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Sundays 10:30 PM on HBO

Season 8

Aired 12 years ago - Sep 11, 2011

Larry accuses his neighbor, Michael J. Fox of harassment; Jeff takes a bullet for Susie; Larry gives an inappropriate gift to Elizabeth's son.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 10 (S08E10) - 1
- Sorry? - She's playing. Shh.
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No, I'm gonna go with straight Tequila.
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- I'm really glad you're here. - I found it really annoying.
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you know, his being so...
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- Hey, you know what? - What?
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Was it pissed or Parkinson's? I don't know.
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It's about the fact that you hit two buttons.
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- I think I'm gonna go to 36 and 37. - Good good.
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I'm not gonna lie to you-- Nobody likes to be shushed.
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It was not a performance. I mean, per se.
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Let me get that.
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You're kidding! What the hell is he doing on the cover of a magazine?
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Because it's really-- It's an interesting mustache,
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So he's got Parkinson's. Of course it's Parkinson's.
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I'm just comparing it to other things you can shake up, right?
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- He's pissed. - He's pissed.
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Oh my God, I'm gonna make the "gone with the wind" costume.
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Yeah, I'm up.
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- You know what I'm saying? - How is that a fair fight?
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At the very least it'll help you get to sleep.
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and you've made up some bullshit excuse about your feet,
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- The clomping? - Parkinson's.
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- what the hell were you thinking? - What?
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He's too young to be attracted to anybody.
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- Eh, that's pretty gay. - Well, you're handling a ball.
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You realize that might've been the dumbest move you could have possibly done?
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- How about you, Jeff? - What?
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By the way, still a lot of clomping I'm hearing.
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He bumped into me on purpose.
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Oh yeah. Let me tell you something, okay?
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shoved me, okay?
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That guy told you about that?
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I think I don't have to explain that a third offense
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like any great leader, I responded.
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I don't want it. What am I gonna do with it?
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- Yeah, it's cool, isn't it-- The fringe? - Yeah.
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What the--?
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- to be petit pointing on-- - Susie, look out!
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and a very warm welcome to mayor Bloomberg...
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I'll get the whole thing straightened out.
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The violin sign, Larry. Come on, please.
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- I'm-- I'm-- - Get out of here!
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- Suppositories? - They call them bullets.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 10 (S08E10) - 50
So I was telling Jeff that I bought him a violin.
Aired 12 years ago - Sep 04, 2011

An ice cream truck triggers a painful childhood memory for Larry.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 9 (S08E09) - 1
- The music from the Mr. Softee Truck? - Yes.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 9 (S08E09) - 2
Yeah, that's right. All right, come on, take it off.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 9 (S08E09) - 3
What the fuck are you doing, kid?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 9 (S08E09) - 4
You felt humiliated as a result of the strip poker game?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 9 (S08E09) - 5
- You felt humiliated as a result of this-- - I'm not comfortable with it.
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- Really? - You worry too much.
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You know, before I came out today
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with their pussy mustard-yellow shit uniforms.
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All right, come on, Yari.
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I got distracted by the Softee Truck.
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with two outs that cost us the championship.
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I have noticed that white people revere black people in glasses,
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- Let me check. - By the way, great game yesterday.
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because I made an error? What are you, 12 years old?
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- He says winning is the only answer. - It's important.
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Buckner, fuck you. Go Buckner yourself.
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Wow, this is amazing. It worked.
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Well, listen, I hope you'll excuse me.
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What's the big deal? We're just on line. So,
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- He only played the important notes... - Yeah.
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I'd love to talk to you about this. Do you got a minute?
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Oh my God. How do you put up with that?
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and we need one more guy to fill out the Minyan.
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- Thank you very much. - A pleasure.
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Larry, don't worry about it. Hey.
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- Come on in. - Hi, Lar.
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We met at a baseball card show.
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- Hey, I'm sorry. Sorry. - What happened?
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- Shit happens, Larry. - "Shit happens"?
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- Oh? - I'm just putting it out there.
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I don't know why we have to go through this charade.
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Why? I thought you were gonna come upstairs.
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No man would ever change his mind, I'll tell you that.
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What the hell is this?
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She is cheating on you with this fucking chair.
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the more dramatic forms of narcissism,
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- which was normal for him-- - You might as well call him George Lucas.
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And very often he would hire them for an hour,
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Yes, and congratulations, doctor.
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I need to get over there. What don't you understand about fire?
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What? What are you waiting for?
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Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 9 (S08E09) - 50
Looks like quite a fire.
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 28, 2011

Larry and Jeff weigh an investment opportunity; Wanda Sykes preempts Larry’s training schedule.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 8 (S08E08) - 1
- You know what? - What?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 8 (S08E08) - 2
Here we have a fully articulated antenna, okay?
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Do you know a kid once stabbed me in class?
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What do you think?
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This could be a big, elaborate con game for all we know.
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All right, look, here's what we'll tell him,
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Oh, I'm Ira's wife.
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Okay, can I tell you something?
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- All right, let's go tell him. - We gotta test the prototype.
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What's all this? What's causing this?
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- We're moving. - Yeah!
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- Why? 'Cause he's here? Right? I know. - Yeah yeah.
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I'm still at the same email-- ihatelarry.
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- He's in his mid-'80s. - Uh-huh.
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Judge Horn, wow. That is something.
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I could do it right now. By God, I'm gonna go into that room and do it.
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Larry-- Larry David.
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Hey, could you do me a favor, Larry?
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- Are you gonna cheat me too? - Hey, dad, dad, easy.
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Do what?
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Did anybody see-- Did anybody see a one-armed man?
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Larry, I'm not gonna listen to this anymore, all right?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 8 (S08E08) - 23
So I told Henry and he says, "no no, he's got dementia.
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She was the belle of Brighton.
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I want to track him down.
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Beautiful! Look at that-- Beautiful.
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Sorry. Sorry about that.
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Larry, as your business manager,
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I mean, I love your exuberance
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- Sorry to interrupt. - Britney, this is Larry. Larry.
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I don't like what that says about you.
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- So moist. - Yeah.
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you are the first inventor I've ever handed a check to?
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You know, I was actually planning
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- I just need to rest for second. - Oh my God, God forbid.
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- Henry. - Great to run into you again.
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you are a man of great character.
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Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 8 (S08E08) - 41
That's big of you.
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Why did you give her my time?
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It's my only open time too.
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Why don't we let him decide? He's neutral.
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Look forward to it. Okay.
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- I'll see you inside. - Okay, yeah.
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- Because obviously there's a problem. - There's no problem.
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All right. Well, listen,
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I find myself saying it's a multimillion-dollar idea.
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 21, 2011

Larry competes with Rosie O’Donnell for the same woman, explores the nuances of Japanese bows, and refuses lunch with an LA acquaintance.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 1
I came alive in areas that have been dry like the Sahara desert.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 2
I'm gonna be annihilated by you in the love department?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 3
I was surprised. I thought it was a bitch-ass car.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 4
- Let me see the place, man. - What roommate?
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Lesbians have kind of an advantage in a way.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 6
You think I'd go out with a guy wearing a green wife-beater?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 7
- Larry, hi. - Duckstein.
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why would we have lunch in the new city?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 9
- Let me get this straight-- - There's nothing to get straight.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 10
There won't be a snack. There won't be coffee.
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Awesome. Thank you for coming over.
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- That's hot. - It's a wonderful quality.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 13
You know what? I'm going back there
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- Sushi at Yankee stadium? - I know.
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Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 7 (S08E07) - 17
Secure the bags
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then you move on? You go away? Everything okay, yeah?
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You think about on the way home. I think, yeah.
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- Can I-- Do I bow back? - Yeah yeah. Do.
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And you saw her when? Monday?
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She was too busy moaning to laugh.
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She knows all the words to "Cats," okay?
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All right, Larry. Two away. Two away.
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Where's he throwing the ball?
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And let's face it, she's got the lesbian advantage.
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This penis that I have cannot compete with the Tonys.
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Wow. Too bad for that person.
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So I very sorry. So I apologize to him, yes.
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- Shit bow? - Shit bow.
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Thank you, yes. Very good.
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You're Mr. grand slam? Mr. get anybody, even Jane, huh?
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No no no no no no no.
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- Yeah! - Well, get it in!
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She blew off the Tonys with Rosie.
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Hi. Here to pick up an order for Larry David.
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You secure the take-out order.
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Listen, a bow is a bow, right?
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No, what did he say?
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there's other good restaurants around too.
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Hold the fuck on, bitch. Hold the fuck up. God damn.
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- You know I'm depending on it. - You got to go solo, man.
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Come on.
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Aired 12 years ago - Aug 14, 2011

Larry plays the hero in the sky and underground; Jeff’s courtship of Ricky Gervais is sabotaged by a nosy waiter.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 1
No, I don't want water.
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Don't hurt me. I'll go back to my seat.
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Oh my-- Oh.
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I'm Donna, by the way.
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Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 6
Can I turn around or is that--
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- I'm gonna buy him a bottle of wine. - Great move. Why not?
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- Excuse me. - Yes?
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- It is inappropriate. - It's really taking advantage.
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He just revolutionized the way restaurants work, my friend.
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right there in the water, that was inspiring to people.
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It's funny, you know? I've never really been tested like that before.
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- Ah, hello. - Hello.
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- If everybody's bringing that-- - Ah, Ricardo.
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Well, thank you. It was good. There was good.
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I'm sure there's loads of things that go on that you've never heard of that aren't odd.
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It's one man's fear of the outbreak of World War I.
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So you're not really missing her for that three and a half hours.
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- You didn't? - No, not when it's a gift.
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I would think I'd better look at the price. I don't want to take advantage.
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- I don't want to mingle. - Well, you're gonna have to
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 24
I am. I am the husband of the brit.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 25
- I'm glad you're not Spanish. - Really?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 26
- It's supposed to be hard. - Not this hard.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 27
So how's your marriage?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 28
- and his little plums are hanging down. - His plums!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 29
Excuse me, Susie. Where is the toilet?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 30
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 31
We became a couple because we didn't want to be separated.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 32
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 33
I don't want to sit next to my husband. I'm with him all the time.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 34
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 35
This unforg--
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 36
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 37
Listen, you were great. Forget about them. You were great.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 38
- Oh dear. - Oh, come on.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 39
Come on.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 40
- Oh, is that so? - Check it out, Columbo.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 41
Thank you. And I've given you the gift of art.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 42
I don't give a shit what you enjoyed about my performance.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 43
Thank you very much for coming back.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 44
It's all right. Water under the bridge.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 45
- Hey. - I can't-- I really can't be talking to you.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 46
- No good? - Not really.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 47
And you, I wouldn't let you represent me now.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 48
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 49
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 6 (S08E06) - 50
Aired 12 years ago - Aug 07, 2011

Larry's evolving alibi to get out of a charity function results in unexpected travel plans. Meanwhile, Susie makes demands for the terminally ill family dog's last meal; and Larry points out personal flaws in the buffet line and in parking lots.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 1
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 2
- Krista: It was Smith, probably. - Brent: Hey. Oh, okay.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 3
Really good. 99 times out of 100,
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 4
- Yeah. You see? - I feel a little manipulated.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 5
- Excellent. - Thanks.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 6
and you say you love that roach, I'm gonna do what I can
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 7
Mmm, no. He saves pets.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 8
The way you're saying it, it's almost like
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 9
- I should go. Okay. - Oh. Okay.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 10
- Mm-hmm. - That's Brian Horsch's son,
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 11
It's comical, but it's all with the love, you know?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 12
- Oh, that's too bad. - Oh, I'm so sorry.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 13
I'm gonna meet Jeff for lunch.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 14
- Jeff: Hey. - Hey.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 15
Like a plate with-- Peanut butter and jelly
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 16
I was just telling Susie we're gonna have to put Oscar down.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 17
- Okay? - Is she the type of woman
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 18
I'm just-- I'm just curious, that's all.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 19
He's in pain. He's gonna die soon.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 20
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 21
then you're gonna leave and then that car is gonna get blamed.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 22
- Just-- Just park your car between the lines. - A farm?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 23
I'm sure you will too, at everyone else's expense.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 24
- It's a total chat and cut. - Jeff: No no no no no no.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 25
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 26
- Oh. Wow. - Bedbugs. Just devastating. Had to burn everything.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 27
Six weeks on our end, approximately.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 28
I'm the world's fastest prep as a director. You know that.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 29
- Okay, I'll pass it along. All right. Be well. - Yeah. Okay.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 30
- Oh! - Good, huh?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 31
No, now you've gotten two and I've gotten one.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 32
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 33
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 34
Get that off.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 35
Wasn't there another one? So all of them would be closed?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 36
- that there's not a lot of Pinkberrys near prisons. - There's plenty of Pinkberrys.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 37
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 38
Larry: Where were you? I waited half an hour.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 39
- I've got to go through all these levels. - I'm not the Kremlin!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 40
I only met him once and he nipped at me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 41
He should have at least a puppet in the car
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 42
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 43
- Are you hungry? - Oh, I think he's saying he wants some pizza.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 44
Is that what you're gonna do?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 45
Nobody. So go ahead and squeal
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 46
- Hey. - I thought you were going to New York.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 47
I'm actually going back tomorrow.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 48
in New York doing this off-Broadway thing,
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 49
Okay, so if you're going tomorrow,
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 5 (S08E05) - 50
Susie: I know. It was yummy, wasn't it?
Aired 12 years ago - Jul 31, 2011

Larry challenges the rules of dating and rethinks a decision regarding a new workplace neighbor. Meanwhile, Jeff invents an ill-advised excuse to get out of a dining engagement.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 1
check-to-cheek contact from men-- That's unacceptable.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 2
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 3
very cute text that you sent me. It was very sweet.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 4
Why can't you kiss and talk?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 5
The funny thing is my mom's the one who sent it to me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 6
- Good night, sweetheart. - Thanks, good night.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 7
- thank you very much. - Bye.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 8
Hey, Larry.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 9
- When? When are they coming back? - I don't know, Larry.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 10
- This is Larry David. - Hello, boss Larry there.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 11
No, they take tests and I--
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 12
You know, straighten up a little bit. Maybe you can get one back.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 13
- 45 minute-- Rivkin did? - 45-- Yes!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 14
You know, they keep you waiting there in the room there with 1300 other people.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 15
I overslept, so I went to Whole Foods instead and I used my credit card.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 16
- Oh, won't I? - I shat where I ate
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 17
- Sure. - So yesterday she took $60 from me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 18
This is what a desk should look like.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 19
- Knock knock knock. - Hey, Larry, hello!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 20
- No, I would be. - Anyways.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 21
We're not gonna say a word, so don't even worry about it.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 22
My dad just died.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 23
is cover this with a little 100 sunblock and you'll be fine.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 24
All right, I'm on my way.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 25
Well, it's a mystery to me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 26
It's routine and it is strictly necessary, all right?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 27
There can be no bullshit on this counter, do you understand?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 28
Look, Big Dog does not give up cabinets.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 29
- It's not bread. - That's bread, that's bread.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 30
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 31
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 32
- Do you want me to put it on for you? - Yeah, thanks.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 33
Is this about the 60-- The 60 bucks that you lent me?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 34
I've really tried, but the truth is
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 35
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 36
I believe they refer to that as a smiley face.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 37
So sorry.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 38
- Thanks for being here. - Yeah.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 39
might take for her?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 40
- You're shitting me? - Not shitting.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 41
right on the spot.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 42
I made Larry David wait 45 minutes for an appointment?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 43
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 44
Yeah, sorry. Sorry about that.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 45
If you don't sneak a peek at the penis, I'll-- I'll--
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 46
Yeah well, I'm canceling my appointment.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 47
Oh, you must be Mr. Greene.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 48
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 49
That's my kitchen too! I've got a cabinet in there!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 4 (S08E04) - 50
- That things aren't great right now? - I am telling you the truth.
Aired 13 years ago - Jul 24, 2011

A Palestinian chicken restaurant is incredibly popular with Larry and his friends despite its open hostility towards Jews and Israel. Meanwhile, Larry's approached to inform people that their habits are agitating by family members too scared to do so.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 1
- Hey. Hello. - Welcome.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 2
Oh. He's not gonna like it.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 3
We were just talking about the golf tournament.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 4
- ..."Don't park there," listen. - Okay.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 5
I go there every night.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 6
All right. So, you hungry?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 7
- What? - Okay.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 8
Al-Abbas best original chicken.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 9
- Yeah, they should. Yeah, they should. - Exactly.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 10
I'm gonna make placards and everything.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 11
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 12
What are you bringing your daughter to an adult dinner party for?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 13
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 14
I'm changing it, and now I'm saying thank you for helping me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 15
I got an estimate on the car.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 16
- How cold were those potatoes, by the way? - They were freezing.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 17
I mean, why would you say "L.O.L. " Instead of just laughing at something?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 18
- I will pay for it myself. - Let me see if I've got this right.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 19
- Not bad. - Good.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 20
- Why not just laugh? - I am laughing.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 21
and tell me how I should stop saying "L.O.L."?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 22
- You're a social assassin. - Jesus.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 23
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 24
- It's far too cocky a move. - Yeah. Yeah.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 25
- Do you understand? - What the hell is that?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 26
A big Jew. Big.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 27
- Shara. - Call me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 28
Eddie and Ilene? He's cheating on Juliet?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 29
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 30
- Don't-- don't worry. I won't say anything. - All right?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 31
It's a wonderful thing to say. I love when she says "L.O.L."
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 32
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 33
- I'm not taking any more requests. - Let me tell you something.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 34
Larry, there's something I want to talk to you about.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 35
It's humiliating. All of my friends make fun of me in the morning
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 36
I'm not your man.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 37
- You would do that? - Try me.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 38
You zionist pig. You occupying fuck.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 39
Fuck me like Israel fucks my people!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 40
Funkman. Look who's here.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 41
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 42
Rabbi Stein said that I can't play
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 43
And if she gives the okay, would you play?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 44
Oh! Sirens! Yarmulke on the floor! Oh!
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 45
- I was gonna finish my lunch. - Well, that's all right.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 46
Well, keep that away from me no matter what.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 47
How did you get the rabbi to let me play?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 48
- No pressure, L.D. All we need is a two-putt. - Come on, Larry.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 49
- What's going on? - What?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 3 (S08E03) - 50
- Do I ever say a word? - What do you want from me?
Aired 13 years ago - Jul 17, 2011

Larry becomes an unlikely role model for battered women. Richard Lewis's relationship with a burlesque performer is put to the test. Leon survives a case of mistaken identity.

Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 1
- She gives to charity? - That's right.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 2
We sit in the back. I say we go.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 3
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 4
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 5
I will bring a bag. I didn't bring a bag today.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 6
- What are you doing? - I'm looking for Lewis.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 7
And what exactly are they saying?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 8
- What? - I think Lewis has lost his mind.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 9
But you didn't say we shouldn't go.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 10
I didn't know Marilyn Monroe was on the base, sir.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 11
It sounds like you appreciate the art form.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 12
that you might want to get checked out.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 13
- You don't remember me? - No.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 14
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 15
- I'll keep my eyes peeled for him. - I'm gonna go in.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 16
It was a guy. Not important.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 17
of your social security card number is 4938.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 18
( Doorbell rings )
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 19
she could have cried a foot or two over.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 20
She's also part of the sorority over there?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 21
and perhaps apologize...
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 22
to have a safe man in their midst
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 23
- I'd like to introduce our neighbor and friend Larry. - Hello.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 24
Larry, I think you might remember our friend Saundra.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 25
that Larry acknowledged your feelings and apologized.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 26
We're going to move on down the couch.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 27
to go to a different section,
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 28
- Jesus. - Well, okay, so--
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 29
- ...Happy. - What in the fuck is she talking about?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 30
- That is incredible. - Isn't that a beautiful gesture?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 31
Thank you so much.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 32
- Oh! - Oh hi.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 33
- What do you mean pain? - ...And that I get these backaches.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 34
You take an advil for that stuff.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 35
Everybody wants to see those. Who wants to see balls?
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 36
Look, you hurt the man. You hurt the man.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 37
I had breast vision, I told you.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 38
- Isn't it? - Totally.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 39
We could talk till we're blue in the face.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 40
- Hi, Dale. - Hey.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 41
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 42
how you kind of...
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 43
That is some shiner you got there.
Recap of Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 Episode 2 (S08E02) - 44
I deserved it actually.
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All right. I'll give you some.
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that you'd like to tell me about this accident?
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Good. What's happening?
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- sort of the same thing for me. - All right, good luck.
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I thought you were somebody else.
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Aired 13 years ago - Jul 10, 2011

Larry learns his lawyer isn't kosher, and rescinds a cookie order from the Girl Scout daughter of a beleaguered sports owner.

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- You're welcome to stay. - I like this desk.
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- Hey. Good to see you. - Hello.
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- You don't like the bedding. - I like the bedding.
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- Okay. - I think you're crossing boundaries
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Only because I told you because you know who I am.
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50-50. You take whatever 50% you want.
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Okay. I've got some great news.
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- London! - Maybe I should go, Marty.
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- The fish chowder's yummy. - Larry!
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The team is-- The team's an asset
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- It's the last week. - She's going for the record this year.
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- Crab legs, shrimp, potatoes. - I'm still a little bit hungry. Can I take a couple potatoes?
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What's the difference if I give it to somebody else?
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you'd have to be able to establish prior intent.
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attorney-at-law. Here's my card.
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What small shit? There hasn't been any small things.
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Oh, thank you berry munch, ooooh.
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It's covered with caramel, rolled in toasted coconut.
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and she's a woman. She left stuff upstairs
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Um, I don't really know how to use one of these.
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Oh okay.
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- Are you sure you're reading the right directions? - No, listen to me.
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Take the outer tube, take your thumb and middle finger...
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- Tor scooter? When did this occur? - I was in college.
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You better go over to O'Donnell and apologize.
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- I think the whole thing is crazy. - You know what?
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- I'm sorry. - I could have had three weeks
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I'm here to see Mr. O'Donnell.
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I'm supposed to go to the baseball game with him.
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- I love those. - No.
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To me, it's kind of like public school.
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that makes you think I want to have sex with you.
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- Yeah. - ( Doorbell rings )
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- Uh, no. - Oh okay, still,
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- Oh no, you're not! - A real gentleman...
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went to high school with you.
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- Because of Berg. - Yes.
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- Oi, Larry, with this-- - Oi! Again! See?
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So did you know Berg was a Swede?
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- He just won. - ( Larry snorts )
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I'm gonna be single!
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I didn't run any-- We had a nice marriage for 20 years.
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O'Donnell's got the Swede. I should really tell him about Berg.
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Especially considering what happened with my daughter.
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No no no.
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Asshole! You cost me the Dodgers.
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It's a tampon.