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Season 3

Aired 17 years ago - Jun 30, 2007

Location: Earth, The Valiant Date: 2008, 2009 Enemies: The Toclafane, The Master One year has passed since the events of "The Sound of Drums." The Earth has been conquered and its population enslaved, the Doctor is the Master's prisoner, and the warships of a new Time Lord Empire rise from the ashes. The fate of the world is in Martha Jones' hands. MORE -LESS

Aired 17 years ago - Jun 23, 2007

Location: London Date: 2008 Enemies: The Master, the Toclafane Harry Saxon becomes Prime Minister and his reign of terror begins – but that's only the start of his ambitions, as he announces mankind's first contact with an alien race, the Toclafane. An audacious plan spanning the whole of time and space begins to close around the Earth, in the penultimate episode of Russell T Davies's Doctor Who. MORE -LESS

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 1
A glorious day. Downing Street, rebuilt.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 2
You see, I'm not making myself very clear. Funny is like this...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 3
Because of the gas. What gas?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 4
You gonna tell us who he is? He's a Time Lord.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 5
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 6
Your husband is not who he says he is. I'm sorry.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 7
Look, Harold Saxon never went to Cambridge,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 8
and that's why I'm asking you, Lucy, I am begging you,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 9
Harold Saxon doesn't exist.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 10
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 11
He can only travel between the year 100,000,000,000, and the last place the TARDIS landed.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 12
I don't know, it's nothing, it's just... I don't know!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 13
People of the Earth. We come in peace.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 14
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 15
Martha. It's me. Dad? What are you doing there?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 16
We're taking them in.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 17
The only place he can go is Planet Earth! Great idea! Careful!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 18
Let them go, Saxon!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 19
Back home?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 20
I was so scared.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 21
Why d'you say that? The drumming.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 22
which, by the way, is ticking every demographic box.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 23
Run for your life!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 24
Is the Machine ready?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 25
Still says the Jones family taken in for questioning.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 26
They used to call it the Shining World of the Seven Systems...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 27
He stood in front of the Untempered Schism -
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 28
Encrypted channel, with files attached.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 29
That's when it all started, when Harry Saxon
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 30
Any way you can stop it? Not from down here.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 31
It's like... I know you're there, but I don't want to know.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 32
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 33
I found a pen, a sweet, a bus ticket and, er... Have you met the wife?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 34
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 35
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 36
How do we get on board? Does that thing work as a teleport?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 37
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 38
Doctor, my family's on board. Brilliant!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 39
According to the treaty, all armed personnel are requested to leave the Flight Deck immediately, thank you.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 40
It's 3am in the morning on the Eastern Seaboard,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 41
If they stop me, you've got a key. Yes, sir. I'll get him.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 42
Where's my Master, pretty please?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 43
We meet at last, Doctor. O- ho... I love saying that!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 44
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 46
Two minutes past!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 47
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 48
'This is Geneva! We're getting slaughtered down here!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 49
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 12 (S03E12) - 50
Aired 17 years ago - Jun 16, 2007

Location: Malcassairo Date: The Year 100 Trillion Enemies: Futurekind, The Master After being brought back to life in The Parting of the Ways, Captain Jack Harkness was just left on the Gamestation by the Doctor and Rose. In this episode, Captain Jack Harkness storms back into the Doctor's life, and the TARDIS is thrown to the end of the universe itself. MORE -LESS

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 1
Where, it is to be hoped, the coffee is a little less sour.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 2
VOICE DROWNED OUT BY LOUD DRUMMING Chantho:Chan, Professor Yana, tho.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 3
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 4
Martha:Oh, well so much for me! It's all right, just breathe deep, I've got you.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 5
I saw the list of the dead.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 6
Doctor:Told you!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 7
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 8
Doctor:I suppose...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 9
Martha:What the hell are they? Man:We've got to keep going.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 10
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 11
Guard:Oh, yes, sir. Yes, I can!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 12
Guard:We're driving out for the last water collection, I'll see what I can do. Doctor:Thank you!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 13
but you always revert to the same basic shape.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 14
Doctor:They're not refugees, they're passengers. Martha:He said they were going to Utopia.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 15
Chantho:Chan, Chantho, tho.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 16
You've got a hand, a hand in a jar.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 17
Professor:My assistant, and good friend, Chantho. A survivor of the Malmooth.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 18
Professor:Every human knows of Utopia.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 19
The Science Foundation created the Utopia Project, thousands of years ago.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 20
This footprint mechanism-thing, it's not working.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 21
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 22
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 23
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 24
Professor:Oh, those damn galaxies, they had to go and collapse!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 25
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 26
Still, no rest for the wicked.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 27
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 28
Professor:Captain, keep the dials below the red. Doctor:Where is that room? Professor:It's underneath the rocket.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 29
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 30
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 31
Doctor:Professor, you've got a room which no man can enter, without dying. Is that correct?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 32
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 33
Doctor:When did you realise? Jack:Earth, 1892.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 34
Even the Tardis reacted against you, tried to shake you off,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 35
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 36
Doctor:Do you want to die? Jack:Oh, this one's a little stuck.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 37
Professor:They say there was time travel back in the old days,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 38
Professor:I was a naked child, found on the coast of the Silver Devastation.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 39
Doctor:Lieutenant, everyone on board? Atillo:'Ready and waiting. ' Doctor:Stand by! Two minutes to ignition!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 40
Doctor:It can't be. Jack:That means he could be a Time Lord! You might not be the last one!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 41
Chantho:Chan, Yana, won't you please take some rest, tho?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 42
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 43
Chantho:Chan, you must stop, tho.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 44
Professor:Did you never think all those years, standing beside me, to ask about that watch?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 46
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 47
How inappropriate.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 48
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 49
Doctor:Master. I'm sorry.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 11 (S03E11) - 50
Aired 17 years ago - Jun 09, 2007

Location: Hull, London, England Date: 2007 Enemies: The Weeping Angels Suggestion is a powerful weapon ... The Doctor is lost in time and within the walls of an old, abandoned house, murder is afoot and the Weeping Angels await... A young woman called Sally visits a dilapidated house, and is led down a terrifying time-torn path.

Aired 17 years ago - Jun 02, 2007

Location: A boys' boarding school Date: 1913 Enemies: The Family of Blood England, 1913. A schoolteacher called John Smith dreams of adventures in time and space. The Doctor, along with Martha, heads to a boarding school, but what he finds is far from ordinary... Conclusion.

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 1
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 2
I can smell the schoolteacher, he's gone back to his academy.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 3
What are you doing?! Maybe I can't fight them. But this school teaches us to stand together! Take arms!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 4
Redford, maintain position, faster now. They're boys! They don't stand a chance.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 5
Well... they said, uh... Baines threatened Mr Smith, sir.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 6
Am I to gather that some practical joke has got out of hand? Headmaster, sir! Good evening, sir!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 7
We are the Family of Blood.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 8
Don't you forget, boy. I've been a soldier.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 9
If we have to make a fight of it, then make a fight we shall.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 10
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 11
War comes to England, a year in advance.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 12
just his friend. And... human, I take it?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 13
Those boys are going to fight. I might not be a doctor, but I'm still their nurse. They need me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 14
Well... It lies on the River Leen,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 15
Am I not enough? No, that's not true. Never. I've got to go.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 16
I've seen it. But not here, not now. What's that supposed to mean?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 17
You were with that family, you're one of them.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 18
Stand to!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 19
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 20
We killed no-one.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 21
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 22
Out you go, quick as you can.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 23
If there are any more boys inside, I'll find them.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 24
Come to us. I've never seen it in my life.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 25
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 26
Here we are. It should be empty.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 27
How easily I accept these ideas.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 28
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 29
Stop it, I said stop it.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 30
Why did he speak to me? Oh, low level telepathic field, you were born with it,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 31
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 32
I never read to the end. Those creatures would live forever.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 33
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 34
I can't even hear it. Says nothing to me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 35
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 36
That's all I ask. I'll do anything you want, just stop.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 37
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 38
It seems to be indicating you've got energy feedback all the way through the retro-stabilisers feeding back
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 39
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 40
'I wonder if one day he might forgive her, but there she is.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 41
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 42
John Smith? He's in here somewhere.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 43
What must I look like to you, Doctor?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 44
Answer me this. Just one question, that's all.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 46
Thanks for looking after me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 47
But keep it with you. For good luck.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 48
'And this then led, through nations having treaties with nations, like a line of dominoes falling,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 49
Now come on! That's an order!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 9 (S03E09) - 50
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
Aired 17 years ago - May 26, 2007

Location: A boys' boarding school Date: 1913 Enemies: The Family of Blood England, 1913. A schoolteacher called John Smith dreams of adventures in time and space. The Doctor, along with Martha, heads to a boarding school, but what he finds is far from ordinary...

Aired 17 years ago - May 19, 2007

Location: SS Pentallian Date: The 42nd century Enemies: Ashton In a far-flung galaxy, saboteurs are at work, and crew members are being possessed. The TARDIS crew find themselves in the 42nd century on a spaceship, SS Pentallian, slowly being pulled into a sun, and must find a way to survive

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 1
The temperature's going mad in there. Up 3,000 degrees in ten seconds and still rising.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 2
Yeah, feels it. And you're still using energy scoops for fusion!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 3
Where's your Dunkirk spirit? Who's got the door passwords?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 4
You've gotta stop it!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 5
I do love a good stasis chamber! Keep him sedated in there, regulate the body temperature.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 6
Impact in 32.50.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 7
Give me a couple of minutes and I'll let you know.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 8
Now type it in! I dunno, talk about dumbing down, don't they teach recreational mathematics any more?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 9
Erm, that remix?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 10
We have to talk about this Doctor. Not now. I need you to look something up on the internet.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 11
His whole biological make-up, it's impossible.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 12
Korwin, you're sick.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 13
Korwin's gone!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 14
Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 15
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 16
He keeps me honest. So I don't want false hope.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 17
Keep going. You've got to get to Area One and reboot those engines.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 18
Everything on this ship is so cheap! CLANG!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 19
What is happening on this ship? Never mind that, where are we?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 20
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 21
There's no way I'm gonna be able to jumpstart this ship!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 22
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 23
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 24
I'll save you.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 25
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 26
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 27
I haven't seen my mum in six years.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 28
Call them.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 29
You're wasting your breath, Scannell. You're not gonna stop me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 30
It's me again. Sorry about earlier. Is everything all right?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 31
I dunno, anything.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 32
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 33
Doctor! How're you doing? I can't get it! I can't reach!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 34
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 35
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 36
You've got to take me to below minus 200, freeze it out of me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 37
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 38
There's this process, this, this thing that happens, if I'm about to die.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 39
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 40
Martha, listen. Only got a moment, you've gotta go.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 41
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 42
Riley, Scannell. I'm sorry. McDonnell! McDonnell!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 43
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 44
Impact in 1.06. Collision alert. Collision alert.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 46
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 47
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 48
By the way,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 49
I'll be round for tea. Roughly.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 7 (S03E07) - 50
You like pretty girls. Oh, in the sky! Help me!
Aired 17 years ago - May 05, 2007

Location: London Date: 2008 Enemy: Professor Lazarus It looks as though Martha's odyssey is coming to an end when the Doctor drops her home, even landing the Tardis inside her lounge. But then a TV news report tickles the insatiable curiosity of our gallivanting Gallifreyan, and they're off again. So we're treated to the unusual sight of the Doc in a DJ as he escorts a glammed-up Martha to the launch of a scientific breakthrough: an eternal youth machine created by an elderly professor, Richard Lazarus. As with all weird science, the side effects are severe, but this is a very extreme case (and no, it's not suitable for tots). Doctor Who continues its game of spot the homage. Tonight's story is an enjoyable synthesis of She, The Fly and The Quatermass Experiment - even down to the final battle in a London cathedral. But despite some charming interplay between the two leads and an excellent turn from Mark Gatiss as the young and old professor, The Lazarus Experiment is a pretty conventional runaround, though the nightmarish Identikit creature is superbly realised and dedicated Whovians can look out for a "reverse the polarity" reference. MORE -LESS

Aired 17 years ago - Apr 28, 2007

Location: New York Date: 1930s Enemies: Daleks (Cult of Skaro), Pig Slaves The newly-created Dalek-human hybrid, and the other three members of the Cult of Skaro launch an attack on Hooverville, along with their Pig Slaves. The Doctor, Martha, and Frank manage to escape, but discover that the Daleks' plan involving the Empire State Building...

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 1
What is the purpose of that device?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 2
The prisoners must be recaptured.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 3
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 4
There's got to be a way to reason with them. No chance! You ain't seen 'em, boss.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 5
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 6
What in this world...? It's the Devil. A Devil in the sky.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 7
No, Solomon, stay back!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 8
terrifies me, right down to the bone.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 9
All right, so it's my turn!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 10
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 11
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 12
The Doctor gave me this.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 13
But what do you want me for?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 14
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 15
Is there any way to restore them? To make them Human again?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 16
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 17
A strong enough blast of gamma radiation
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 18
We must return to the flesh and also the heart.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 19
Hey, how come those guards let us through? How does that thing work? It's psychic paper,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 20
Take us across the stars, find us a new home.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 21
The height of this place! This is amazing!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 22
They're just simple beasts. Their life span is limited.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 23
He'd know what we're looking for!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 24
But sometimes, I say something or do something and he looks at me,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 25
Then it's all systems go! The solar flare is imminent.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 26
They've added something, see?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 27
The new bodies will be 100% Dalek!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 28
You have betrayed me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 29
Oh, that's high. That's very... Blimey, that's high.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 30
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 31
Oh, honey. You're burning up. What's wrong with you? Tell me.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 32
Connect this to the lift and they get zapped with electricity!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 33
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 34
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 35
The population will be converted into Daleks.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 36
There's Dalekanium still attached.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 37
I got in the way. That gamma strike went zapping through me first.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 38
There ain't nothing more creepy than a theatre in the dark.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 39
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 40
You will die, Doctor, at the beginning of a new age!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 41
But he can help you. The Doctor must die! No!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 42
What are you waiting for? Give the command!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 43
Time Lord DNA got all mixed up. Just that little bit of freedom.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 44
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 45
Dalek Caan.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 46
Doctor, he's sick. LASZLO PANTS
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 47
Oh, Tallulah, with three L's and an H...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 48
They'll give you a home, Laszlo.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 49
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 5 (S03E05) - 50
Aired 17 years ago - Apr 21, 2007

Location: New York Date: 1930s Enemies: Daleks (Cult of Skaro), Pig Slaves The Doctor investigates disappearances in New York at the height of the depression in the 1930s. Nefarious Pig Men linger in the sewers and the Daleks prepare an audacious plan at the top of the Empire State Building

Aired 17 years ago - Apr 14, 2007

Location: New Earth Date: The year 5,000,000,053 Enemies: Macra The Doctor takes Martha to New Earth, in the far future, only to find that an entire city has become a deadly trap.

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 1
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 2
More interesting! It's all cocktails and glitter up there. This is the real city.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 3
I think they're selling moods.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 4
Your parents, your mother and father, they're on the Motorway.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 5
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 6
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 7
And this street is closing.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 8
No, nor me. OK.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 9
No, you're idiots. You're having a baby and you're wearing that? Ow!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 10
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 11
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 12
We heard there were jobs out in the laundries, on Fire Island, thought we'd take a chance.
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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 14
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 15
Now, I've got a hitchhiker here, calls himself the Doctor.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 16
That's it! So how do we find them? Ah, now, there, I'm afraid, I can't help.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 17
Some cars just vanish, never to be seen again.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 18
Not in a million years! You've got three passengers.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 19
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 20
The sun is blazing high over the New Atlantic, the perfect setting for the Daily Contemplation.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 21
♪ For a world of lost sinners was slain
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 22
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 23
Hardly know her.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 24
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 25
We'll do the whole loop. By the time we come back round, they'll be open.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 26
Jehovah! What are you, some stupid kid? Get out of here!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 27
Is this the last layer? We're right at the bottom. Nothing below us but the Fast Lane. Can we drive down?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 28
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 29
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 30
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 31
Oh, it's like New Times Square in here, for goodness' sake!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 32
Transport. Don't you dare! Don't you dare!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 33
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 34
Who's "we"? How did you survive?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 35
But there are planets out there. You could've called for help.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 36
There's always the Doctor.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 37
So, um, who is he, then, this Doctor?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 38
Good luck. And you.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 39
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 40
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 41
We've got to clear that Fast Lane. Drive up and get out of the way.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 42
Did I tell you, Doctor? You're not bad, sir. You're not bad at all!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 43
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 44
Legend says the Face of Boe has lived for billions of years.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 45
But know this, Time Lord.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 46
Happy happy.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 47
MASSED VOICES SING: # Fast falls the eventide... #
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 48
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 49
my friends, even that sky.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03) - 50
It's the Depression, sweetie. Your heart might break but the show goes on.
Aired 17 years ago - Apr 07, 2007

Location: Earth Date: 1599 Enemies: Carrionites Martha takes her first trip in the Tardis, all the way back to Elizabethan England. She and the Doctor hear of a series of bizarre deaths and discover that playwright William Shakespeare is being controlled by dangerous witch-like creatures. It seems the time-travelling duo must defeat ancient forces to prevent history from being rewritten. MORE -LESS

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 1
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 2
Look over there They've got recycling.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 3
When you get home, you can tell everyone you've seen Shakespeare! And then I could get sectioned!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 4
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 5
And now we're gonna hear him speak! Always, he chooses the best words, new, beautiful, brilliant words...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 6
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 7
Well... I was just gonna give you a quick little trip in the Tardis,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 8
Oh no. No, no, no, who let you in?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 9
No, it says right there, Sir Doctor, Martha Jones, it says so.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 10
I don't work to your schedule, you work to mine! The script, now!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 11
ALL: Water damps the fiercest flame, drowns down girls and boys the same!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 12
Leave it to me, I'm a doctor. So am I, near enough.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 13
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 14
I've got you a room, Sir Doctor, you and Miss Jones are just across the landing.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 15
I might use that. Good night, Doctor.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 16
I've only just started believing in time travel.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 17
That friend of mine, Rose, right now, she'd say exactly the right thing.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 18
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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 20
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 21
The columns there, right, and 14 sides...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 22
And if you exaggerate that... It's like your police box. Small wooden box, but with all that power inside.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 23
Though you are a Royal beauty.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 24
"..Dravidian shores and linear five, nine three o one six."
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 25
Does my Lord Doctor wish some entertainment while he waits?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 26
Maybe not, bit pretentious.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 27
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 28
That's it.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 29
Always 14.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 30
Poor fragile mortals.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 31
It's a different sort of science. You chose mathematics.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 32
A world of bones and blood and witchcraft. But how?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 33
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 34
Patience, my sisters, patience...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 35
Allhallows Street.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 36
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 37
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 38
How many of you? Just the three. But the play tonight shall restore the rest.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 39
Now, you might call that magic, I'd call that a DNA Replication Module.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 40
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 41
and strikes the fulsome grove of Rexel Four. Co-radiating crystal activate!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 42
CARRIONITES: Now begins the Millennium of Blood!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 43
The shape of the Globe gives words power, you're the wordsmith -
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 44
Foul Carrionite spectres cease your show between the points...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 46
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 47
Not sure about this, though,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 48
time we were off. I've got a nice attic in the Tardis, where this lot can scream for all eternity.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 49
What? My sworn enemy!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 50
You want happy? Bucket of anger. How much do you want forgetting?
Aired 17 years ago - Apr 01, 2007

Location: Earth/Moon Date: 2008 Enemies: Judoon, Plasmavore, Slabs Trainee doctor Martha Jones has her hands full balancing her medical studies with placating her demanding family. So the last thing she needs is to find that the hospital where she works has been transported to the moon, where it's invaded by an overbearing alien police force. There she encounters a patient called John Smith, who seems curiously at ease with the situation… MORE -LESS

Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 1
We could take bloods and check for Meniere's disease.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 2
John Smith, admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains. Jones?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 3
Stomach cramps? That is a symptom, not a diagnosis.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 4
We tell Annalise that the buffet tonight is 100% carbohydrate
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 5
The rain. It's only rain.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 6
It felt like an earthquake, or... ? Martha!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 7
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 8
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 9
OK. We might die.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 10
I've got a party tonight.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 11
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 12
Far as I'm concerned, you've got to earn that title.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 13
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 14
That's aliens. Real, proper aliens.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 15
I can't do anything! Oh, I think you can.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 16
of salty fats and vintage wines and all those Michelin-star sauces?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 17
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 18
'I'm sorry. Don't hurt me.' Language assimilated.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 19
What are you on about, "Galactic Law"? Where d'you get that from?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 20
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 21
Well, if you won't answer properly...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 22
If they find the hospital guilty of harbouring a fugitive, they'll execute it.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 23
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 24
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 25
shift the radiation out of my body and into one spot -
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 26
My sonic screwdriver! She was a patient... Burnt out my sonic screwdriver!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 27
If she can assimilate Mr Stoker's blood, mimic the biology, she'll register as human!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 28
I like that - "Humans" (!) I'm still not convinced you're an alien.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 29
Welcome to my world. What about the Judoon?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 30
Think, think, think. If I was a wanted Plasmavore surrounded by police, what would I do?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 31
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 32
Human. Wait! Non-human trace suspected!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 33
Doesn't that distance include the Earth? Only the side facing the moon.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 34
Maybe that's why they're increasing their scans. What?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 35
Traces of facial contact with non-human.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 36
But she's not human! Oh, but I am, I've been catalogued.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 37
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 38
You can't just leave it! What's it gonna do?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 39
One, two, three, four, five...
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 40
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 41
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 42
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 43
'I was there, I saw it happen and I feel uniquely privileged.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 44
Annalise started it, she did, I heard her.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 45
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 46
I can travel in time as well. Get out of here. I can!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 47
And that's your spaceship?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 48
But is there a crew?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 49
Now, don't. And then travel all the way across the universe
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1 (S03E01) - 50
The Globe Theatre containing the man himself.