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Sundays 7:00 PM on BBC One

Season 3  "42"  3x7

Aired 17 years ago - May 19, 2007

Location: SS Pentallian Date: The 42nd century Enemies: Ashton In a far-flung galaxy, saboteurs are at work, and crew members are being possessed. The TARDIS crew find themselves in the 42nd century on a spaceship, SS Pentallian, slowly being pulled into a sun, and must find a way to survive

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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 1
The temperature's going mad in there. Up 3,000 degrees in ten seconds and still rising.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 2
Yeah, feels it. And you're still using energy scoops for fusion!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 3
Where's your Dunkirk spirit? Who's got the door passwords?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 4
You've gotta stop it!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 5
I do love a good stasis chamber! Keep him sedated in there, regulate the body temperature.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 6
Impact in 32.50.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 7
Give me a couple of minutes and I'll let you know.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 8
Now type it in! I dunno, talk about dumbing down, don't they teach recreational mathematics any more?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 9
Erm, that remix?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 10
We have to talk about this Doctor. Not now. I need you to look something up on the internet.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 11
His whole biological make-up, it's impossible.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 12
Korwin, you're sick.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 13
Korwin's gone!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 14
Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 15
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 16
He keeps me honest. So I don't want false hope.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 17
Keep going. You've got to get to Area One and reboot those engines.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 18
Everything on this ship is so cheap! CLANG!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 19
What is happening on this ship? Never mind that, where are we?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 20
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 21
There's no way I'm gonna be able to jumpstart this ship!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 22
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 23
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 24
I'll save you.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 25
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 26
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 27
I haven't seen my mum in six years.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 28
Call them.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 29
You're wasting your breath, Scannell. You're not gonna stop me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 30
It's me again. Sorry about earlier. Is everything all right?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 31
I dunno, anything.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 32
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 33
Doctor! How're you doing? I can't get it! I can't reach!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 34
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 35
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 36
You've got to take me to below minus 200, freeze it out of me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 37
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 38
There's this process, this, this thing that happens, if I'm about to die.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 39
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 40
Martha, listen. Only got a moment, you've gotta go.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 41
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 42
Riley, Scannell. I'm sorry. McDonnell! McDonnell!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 43
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 44
Impact in 1.06. Collision alert. Collision alert.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 46
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 47
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 48
By the way,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 49
I'll be round for tea. Roughly.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 50
You like pretty girls. Oh, in the sky! Help me!

Or scroll and see one by one:

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 2
Yeah, feels it. And you're still using energy scoops for fusion!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 3
Where's your Dunkirk spirit? Who's got the door passwords?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 4
You've gotta stop it!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 5
I do love a good stasis chamber! Keep him sedated in there, regulate the body temperature.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 6
Impact in 32.50.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 7
Give me a couple of minutes and I'll let you know.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 8
Now type it in! I dunno, talk about dumbing down, don't they teach recreational mathematics any more?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 9
Erm, that remix?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 10
We have to talk about this Doctor. Not now. I need you to look something up on the internet.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 11
His whole biological make-up, it's impossible.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 12
Korwin, you're sick.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 13
Korwin's gone!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 14
Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 15 #15 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 16
He keeps me honest. So I don't want false hope.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 17
Keep going. You've got to get to Area One and reboot those engines.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 18
Everything on this ship is so cheap! CLANG!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 19
What is happening on this ship? Never mind that, where are we?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 20 #20 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 21
There's no way I'm gonna be able to jumpstart this ship!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 22 #22 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 23 #23 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 24
I'll save you.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 25 #25 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 26 #26 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 27
I haven't seen my mum in six years.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 28
Call them.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 29
You're wasting your breath, Scannell. You're not gonna stop me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 30
It's me again. Sorry about earlier. Is everything all right?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 31
I dunno, anything.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 32 #32 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 33
Doctor! How're you doing? I can't get it! I can't reach!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 34 #34 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 35 #35 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 36
You've got to take me to below minus 200, freeze it out of me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 37 #37 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 38
There's this process, this, this thing that happens, if I'm about to die.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 39 #39 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 40
Martha, listen. Only got a moment, you've gotta go.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 41 #41 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 42
Riley, Scannell. I'm sorry. McDonnell! McDonnell!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 43 #43 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 44
Impact in 1.06. Collision alert. Collision alert.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 45 #45 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 46 #46 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 47 #47 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 48
By the way,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 49
I'll be round for tea. Roughly.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 50
You like pretty girls. Oh, in the sky! Help me!