
Season 12

Aired 5 years ago - May 16, 2019

Sheldon and Amy await big news.

Aired 5 years ago - May 02, 2019

Kripke has proof that Dr. Pemberton plagiarized his thesis in college, and Sheldon and Amy aren't sure if they should turn him in or not. Also, Wolowitz is happily surprised to learn that Bernadette wasn't the only waitress at the Cheesecake Factory who had a crush on him back in the day.

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♪ Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! ♪
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== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
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and moving forward, may the best team win.
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Great to meet you. Well, you have my number.
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Good to see you, Barry.
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when you say it's nice to see me?
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I'm not surprised. I heard the only work he did on his thesis
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I really don't want to see that guy win a Nobel.
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So couldn't we just bring down our wrath
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- Sure, what's up? - Yeah. - Fire away.
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Wow. Well, that's not gonna sit well with the Nobel Committee.
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Okay, now you just sound crazy.
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No, no, I agree with Bernadette.
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Th-That's where I got my taste for bad girls.
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Yes, but it may just be the Indian accent.
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Unless you think we're not doing the right thing.
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No, I just thought if you thought we weren't
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to point that out.
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and sometimes that means doing what you got to do.
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Oh, come on. I'll tell you mine.
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so I told her you had all the hepatitises, A through Z.
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You're right, it doesn't matter 'cause I got the best one.
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Sheldon loves telling on people when they break the rules.
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is-is polyamorous now, so that's fun to think about.
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They have all the momentum right now.
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They'd never have to know.
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Just realized I've never actually seen your hands dirty.
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What? Nothing.
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who kind of had a thing for me.
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Okay? We-we know it wasn't Penny,
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See? It's mean, right?
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It could've been anybody. Marta, Gina, Annalise...
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You sure you're not thinking about your husband?
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Are you okay?
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and now you don't risk losing to those idiots.
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There was only one princess, and it was me!
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- Thanks. - Yeah.
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ethically murky on your behalf,
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And that's a fact.
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That's the point. I'm doing it.
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compromising your integrity for us.
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because I realized I didn't even care.
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And why should I need to be validated by another woman
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Aired 5 years ago - Apr 25, 2019

Koothrappali is worried people won't take him seriously in his own field after publishing a paper that suggests he may have discovered alien life. Also, Leonard wants to be the principal investigator on a plasma physics study.

Aired 5 years ago - Apr 18, 2019

The concept of what it would mean for women everywhere if Amy were to win a Nobel Prize causes Amy to have a meltdown. Also, Koothrappali and Wolowitz try to relive the good old days after Wolowitz buys a scooter that looks like the one he had years ago.

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I think what President Siebert is trying to say is that
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Listen up, you have a shot to win a Nobel Prize,
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Yes, but I said it in my calming H.R. voice.
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We're canceling your speaking engagements and your interviews.
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to win a Nobel Prize in physics.
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...which is Swedish for, "Thank you for this honor."
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That looks like the moped you used to have.
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and looking and looking.
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I finally got my woman.
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I blew through my antiperspirant in, like, an hour.
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I don't even think it's possible to solve...
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Anything has a number if you assign it a number,
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Numb your brain with alcohol and watch a reality show
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and the idea that we may not win one, and that makes me angry,
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it sounds crazy, but it really works; ask Leonard.
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in a dark, soundless space.
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Come on, I'll do it with you.
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No, I bought me a scooter!
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is 12 horses of "eye-talian" thunder.
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Some people sleep.
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All right, are you ready?
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Is the pH between 7.2 and 7.8? Yes.
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Bebe. Bebe.
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Just tossing out this old helmet I don't need.
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It's sort of like floating in space.
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That's some good stuff.
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Open, clo-- nope, same thing.
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I'm just gonna give makeup tutorials on YouTube.
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You're letting us down. You're blowing it.
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Five more minutes?
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Uh, yeah, a little constructive criticism:
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Yes, it's about the Nobel Prize!
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You still mad?
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I'm sorry, but you telling me what I can and can't do
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What if you fell?
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I know that.
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I just want you to ask yourself if that tiny, ridiculous scooter
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Yeah, watch out, ladies.
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I tried to console her, but nothing seemed to work.
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Well, I don't see what else you could've done.
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Oh, so like what you're doing right now to help me.
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that gives her comfort: caring for me.
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No. Th-That's not even close to what--
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 04, 2019

When competitors Pemberton and Campbell charm America on a publicity tour, Sheldon and Amy try to bring Nobel laureates Kip Thorne, George Smoot and Frances Arnold to their side. Also, Halley’s fear of the dark leads to opportunity and conflict for Howard, Bernadette and Stuart.

Aired 6 years ago - Mar 07, 2019

When Penny and Bernadette go to San Diego for a pharmaceutical sales convention, Wolowitz is in charge of the kids. Also, Sheldon finds a book on experimenting on kids, and the guys plus Amy make a day of it.

Aired 6 years ago - Feb 21, 2019

The gang finds out Wil Wheaton hosts a celebrity Dungeons and Dragons game involving William Shatner, Joe Manganiello, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Kevin Smith. Deception and betrayal are the path to make it to the one open seat.

Aired 6 years ago - Feb 07, 2019

Penny tries to seduce an abstaining Leonard to ruin his "donation" for her ex-boyfriend, Zack, and his wife, Marissa. Also, Wolowitz, Bernadette, Anu and Koothrappali turn Koothrappali's canceled bachelor party into a couple's trip.

Aired 6 years ago - Jan 31, 2019

Sheldon is thrilled to help Bernadette and Wolowitz navigate bureaucratic paperwork, until he discovers they are breaking the law. Also, Leonard is disappointed when his friends exclude him from a scientific project.

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- Is this for the city zoning office? - Yes, it is.
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Now, how can I help you?
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We had quite the informative meeting on that.
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No, no, no, no. The zone zone is a safe zone.
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Cambodian, English, Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese.
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Oh, no. No, you need to fill it out, and then you need
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because they are three totally separate forms.
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Great, 'cause you just bought that whole row of Batmans.
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including the rare "DayQuilt" misprint from 1996.
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- You sick? - Uh, it's just allergies.
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diamond-bladed saw.
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Space viruses? Pod people?
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It's nice they found each other.
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Not as dumb as unleashing a plague on mankind,
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Now we have to go back tomorrow.
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I may have missed a few details.
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the 599B/C?
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and do it with us? - Or instead of us?
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They're probably cutting their stupid meteorite open
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They're gonna lose so much meteorite due to kerf loss.
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Are you sure you're not just a little jealous?
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Doesn't he need, like, all of it?
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Watch what happens when you move.
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It must be on the permit from when you built your deck.
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It's been here for years, Sheldon. It's fine.
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Yeah, but-but do we? Do we really know them?
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What is this, the Purge?
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What choice do I have? These are the rules.
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with this punk-ass diamond saw.
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Oh, that's funny!
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should I turn them in?
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And then, furthermore, if we're entertaining rules
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Oh, so you're saying I have no choice but to turn them in.
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How are her hot flashes? Any better?
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Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little...
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Let me see if you're running a fever.
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No, green. No, wait, brown.
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Sheldon, the deck is safe. You can walk on it.
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Really? "Aw"?
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Well, I don't know if I'd call you the good guys.
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I'm sorry, I want to live.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 17, 2019

Sheldon and Amy's super asymmetry theory is proven by two physicists, Dr. Pemberton and Dr. Campbell from Chicago, who then try to kick Amy off the Nobel nomination. Also, Bernadette has a big success at work and Penny's going to be a part of it—whether she wants to be or not.

Aired 6 years ago - Jan 10, 2019

Penny's ex-boyfriend, Zack, and his wife want a baby, but when Zack is infertile, they ask Leonard for help. Also, Koothrappali attempts to mend things with his ex-fiancée, Anu.

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On your boat?
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Leonard was just saying how he was hoping to have dinner
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♪ The Earth began to cool ♪
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It was fun. Amy got drunk and kept telling us
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Yeah, and he sold his company for a fortune and retired.
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And a dungeon with over 30 rooms left unexplored
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I'm winning you back Love Actually style.
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You also said you don't trust me and that you barely know me.
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and you don't want to be left behind.
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Why don't you shut the door, and I'll just do the cards?
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If you'd like, I could list them alphabetically.
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I don't know. I mean...
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I've made substantial contributions to my field.
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He's one of the first 11 employees of Microsoft.
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Well, just tell her you don't want to go.
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- Like she never screwed up. - Did she?
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I mean, remember
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So I'm just supposed to lie to my friend?
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That is funny.
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she'll tell you if she's heard of it.
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Nah. It's a little choppy tonight.
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After the first couple, you don't even feel it.
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He's super sweet. I should be happy for them.
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where we kicked each other in the balls over and over.
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And Zack's always admired you
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- I got it. - Just because I slept
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ZACK: Yeah, and we
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You know, I-I think we should talk about this.
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Did you install a camera to spy on your fiancée?
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and I did spy on her, but I did not install it to spy on her.
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Well, don't say that to them.
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and we'll straighten this whole thing out.
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You're also a dope.
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But figure it out quickly, or I'll be celebrating
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Well, I can see how he'd be flattered to be asked.
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Oh, absolutely not. I am the only handmaid in this tale.
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And we hate him.
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- That doesn't make any sense. - I know.
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Of course not. I just think it's interesting
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who is biologically yours but not actually yours.
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Come on, I know you're there, and I know you know it's me.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 03, 2019

Penny and Leonard organize a paintball game that results in mayhem when Sheldon is jealous of Amy. Also, Koothrappali catches Anu with her ex-boyfriend, and Stuart doesn’t want to move in with Denise.

Aired 6 years ago - Dec 06, 2018

Sheldon and Amy are still down about their theory being disproven, but a VHS tape from Sheldon’s past inspires him not to give up. Also, Bernadette turns into a pageant mom when she tries to help Wolowitz ace his Magic Castle audition.

Aired 6 years ago - Nov 15, 2018

Sheldon and Amy are devastated after learning from a Russian paper that Super Asymmetry has already been discovered and disproven. Also, ultra-competitive Bernadette asks Stuart’s girlfriend, Denise, to teach her how to beat Howard in a popular videogame.

Aired 6 years ago - Nov 08, 2018

Sheldon tries to bond with Amy’s father, but when Wolowitz lures Mr. Fowler away with magic tricks, Sheldon has no choice but to bond with Mrs. Fowler. Also, Koothrappali and Anu try to get physical for the first time.

Aired 6 years ago - Nov 01, 2018

Leonard is caught between a rock and a hard place when he’s responsible for distributing extra grant money. Also, Bernadette turns the backyard playhouse into a hideaway from her husband and kids.

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Uh, so, after I decide,
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Thank you. I-I'll get started right away.
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You didn't lift a finger.
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- What's going on? - Well,
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Uh, hold on, I'm not just gonna hand out money.
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and I'm taking it seriously.
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Can't think of a better guy for the job.
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Bring it in!
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WOLOWITZ: Halley, leave your brother's dirty diaper alone.
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I'm gonna be stuck at work for a while.
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He deserves better.
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Well, you should have thought about that
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An espresso machine? I don't think so. Denied!
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you are managing this grant money. - What do you want?
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I'm still working-- I'm just working from home.
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Yeah, sure. You slept with your husband.
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but I've really only seen the one with the gold robot.
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I've just been hiding out in Howie's playhouse.
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babies pulling my hair and pinching my belly fat.
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Do they really hold grudges?
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Okay, but, uh, when do you think you might make a decision?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 25
I think they're planning something.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 26
So you're just gonna give the money to your friend?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 27
No, because they wrote detailed proposals,
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crows aren't the only ones who can hold a grudge.
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Show me the money!
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 31
Yeah. 'Cause you're the boss man,
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There has got to be a right decision
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You want me to walk you through it?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 35
Mm, no.
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Okay, what would you do?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 38
You and Bernadette aren't doing stuff without me?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 39
Well, mine is knowing when I'm being excluded.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 40
We did not mean to leave you out.
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in three-dimensional chess for many years.
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- Of course. - Interesting.
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I mean, not "beating you at chess" easy,
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 48
Yeah. Where does Sheldon think you are?
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(door closes) Shh.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 7 (S12E07) - 50
We're just gonna have to wait till they go back inside.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 25, 2018

When Wolowitz dresses up as Sheldon for Halloween, Sheldon seeks retaliation at Leonard and Penny’s Halloween party. Also, Leonard is shocked that Penny doesn’t remember their first kiss.

Aired 6 years ago - Oct 18, 2018

When Amy doesn’t have time to work on super-asymmetry, Sheldon goes to great lengths to ensure she’s available to work with him even it if means accidentally sabotaging her career in the process. Also, Koothrappali doesn’t want Wolowitz to join him in hosting a show at the planetarium.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 1
Okay, I'll just say one more thing: lambda calculus.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 2
I'm-I'm just thinking about Raj.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 3
And it's gone.
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would you want to share the stage with a sexy-ass astronaut?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 5
with elementary quantum mechanical formalism
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 6
Oh, Sheldon.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 7
Sheldon, we've talked about this.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 8
she has so little time.
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Okay, well, Leonard's here now. You can talk science with him.
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why you don't want me to be a part of the planetarium show.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 11
First of all, I've totally done karaoke with a rock star.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 12
very accomplished in my field.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 13
but I am not scared of sharing the spotlight with you!
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 15
Well, don't worry, I'll go slow.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 16
Interesting. So you're taking the paradigms of supersymmetry,
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It would be a great help to both of us
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we conceptualize symmetry and asymmetry have been invaluable.
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I-I must say, I do not enjoy our talks.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 20
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 21
- Oh, Amy, there you are. - No, not...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 22
and I should take over your lab in the interim.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 23
Apparently, you're very difficult to replace.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 24
Wow. Banker's hours.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 25
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 26
If I had a nickel for every time a charity sent me a nickel.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 27
I start to lose my hearing and get two new jokes.
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All right, lay it on us.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 29
And he'd be right.
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The lobby's the first floor,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 31
so you'll have a couple of friendly faces in the audience.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 32
a charity sent me a nickel...
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Just shut up.
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Oh, sure,
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you are very important to this university
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 36
See, mansplaining is when a man explains things
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Really? What was the occasion?
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and making love.
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but tonight, we'll begin our journey
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And we are fortunate
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Kak horosho.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 42
Only 232 people have ever been on
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 43
Oh, please, luck had nothing to do with it.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 44
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 45
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 46
Aw, Raj, I love you, too.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 47
- Can you believe these two... - - Are you crying?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 48
Now, I'm confused, usually when you appear to me in my dreams,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 49
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 5 (S12E05) - 50
And you're... and you're coming to me for advice?
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 11, 2018

When Sheldon won’t tell anyone why he’s never mentioned Tam, his childhood best friend, Leonard takes matters into his own hands. Also, Bernadette and Penny take out Raj’s fiancée, Anu, for dinner to get the skinny on her.

Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 1
Maybe he can get some of his old cop buddies
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 2
and I wanted to see if you could use your connections
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 3
I thought you said he played by his own rules.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 4
this is a safe space-- it's okay to be vulnerable.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 5
it's got to be pretty upsetting.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 6
The two of them were always running around together.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 7
Wait, wait, so you don't know what their fight was about?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 8
If you mean digitized, annotated and put online, it did.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 9
Ooh, he updated the interface.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 10
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 11
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, if Tam knows
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 12
"putting a terrifying, giant yellow bird on television
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 13
order some food and take a nap.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 14
Of course. My pleasure.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 15
She's smart. I like her.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 16
I can fit my whole body in our dryer.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 18
Is my son done with his tour?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 19
He-he didn't come.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 20
Right. Because...
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we think you're right and he's wrong.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 22
It's been a long time.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 23
Do you believe this guy?!
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and I'd argue that's more whimsical than stupid.
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now that the cafeteria ladies finally told me
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D... Wait.
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That was harsh, but he was asking for it.
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Look, I think that's LeBron over there.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 30
You know, met a guy, fell in love,
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Why am I fighting this?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 33
Let me call you back.
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Who would I complain about you to?
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I gave him about social diseases.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 39
New neighbor?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 41
No, my life would've still been great.
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This one time, I had to go to Walmart at 3:00 a.m.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 43
We've been talking so much about me,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 44
How come he's still single?
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 46
But not cute sniffles-- full-on snot sobs.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 47
I just want you to know that, um...
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 48
Did she let you play with her train set?
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 49
and meet amazing people who were gonna respect you,
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Episode 4 (S12E04) - 50
of everything you've done.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 04, 2018

The Wolowitzes’ life gets complicated when Stuart starts bringing his new girlfriend home. Also, Penny and Leonard talk about starting a family while Koothrappali explores an arranged marriage.

Aired 6 years ago - Sep 27, 2018

Sheldon and Amy drive themselves crazy trying to figure out what “perfect gift” Leonard and Penny gave them for their wedding. Also, Koothrappali decides he wants to settle down and asks his father to arrange a marriage for him.

Aired 6 years ago - Sep 24, 2018

Sheldon and Amy’s honeymoon runs aground in New York, while Penny and Leonard discover they are uncomfortably similar to Amy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler. Also, Koothrappali insults physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and starts a Twitter war.