Aired 8 years ago - Jun 27, 2016
To avoid a suicide mission, Stan must beat Bullock in a DJ battle; Jeff starts drinking psychedelic teas and builds an imaginary musical instrument with Roger's help.
Aired 8 years ago - Jun 20, 2016
Stan and Steve start bowling for more quality time together; Klaus holds a contest to see whether Roger or Hayley has the worse attention span.
Aired 8 years ago - Jun 13, 2016
Stan goes on a mission to find out who didn't bring a gift to the CIA's Secret Santa party; Steve poses as the good boyfriend for several female classmates.
Aired 8 years ago - Jun 06, 2016
Stan brings President Garfield back to life to teach Hayley about history; Steve joins the school newspaper.
Aired 8 years ago - May 30, 2016
Stan discovers a salt mine in the backyard, but Steve turns out to be the rightful owner of the land, and faces pressure from the family to sell.
Aired 8 years ago - May 23, 2016
Francine convinces Stan to let Roger play in his basketball league; Steve sings a parody of R. Kelley's "Trapped in the Closet".
Aired 8 years ago - May 16, 2016
Stan and Francine lose their memories and resort to primitive living on an island; Jeff enlists in the Navy after he and Hayley are rescued; Roger and Steve try to survive on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean.
Aired 8 years ago - May 09, 2016
Stan loses his faith after Steve questions everything in the Bible, so Stan takes the family to Korea to investigate the rumors of a reinvented Noah's Ark.
Aired 8 years ago - May 02, 2016
Francine joins Steve and his pals for a live-action role-playing game; Stan opens a Seaworld knock-off in the house.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 25, 2016
When Stan is on a mission, Francine pretends she's a widow. Steve and his friends play wrestling and get beat up by Principal Lewis.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 18, 2016
Roger loses his identity after becoming fascinated by a local dentist's wife. Meanwhile, Klaus throws a party when Stan and the kids are unable to move from being sore after working out.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 11, 2016
Steve and Snot alter their futures when they throw a party for the uncool kids. Meanwhile, Roger is disgruntled when a waitress doesn't compliment his order.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 28, 2016
Stan, tattooed and haunted, travels a barren Langley Falls alone. Meanwhile, a mysterious element known as "The Two Hundred" has reigned terror on the town and separated Stan from his family.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 21, 2016
Francine sets out to help news anchor Greg when he and Terry split up. Roger becomes obsessed with a fictional boy from an old game called Dream Phone.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 14, 2016
Roger becomes a teacher at Steve's school and gets involved with a class of underprivileged kids. Meanwhile, Stan and Francine visit a retirement home and Stan decides to stay.
Good news is we have a whole
barrel of bad apples here.
Francine, where's the newspaper?
401(k)s, Roth I.R.A.s,
even personalized canoes.
Stan's ready. I'm... I'm almost ready.
where I have to hide my brick.
Society's given up on these kids.
Fresh meat! Ha-ha!
But if there's one thing we
don't do in here, it's learn.
Did someone say, "Lifting
a finger to help others"?
but have any of your teachers
ever talked to you this way?
Oh, yeah, this class
is at risk, all right.
The theater has a long and
fabled history of educating...
(rapping) ♪ In fair Verona,
where we lay our scene ♪
Whitey, go ahead and rap them
through the rest of Act One.
You're just here to show me
that you're not selfish.
Don't you dare try to find it.
and they'll send you
running for the hills.
and sit in his car for a few minutes
I wish, but I want to make
this as realistic as possible.
Well, here's what I think of this.
ALL: Ohh!
ALL: Wow!
(Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" plays)
♪ To break the color lines ♪
Principal Lewis, this is the boy
Wha... are you really asking?
- Rum's the only thing that gets my engine going!
We can't have a drunk
teacher around here.
They took my feet.
We didn't give him anything
he didn't ask for.
And you don't want to leave
our happy wittle home,
Lincoln's emancipation proclamation
What?! That's impossible! I was framed!
- Let the teach teach!
- (crying)
Ricky joined a gang and got shot!
I've got our paralegal, Rajeet,
with this big marker-oo?
Then we're just left with... my brick!
If only you could see
yourselves right now.
I'll be senile.
Not even.
Mr. Deliver?
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 07, 2016
When Stan is given the task of putting together the CIA calendar, Hayley attempts to destroy it. Meanwhile, Roger gets a Discover card and fakes his death to get out of paying the enormous balance.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 29, 2016
Stan gets Francine baseball tickets for her birthday but is upset when they have a horrible kiss on the kiss cam. Steve and Roger head to Nevada to help clean polluted water.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 22, 2016
Stan goes undercover as a surfer a la Point Break. Steve befriends a drifter, Hayley might be pregnant, and Roger wants the World Cup to be held in the backyard.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 15, 2016
Steve goes to work with Stan and discovers the N.S.A.. Hayley decides to let go of being a vegetarian and eat meat for one day.
♪ oh, boy, it's swell to say
The C.I.A. is all about guys
who can do stuff like this.
It's a strong word,
but it's appropriate.
The C.I.A. began as
a brave,
big-chinned tough guy.
Then someone decided
the American taxpayers
Last year, those jackoffs
cost us a ping pong table.
Sorry, toilet.
Listen, it's great that
you're a vegetarian.
one day a year
when you go crazy on meat.
Strength's not my speciality,
but --
Ow! Too hard.
Who are you?
and we think you, Steve Smith,
are N.S.A. material.
Your dad ditched you to go
to Applebee's with his friends.
World War II
wasn't won by jocks.
We monitor
the world's communications.
I want to get weird.
You mean...
Arm strength isn't his thing.
Yeah, the more dirt
we get on them,
There you are. Hey,
sorry about lunch, buddy.
Would that make it happier?
Eat it, Hayley.
Eat it!
what's your wildest fantasy?
I've always wanted to eat
a gorilla --
Not anymore. You're what we call
a "discarded asset."
Technically, you have
to swipe at the top,
The C.I.A.
What happened to the C.I.A.?
But... But...
What's happened?
Dad. Dad, wake up.
I did something terrible.
Wha... No! Papa, please!
That's her waving goodbye,
I've always heard beer
with gorilla brain.
I was hurt you betrayed me.
You're right. I...
Your plan?
Now, where do you think
my disks are?
Nerds never go up on the roof.
Don't think about
the rope at school.
This is my dad,
Stan Smith of the C.I.A.
You're just a bunch of nerds.
What do bullies do to nerds?
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 08, 2016
Hayley mentally regresses to a 6-year-old. Steve and his pals get a slow cooker.
You were a sweetie-cutie-
Oh, I just
wanna love her forever!
"this fork and knife
to the utensil station,
You're not even a real pervert.
The slower the cook,
the better the taste.
[ Birds chirping ]
what made you so happy.
Hayley usually keeps track
of how long I sit.
[ High-pitched childish voice ]
Daddy! Can we get ice cream?
[ Groans ] Must... get to...
vicodin stash.
acting like a child.
[ Lighter clicks ]
Hurricane fishy!
Why, uh, of course, honey.
I'll whip that up right now.
It means we're B.F.F.s --
best friends forever.
It's in the rules!
It's so awesome
you're a princess.
Eight hours without food.
It's like I'm a poor!
until I’m absolutely perfect.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, children are more sexual
than we realize.
♪ lived across the street,
1-8-1-9 blueberry street ♪
Ah, childhood.
Such a sweet, sexual time.
Happy Hayley didn't stay
happy Hayley.
Yay! Yay, yay, yay, yay!
Buffalo bites!
This boy behind Hayley
Great detective work, Klaus.
[ Humming continues ]
What are you boys doing?
I knew you guys couldn't handle
the pressure of a slow cook.
I can't. My poops.
I can't make any promises,
but I'll go have a look.
[ Printer whirring ]
Oh, that's amazing!
Thanks, Joe.
That's it, Klaus!
That's an awfully small place
for a seal to live.
of how I described them?
Oh, no. [ Gasps ]
[ Barking ]
Stay...away...from Klaus!
Wish you could try it,
but you're all dead.
I gotta share this pork
with my friends immediately!
I can't hear you!
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 01, 2016
Steve joins the high school water polo team to get girls. Meanwhile, Roger and Stan get a boat.
and have all his guitars.
but I can only keep 13 boys.
[ Water splashing ]
under a pair
of Stan's workout shorts.
it was a terrific way
to avoid Turkish people.
I was just making a name up.
I love sailing. I practically
grew up on boats.
Now then, about this outfit
Like this.
Then you pick up a ball,
eggbeater for elevation,
You know, in Japan,
a fish on your shorts
[ Chuckles ] Wow.
Smith, you just made the team.
You have to sit with us!
Great first game, men.
That was as exciting
you're my best friend
in the whole world.
[ Both gulping ]
Oh, I think we're out.
We're just up
from the B.V.I.
and tear up $100 bills."
That's a boat guy.
for turning me into
one of the cool jock parents.
♪ hunt you down
all nightmare long ♪
Only greatness.
To be continued.
Ugh. Soggy.
Where? Where in the ocean
do you need to go?
I've been trying to sell mine
for 15 years.
So do I! Bring it in.
Yeah, pretty cool.
She calls me the "Pool Shark."
You wouldn't even be on the team
Oh. Yeah...
If it's competition you want,
then prepare to lose.
Sloppy Joe Friday.
when you fall asleep
with your blankie, Steve.
I don't think so.
He's losing his mother's love.
Well, what are you gonna
do about it, paisan?
Oh! Just missed.
[ Claps hands ]
[ Singsongy ] Come to mama!
You okay?
[ Coughs ]
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 25, 2016
Stan sets out to stop a tree that he considers his father from being cut down. Steve realizes he's stopped growing and considers surgery.
Gives me time to focus
on all my other shit.
Oh, yeah. I wanted to ask you --
There's no time.
what you were talking about
to the Arena Football stadium.
and they need to be hogtied
and thrown down a well!
It's Olmen -- Olmen Hansen.
We need indoor sports
for the times when it's raining!
And you know what else
has to move forward?
Wait, what is this?
and now, before us and God
and the Langley charter,
Let's get real, you guys.
Do we even want this stadium?
We're your town council.
We love you.
I ate some almonds.
I'm good now.
I was just a little kid.
I know this sounds crazy,
but the tree raised me.
Turns out magnolia juice is
as poisonous as it is delicious.
when so often life is cruel
and unreliable.
Oh. I just thought
you were a cheap asshole.
He runs asphalt in this town.
Think of the advantages
it's gonna feel like
we're on permanent vacation.
[ Gavel bangs ]
I really wanted this pour.
Paper boy: It's 'cause
I'm in love with you.
I knew it would be you.
Damn it, Frankie!
[ Gasps ]
I'm sorry mama.
and always remember
your inner worth,
Are you familiar with
the abominable sciences?
put into the body
of something taller.
If B.B. King had come to me,
he would have never died...
So, you think I'm a fruit, huh?
Everybody thinks so fast.
Can I offer you
a temporary tattoo?
I can do that for my tree dad.
Now I'm daddy's favorite.
and see what's happening.
we got to send the crew home.
It wasn't supposed to be
a hunger strike.
Yeah, where is Steve?
only taller
and with a lot more bones...
It's sounds like he could
use some guidance, Stan.
But to hell with how it sounds.
Steve needs me.