
A severely broken arm reveals a bizarre case of bone loss and ends the comeback plans of major league pitcher Hank Wiggen. House suspects Hank is lying about using steroids, as his condition worsens. When Hank's kidneys start to fail, his wife
offers to donate hers, but she would have to abort her early pregnancy. Forced into an impossible solution, and admitting failure as an addict, Hank tries to take his own life. House and his team must isolate and fix the problem soon if this pitcher's life, as well his career, can be saved. Meanwhile, Foreman dates a pharmaceutical representative and House is stuck with two tickets and ends up going on a "date" with Cameron...to a monster truck rally.
You make him comfortable, send him home,
which means you're just boring me.
You want it to be his kidneys,
because if it's his kidneys,
then maybe we can treat it, fix it.
If your car breaks down,
you're an hour late, not two minutes.
The doses are monitored.
It's not a slip.
Dr. Sports Fan can put it in Lucite
and hang it around his neck.
It's 4:45.
I was rounding up.
Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable
talking about his private matters.
Could be cancerous--
amyloidosis or lymphoma.
Dr. Whitman to Anesthesiology.
Dr. Whitman, Anesthesiology.
You and your lawyer
can write a paper.
If you throw out the kidneys,
everything else adds up.
You see, kidneys don't wear watches.
But if you add the kidney symptoms
back into the mix,
The test for Addison's
is always inconclusive.
Oh, I'm sorry, Doctor.
I didn't know you were busy.
Want me to come back?
you should at least be able
to see it in other people.
I had car trouble.
Friday night.
The biggest official monster truck jam
in the history of New Jersey.
Uh... and wh-who--
If you have the results,
I'd like you to talk to both of us.
If you don't, I'm late for a meeting.
Not in your current condition.
Lola's not gonna have an abortion.
This is a pragmatic question
for you?
- You asking me to go with you?
- Sure. Sounds good.
Your heart's beating too fast.
His heart's not responding
to the atropine.
Hey, kid. How ya feelin'?
I can see why they asked you
to speak at the cancer dinner.
That's the--
Well, that's weird.
Date's right on the label,
number of pills--
regular person can do the math.
Yeah, I get that.
I'll start treating the Addison's,
which will most likely destroy
what's left of your kidneys.
Or are we breaking up?
Oh, they're all wet.
If the patient decides to go the dialysis route,
we've got some product you should check out.
Don't worry. You're not gay.
You're adventurous.
What should we look for now, Hank?
We'll start treatment
right away.
Aired 20 years ago - Feb 15, 2005
House has to find out why a patient has internal bleedings after a car crash. In the meantime, he has a wager with Cuddy he can stay off the painkillers. Will his withdrawal symptoms eventually kill his patient?
He's been in and out of the hospital
for three weeks with internal bleeding.
No one can find the cause.
This is impossible.
A 16-year-old does not
get hemolytic anemia.
- Well, he's 99.2.
- Barely above normal.
That's already done, and--
better than a puppy.
If you're detoxing,
you'll have chills, nausea.
Yeah, what she cared about
was the car.
- Have you been out of the country?
- We went to China,
but we got all our shots before we left.
What about bruising?
Never complained of tenderness
under his arms or his groin?
We're just testing.
How long has it been?
Fix the eye,
you'd kill everything else.
Surgery's out for the same reason.
That's funny.
She said you might need one.
It's not an infection.
Gallium scan didn't reveal anything.
- Hey, no, no. Let go of my hand.
- She doesn't speak English.
The blood clot
isn't life-threatening.
And the antibiotics
aren't doing anything.
A.S.T. is 859.
We're getting him to the I.C.U.
I was born in a log cabin in Illinois--
Yeah. I went to medical school too.
Well, we figured if there was any hope
at all that we could have her with us
a little while longer, it'd be worth it.
Did it work?
Well, my hand hurts like hell.
So what are you gonna do?
The father's insisting
on the lupus treatment.
He agreed to do it your way.
which is the fourth
diagnostic criterion.
- And then she went and lied to the father.
That's why you're angry.
- Yeah. I trusted you.
Take your pills
before you kill this kid.
Because you lied.
Because House wanted to
play games with my son's life.
So we just wait?
I'm afraid so.
- Take your damn pills.
- Psychosis requires--
Saving a 16-year-old kid from a lifetime
of immunosuppressant drugs
and a very nasty scar.
There's no way
we can do this surgery now.
Ya think?
his body had to get its energy
somewhere else.
caused by naphthalene poisoning.
Either way, I did you a favor.
Watch out.
Aired 20 years ago - Feb 08, 2005
Dr. Foreman believes an uncooperative homeless woman is faking seizures to get a meal ticket at the teaching hospital. But her homelessness strikes a personal chord with Dr. Wilson and he grows determined to keep her from falling between the cracks.
Her worsening symptoms prove to be a complex mystery for House and his team, but the mystery of her identity and medical history may hold the answers to saving her life. Just as the team suspects she has contagious meningitis, the woman goes missing, only to be tasered by the police, who bring her back. But House deduces the taser may have proven yet another diagnosis, with dire results. Meanwhile, House has an audience of two medical students who are learning how to do case studies.
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Aired 20 years ago - Feb 01, 2005
Legendary jazz musician John Henry Giles is checked into the hospital and when he's told he's dying from ALS, he signs a DNR to avoid a slow death. House disagrees with the diagnosis and goes against everyone's wishes when he violates the DNR to
save Giles' life. The decision lands House in court, drives Foreman to consider taking another job, and results in Giles' paralysis worsening. But when the patient inexplicably starts getting better, the team has to figure out the mystery in reverse and find out why his condition is improving.
- John Henry Giles? You a fan of his music?
- He's a musician?
Foreman did his residency
with Hamilton.
- Coughing up sputum?
- Almost none.
He seems stabilized.
What else could it be?
Yeah, I heard about him.
Obsessive son of a bitch?
That's him.
I started him on
I.V. steroids and Synthroid.
Okay. Increase the steroids
to 100 milligrams
every 12 hours and, uh--
No hair, which means nerve damage.
So undo it. Chase?
What did you just do?
There is no question.
It's the patient's decision.
His lungs are worse.
Any theories?
These are criminal charges.
They're not gonna let you
take blood to make more tests.
So far you've come in under budget.
John Henry Giles.
Exactly. And Mr. Giles's death
will violate my client's
Sixth Amendment right.
I'm trying to listen to this.
It doesn't.
I didn't notice any clubbing
on the judge's fingers.
Neither did I.
I checked you out, you know?
But before you guys break out the oil,
I should point out that you can't
pull the plug. I have a court order.
Soon as they pull that plug,
he'll die.
The inactivity causes--
Not interested in why.
You hate me for saving your life.
I'll give you a hand.
unless you got something--
anything-- one thing.
it's over.
Don't need the money.
We're not like you.
I don't hate House.
Listen, listen. I just think
it wouldn't hurt him
to learn a little humility.
- The damage would likely be minimal.
- No.
This is gonna take us
all the way up into your brain.
Another difference in our styles--
- One of those drugs is helping him.
- And the rest--
So your philosophy is,
if they don't want treatment,
they get it shoved down their throat,
Bad news is John Henry's
back where he started.
Good news is Hamilton looks bad.
You really think House would let
Foreman out of his contract?
He has to.
If you think he's a better doctor
than I am, then you should take the job.
He sleeps better at night.
He shouldn't.
If it's inflammation, the steroids
would've shrunk it down.
Aired 20 years ago - Jan 25, 2005
When a high school student falls victim to a mysterious but lethal poisoning, House and his team jump in to find out what is killing the teen. Suddenly, a second unrelated student is admitted with identical symptoms. With the boys' lives hanging in
the balance, House and the team have to connect the dots fast. Meanwhile, an 82-year-old patient has become enamored with House while he helps her figure out the basis of her renewed fascination with her sexual feelings.
Severe bradycardia.
That's what you want to hear,
not in the slightest.
I'll bet you know all the good hiding spots.
I gave my mom a little trouble
when I was his age.
No haircut, ratty old clothes.
And that'll go over big.
Same reason he thinks
this kid overdosed.
Matt decided to make himself
a homemade pizza for a bed time snack.
We should wash him down.
The poison could still be on his skin.
When I see a guy with a cute butt,
The pralidoxime isn't doing him any good.
We're gonna have to wire his heart.
If we don't know what kind of organophosphate
we're targeting, we don't know which hydrolase to ask for.
"The healer with his magic powers.
"Temporary insanity brought on
by acute panic distress syndrome."
"The Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital
and its employees, agents, and other...
You're the mom who's letting him die.
This is gonna go on your permanent record.
Two kids were poisoned
on your bus this morning.
Matt is back row right.
The Asian kid, uh,first or second row left.
- We've been waiting here...
- Mr. Adams.
Miss Davis, your son is very sick.
You're killing him!
- When were they poisoned?
- Absorption through the skin,
between the time they got up
and the time they went to school.
Maybe they both washed
their clothes this morning.
Takes time to review faxed records.
Aired 20 years ago - Dec 28, 2004
After being discovered dead asleep, a woman is admitted to the hospital. The doctors are puzzled by her symptoms, as they consider everything from tumors to breast cancer to rabbit fever. When all the treatments fail, House concludes she has
African sleeping sickness. However, neither the woman nor her husband could possibly have ever been to Africa. The woman will die without the proper treatment, but neither one will admit to having an affair.
Aired 20 years ago - Dec 21, 2004
Dr. House is intrigued by the symptoms of a schizophrenic woman, who displays mixed symptoms, including a tumor, but soon realizes the source of her problems isn't the obvious. House confronts his birthday and Chase confronts his past when the mother's son tries to keep up with her condition.
But the pain started in her leg.
Where the clot started-
her calf.
That doesn't happen.
She's not an alcoholic.
She only drinks when you give it to her?
Did I ask you how old she was?
I forget.
And her kid wrote this,
so it might be a little biased.
Two thousand years ago,
that's how Galen treated schizophrenics.
The Marcus Welby of ancient Greece.
Galen was pretty sure
about the fumigation thing.
And the meds?
Patients are puzzles?
You don't think so?
Also, for the last two months,
she hasn't shaved her legs.
Because of the tremors, she cuts herself.
And who knows,
we might get more out of her.
Haldol, five milligrams, stat.
I just wanted to ask
your opinion, Doctor.
Get the kid
a damned ice cream cake.
he will know her name
and be well pleased remembering it".
You know that.
I used it purely as a chemical restraint.
- I used my best judgment.
- It turns out your best judgment
is not good enough.
The prolonged P.T. time
makes me think she's got
a vitamin "K" deficiency.
- Let's ultrasound the liver.
- Three theories.
Why not just make old Foreman
lift the key from the kid's backpack?
Pick that up
on your psych rotation?
The problem is,
you can't actually live on this stuff.
Shut up! I'm 18.
I should be able
to take care of my mom.
I still don't buy
a vitamin "K" deficiency.
House was right.
It's the epiphyseal plate,
otherwise known as the "growth plate".
What's wrong with it?
You're 15, basically no mom.
Oh, but she doesn't drink.
Yeah, well, Lucy can't switch-hit.
How temporarily?
How long?
Maybe we could catch a movie.
Actually, I was just gonna remind you,
you owe me six clinic hours this week.
Uh-huh. Well, that's-
that's how they teach it
at Harvard Med.
Today it's 4.6.
How does that happen?
Bergin has a right to know
what he is operating on.
It's a birthday.
It's an excuse to be happy.
I'm sorry.
It was very, very wrong.
There are some things you just can't fix.
That's all I'm saying.
Where are you taking him?
"For in the old days,
though she had young men's praise
and old men's blame,
And even if the cancer's
in complete remission,
On the small stuff, yeah-
when to sleep, what to drink, you know.
Didn't we
just leave your office?
I like to walk.
Yes, I'm calling from London, you see?
Must have got my times mixed up-
I thought I encouraged you
to question.
You're not questioning.
Put your hands on the bar here
and your chin in here.
"but walk by the dry thorn
until I have found some beggar
sheltering from the wind...
Aired 20 years ago - Dec 14, 2004
A nun whose hands are red, swollen and cracked is sent to House. The nun believes it is stigmata, but House suspects an allergic reaction. He gives her some pills, which cause her to become unable to breathe. As her condition worsens, her fellow
sisters pray for her while House and his team work to discover the cause of her illness while House has to wonder if he misadministered the illness.
- How are you feeling?
- Better.
Episode 1x05 - Damned If You Do
You diagnosed the patient with allergies and prescribed antihistamines.
She went into respiratory distress.
I can justify keeping her here
for a 24-hour observation.
Order a chest CT and start the sister on Prednisone.
40 milligrams, TID.
Do you consider it the work of the Devil,
or do you just not get cable where you live?
Most people don't like to listen.
The store sent me home.
They're gonna fire me.
When I was 18, I went to the monastery,
where they let me take my vows.
It's always about you, Foreman.
He's burning me with his touch!
Are you hanging your diagnosis on an adverb?
But the treatment is corticosteroids, Prednisone.
Yeah, I took a read once, wasn't impressed.
And that will help with this
mixed connective tissue disease?
It's not really in Augustine's best interest.
Because if you take things seriously, they matter.
- There's always an explanation, isn't there?
- Yes, there is,
The sister's breathing is labored.
You did what you felt you had to.
colorectal cancer, prostate cancer,
and not for lung cancer
Good boys have the fear of God put into them.
I found that when you want to know the truth about someone,
that someone is probably the last person you should ask.
When she had a cardiac arrest,
I had to open her blouse to do CPR.
Maybe there is an underlying condition
that explains the symptoms.
So what's the source?
You have a choice.
Faith or fear.
No way, she's in the damn clean room!
Are you kidding me?
Yeah, I want you to accept
that sometimes patients die against all reason.
If it's His will to take me,
And the miracle of life all around.
But when it comes time to cross the road,
I know you look both ways.
Not even you, Dr. House.
No surgical pins in the arm.
I got this IUD when I was 15.
Aired 20 years ago - Dec 07, 2004
When a virus is spreading among the hospital, infecting six babies, House and his team must make decisions that could compromise the lives of the babies.
Exhibit B:
Baby Boy Hausen.
It means that some random doctor
of indeterminate skill thinks that
the patient's bowel is obstructed.
You're finding a cluster because you
think it's interesting to find a cluster.
This imaginary infection
has spread to the next floor?
Yes. I am very sorry.
Why are you doing this?
- That'll take months.
- Needle in a haystack.
"H" flu.
so we're starting them
on the strongest antibiotics
that we've got,
Your son was born healthy.
We have an epidemic
in this hospital, and your tie
is becoming a petri dish.
They name it, dress it up in tiny clothes,
arrange playdates with other parasites.
Please, me and my husband
wanted to have a kid soon,
And the urine tests show no casts.
- On adults, with their consent.
- Fine. I'll get the parents' consent.
Vancomycin is the best treatment for MRSA,
so we're gonna keep giving it to her.
What did you tell them?
I told them the truth.
Dr. House,
this is my husband, Charlie.
Thank you.
but try not to get ahead
of yourself.
Tell them their child
probably saved five lives.
Maybe she should be thinking
about a different specialty.
Sniffles? No problem.
Have some azithromycin.
You're talking vials, not stick tests?
I wouldn't take more than five or six.
They got moved to the fifth floor,
but they're probably all
checked out by now.
- Three viruses?
- But what's weirder,
the healthy kid we tested,
It's an enterovirus.
It lodges in the intestinal tract.
So, pulmonary resistance
has stabilized for the two kids,
but, uh, B.P.'s still--
Great. Glad we talked.
Or deliver the baby?
That would be "no".
Hi. She's doing great.
either has no experience
with death or too much,
I'm in the haystack.
Aired 20 years ago - Nov 30, 2004
A college student collapses after rowdy sex with his girlfriend. While House and his team attempt to determine the cause, the student's condition continues to deteriorate and his symptoms multiply complicating the diagnosis.
That's just weird.
Who wants to do up
the discharge papers?
I am a board-certified diagnostician,
That's why you got the new glasses.
That's why your teeth are sparkly white.
I mean, I hope you got some specifics
on exactly what was going on.
Our treatment isn't making him better.
It's killing him.
It explains the cardiomyopathy, the pain,
the low B.P., the fever.
Cameron was right.
No condition explains all these symptoms.
That means that any two of them
happening at the same time
is a million-to-one shot.
Hey, Mom.
So, is that our job?
House's puppets?
You really think we're gonna
come up with your mystery virus just by
running gels till we guess it right?
Say "Ah".
I meant about Chase.
What about Chase?
Who told him?
No one.
Hey, I'm glad for the kid.
His fever is gone.
His rash is going away.
I ran a T.S.H., T3 and T4.
The patient's negative for hypothyroidism.
I'm not talking about you.
Don't look away.
The space monkeys
will be all over you.
It's violent, it's ugly,
and it's messy.
Can you walk, Brandon?
His white blood cell count is down,
which means his body
can't fight off infections.
- The patient could've died.
- The one with the pulled muscle?
It's a game, and I'm gonna win
because I got a head start.
You are already miserable.
which will result in
abdominal pain, rash,
Occam's Razor--
You're the one he hasn't met.
How can you treat someone
without meeting them?
Come on. Nobody's gonna be mad.
If the prescription said cough medicine,
that's what I dispensed.
Can you tell this man what
the pills in your son's medicine bottle
actually looked like?
- So, reality was wrong?
- Reality's almost always wrong.
- He can't tolerate any cardiac arrhythmia.
Pull back.
- He needs the surgery.
- I should go.
- You think it's gonna come out on its own?
It's an MP3 player.
Let's leave it a couple of weeks.
He should be feeling better by then.
Oh, wait. Which way does time go?
- So, you get a new kidney
every three years.
your special boy is doing drugs.
No, he's not.
Aired 20 years ago - Nov 23, 2004
When a teenage lacrosse player is stricken with an unidentifiable brain disease, Dr. House and the team hustle to give his parents answers. Chase breaks the bad news, the kid has MS, but the boy's night-terror hallucinations disprove the diagnosis
and send House and his team back to square one. As the boy's health deteriorates. House's side-bet on the paternity of the patient infuriates Dr. Cuddy and the teenager's parents, but may just pay off in spades.
When did my signature get so girlie?
- You're going to examine a patient?
- Nine times out of 10,
there's no reason to talk to a patient.
- "B" is a bear of a letter.
- What does that tell you?
Did you know
that he got hit in the head?
You're an only child, aren't you?
Why would you say that?
That twitch in your leg.
Did you feel that?
Anyone think this differential diagnosis
might be compromised because
we don't have an accurate family history?
- He could've had a bad dream.
- No. Parents said he was conscious during
and didn't remember anything afterwards.
I'm not restraining you for them.
No space-occupying tumors.
Two hundred million
interhemispheric nerve fibers.
Get him a radionucleotide cisternogram.
I guarantee you'll see a blockage.
It'll make you able to
think deep thoughts,
There's a lot of blockage.
I've scheduled him for surgery.
Think they don't work?
fire-engine red- really.
Turns out the bowing
wasn't the cause of his problems.
It was a symptom.
It'll take months
for a definitive diagnosis.
What'll happen to me?
We're looking into
a couple of specialists,
Dr. Cuddy.
Great outfit.
I'm going home.
Come on.
You can ride up with me.
Well, it might get complicated.
I mean, we work together.
It'd kill him.
No neurologist in his right mind
would recommend that.
Well, it's- it's unusual,
but it's possible.
Either you've got a problem
with those hospitals,
or they have a problem with you.
She was gonna be hospital
administrator, but just hated
having to screw people like that.
Let us know if it gets easier
to focus on things,
remember stuff.
Push two milligrams
I.V. Ativan, stat.
- Oligoclonal bands still have to mean something.
- But no fevers. White count's elevated,
but within range.
Get him an E.E.G., left and right E.O.G.,
esophageal microphones.
Our son is dying,
and you could care less.
No epileptiform activity.
You have gonorrhea.
What's that?
House is right.
The father's not the father.
Did you think we were looking for
a genetic clue to his condition,
The biological mother.
When she was a baby,
did she get her vaccinations?
In this case, for 16 years.
Could also kill him.
You want us to consent to this?
I don't even understand
what you're talking about.
Did you need something else?
You just don't want to pay your end.
Hey. Good morning.
That's right. It's autosomal dominant.
Aired 20 years ago - Nov 16, 2004
A Kindergarten teacher starts speaking gibberish and passed out in front of her class. What looks like a possible brain tumor does not respond to treatment and provides many more questions than answers for House and his team as they engage in a
risky trial-and-error approach to her case. When the young teacher refuses any additional variations of treatment and her life starts slipping away, House must act against his code of conduct and make a personal visit to his patient to convince her to trust him one last time.
Twenty-nine-year old female.
First seizure one month ago.
You're the oncologist.
I'm just a lowly infectious disease guy.
So you're trying to eliminate the humanity
from the practice of medicine?
I assume it's a corollary if "people lie"
that "people screw up".
Excellent. We have a point of agreement--
you're not gonna fire me.
Basically, whatever's in your head
lights up like a Christmas tree.
Oh, I looked into that philosopher
you quoted-- Jagger.
You better love this cousin
a whole lot.
If she's having an allergic reaction
to the gadolinium,
she'll be dead in two minutes.
Told you.
You can't trust people.
I made sure your first case
was an interesting one.
Cough just won't go away?
you have a deeper problem.
Your doctor probably
was concerned about
the strength of the medicine too.
She had a heart attack,
and my father broke his back
doing construction--
If the blood vessels are inflamed,
that's gonna look exactly like what we saw
on the M.R.I. from Trenton County,
So where's your family from then?
Steroids aren't
an alternative to radiation.
- I was smelling the floor.
- Oh.
I can go up to her room
tomorrow morning,
ask her for the key.
So what do you think--
should I trust her?
But I'm pretty sure I can sue if you fire me
for not breaking into some lady's house.
She is not an experiment.
I have a legitimate theory
about what's wrong with her.
So how you feeling?
Much better, thanks.
Am I ever gonna meet Dr. House?
It's not what people say.
It's what they do.
We needed to shock you
to get your heart going.
She'll go blind permanently,
and then the respiratory center will fail.
And by then, maybe there's
nothing we can do about it.
Apparently not while
researching this stuff on the Internet.
Exam room two.
That's right. You stole a loaf of bread
to feed your starving family. Right?
Dr. Foreman, a lot of Jews
have non-Jewish relatives,
and most of us don't keep kosher.
Millions of people eat ham every day.
It's quite a leap to think
that's she's got a tapeworm.
That's because
this is not a typical case.
The immune system wakes up,
attacks the worm,
and everything starts to swell.
Now I can't walk
and I'm wearing a diaper.
So because you respect her,
you're going to let her die?
But Chase is right. He's right.
We should X-ray her.
It's there.
Probably been there six to 10 years.
I hired you...
You could have just shown up
and people would have given you stuff.
Lots of stuff.