
Season 9

Aired 8 years ago - May 12, 2016

Leonard and Penny get remarried in front of their friends (who show up), Leonard's parents, Beverly and Alfred (Judd Hirsch) and Sheldon's mother, Mary, who finds something in common with Alfred. Howard gets an unknown email from the Air Force about his invention.

Aired 8 years ago - May 05, 2016

Sheldon hires Stuart to spend the day with Amy when he’d rather go to a movie screening. Also, Leonard’s mother, Beverly, comes to town and Penny struggles to make a connection with her.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 23 (S09E23) - 1
You do realize we're allowed to have fun without you?
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and we'll save a spot in line for you.
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there are apps now that'll let you hire people to do stuff
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Didn't even make it out of the parking lot.
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Well, I'd actually like for us to be close,
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Penny, it's only natural to want your mother-in-law to like you,
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And how does it make you feel
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mother-in-law-daughter-in-law dinner tonight?
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No, it's not like that.
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You sure? I'm happy to hold your bag.
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We've waited in a lot of lines together, haven't we?
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SHELDON: Stuart, what are you doing here?
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Oh, I'm not upset with you, but Amy's pretty bent out of shape,
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Maybe he couldn't get a word in edgewise.
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I called him “babe” once.
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Amy's with Sheldon who she loves like a son.
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Three minutes.
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Well, what can you do?
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I would have done it for three.
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Good thing I brought my collapsible stick chair.
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Is everything smoothed out with Amy?
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You think it's time you apologize to her yourself?
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That's interesting.
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(clears her throat)
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I'd love to chat, but there's a line
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Step three-- an earnest request for forgiveness.
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Beverly, we'll catch up soon.
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You look like you come with a kickstand.
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Hey, how'd it go? It went well.
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That's mean. Five.
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Did you see that?
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Still get in.
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so it feels like a long way.
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Um, you should probably talk to Penny, too.
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or just some form of validation?
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But one example would be your marrying my son,
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What about Joss Whedon's work makes you think he'd be okay
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Do you work for a sanctioned department
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Excuse me, can I please
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by life, you don't even notice when someone disrespects you.
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there was another person at the back of the line
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Now, let's follow in that brave woman's footsteps,
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 28, 2016

Sheldon and Bernadette spend a night together while the rest of the gang goes to a wine tasting party, but things get uncomfortable for Raj when Zack also attends and takes an interest in Claire.

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How are you doing this?
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Y... You and I spend a lot of time together.
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Why would it be too big a step?
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Okay, but you and I have been keeping things casual.
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and that was that.
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Oh, I found a scratch-and-sniff book about wine tasting.
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And we're going to prove that we don't need alcohol
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They can increase the risk of a urinary tract infection.
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Boy, do I love restrictions.
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And-and here we are.
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I don't know.
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Hey, guys, do me a favor and don't ask too many questions
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Uh, I don't know.
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Oh... the bubbles tickle my nose.
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and then we'll kick things up a notch and explore
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Just a... whole lot of Afrin.
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Cool. 'Cause other than when you broke up with him
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But we won't bore you with the details.
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Well, we're using quantum vortices
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and it'll run forever.
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“N” gauge are 1/160 scale.
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I think I can pass it, I think I can pass it.”
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I could line them up, categorize them, control them.
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Almost any scientific advancement can be used
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Oh, Leonard mumbles it when he wants sex to last longer.
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Would you like a glass of wine?
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you're not gonna want to or be allowed to stop.
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Oh. I like the idea of being tall.
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You stand in front of a tavern that serves the coldest,
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Uh, mostly Penny's heard them.
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We're just keeping it casual.
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Maybe we should take a step back.
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Okay, let me stop you right there.
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Okay, then.
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The Hell Prawn lunges out of the hot spring!
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through its eye into its tiny brain.
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Okay, I guess I should eat the Hell Prawn.
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...feet and ankles are smaller than they've ever been.
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Thank you for this.
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Although I've never really wanted a break from that,
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I might just take you up on that.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 21, 2016

Everyone must choose sides when a small argument between Leonard and Sheldon erupts into a heated fight during a group get-together.

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You're the only one who eats them!
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Well, why are you fighting him on this?
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Man, I'm worn out. I know.
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Try folding every five pages in a pregnancy book
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I mean, I can't even remember
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Hey, how's the mommy-to-be?
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Oh, that sounds great-- a bed to yourself.
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Oh, I don't know.
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I know where it went.
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and that stands for "Mature Audiences," buster.
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One simple meeting. Stop saying "meeting"!
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I'm not sure if I'm hoping for a boy or a girl.
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they're so innocent and... you know how guys are.
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without a naked girl bouncing up and down on me."
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But that's a real problem!
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What's going on with him?
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Well, then you don't understand what's happening.
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Hmm, what do you think?
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Really? Because usually we walk side by side,
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It's not what I have, it's how many people I'm having it with.
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Don't get too fond of this character."
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Do you guys want to watch with us?
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Wait, did Amy make her spinach dip?
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So what the hell happened?
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Maybe my male cycle synced up with Raj's actual period.
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Hey, Leonard.
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Was it ever a dress-up party?
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This thing kept getting caught in the chain of my bike.
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'cause there are no new books for me to spoil for Leonard.
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was that time I dated one woman.
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Yeah. Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries, move on.
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Well, they argue all the time.
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Why is that funny?
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Who told you to stop making
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Son of a bitch.
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Game of Thrones, game time?
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you don't need to use Sheldon to get your way with me
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brother-sister-Elliott-E.T. relationship with him.
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just a feeling. (chuckles)
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I had no idea mortadella has pistachios in it.
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I didn't say "fun" fact. I'm not a monster.
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to tell me it was a costume party.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 07, 2016

Secrets are revealed when Amy and Sheldon join Penny and Leonard on a weekend cabin trip. Raj is more excited about Howard's and Bernadette's impending parenthood than they are.

Aired 8 years ago - Mar 31, 2016

Amy is shocked at a revelation from Sheldon after she buys him a new laptop. Koothrappali sells out Leonard and Wolowitz after they lie to their wives in order to attend an early screening of a movie.

Aired 8 years ago - Mar 10, 2016

Sheldon works up a contract to split their portion of their guidance system invention royalties, but Bernadette does not like how it's done. Raj must again decide between Emily and Claire when they both contact him.

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a financial success, and I get nothing?
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♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪
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== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
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where Howie hid the Girl Scout cookies.
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I don't know what to do.
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Nice, or is she trying to manipulate him?
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I know one way to find out-- sniff this.
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Balon Greyjoy received his son's genitals in a box.
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Sailors used these to find their position by the stars.
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guilt me into getting back together with her.
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a controlling ownership of anything we come up with.
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Either way, I get nothing.
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Oh, my.
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a $500 gift
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Okay, answer it. Just be strong.
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Yeah, yeah. Sure. What's up?
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deciding how I feel about this!
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but please know that you'll always have a place in my heart.
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I know, but you did it. I'm so proud of you.
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a partnership to split anything we make equally.
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Excuse me.
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Well, to be fair, Howard's idea was based on Sheldon's math.
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if she wasn't working on that hangnail right now.
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See, I was afraid it was a thinker.
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with Sheldon Cooper.
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I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about me.
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It hasn't gone well.
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Hi. I'm good. Really good.
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So, uh... so what's up?
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Yes! Indeed! Absolutely! Indubitably!
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I'm stopping by to see my ex-girlfriend
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Any chance you could send me a PDF of that playbook?
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Be cool, be cool, be cool.
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Are you suggesting a limited liability corporation?
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Well, I believe I'm treating you generously.
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and Leonard said, “Stop saying that”"
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Part of your shadow's on my spot.
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Okay, I'll stop!
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“I was just really looking forward to seeing you.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 25, 2016

After more than nine years together, the gang finally celebrates Sheldon’s birthday, surprising him with a special guest (Adam West).

Aired 8 years ago - Feb 18, 2016

When the gang finds out about Bernadette's pregnancy, they celebrate by singing karaoke. Also, Bernadette is concerned when Wolowitz freaks out over her pregnancy announcement, and Wolowitz is convinced he must make more money to provide for a baby.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 1
Hey, Raj, I read a couple guys in your department
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when you win the Nobel Prize for boysenberry.
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you're the first one.
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Why "oh, no"?
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Oh, dear L...
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I guess we'll call this a draw.
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All right, how you want to do this?
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I'm sure it's just the hormones.
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You're gonna be beautiful and glowing
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not reacting the way you expected him to.
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And then there's this nose.
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Well, he could bring the baby here. Oh, but then we'd have to
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I read that in Los Angeles, raising a child through college
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for a raise in your allowance.
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I'm just... a little overwhelmed right now.
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But not your worst idea.
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Doctor said I can't have sushi.
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What, he said you can't laugh either?
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Well, look at this.
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I need to come up with a big idea to make some money.
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Reminds me of my daddy's secret
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slightly... bigger cocktail umbrellas.
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This place is terrific.
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Where's the bathroom?
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He's headed for the kitchen anyway.
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couldn't you use those vortices as a gyroscope?
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You may have actually just come up with something.
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Yeah, you get to buy toys and little clothes.
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Me! Me-me, too! I'm a grown-up and I've done it!
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and railroad schedules, and I went out...
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and I passed Howie on his way out.
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I do know what that's like. I really do.
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This video. The baby panda sneezes,
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but as long as the unpinning rate of the vortices
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Yeah. Who wants to see me beat up the bartender?
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for less than a day and you're already stepping up.
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Thank you, Sheldon.
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Then why are we drinking?
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Oh, no.
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♪ Could care less about the five you're blowing ♪
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♪ You want it ♪
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♪ You want it, you got it ♪
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If I knew what that meant, I might just do it.
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and a captive audience to hear about it? You bet I am.
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nine months to see someone soil their pants.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 49
♪ And I was like ♪
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 16 (S09E16) - 50
♪ Baby, I need your lovin', got
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 11, 2016

Sheldon and Amy host a live Valentine's Day episode of Fun with Flags, Leonard and Penny grapple with getting older, Howard and Bernadette find a surprise in their hot tub and Raj is torn between Emily and the cute girl he met at the Comic Bookstore.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 1
People who are fans of an Internet show about flags?
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I felt it only right to include your name in the title.
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is it supposed to come with a rat flopping around in it?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 6
Good, I don't know where we keep the strainer.
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But I said it like a badass.
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Now, is that a smart thing to say on a holiday
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Okay. Thanks.
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in five, four, three...
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Consider tonight's episode
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with your flag thoughts and flag questions.
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Why am I so self-destructive?
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that's not a flag question. Next caller.
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It's not moving, but I think it's still alive.
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I-I'm gonna wrap it in a towel.
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If it's not responding,
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I don't know. I'm... I'm gonna flirt with him.
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it is crazy in here tonight, huh, Glen?
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(chuckles) You don't have to call me ma'am.
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Just shut up, Glen.
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Blubbering about emotions during a flag show.
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Emily did say I always
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Hubba, hubba.
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Yeah, I'm just sitting here all by myself
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All right. Is my pole flag-related?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 30
It is Valentine's Day.
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Oh, look at all that chest hair and overbite.
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Poor judgment, obviously.
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It is freaking amazing.
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but I wore a sport coat and carried a briefcase, so...
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No, they're not.
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and remember what a good time we had.
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they designed a new flag with a tree on it,
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Well, I... I wouldn't say right away.
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Actually, I'm still here.
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that might cheer you up.
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would be interested in meeting Rajesh.
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Hi. You're on Fun with Flags.
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Let's see. What's young and fun?
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Oh, there's a screening of Moulin Rouge!
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Oh, thank God. Yes!
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and have him tested. Good.
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I guess I'll just go to the emergency room to be safe.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15 (S09E15) - 50
I just... I didn't realize it was gonna hurt this much.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 04, 2016

Sheldon is thrilled when his Meemaw comes to visit, but his excitement quickly fades when she butts heads with Amy. Also, Raj meets a new girl at the comic book store who makes him question his relationship with Emily.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 1
Is that nice to say to your friend?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 2
a superpower, and spent your whole life
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 3
instead of “Let it Go,” she should really sing,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 4
and lie about it to your wife!
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 5
Here we are talking about Frozen,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 6
You should've seen us after The Good Dinosaur.
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You both have the same fashion sense.
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(laughs) That's great.
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Of course.
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I'll get your room ready.
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Well, this is so nice.
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Si-Size me up?
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A Texas Special cattle and calf car train set
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Yeah, I hear it's pretty good.
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I'm Raj, by the way.
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slash, a month away from living in my car.
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You're really a scientist?
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Excuse me for wanting a little magic in my life.
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how do you think she'd feel
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Oh, no wine for me.
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Why do you call Sheldon “Moon Pie?”
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Leonard and Penny know about his nickname
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So, Penny, I understand you have a new job.
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That doesn't bode well.
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Leonard's work
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Maybe I understand what he needs better than you do.
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no, no, no. Y-You have to like each other.
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The minute you left the room, your precious meemaw
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You go ahead. I'll catch up with you.
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Well, thank goodness for that.
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I'm gonna opt out of that one, too.
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but is it possible this crankiness is because
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their fantasies on foreigners
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The real question is, where are you with Emily?
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involved you doing magic
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And I think you're even more beautiful
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if it was gonna fall in her pudding.
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No. They asked me to leave
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I'm gonna do the right thing, call this girl,
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and if they say no, play it off as a joke.”
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Hey, what's up? Figure out what time you're free?
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I didn't ask you out.
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This is exciting.
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We can still get together without it meaning anything.
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Okay. That hurts a little, but okay.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 14 (S09E14) - 50
You have no idea how much I put up with!
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 14, 2016

The gang decides to head to Vegas for the week on a party bus. Sheldon learns about the importance of empathy and saying sorry.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 13 (S09E13) - 1
♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids
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== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 13 (S09E13) - 3
and in a gentle, loving way,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 13 (S09E13) - 4
Ooh. Gentle and loving-- this is gonna be tricky.
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That's why your friends have been known
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I mean...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 13 (S09E13) - 7
Ooh, I just heard something.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 13 (S09E13) - 8
When I brought him his comics the other day,
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I wish we could do more stuff without Sheldon.
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As long as it doesn't end with us having coitus with him,
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one of those party buses to take us there.
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renting a party bus and everyone going to Vegas.
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You didn't have to stay.
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Well, now... well, that's hurtful.
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Nope. Very well. Stuart.
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I said, “What's new?” but sure.
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Everyone tried to take care of you,
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I don't know.
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Fine, if that's what it takes to go on their dumb trip.
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Hey, I felt a little something.
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you spoil it in advance.
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There's no excuse for that.
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but you're doing it wrong.
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they all say it's okay, then yes, you can come.
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Do you remember “comes with apsparagus”?
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you tried to comfort me when I was ill,
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played on the pan flute.
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here are your commemorative T-shirts.
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(camera clicks)
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The trip is tomorrow.
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That-that was thoughtful.
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That would be my understanding.
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I hope that you can accept my apology.
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Do you honestly think I hear that a lot?
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He just insulted me again.
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For some reason Wolowitz took a medium.
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You're making me uncomfortable by prolonging
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I caused that fight, I feel terrible.
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So, was the fight really bad?
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All I know is after the fight I went to Emily's to smooth...
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Hey, well, we should start a club.
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Is she okay?
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to demonstrate the remorse I feel is to let you
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Where instead of genital warts, the only growth
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That Raj'll be on it before we make it to the freeway?
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 07, 2016

Leonard visits a psychiatrist so Penny can make a sales call. Stuart moves out of the Wolowitz house. Sheldon works with Raj looking for extra-solar planets.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 12 (S09E12) - 1
with a psychiatrist.
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I don't know. You could talk to her, and maybe if it comes up,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 12 (S09E12) - 3
Pushover. Spineless.
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so we didn't have to be so quiet.
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Can I come in?
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the remodel is coming up, so I thought I'd make it easy
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Oh. Okay.
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is white-field balanced. Oh, I see.
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Give me something to do.
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Fine, you want something to do?
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Yeah, okay, whatever it takes
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How did you find that? It wasn't difficult.
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You know, sometimes when a boy is special,
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are you related to Dr. Beverly Hofstadter?
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with her theories on child rearing at all.
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Rent a plane, write it in the sky.
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That's heartbreaking.
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Great. I can finally show you where the laundry room is.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 12 (S09E12) - 21
Well, that's it.
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Ignore him.
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Well, let us know when you're all settled in.
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and compare it to the ones we've already collected,
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and all its moons, I'll be happy.
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A medium-sized asteroid.
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is still an interesting discovery.
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We better choose a name no one can make fun of.
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Dr. Gallo is terrific.
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You're only hearing that because
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Oh, you're the best husband ever!
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Boy, when was the last time Stuart cleaned this place?
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Well, I was thinking a home theater or a gaming room--
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I don't know,
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You know, no matter how hard they tried,
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Too busy to call? He wasn't too busy
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Is it?
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That was pretty cute.
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I've got it.
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Nah, you're right, that's dumb.
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Well, we are, because Dr. Gallo made me realize
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I discovered an asteroid, and now I get to name it.
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All right, way to go, Cat Poster. You hang in there.
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Exactly. See how well we work together?
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they started taking it, stopped worrying.
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I just... meant a question about the drug.
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Here is a man raised by an overbearing woman
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You know, I used to wear tank tops a lot.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 17, 2015

As the guys prepare to go to the premiere of the new Star Wars movie, Sheldon plans a special event for Amy's birthday.

Aired 9 years ago - Dec 10, 2015

Sheldon has a revelation when he realizes why a song was stuck in his head. Also, Amy invites Dave over for dinner despite their previously awkward date, and Wolowitz and Koothrappali become obsessed with a fan of their band, "Footprints on the Moon".

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 10 (S09E10) - 1
This might be the first step of my descent into madness,
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like he was Leonard Nimoy and you were my ex-boyfriend.
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trying to seem like a man with things on his schedule.
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there's a Department for Outer Space Affairs?
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Oh, this is cool.
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we agreed that every band decision would be mutual.
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Uh, "I saw you play at the comic book store.
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♪ They make my earlobes sweat. ♪
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you were driven mad by an earworm.
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Oh, wait. ♪ Everybody cut footloo... ♪
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Besides, he said he wouldn't bring it up again.
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I tried to get back together with Sheldon; he shot me down;
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'Cause it's like taking your driver's test in a bus.
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but your kind words sent us over the moon."
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I'd throw it at your head right now.
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He's 24. He's a deejay.
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but I'm throwing my hypothetical bra at him.
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How does he keep coming up with new ways to be annoying?
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What do you want, a medal? It was your gum.
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The ideal setting is 72 degrees.
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you berate them relentlessly.
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I'll tell you that much.
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And he does more things for you than I can even begin to list.
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Old broken things are so much better
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And at the children's hospital until they asked us to leave.
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until I found his Twitter handle.
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Thank you.
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like a properly-seasoned bowl of onion soup.
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that I now know lives in the area, not that I care.
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so relentlessly irritating?
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there's an Edison who was just a jerk.
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Maybe he just had bread in his pocket.
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♪ ...Know if words could say ♪
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There goes our shot at him living on the roof.
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What a cool way for us to meet.
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Let's just go.
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I don't know. It's pretty catchy.
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Why? It's about Amy.
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I love the way you soften my life."
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Am I like the dryer sheets of your heart?
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Oh, thanks.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 10 (S09E10) - 49
so I just lost all control. I...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 10 (S09E10) - 50
I don't know what I'm waiting for.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 19, 2015

It’s Thanksgiving. Sheldon and Amy go on a lunch date to the aquarium as friends. Howard, Bernadette, Raj and Emily help out at a soup kitchen. Leonard and Penny make their first Thanksgiving dinner as a married couple.

Aired 9 years ago - Nov 12, 2015

Amy has a formal date which Leonard, Penny and Bernadette secretly spy on. Sheldon has Howard and Raj help him find a new girlfriend since they found Amy for him.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 1
as a stick of Fruit Stripe gum: sweet and enjoyable at first,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 2
Hey, the jaw wants what it wants.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 3
and most important,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 6
Ooh. Ooh, tall!
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 7
Well, we're your best friends-- give us one more detail
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Tea and basketball?
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We don't even know what time they're gonna be there.
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is just to get you on every dating Web site out there.
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Excuse me.
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weed themselves out in a battle of wits
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People compete for jobs and trophies-- why not me?
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And I have the soulful eyes of a cow.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 15
"World-class Caltech physicist seeking girlfriend.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 16
Well, this is actually an interesting social experiment.
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So you're actually okay
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That's it. The Sheldon Cooper Girlfriend Challenge
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that number as the average speed to calculate the travel time
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tenacious and... so socially awkward
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Well, I'm having a good time, too.
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It reminded me too much of her.
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Right here.
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with military-grade spy equipment.
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Yeah, okay, I see him.
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I've only been in one long-term relationship.
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Was he a neurobiologist like you?
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Let's get back to you.
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You've got to tell me about him.
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Can we go catch the movie?
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Um... about an hour and half.
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I mean, he's a genius, and I wasn't even smart enough
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You're right, it's-it's weird.
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Right here.
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Not to cast aspersions,
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I have a DVD of that lecture.
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It was the nicest thing he said to anyone there.
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Well, maybe not an idiot, but certainly not as smart as...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 42
We got to get out of here. Okay. Well, wait, what about Leonard?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 43
She just hit my car!
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I saw you speak at Stanford with Sheldon Cooper!
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What if it's Jennifer Lawrence?
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at the last possible moment.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 8 (S09E08) - 50
Okay? Not because of a test or a Web site,
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 05, 2015

Wil Wheaton interviews Sheldon for a Star Trek documentary where he reveals the ring and his plan to propose to Amy. Bernadette wants to start renovating the house and the topic of starting a family with Howard is brought up.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 1
I'm the one who thought of “Spockumentary”"
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I admire your father's work very much.
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that maybe we can compromise on the house.
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No way. No, this is the room I associate the most with my mom.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 6
after my mom...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 7
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 8
And what is your earliest memory of the character Spock?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 9
and said, “Eat farts.”
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 10
I think the same thing that appeals to people everywhere,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 11
“Why are you hitting yourself?” the answer is,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 12
I just want to hug him and make everything better.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 13
That's her over there.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 14
This will just take a moment.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 15
When there was no more room in the floor safe.
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Aquaman, protecting your home since 2012.
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The house is good the way it is. Oh, okay. Got it.
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I'd like to switch sides.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 21
No offense, but this is pure 100% Nimoy.
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Wouldn't you like to know?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 23
and in it I will my Wil back to Wil.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 25
and slaughtered every last one of them, so...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 26
Oh, man, I'm sorry-- that must have been devastating for you.
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We've gotten a little off-topic.
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my mother encouraged me to ask, “What would Jesus do?”
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 30
that's why I changed it to, “What would Spock do?”
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I knew I could smell 'em.
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and performed my first Vulcan nerve pinch.
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As I said, the entire point of emulating Spock
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- No. You went. - What does mean?
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I'm just saying, you pretend you don't,
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like nothing happened.
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This documentary is gonna be awesome.
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Hey. Look!
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Sorry. Do you have a... sense of where we are?
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Why wouldn't I want to hear it?
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In a... loving and respectful manner.
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In fact, every time I bring up the subject...
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I can't believe Sheldon was gonna ask Amy to marry him.
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Do you think they're going to put my outburst
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What are you gonna do? I'm going to find her
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He didn't meant that.
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That would be nice.
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Bernie, you don't need to worry about me.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 7 (S09E07) - 50
This is really
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 26, 2015

In the midst of a nation-wide helium shortage, Sheldon and Leonard take desperate measures to get the supplies they need. Also, Penny and Bernadette download a dating app on Amy's phone to try and find her a new man.

Aired 9 years ago - Oct 19, 2015

The guys take a fencing lesson from Barry Kripke and Sheldon finds himself in an awkward position when Kripke expresses interest in Amy. Also, when Stuart struggles to get female customers at the Comic Book Store, Penny, Amy and Bernadette come by to help him out.

Aired 9 years ago - Oct 12, 2015

Leonard and Penny finally move in together leaving Sheldon very upset with this big change in his life and wishing he could go back to a time when he had no emotions in 2003 before he met Leonard. Raj, Howard and Stuart attempt to form a band.

Aired 9 years ago - Oct 05, 2015

The guys’ science skills are put to the test when they get a flat tire during Leonard’s bachelor party weekend in Mexico. Also, the girls force Penny to finally tell her family that she eloped with Leonard.

Aired 9 years ago - Sep 28, 2015

Leonard confronts the woman he kissed on the North Sea in an attempt to set Penny’s mind at ease. Also, Sheldon films a special episode of “Fun with Flags” after his breakup with Amy, and Bernadette feels guilty about withholding a secret from Penny.

Aired 9 years ago - Sep 21, 2015

Sheldon is confronted by a mystery of the universe he cannot unravel: when a woman wants time apart to think, exactly how much time does that mean, and is there any way to hurry the process along? In Las Vegas, Penny and Leonard march closer to marching down the aisle, but has Penny gotten over Leonard’s infidelity? And if so, will he do anything to un-get her over it? MORE -LESS