
Season 10

Aired 7 years ago - May 11, 2017

The gang is concerned when Sheldon’s former admirer, Dr. Ramona Nowitzki, resurfaces while Amy is away at Princeton.

Aired 7 years ago - May 04, 2017

Amy is offered a Fellowship at Princeton, Raj makes new living arrangements, and the gyroscope project is spinning out of control!

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 23 (S10E23) - 1
Wait, so you're just going to take all the work
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the primary focus of the United States military
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Bert has a room for rent.
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I actually have a little news myself.
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Oh, come on, he's a grown man, he can take care of himself.
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I can't believe the Air Force would treat us like that.
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The Air Force did it again.
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but she's definitely not cleaning anything.
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What? You're kidding.
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Thank you. Can we just talk about something else?
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That always makes you feel better.
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Oh. Yeah, yeah, we brought life into the world.
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So, did you tell him about Princeton yet?
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the whole time.
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Apparently grief can make one less regular.
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Well, maybe this'll cheer you up.
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You know, I don't know how I ever got by without you.
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Sheldon, you're, you're being silly.
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Oh, I don't know,
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You're always saying that you want to spend more time with me.
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I was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton.
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so it may have gone downhill.
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You have to take it. It's important.
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I don't think plain oatmeal was the point of that story.
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he'd be on the first train to New Jersey,
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No, he wanted to get one with me,
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to use radon markers to map the structures that...
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A lot of lectures?
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(Wolowitz chuckles)
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I am, but I'll miss you guys.
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I got the blues.
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Uh, could I talk to you in the hall for a sec?
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and my good friend Raj right across the hall.
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which gives you an opportunity
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KOOTHRAPPALI: Can I get my stuff?
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Ooh. Sounds serious.
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Oh. A little clingy.
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but what did you do when you worked on that allergy drug
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I made us have a baby.
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Leonard pointed out to me
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and you need to take it.
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but if you're interested...
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if you find yourself 3,000 miles away
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 27, 2017

Leonard isn’t thrilled when Penny considers taking a new job offered by her ex-boyfriend, Zack.

Aired 7 years ago - Apr 13, 2017

Howard and Bernadette have a hard time leaving Halley in day care when Bernadette returns to work. Also, Bert introduces the gang to his new girlfriend, Rebecca.

Aired 7 years ago - Apr 06, 2017

Sheldon pushes himself to the limit when he collaborates on projects with Leonard and Wolowitz as well as Amy on the same day. Also, Bernadette is nearing the end of her maternity leave and must return to work.

Aired 7 years ago - Mar 30, 2017

Leonard, Penny and Raj adjust to their new living arrangement and Sheldon takes an interest in Amy's work.

Aired 7 years ago - Mar 09, 2017

Raj searches for a cheaper living arrangement.

Aired 7 years ago - Feb 23, 2017

The guys' annual trip to Comic Con is in doubt when Raj can't afford to go.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 17 (S10E17) - 1
♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪
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You're actually going to Comic-Con?
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Please? I went to your boring thing last month.
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And if I have to watch him
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No. Which will make me miserable,
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Why don't you just tell her not to come?
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Oh, boy, we do say that a lot.
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and I won't ask for anything else.
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Your father may have spoiled you, but I won't.
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you're going to Comic-Con-- you just had a baby.
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I'm gonna go as Dumbledore.
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I'm such a lucky guy. (chuckles)
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(high-pitched voice): Yes, Howard, you can go.
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You said you were gonna do all this stuff for me, right?
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If you don't know how to make lasagna, Google does.
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I know. Sometimes Howard wears a striped shirt
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It can get chilly, but Raj figured out
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between Sheldon's feet and my head?
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There's trivia contests and Dungeons & Dragons.
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Well... all right.
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Start the little ones at $50.
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You know, he's always making an effort
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I mean, it is still a key part of their demographic.
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BERNADETTE: Busy like I'll be with the baby
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and was wondering if you had any chores I could do.
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Yeah, if you want us to look like losers.
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Why? Do you not want me to go?
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Now we're going as Hulk and She-Hulk.
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a little more honesty in your relationship.
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Ooh, maybe I could sell my blood and sperm.
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(Halley crying)
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all his problems would be over.
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Sheldon, women can wear makeup, it's not lying.
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I can't wait to tell them.
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Sure, or you can.
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He wasn't in a car, but okay.
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I don't see why this has to be so complicated.
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This is an interesting way to stay out of it.
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Why would you say you wanted to go if you didn't?
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No, I'm happy I don't have to go.
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Kind of.
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Thank you, but it doesn't look like
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It's back pay for all the babysitting
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Aired 7 years ago - Feb 16, 2017

Sheldon and Amy have their first fight since moving in together and Koothrappali is shocked at the realities of financial independence when he stops receiving support from his father.

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I have six children,
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Women don't want that either.
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Isosceles, isosceles,
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Sheldon, there's a difference between greeting a friend
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What brings you here?
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Yeah. Their slogan is “We're all about dating
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to Zachary Quinto through a stall door, you're crazy.
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Yeah, until someone left him in the drugstore parking lot
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That's so sweet of you.
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But it's my father's money and I'm mad at him.
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It is. He stopped trying to find Indian girls for me to marry.
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Sheldon, that was so sweet of you.
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I'm sorry, is he waiting for someone to disagree?
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He pays for my car, my rent, and my credit cards.
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She basically supports him.
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Although, unlike your date, she actually showed up.
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you're the perfect couple.
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Kripke, uh, Professor Wu, Professor Klein,
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Thanks to you, my colleagues are gossiping about our sex life.
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Is it safe to assume you're not speaking to me again?
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That works!
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Look in the mirror. You both look ten years older than I do.
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I don't want to say because I don't know how much it is.
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Well, how much do you spend on food?
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I'm not sure of the protocol.
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You've discussed aspects
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but one time, I accidentally called her “Mom”.
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Just know
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I-I-I schlepped the baby over, I brought imported beer.
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I'm sorry, Raj. We really just don't have the space.
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when Sheldon's old room is sitting there perfectly empty?
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Thank you, but if I'm gonna just take advantage of my friends,
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(knocking) Amy? Yeah?
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I call these circles “Zones of Privacy”"
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It represents subjects we only share with each other--
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No, I was just excited to list him as a friend.
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some things are just between you and me,
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Interesting. You really have secrets you don't tell me?
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A little.
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So when I got up at 4:00 a.m. to drive you across the desert
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Aired 8 years ago - Feb 09, 2017

Leonard and Wolowitz try to distract Sheldon when he slows the progress of their guidance system. Also, Penny and Amy take Bernadette out for the night, leaving Raj and Stuart to care for baby Halley.

Aired 8 years ago - Feb 02, 2017

Sheldon uses a machine to help him identify other people's emotions, and Raj tries to understand his difficulties with women.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 14 (S10E14) - 1
♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪
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== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
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Maybe I could use it
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(chuckles) No, Raj, that's a terrible idea.
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in the gaming room, and if I leave the curtains open,
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I mean, you think they'll consider someone
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Of course not. I mean, he's your brother.
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It's amazing a machine can do that.
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if the machine can identify them accurately.
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You are...
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Make up your mind.
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and how I can be a better boyfriend.
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Don't worry, I'm a grown man.
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He really worked with the Drug Enforcement Agency?
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Surprisingly well.
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No, it doesn't.
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Leonard, if you're mad about this, just tell me.
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This thing works like gangbusters.
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Our gaming room!
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Well, you sound like one now. I don't see the big deal
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You know, how is this any different
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(gasps) You are lucky that this feelings machine
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Okay, first off,
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Uh, heads up, both of you are named Emily,
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Okay, uh, let's get things started.
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because I have severe social anxiety,
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Oh... schmuck. Got it.
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Okay, new rule-- everybody only gets one.
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Howard, get out.
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with the non-specificity of meat loaf.
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the same thing after the massage chair,
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but that machine just made it so real.
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Yes, you are.
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No, see, right there,
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Write down "loving son."
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It's like I needed to go through that experience
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who's just amazing.
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Oh, wow. (chuckles)
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I just want to point out to everyone here,
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Honestly, I'm surprised you two didn't wind up together.
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We owe you an apology.
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Look, we got really angry at each other, and you
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Hopefully, he won't be too upset.
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Let's not wait so long for another bizarre, awkward night.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 19, 2017

Leonard and Penny may need a Relationship Agreement, and Sheldon volunteers to prepare one.

Aired 8 years ago - Jan 05, 2017

Sheldon and Amy visit Leonard and Penny for the first time since the holidays and share details about their terrible trip to Texas.

Aired 8 years ago - Dec 15, 2016

Amy's desire to have an intimate night with Sheldon on her birthday is interrupted by Bernadette going into labor.

Aired 8 years ago - Dec 01, 2016

Sheldon and Leonard must divide up their possessions and remove Penny's things from 4B.

Aired 8 years ago - Nov 17, 2016

When Bert, a Caltech geologist, wins the MacArthur Genius fellowship, Sheldon is overcome with jealousy. Also, Wolowitz finds an old remote control Stephen Hawking action figure he invented.

Aired 8 years ago - Nov 10, 2016

After a successful experiment combining their genes, Sheldon will stop at nothing to convince Amy they should procreate. Also, Koothrappali is embarrassed to tell the gang what the new woman he’s dating does for a living.

Aired 8 years ago - Nov 03, 2016

In order to continue living with Sheldon, Amy lies to him about repairs being made to her apartment and they host an "on location" episode of "Fun With Flags" in Penny’s apartment. Also, Leonard lets Penny decorate Sheldon’s old room after he learns that she has been secretly moving Leonard’s collectibles into storage.

Aired 8 years ago - Oct 27, 2016

Penny is surprised to learn she has fans of her performance in "Serial Ape-ist" when she attends Van Nuys Comic Con with Leonard. Also, Amy hosts a Sheldon-style brunch at Penny’s apartment, and Wolowitz makes an impulsive purchase when he starts stressing out about the baby on the way.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 1
Oh, God, we are not ready to have an infant in this house!
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Willy Wonka would roll you to the juicing room.
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Are we even in a good school...?
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head shots, markers. Okay.
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Oh, and look at this.
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Yeah, well, if it's a dollar, you're in luck.
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So, I took matters
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Oh, fun story:
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for that Halloween haunted house
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Oh. Well, the real surprise is
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and therefore my surprise should be unsurprising.
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You bought a crib without me?
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a bit overboard, but you can't put a price on safety.
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You bought a minivan?!
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The guy at the dealership said
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Okay, so it's $4.75 for a signed black-and-white
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- Hi! - Hi.
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Okay. Who do I make it out to?
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Keep the change.
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There's nothing to be afraid of, Sheldon.
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Been 15 minutes. Just sayin'.
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How old was it?
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Stuart, this is Bert from the Caltech geology lab,
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15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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Okay, let's keep it moving.
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I like your movies.
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- Leonard... - No, no, no. It's not okay.
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Hey, show her the trunk! Show her the trunk!
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and why isn't he helping me?"
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Here. Give me those.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 35
It's weird that guy thought you were a couple.
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(whimpering) Oh, is it your back?
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So until Amy's apartment is fixed,
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hide your good rocks.
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You are the practice round.
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before your real friends come over?
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you know you're one of our favorite people.
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Well, she moved in across the hall.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06) - 43
Hang on. This guy's telling me
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I'm her change daddy.
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Do we really have to sit for hours
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Fine, we'll go to the E.R. Just stop selling me on the van.
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you are so screwed!
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Oh! This is a good one.
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Oh. Thank you.
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and I'm not even sure you think of me as a friend.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 17, 2016

Leonard and Penny must separate a quarreling Sheldon and Amy when their cohabitation does not go as planned, and Sheldon threatens to break off their relationship when Amy refuses to adhere to the bathroom schedule. Also, Howard and Bernadette find unexpected guests at their house when they decide to stay home from a planned vacation.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 1
Okay. Well, for starters,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 2
Well, as a male, I have an evolutionary drive
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 3
He's the pervert pulling the strings here.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 4
Then before we reintroduce them,
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(Bernadette retching loudly)
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 6
The only thing I hate more than you right now is that book!
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 7
Next vomit is gonna be in your lap.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 8
It'll be like a secret vacation at home.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 9
You just heard me throwing up.
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and headed for the storm cellar.
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Can't I just get ready in the morning
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That feels great.
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Can you please stop making money come out of me for two minutes?
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- We should call the police. - Uh...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 17
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 19
"Hey, you look like a boiled chicken breast"?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 20
he's the worst.
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That's true. And you're starting out
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 22
Look, even when Penny and I started living together,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 24
Is someone else here?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 25
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 27
Did they?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 29
It's like his sinuses are right here in the car.
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When I see a pretty gal walking down the street, I think,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 33
So how's your apartment?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 34
You've got all your lady friends, and...
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Nobody does. I was embarrassed so I didn't say anything.
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Oh, that must be fun. How's that going?
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No matter where I am at 7:18 a.m.,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 39
Look, how can you stop now?
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Oh. He can try. He'd just need a good locksmith.
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opening the freezer and going, "Aw, no strawberry."
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You are truly wise.
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that I've never told anyone.
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I came home early because they ran out of math to teach me.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 45
Oh, that's awful! I know.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05) - 46
We locked eyes, I ran to my room,
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Yes. I need to prepare her now
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you might cause in the future, how about trying
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without ever even considering you.
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Just finish your ice cream so I can get you home to bed.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 10, 2016

When Amy's apartment floods, she proposes a "cohabitation experiment" with Sheldon. Also, Howard and Bernadette are upset when Koothrappali learns the gender of the baby before they do.

Aired 8 years ago - Oct 03, 2016

Sheldon can't keep up with the late nights Howard and Leonard are putting in, Raj spends the day with a pregnant Bernadette and Penny and Amy attend a faculty party.

Aired 8 years ago - Sep 26, 2016

The Air Force shows interest in the guidance system and Penny lets it slip at work that Bernadette is expecting.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 1
I make him take a long walk.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 2
No one at the office did.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 3
Why don't you want anyone to know?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 4
Wail till I Snapchat that my friends might be working
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 5
You know, maybe before our meeting
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 6
My cousin does work in a call center.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 7
I'm a person who knows lots of things
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 8
How did you think you were gonna hide your pregnancy?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 9
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 10
I forgot my coat.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 11
but your clay was lies.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 12
I can see a clump of bitch cells lightin' up from here.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 13
which is better than Fort Lauderdale.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 14
Hey, no problem.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 15
- Hi. - Hello. And this is my friend, Raj.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 16
Well, I don't know much about patent law.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 17
you'd recommend that we leave that unsigned?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 18
Howard, why is he yelling at me?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 19
you'll be hearing from me.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 20
In, like, two minutes. Yeah.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 21
she didn't know what I was talking about.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 22
"how to be a prostitute" is over the line?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 23
What kind of revenge is that?
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wasn't Barbara Chen, it was me.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 26
I don't understand why I can't talk at this meeting.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 27
that Colonel Sanders was never actually in the military?
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I'm Colonel Williams.
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but I guess if we had to pick a main brain, it would be me.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 30
this can run perpetually?
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Where did you go to school?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 32
for this technology,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 34
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I'm not even sure that's possible.
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Also, engineers aren't real scientists,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 38
Did you come here to bring me dinner or to gloat?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 39
I've always been treated differently!
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 40
I am really regretting that I got you a Happy Meal.
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Well, you brought me French fries. That's a start.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 42
And a chocolate shake!
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Does he even like lemon bars?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02) - 44
You knew what was gonna happen. Why didn't they?
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a parasitoid wasp known as Oobius depressus
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Okay. Never mind.
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except that I said it on purpose, and I have no regrets.
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and she'll realize my brioche French toast
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Well, the colonel said it was for the good of the country,
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Now I know how all those army wives feel.
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 19, 2016

After Leonard's father, Alfred and Sheldon's mother, Mary share an evening together, everyone deals with an awkward morning the following day. Also, Penny's family arrives for the ceremony, including her anxiety-ridden mother, Susan, and her drug dealing brother, Randall.