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3 years ago
Wednesdays 10:00 PM on FX

Season 6

Aired 9 years ago - Apr 02, 2015

The fantastic voyage concludes.

Aired 9 years ago - Mar 26, 2015

Archer and the gang prepare for their most fantastic voyage ever.

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 1
[title music]
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 4
just do regular brain surgery without a shrink ray?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 5
Your particular brand of bullshit.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 6
- After this is over, you and me. - Poop. [groans]
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[all] Ew.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 8
Let's get shrunked up already!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 9
This is the blood clot that threatens to destroy that brain.
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Great. Maybe on the way, we can stop off down the piggly wiggly.
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- So what? So did I. - So did most of us.
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- So? - So when we're floating
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And in any of them was anyone on board any submarine weightless?
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After being miniaturized the Nereus with the mission
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Our progress will be tracked in real time
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- On a guy. - On a guy named TV's Michael Gray.
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Obviously in "the Brian Keith show."
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- I... - How did he even get on the base?
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I think maybe you're confusing
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we will now begin boarding the Nereus.
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Scene! No, you ruined it.
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Well we'll see about that.
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Okay. Lana, you think you can help Dr. Sklodowska
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It actually might've been an A-minus. [groans]
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- Meaning? - Harassible on-board medical officer. {*}
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- This is? Are you sure? - Yes.
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- How?! - Well I guess the hand,
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Just cats at first. But once the hand gets a taste for killing,
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- I was always kind to you. - Not always. [nervous chuckle]
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I need to talk to you about something important.
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Shut up. And what if Kovacs dies,
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- What if we die? - I'd have a lot more free time?
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[babbles] Jesus Christ!
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- What? - What?
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And as far as I'm concerned,
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with the shrink ray and the ship, and everything in it
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- Lana, nobody can. - Really?
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Hey, somebody roll that guy around. He's... smoldering.
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We are ready for miniaturization process.
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Close enough. Okay, let's light this candle.
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- Get out. - Gladly!
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All clear. Commence initialization sequence.
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- It's not like you need a million bucks. - Wh... Are you kidding?
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of having the power to see what we've been given the chance to
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Or, if you like, a miracle.
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Commence miniaturization in ten...
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[all gasping]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 12 (S06E12) - 50
Mission control to Nereus, over.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 19, 2015

Archer and Lana travel to Wales for a romantic getaway of aiding separatists. Story Inspired from a Rousing Tale by Matthew Rhys

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 1
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 2
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 3
Yeah, a fairytale in which the heroine is drugged and kidnapped.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 4
Unbeknownst to me, Lana! Jesus, we've been through this like ten times already.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 5
- those tampons got driven into your brain. - Thanks for these, by the way.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 6
- Alrighty, can someone give me a hand? - But, Doctor, I thought the
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 7
and sew on my robot hand?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 8
- winds up in the sink. - Yes. - So, you're saying it was--
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Extremely uncool.
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make up for all the idiot Archer shit you pulled over the past 24 hours?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 11
- Ah, so you're Archer. - Uh, yes.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 12
This is my brother, David. Say hello to the lady, David.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 13
romantic fairytale getaway, there's also kind of a work component to it.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 14
Well you obviously don't understand the situation,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 15
George and Lennie here out of the country because they're wanted by MI5?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 16
Dyffryn Thebwys. It was a town in Wales that had stood proudly for a thousand
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 17
- all the people lost their homes. - My God, countless thousands of them!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 18
- That shit wouldn't happen in America. - Yes it would, and does, all
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 19
you-- I even hate to say it out loud, but Deliverance was just a movie.
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- Well not real people. Just English ones. - Excuse me.
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Who later had a guest spot as a nurse on Trapper John, M.D.
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Okay, yeah, but besides one nurse, M*A S*H didn't have any black characters.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 23
- LANA: But how is this even possible? - MALORY: Well I know it may seem strange.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 24
Yes, Lana. Obviously I've spoken to Slater, and he says the CIA does this
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she weighs exactly as much as she's supposed to, so you better be feeding her!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 26
No? I suppose you'd prefer a nice big bottle of that liquid butter fat.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 27
you guys, Katya looked absolutely amazing. The tiniest, laciest lingerie
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ARCHER: And she was just like rubbing all over me.
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I say, pardon me. Madam. Hello?
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Archer, passport.
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cooking, and so when he got out he went to culinary school and now he's got
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Wait, he's the one they're looking for. Why am I getting in the closet?
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- Lana, why am I in the closet? - Because I said so!
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because I choose to get in the closet. Come on, Gort.
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- Well the problem, Mister um-- - Randalman, Randy Randalman.
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- An American chef. (Nervous chuckling) - He knows you're American, honey.
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Shh! If you stay really, really quiet, I will buy you a puppy
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A bee flew into aconvertible?
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This is actually why we're here in Wales. To try to save our marriage.
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you came to Wales for a romantic getaway?
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 42
You're Lloyd Llewellyn, if I don't miss my guess, which means
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- Yes, you idiot! - As in Sterling Archer of the CIA?
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Oh, I don't know. Was someone else making out with Frodo P. Gryffindor here,
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- Uh yeah, I'm a spy. - Oh, right.
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It's easy not to bang your ex if she's gone all frump-a-dump.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 47
Okay so, what do we do about this?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 48
Here, both of you. Get your fat mouths around some hot, crispy toast.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 49
- They may even be our best friends. - We have to shoot him!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 11 (S06E11) - 50
- End of sentence, end of discussion. - Are you sure there's nothing I can do
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 12, 2015

An office romance is interrupted by the Russians.

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 1
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 2
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 3
I don't think so. Is that a thing?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 4
And I'm sure my feet are the same, Lana.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 5
- Well? - As opposed to every single woman you meet in a bar
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 6
No, Archer, it's great! Somehow.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 7
I think it actually causes her physical pain.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 8
Did you suddenly go blind?
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That's not even the hand-- I don't see how that's any of your beeswax!
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How do you not-- you're head of H.R.!
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in Morocco and listen to your torture session on speakerphone!
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Ostensibly. What?
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Please. You'd die of marrow poisoning.
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Ray's missing a hand.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 15
Come on, it's New York. I bet it's 20,000 hookers here.
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Or, both of you shut up.
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Hang on, before we call her, are we sure we want to do this?
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Yes? Yes? I understand.
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Unrelated to the telephone call that I just did not receive.
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I'm sensing a little sarcasm.
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to be found in a greasy wok full of tiny ears of corn
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You-- what? No! Yes! So, soy you later!
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And why'd you give me a walkie-talkie? Why do you care?
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I'm cooking. Me, Lana. Me. Me!
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and yes, you can bring 100 copies of this.
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in the rush van, it's way too iconic.
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No, it's cool. I got it, Woodhouse.
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No, that's just a feedback loop.
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Oh, I was just preparing.
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I assumed it was bound to happen,
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ho-ho-haw-- oh.
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Hochschiebens! Yeah, let's all have a hochschieben!
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And a little-known fact--
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Oh, ho. Very high in cholesterol. Caviar.
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Oh, I can promise you, it is not dry.
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No offense.
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That's what she said, right?
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Da, baby, ya tozhe.
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 40
The first edition of the old Mr. Boston Official Bartender's Guide...
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Why you ask?
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and those hands aren't doing her any favors, human-size-wise.
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and in process, I lose my own life!
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I have a kid!
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all this time, even though we fought like cats and a very tall dog,
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It doesn't matter. I-- I feel like I just found Lana
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 48
I do.
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Whoo! Suck it, you... dick stairs.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10) - 50
I did not have this.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 05, 2015

Slater has the gang swindle the Durhani royal family and Gillette lends a hand.

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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 2
So, Miss... Uh... Escrow.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 3
Are all the cameras in bathrooms?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 4
You're like Wile E. Coyote with access to predator drones. Out.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 5
Well, Ray, there were these things called dinosaurs,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 6
Yes, sinister cabals!
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Or wherever else.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 8
Well, I guess technically it's fanfic.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 9
if they spill even a single drop,
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What did I tell you, wench? Ow!
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as I'm sure Your Majesty well knows.
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so I can bathe off all this filth and grime.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 13
Ow, man, what a hate-slappin' bitch.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 14
- on what I assume will be an extremely moist cake... - Blorp.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 15
Yasmin would be my greatest masterpiece, Pam, my-- hang on...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 16
Why are you telling me your plan to not make Lana jealous?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 17
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 18
and you wanted to make Archer jealous...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 19
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 20
Cheryl should be leading the Durhanis into...
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second largest collection of carnivorous plants,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 22
Mother! Silence!
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Where isn't a bathroom?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 24
Now, if your assorted majesties and highnesses will please follow me...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 25
Are you in position? Yes?
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[Glass shatters, radio feeds back]
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Okay, Gollum, you have won the game of riddles.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 28
So, that backfired...
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manually-operated elevators!
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Your Majesty.
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 32
You learn something new every--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 33
Where is everybody? Here! Present!
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Where's Lana? I'm not even a hundred percent sure
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 37
Whats-yer-face, Pam, what's your--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 38
Your what?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 39
I-- I seem to see that...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 40
Kid, c'mon, I mean, I know I've been crushing the post-natal yoga, but--
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 42
Lana Cougar Mellencamp! What?
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through every attractive woman you meet
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 44
With your-- your-- your-- your-- your--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 45
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 46
Case in point.
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Hey! If anybody tells mother about this, I'll--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 48
Huh. I was wondering how many rounds this little guy held...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 49
Could you send up 1,500 poorly-trained Cuban exiles?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 9 (S06E09) - 50
Yeah, so that at night grandfather could...
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 26, 2015

Lana introduces Archer to her parents. Archer introduces Lana's parents to high-speed chases.

Aired 10 years ago - Feb 19, 2015

A rescue mission turns into an out-of-this-world visit to Area 51.

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 1
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 2
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 3
[Carol] And one of us would go pretty much anywhere to piss off your mother.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 4
And I assume Branson is some sort of all-one-cares-to-eat establishment?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 5
Wait, what? You don't remember being the number one country singer in America?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 6
Are you serious? Oh, my God.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 7
This is captain Ray Gillette, welcoming you aboard from the flight deck.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 8
See what? What's Area 51? What's Area--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 9
Oh, so you believe the United States government
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 10
[Pam] Oh come on, you pussy! [Krieger] For the love of God, man!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 11
Teacup pig. Oh. Yeah.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 12
[Krieger] Ray? Krieger!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 13
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 14
I think I can land it! But I gotta... put it down... at Nellis!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 15
Not today, gorgeous, not today.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 16
I mean... yes?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 17
Come in dear, what're you doing? Come in here.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 18
[Soldiers] Get out the plane! Put your hands up!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 19
What, like that cancels out getting it shot down in the first place?
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Yeah, they don't keep 'em around for their milk.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 21
Wait, what? It's not nerve gas, you idiots, it's--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 22
[Archer] We're coming out! Don't shoot!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 23
What's your authentication phrase?
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Shut up. How'd you get Slater's codeword?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 25
Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel, but during transport of these prisoners--
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Uh-- He's Israeli! So, just Hebrew. Unless...
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but they don't know, they haven't seen you in a year.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 28
we're gonna need some sort of shuttle to...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 29
Suit yourself. So. And how is our little Abbiejean?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 30
Abbiejean. That's from where, again?
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 32
O'Dublin tequila? I mean vodka, maybe.
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[Everyone screams]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 34
What are you talking about?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 35
I am talking about Pam and Krieger running around
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Like, six.
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Eh, could be a coincidence. Yeah, like just a fire drill.
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[Glass clatters]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 41
Look, count to whatever you want.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 42
She's not a frickin' bowl game!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 43
I guess maybe Malory could be her... middle name?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 44
22.5, and I want a notarized copy of the revised birth certificate
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 45
Pff, like what, how to build a better anal probe?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 46
Very good, Pamela.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 47
Yeah, head. Head.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 48
He can straighten this whole thing out!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 49
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 7 (S06E07) - 50
Well... you're not gonna like 'em.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 12, 2015

Archer’s first weekend alone with baby AJ is soiled by a Pakistani intelligence officer.

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 1
Remember when your new episodes are out with TVShow Time for iPhone and Android
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 2
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 3
[Slater] Where's the goddamn first aid kit?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 4
[Archer] Everybody shut up, because, spoiler alert, this is a baby.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 5
Why do you keep your first aid kit in the bar?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 6
- Sterling Archer, this is Farooq Ashkani. - Yeah. Hi.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 7
No. If anything, you were, if you think black or Mexican is an insult.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 8
"no, shit, you goat-raping pig-devil"?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 9
Until yesterday, Farooq was a cyberspy for Pakistani intelligence.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 10
I had to shoot our way out of there.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 11
And I object to the term "babysit," because clearly I am not a baby.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 12
- 24 hours. - No!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 13
- with the big dollar sign on it. - Just bring him.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 14
[door closes] Is he gone?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 15
And I assume that's the only door, so...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 16
- So you have guns here, right? - Yes. I literally have tons of them.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 17
Okay, so you don't have a gun on you, is what I'm saying.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 18
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 19
Oh, man. She is pathetic.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 20
She sounds like a real practical joker.
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Not until you take me to your headquarters
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would bring me to you, so that you would bring me here.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 24
Jeezy petes! An inside straight?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 25
- [Gillette] You know what? - Guys, come on.
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in the time-lock safe until the game's over.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 27
- It just gets hot as balls in here. - Literally.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 28
I don't need help with A.J. because I, uh...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 29
My guess, Avenue D. Anyhoo, we just, um, gotta grab...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 30
Okay, ante up, ya goat-raping pig devils!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 31
- The what? - Canadian down-low.
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- Right? - Totally.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 33
All these stories about what a badass you are,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 34
I'm using it to backdoor my state-of-the-art
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 35
- and they'll find the spyware. - That was only one of many, many
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 36
Take it easy, I... [small gasp]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 37
[Pam screaming] What the heck's going on in...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 38
I don't know about any stories,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 39
But that was before I had a child, a child you threatened to harm.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 40
So imagine, as I literally beat you to death...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 41
Can I just say one thing, before we get into all
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 42
Okay, so... that lesbian au pair has a gun.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 43
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 44
There's other desks.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 45
- [Farooq] Reloading! - God dammit.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 46
[speaking Urdu]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 47
- Rodney? - Rodney! Why was I thinking Kev...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 48
If you wish to negotiate, you may do so with my associates.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 49
- And take that ridiculous thing off. - Make me.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 6 (S06E06) - 50
- What about Cheryl? - Who cares?
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 05, 2015

The gang gets to work early so they can spend some quality time together.

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 1
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 2
Not that other people actually work here.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 3
I installed an R.F. jammer on the roof.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 4
One, two, three, go! Trap door!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 5
Wait. What? It's not for stranded passengers to get out,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 6
I guess I've just always been fascinated by them.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 7
And besides, we don't need cell phones. We have a--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 8
It's dead. Typical.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 9
With what, my dick?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 10
There's no time! Go get help!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 11
Breakfast. Hey, hey, wait a second.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 12
Easy! Hey! Hey! Pam, stop that.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 13
I sincerely apologize for doing that.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 14
I'm sorry? I know, but nobody makes you wear them.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 15
I was lost at sea, Lana, and we had to ration the food and water.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 16
The strong, like me and you and Pam,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 17
Here's...maybe six ounces of Bourbon.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 18
Okay, so we tie the vest into, like, a pouch, and--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 19
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 20
Yeah. It works for him.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 21
And on top of that, we've got, I'm guessing, two flasks of bourbon.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 22
wants to eat what's in your thermos?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 23
Oh, God! That wasn't just bear claw.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 24
drank a third of a gallon of malt liquor,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 25
Okay. Wait. Does it have anything to do
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 26
Then I guess you'd know what we're all thinking right this very minute.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 27
How is it common sense that she thinks I want to masturbate?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 28
I'm not addicted to masturbating!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 29
So Cyril ought to be able to jack it.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 30
You want to bet? Do you?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 31
Hey! Guys, come on! Hey! Get your hands o--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 32
Are you a mind reader, too?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 33
and then are safe.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 34
I don't need an excuse.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 35
Right? Oh, my God.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 36
No, but at the last second, you just jump up in the air.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 37
It was too bad they couldn't stop diphtheria.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 38
Well, maybe not now, but say you get
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 39
Ugh, please don't talk about food.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 40
Err! Fine, but--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 41
Fine. Whatever. No more phrasing.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 42
What the-- God damn it, Pam!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 43
Ugh, it's soaking wet down here...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 44
Lana, it's cashmere. There are rules.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 45
Okay! Jeez!
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 47
Oh, for-- Ray, take a picture of him!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 48
All right! Jesus Christ!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 49
Hello! Can you hear me?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 5 (S06E05) - 50
is not an emergency.
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 29, 2015

Pam takes Archer to her sister's wedding but gets side-tracked with technical difficulties.

Aired 10 years ago - Jan 22, 2015

Archer, Lana, and Ray climb their way to the top of an assassin’s hit list.

Aired 10 years ago - Jan 15, 2015

An agent from the past has a hand in creating tension between Archer and Lana.

Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 1
I knew it. In my heart of hearts,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 2
But now you have a chance to right that wrong,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 3
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 4
Which, a blowjob says he does.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 5
"A", those were mini-bottles,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 6
Who else would they possibly choose?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 7
You know--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 8
No, I-- And I vote for mother and Woodhouse.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 9
that you won't do anything revenge-y and stupid
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 11
[Humming tango music]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 12
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 13
How do you still have two hands?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 14
But actually, without the honey and lemon
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 15
and I'm not really in the mood for a WD-40 and coke.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 16
[Chuckling] Yeah, you are definitely concussed.
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until we've all been enslaved by Skynet?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 18
presumably some fresh nine-volts,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 19
Now, what and where is this "intel"?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 20
So, the file is on the mainframe computer
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 21
On the top floor of the intelligence building itself,
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[Toilet flushing]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 23
Is it too much to ask, during the goddamn work day,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 24
on her little brown head, I will--
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 25
Uh-uh. No, but like "swearsie-realsies"?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 26
doesn't strike you as unnecessarily complicated?
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 27
we're all gonna be murdered, so...
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 28
Coronel Lando Calrissiano, de Las Fuerzas Especiales,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 29
Well, I wasn't in the sofa cushions.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 30
And Lana, try to look-- actually, yeah. Matronly.
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Esposa Grande.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 32
That's Coronel Calrissiano to you!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 33
I'm a verb now, Lana. Deal with it!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 34
Todos! Todos las armas on the ground!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 35
Su carta, Coronel, por favor.
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 37
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 38
Mm-hmm. Well, you're looking good, girl.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 39
[Out of breath] Oh.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 40
Well, I still don't see why that means I'm the one
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 41
If something happens to both of us,
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 42
She was right there in the pram.
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while I went out to get ice.
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 44
No! Don't shoot! There's a baby!
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 45
I was doing market research
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 46
Or was. I swear! He-- [Baby crying]
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 47
I swear to God, if I catch you near this child again,
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Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 49
Recap of Archer (2009) Season 6 Episode 2 (S06E02) - 50
Well, yeah. Come on. We all saw this coming.
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 08, 2015

Archer must salvage a crashed plane in a jungle filled with relics from World War II.