
Season 5

Aired 18 years ago - May 22, 2006

Jack takes his fight directly to the President as he attempts to force a confession from him that will prove his involvement in the day's events. Martha vents her hatred for her husband in front of the press as Logan gives a eulogy over Palmer's body. Jack and Audrey share a tender moment when it seems the crisis has subsided, but Jack finds that his problems have only begun as his past catches up with him. MORE -LESS

Aired 18 years ago - May 22, 2006

Jack and Henderson wage an assault on the submarine as Bierko prepares to launch an attack against L.A. Chloe brings in someone from her past to aid her. Martha and Aaron enlist Mike's help in their plans to expose Logan.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 23 (S05E23) - 1
the Russian submarine Natalia is docked here for inspection by the navy.
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Now I need to know precisely how long it will take to scramble these fighters.
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Chloe's simulation has Bierko firing the missiles in less than 20 minutes.
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If there are friendlies inside, they can help us board. Scan all emergency frequencies.
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I repeat. This is Petty Officer Tim Rooney on Natalia K-524,
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The atmospheric gauges redlined.
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- What do you want me to do? - Find the forward escape hatch and let us in.
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But according to the latest estimates, they won't get there on time.
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I won't know until I see how their targeting software's configured.
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You need to cut deep to sever the vocal cords and the carotid artery.
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Then lay low and stay there. Do not engage them, do you understand?
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The control room's right behind us.
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We'll keep Bierko and his men out so you can finish this. Let's go.
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OK. Lieutenant, I need access to a vehicle.
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His cask is being flown to Arlington for burial. I'd like to say a few words at the airfield.
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Oh, please.
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You'll also be interested to know Christopher Henderson was killed during the operation.
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Where's Agent Adams?
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Keep my mouth shut.
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You're right, but first we have to get Aaron off the ranch.
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- We decided to bring Mike into this. - I'm still trying to process it. It's a real mess.
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He cannot be allowed to remain in office, not for one more day.
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The request came from the White House.
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- What are you doing? - Making your people more efficient.
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OK, I'm not listening any more.
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Jack Bauer, a former CTU agent, contacted Aaron and me. He's on his way here now.
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You have to find a way to stall him.
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He's trying, but he had to ask Mrs Logan for some help.
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- Will you be leaving soon? - Yes, I'm leaving now.
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All right.
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I never expected you to say anything like this.
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not ever.
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OK, Charles.
Aired 18 years ago - May 15, 2006

Bierko escapes from the transport taking him to Division and uses his last canister of nerve gas for a surprise strike. Jack is forced to work with Henderson to find Bierko, but Henderson wants something in return. Logan takes drastic steps to deal with Aaron when he won't go along with the cover-up.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 22 (S05E22) - 1
- Someone got to that recording. - Perhaps it was damaged.
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- I don't know what you're talking about. - We know it was you.
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Do what you have to do, Karen.
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Yes, based on evidence I initially thought was credible.
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- Davis, Karen Hayes. What happened? - Our lead car got taken out by an IED.
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After the fires, there was not enough left to do a full accounting.
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There's nothing else.
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But I need to know that we can put this behind us.
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Is there anything else... Charles?
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I know Pierce, Mr President. I've served with him for five years.
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Mr President. I confess I didn't expect to hear from you again.
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You have everything well in hand, Mr President.
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He won't talk to us, and you know that.
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The best way to honour his memory is to make the choice to save others.
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Since you're clearly no longer a fugitive, I assume they retrieved that recording.
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They sent you in here to broker a deal, didn't they?
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I won't make your mistake. I'm gonna leave the country, and take Miriam with me.
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Now, Bierko is gonna hit hard, so you'd better think fast.
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Excuse me for one second.
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Audrey, I'm sorry. I gotta go.
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Ma'am, please stay where you are.
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- Why not? - Think about it. You read Malina's file.
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- What are you looking for? - Is there another way outta here?
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Slowly, stand up.
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So you better pray there's something on there you can read.
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Why is the US navy inspecting a Russian submarine?
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I'll have Audrey call DOD and open a priority line to the sub. She'll get back to you.
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- You're on with Jack Bauer. - What is this about?
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Aired 18 years ago - May 08, 2006

Jack searches for a safe place to land the plane when Logan gives orders to shoot it down. Hayes readies Bierko for a transfer to a secure facility, while Audrey receives some good news about her father. Logan becomes desperate as his plans start to unravel, but an unexpected ally at CTU turns the tables in his favor.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 21 (S05E21) - 1
Thank God. OK, I'll get back to you as soon as we're on final approach.
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- Thank you so much. - You're welcome.
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I sure as hell hope so. I may be the president, but there are certain protocols in place.
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You sound reluctant.
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This recording better be everything Jack claims it is.
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- Tell me what's happening. - The FAA picked up a VCI distress code.
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Most likely one of the pilots secretly activated the transponder code.
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- I don't believe this. - If I could interject.
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If we shoot it down then, there'll be massive casualties.
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Ms Hayes. This just came in over the interagency subnet.
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And tell them what? They don't want to hear anything I have to say.
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All the way.
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- What's going on? - An F-18's been sent to shoot Jack down.
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Bill, hold on one second, I want to put you on speakerphone. Go ahead.
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- He should be there within minutes. - Redirecting.
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We don't get on the ground before that F-18 reaches us, it's not gonna matter. Descend!
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I can see the freeway!
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I'm handing the controls back to you. Touch it down.
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- Bill, we made it. We're down on the ground. - We've redirected Curtis to your location.
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I know.
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- Hands where we can see them. - We're federal agents.
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If you don't talk to me, I'll have to get my answers somewhere else.
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We've worked a lot of years together, Karen, and I have never wavered in my allegiance.
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- What is it? - A recording of a conversation.
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Are you gonna arrest the President of the United States?
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As ordered, the marines sealed off a one-mile radius around the landing site.
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Work alone. I don't want anyone else near that recording.
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Oh, God, I'm so glad to see you.
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I still believe that we acted in the best interests of the country.
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I appreciate that, Charles. We all do.
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I know what I did was wrong. It was horribly wrong, and unforgivable. I know that.
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- Go ahead. You're on with the president. - Mr President?
Aired 18 years ago - May 01, 2006

After stowing away aboard the flight containing Henderson's contact and the incriminating recording, Jack finds himself having to deal with a pilot who refuses to cooperate. Martha begins to break down, and Mike becomes suspicious of what she is hiding from him, while Logan tries to calm his financial backers.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 20 (S05E20) - 1
If you need anything, contact her. Chloe, please, just go.
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Don't make us use force. We know she's been here.
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Copy that.
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No, but she's letting me help you. If there's proof against Logan she wants it.
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- Is anyone sitting next to him? - No.
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Excuse me.
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- My name's George Avila. I'm the air marshal. - What's wrong?
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I just called the President of the United States a son of a bitch. No reaction?
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- Yes. I'm just down the hall from your room. - I need you to come here right away.
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Thank you, Agent. You are dismissed.
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Why not?
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Your wife is in a very agitated state.
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I'll tell you where, Mr President. I'm your Chief of Staff.
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Give her what she wants.
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Find it. Move!
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I need to talk to Passenger Clearing.
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- Mr Avila, what happened? - The man seated next to me, where is he?
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- This is enough for a couple of days. Dr Hill... - Thank you, Mike.
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You know, Mike, I'm the one around here who's supposed to be paranoid, not you.
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I don't know what you think Henderson gave me. I saw no one.
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- Are you sure he's down there? - There's nowhere else he can be.
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Hey, what've you got? A little voice-over IP going on there?
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- I'm in your baggage hold. - What are you doing?
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- That won't give me enough time. - Not my problem.
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Yes, sir.
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You don't talk to my people like that, Bill. Take him to Holding.
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- She was hand-chosen by the vice president. - I understand that, sir.
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She wants to do a soft Q and A by herself.
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- Go ahead, sir. - This is the president. Talk to me about 520.
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- Are you OK? - I'm fine.
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- Are you OK? Yeah.
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Aired 18 years ago - Apr 24, 2006

Jack captures Henderson and attempts to force him to hand over the recording, but Henderson targets Heller to buy himself more time. Logan confesses his involvement in Palmer's assassination to a distraught Martha. Miles traces Chloe to Buchanan's home, but Hayes finds herself questioning Logan's motives as CTU closes in.

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We have to get the recording back. If there's anything I can do, let me know.
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- Where are you? - I'm at Van Nuys airfield. Listen.
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I hope you don't mind, but I don't work for you now.
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- Chris, this is completely unnecessary. - I'm sure it is, sir.
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which means you got about... three minutes to save his life.
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On it. Open up a parallel channel on the NSA's land sats.
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Copy that.
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I will not allow Logan and Henderson to use me as a pawn.
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Chloe, are you on the line? Can you confirm that Hellerjust drove his car into the lake?
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I'm not gonna tell you, you know that, no matter what you do to me.
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- You should've exercised more control. - There's a limit to what I can do.
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People don't take her seriously.
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- I don't know anything about a meeting. - Well, I do.
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- You need to talk to the president about that. - I'm asking you.
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- No. There must've been a hand-off. - What do you mean?
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- Whoever it was got onto the plane. - Isn't air traffic grounded?
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- I'll be fine until then. - I won't leave you alone.
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- Audrey, I don't feel right about this. - I'm gonna be all right.
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The president insisted we focus on Bauer. We find him, he hands the mission to the military.
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She was using CTU resources before to help Bauer. Maybe she'll try again.
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I'm sorry, Ms Hayes. There's something wrong with me. I should see someone...
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I want that man arrested!
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The truth is I've kept this from you because it's horrible, and because it's ugly.
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Oh, my God! You're involved with David's murder.
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You lied to me.
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but not this.
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then this is not the room where you belong.
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That's because she found out the truth, and I decided I should keep her close.
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If the windows didn't collapse when the car hit the water, there could be an air pocket.
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Audrey, my people are gonna find us anyway, and Jack's not gonna stop all this.
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It must be a diplomatic flight. There's a lot of security.
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- We don't have a choice. - Yes, we do. I have the gun and I can kill him.
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- All that matters is that you're safe. - Yeah, I'm fine.
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It is a chartered diplomatic flight. Security level eight, leaving at 2am or sooner.
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We were sent here by the White House,
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Nothing that I can say with any authority.
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You have less than seven minutes to get Chloe out.
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 17, 2006

Jack shows Heller the incriminating recording in the hopes that he will help them take down Logan, but Heller has plans of his own that will save face for the presidency. Miles tricks Chloe into leading CTU to Jack and Audrey. Mike and Martha both become more suspicious of Logan's actions, while Heller confronts the president with an ultimatum.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 1
If she used her DOD credentials, there should be a record.
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Raines knows where he is. Those protocols aren't gonna be enough to track her.
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- What for? - Killing David Palmer.
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I need to show you something, but privately.
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My concern is stopping this operation collapsing like a house of cards.
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I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not.
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- What about you? - I'm gonna go dark. I'll let Buchanan know.
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We'll use the evidence to get Logan to step down quietly.
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What's going on in the situation room?
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- So they know where she is? - We're running an operational support now.
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Somewhere in the valley. Looks like a payphone.
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You said they sent the tac team ten minutes ago.
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Besides, you must have your hands full transitioning CTU to Homeland Security.
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If he did, he wouldn't keep it. Henderson wouldn't let him.
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OK. Right.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 19
- Well, the military has its hands full, Hal. - What do you want me to say, Mike?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 20
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 21
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 22
What things mystify you, Mike?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 23
- "Special circumstances"? - I want this completely off the radar, Mike.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 24
You came in here suggesting that I should get some rest.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 25
We traced your call to a public phone at Van Nuys airport.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 26
Which means you're going to jail, O'Brian.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 27
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 28
- It's President Logan. - What are you talking about?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 29
- I doubt if I'll get much sleep tonight. - You should try.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 30
- See me about what? - I'd rather speak to you in person.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 31
- Can't James handle it himself? - Apparently not.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 32
Heller's not stupid enough to carry it with him. Without it, what he knows won't matter.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 33
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 34
but I think it's something else.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 35
- Just meet me in a couple of minutes. - Where?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 36
- That's outrageous. - I heard a recording.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 37
- You mean oil. - Yes. Yes!
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 38
- Anything else? - Announce your resignation by morning.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 39
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 40
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 41
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 42
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 43
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 44
- What did you do to my partner? - He's fine.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 45
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 46
I have her, Jack. And don't make me kill her.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 47
- I wish I could believe that. - I give you my word.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 48
The left brachial artery.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 49
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 18 (S05E18) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 10, 2006

Jack and Wayne locate a recording that definitively proves Logan's involvement in the terrorist conspiracy, but Henderson corners them in the hopes of destroying the incriminating tape. Logan tries to cover his tracks by issuing a warrant for Jack's arrest. Audrey contacts her father for help, while Chloe gives her cover while helping Jack evade CTU. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 1
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 2
I know. Upload every military checkpoint to my PDA so we can navigate around them.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 3
Good. Let's get them in the room.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 4
Come on, sweetie.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 5
Give me the car keys. Let's go.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 6
This whole thing was planned to make our country safer, stronger,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 7
Dozens have been killed, and they couldn't even prevent an attack on themselves.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 8
- He's gone off-grid. - I'm not surprised.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 9
For now, I'd like you to treat the origin of this warrant as confidential.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 10
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 11
- I came to talk to you about the warrant. - Start with why it was issued.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 12
Thank you.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 13
- That's the house. - OK.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 14
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 15
... within the hour, President Logan plans to make a statement to the American people
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 16
Put the phone down. Put the phone down now!
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 17
Slowly, get up and get dressed.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 18
Mr Secretary, there's a call coming in for you on an encrypted channel. It's your daughter.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 19
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 20
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 21
I found it. All right, Chloe, I got it. Thank you.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 22
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 23
As you put me in charge of overseeing CTU and the Homeland Security transfer,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 24
I'm not gonna stand here and have my orders challenged.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 25
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 26
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 27
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 28
He stopped the terrorists, the treaty was signed.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 29
About a quarter of a mile that way.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 30
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 31
- Valerie, what's happening? - We lost Audrey.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 32
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 33
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 34
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 35
I deserve to know what the hell is going on here.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 36
and they're gonna try again the very first chance they get.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 37
You did? Well, that's good. I'm glad.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 38
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 39
I do, I do. I accept your apology.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 40
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 41
She's heading toward the Sepulveda Pass, coming up on Mulholland.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 42
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 43
All right, listen. You tell your men the instant that Bauer steps outside that bank building,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 44
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 45
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 46
That's what I want. Henderson's men outnumber us. If we leave now, we lose.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 47
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 48
We're experiencing the same difficulty with ours. Hold on.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 49
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 17 (S05E17) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Apr 03, 2006

Jack and Wayne locate a source inside Logan's administration who has information on Palmer's assassination. But things get complicated when they learn that Henderson is using leverage to keep her silent. Audrey is forced to choose between Chloe and Buchanan as Homeland Security begins to absorb CTU.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 1
- The nerve gas, did it leave the plant? - There's no trace. It worked.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 2
However misguided, he believes what he's doing is right.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 3
- Henderson will be caught. Understood? - Clearly.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 4
I'm not thinking about a member of CTU.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 5
I know, it doesn't make any sense.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 6
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 7
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 8
Evelyn, are you all right?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 9
This won't take but a second.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 10
David deleted the content of the messages, but I know, Evelyn.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 11
They said they would give Amy back to me if I gave them the evidence.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 12
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 13
That's Jim Hill from Homeland.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 14
Vladimir Bierko is en route to CTU,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 15
- Yeah, well, maybe I can help you with that. - How?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 16
See you then.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 17
But you agree that today's attacks represent a serious failure that needs to be addressed?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 18
It would be a shame to see the taint of CTU's mismanagement spread to your agency.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 19
This takeover is completely unwarranted,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 20
CTU is being rolled up. Karen is replacing everyone with people from Homeland.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 21
- All right, what do you want me to do? - Get Chloe to retask the satellite.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 22
I don't agree with everything in the statement,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 23
She's an asset that you cannot afford to lose.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 24
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 25
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 26
I know the president would also like to express his condolences to you personally.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 27
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 28
Ms Raines signed a statement documenting the numerous missteps made today by CTU...
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 29
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 30
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 31
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 32
If you're lying to me, it is your daughter who will suffer.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 33
- I love you too. - OK, that's enough, sweetheart. Very good.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 34
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 38
OK, I want you to keep the satellite on target and download real-time images to my PDA.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 39
They shot a bullet right through his neck,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 40
World leaders, prominent Americans - they're all lining up to offer their congratulations.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 41
That must be the reason.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 42
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 43
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 44
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 45
There's too many of them. We're running out of time.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 46
Continue to the end. Your target's north.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 47
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 48
I repeat, Bravo, what have you got?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 49
We need Henderson alive. Do not shoot to kill.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 16 (S05E16) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Mar 27, 2006

Jack pushes Audrey for answers when evidence indicates that she may be involved with the terrorists. Wayne and Aaron flee from a group of gunmen who have orders from Henderson to kill them. Bierko and his men gain access to a natural gas plant, where they plan to distribute the nerve gas throughout L.A.

Aired 18 years ago - Mar 20, 2006

Jack bargains with a German intelligence agent in order to find the woman who can lead him to Bierko. Buchanan chafes against the new chain of command as Homeland Security prepares to take over CTU operations. Aaron receives a request for a secret meeting from Wayne Palmer, as Logan implements martial law in L.A.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 1
Maybe not, but it's the right move.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 2
Of course he is.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 3
As you all know, America has been hit today by a series of terrorist strikes,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 4
This curfew will be effective immediately and will be enforced by the military.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 5
Bill Buchanan, Miles Papazian.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 6
I'm seeing Edgar Stiles listed on my report as a casualty.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 7
We're live in Los Angeles. A few minutes ago,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 8
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 9
- I am asking you to trust me. - All right.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 10
Don't worry, Mr President. I'm in control of the situation.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 11
Looking at the numbers, you were harder hit than you thought.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 12
She said when you see it, you'll love it.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 13
The distribution centre is a difficult target.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 14
- Why was it put in the pipeline? - It's a formality.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 15
Neither of us wants this transition to interfere with ongoing protocols,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 16
I'm setting up checkpoints for the rest of the county now.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 17
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 18
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 19
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 20
- What are you doing here? - I'm here on special assignment.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 21
- We need her to help us find Vladimir Bierko. - I don't know him.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 22
Yourjob is to save American lives, mine to save German lives.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 23
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 24
Did the president contact the German chancellor?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 25
Your intelligence service denied our request for cooperation. So has your government.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 26
It will, but I don't work for the NSA. I don't work for CTU.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 27
That list is as top-secret as it gets.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 28
- Excuse me, Miles. - My God! What is the matter with you?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 29
OK, I got it. I hope you know what you're doing. I'm uploading it now.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 30
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 31
- In what currency? - In euros.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 32
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 33
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 34
He wouldn't give the officer in charge of the roadblock any information at first.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 35
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 36
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 37
Ms O'Brian, tell us exactly what document you passed to Jack Bauer.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 38
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 39
Collette Stenger is our only connection to Bierko.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 40
You don't know for certain that she will lead us to Bierko.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 41
The red Lexus has parked.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 42
- Let me see your hands! - Let go now!
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 43
We know you're working with Bierko. Where is he?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 44
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 45
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 46
I always thought that there were some things that you cannot fake.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 47
He's gone. I met him at a safe house.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 48
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 49
The fallout will be from German intelligence.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 14 (S05E14) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Mar 13, 2006

Jack and Lynn must take action when they discover that the nerve gas is breaking through the protective seals that are keeping the CTU survivors alive. Chloe wrestles with her grief over Edgar's death, while Tony contemplates revenge against Henderson. Martha bolster's Logan's spirit as he wavers under more political pressure from Gardner.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 1
- You can tell if you pull up a grid. - What about CTU's response plan?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 2
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 3
The only thing I'm gonna ask you to do is sit in this chair and collect your breath.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 4
How could you not report it?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 5
- Buchanan. - It's Jack. The grid's up.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 6
Doctor Besson?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 7
- Tony, please, don't kill him. - Move aside.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 8
I lost Teri the exact same way, to one of our own.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 9
Agent Burke, please continue. When Henderson starts talking,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 10
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 11
- How soon can you do that? - Within the hour.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 12
If we can keep the people off the streets, safe from another public attack?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 13
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 14
You're not helping her. You're just making things worse.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 15
But before I met Barry, I didn't want to live. Do you understand that?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 16
- 15 minutes, 20 at the most. - And then what?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 17
He's insisted. And the president gave him the go-ahead.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 18
Hal's the vice president. I'm just the Chief of Staff.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 19
I'm not gonna pull any punches. CRTwill not be here in time to help us.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 20
Even if the seals leak, CRT could get here in time.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 21
What? He can't go through a contaminated area.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 22
Jack, it's time. Go now.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 23
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 24
It's not gonna leak, Chloe.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 25
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 26
What's with you and the breathing? Is that your solution to everything?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 27
There's a program running on the AC control, but there's a security grate behind the vent.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 28
We found a computer interrupt in the AC control.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 29
You can hold your breath long enough to fix the problem, but we can't airlock you.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 30
We have to do this.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 31
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 32
I'm sorry about you and Chase. It must have been really painful.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 33
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 34
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 35
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 36
The seals are holding.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 37
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 38
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 39
- My team is gone. How am I gonna do that? - Only work on his files.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 40
you and I just to be able to spend time together.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 41
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 42
I would be glad to hear them.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 43
He is not the president. You are.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 44
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 45
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 46
I wish I knew exactly what it is you did. I might be able to help.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 47
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 48
It's a building with workers who will report to us.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 49
Take her outside of this city. Don't make any stops. You understand?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 13 (S05E13) - 50
- Dammit, Tony, just wait until I get there. - No. I'm done waiting.
Aired 18 years ago - Mar 06, 2006

Jack takes Henderson to CTU for questioning. Once there, he faces an unhappy reunion with his daughter, Kim. Mike appeals to Martha for help as Logan faces pressure from his Vice-President to declare martial law on L.A. Lynn connects the theft of his keycard to an impending strike on CTU, but his warning comes too late to stop a terrorist from infiltrating the building. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 1
Good. Do we have any idea what the terrorists' next target might be?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 2
- Keep me posted on any progress. - Yes, sir.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 3
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 4
I- I understand.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 5
Whatever you may think of me, Miriam and I love that girl.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 6
- Kim, I really think... - No, no. It's OK.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 7
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 8
Mr President, when these terrorists attack you're gonna need to maintain order.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 9
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 10
- And you'd need approval from Congress. - Which is why we won't call it martial law.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 11
It would be smart to have control of the streets.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 12
You get me to talk, I promise you you'll just be opening Pandora's box.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 13
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 14
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 15
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 16
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 17
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 18
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 19
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 20
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 21
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 22
Tony, there's nothing you can do.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 23
The highest we've got is someone you might know from when he worked here.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 24
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 25
and he's willing to tolerate an inhuman amount of pain. Open the door.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 26
That's good. Disarm your subject's resolve by showing empathy and respect for his agenda.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 27
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 29
- He did? - He loves you.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 30
He wants to do it without Congressional sanction or a timetable to lift it.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 31
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 32
Carrie, I'm in the middle of coordinating the first responders. I don't have time for this.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 33
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 35
The country needs you more than I do.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 36
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 37
- You're still here. - Yeah.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 38
I know this is hard for you and it's none of my business, but you should cut him some slack.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 39
I saw her today. That's impossible. She can't...
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 40
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 41
- Who's investigating? I have to talk to 'em. - I can arrange a meeting.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 42
It's showing that his card was used less than an hour ago at the executive entrance.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 43
I'm on my way. Get him to Medical. Stabilise him. Don't let anyone near him.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 44
Copy that.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 45
All units, the hostile's in the north corridor. He's got one of our men.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 46
- Jack, do you read? - On my way.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 47
No, he's doubled back. He's using the stairs to get to the roof.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 48
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 49
- Chloe, what's going on? - Edgar, get out of the building now.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 12 (S05E12) - 50
- Outside in? What does that mean? - They reach the building core last.
Aired 18 years ago - Mar 06, 2006

Jack interrogates Henderson's wife about her husband's connection to the terrorists. Lynn begs his sister to return his stolen keycard, while Tony regains consciousness and learns of Michelle's fate. Martha gives Logan the cold shoulder, while Curtis tracks another nerve gas attack to a local hospital.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 1
inside Logan's administration.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 2
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- How soon before you're ready? - A couple of minutes.
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I should never have given in. I should have ordered back the motorcade.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 7
- I thought Lynn took Bill off the roster. - Lynn's been relieved of duty.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 8
- Tarrowood Drive? That's his home address. - I'll send a tac team.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 9
- Your identification code, please. - 8477C, as in Charlie.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 10
That was Curtis. He's going to upload schematics to our server.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 11
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 13
My God!
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 14
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 15
Thank you. It was awful.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 16
- How long have you known? - We just found out.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 18
- What is it? - I need to make a phone call.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 20
Listen, I gotta go.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 21
- Yes, Mr President. - I'd like to speak with my wife.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 22
I'd like you to find Aaron Pierce right now. I want to know how he's doing.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 23
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This is Bauer. I'm on site at the Henderson house. Do you copy?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 25
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everyone inside that building will die.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 27
Now tell me what the hell is going on.
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I don't want to see him.
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DOD concluded a briefing with Russian intelligence. We were given a name.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 36
Jack believes that files on Henderson's computer could lead to Bierko.
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No, he blew up the server room while I was still inside.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 38
I got into the log, but the lists are password protected.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 39
One of our guards caught this.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 40
Curtis, we have a suspect. His name is Viktor Grigorin, a Russian national.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 41
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 43
All teams, we've located the canister and it is armed. Repeat, the canister is armed.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 44
Evacuation is in progress, but there are a lot of people in here.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 45
There are still 18 canisters out there. Stay focused.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 46
- Are you OK, honey? - I'm OK.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 47
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I don't care how you justify it. I am out of time.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 49
You son of a bitch.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 11 (S05E11) - 50
There's a CRT team on site. Stand by, Jack.
Aired 18 years ago - Feb 27, 2006

Logan wrestles with his conscience when he learns that Martha is riding in the motorcade with the Suvarovs. Audrey convinces Curtis to take action as Lynn continues to abuse his authority. Jack learns that an ex CTU agent, Christopher Henderson, works for a company which is connected with the nerve gas.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 1
- I don't know how to tell you this, sir. - Just tell me.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 2
They're still on the 118.
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they'll release canisters of nerve gas in multiple locations.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 5
she might feel that the only remaining option is to tell them the truth.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 6
Don't tell anyone where you're going. This stays between us.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 7
The ThumbDrive data Jack sent checks out as authentic. It's time stamped by DOD and CIA.
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- Get back to me when you've got my cover. - All right, I'm on it.
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is for me to call Secret Service and tell them to turn the motorcade around.
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What's it gonna be?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 15
- You're with a company called Eclipse LLC. - John Barrie, Eclipse LLC. I got it.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 20
Earlier this morning, terrorists gained control of a large quantity of Sentox.
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You're not hearing me, Jack. I had nothing to do with this.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 24
- Freeways? - The routes Suvarov's taking to the airport.
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Based on an unsubstantiated theory from two analysts?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 26
- Yes. - Our men are in place. How far out are they?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 27
- I'm busy. - I looked at this chatter report.
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I may not agree with his choices, but going from there to mentally unfit, that's a stretch.
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My father told me that life was about problem solving, that every problem had a solution.
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the low end of the casualty range on this one is 100,000 lives.
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- How much longer until we can send this? - A couple minutes. I'm almost in.
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If you try to carry that out, I will draw my weapon.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 38
There are gonna be repercussions. Everyone involved with this is gonna face prosecution.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 39
The likely point of intercept is downtown.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 40
- Is that so? - Yes, sir. We are notifying Secret Service.
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Each bunker is completely sealed. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 47
- I just showed them what I found. - I was framed.
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You're gonna have a problem. Died in a helicopter crash in Geneva two years ago.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 49
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 10 (S05E10) - 50
I listened to everything Bauer had to say. CTU does not have enough information to hurt us.
Aired 18 years ago - Feb 20, 2006

Lynn orders Curtis to take Jack into custody for violating presidential orders, but Jack breaks away from Curtis when Nathanson contacts him through Audrey and offers information on the location of the nerve gas. Lynn begins to unleash on his coworkers as he discovers that they may be working against him to aid Jack. The head of the terrorists makes a demand on Logan, and Martha takes a dangerous step to get her husband's attention. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 1
- Where's Nathanson? - I don't know where he went.
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LAPD is setting up a perimeter around the terrorists' last location.
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I want Bauer placed in custody. I want him brought in here and held responsible.
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We've got nothing. We'll have to run him through NCIC and Interpol databases.
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but I also have to take your gun.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 9
- You sold the nerve gas to the terrorists. - That's close enough to the truth.
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why do you need me? The authorities will protect you.
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Yes, sir.
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I'm not talking to a terrorist. You talk to them, find out what he wants.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 20
- What is it you want? - To release the Sentox nerve gas on Moscow.
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in areas far more populated than your shopping mall.
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it wouldn'tjust nullify the treaty,
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- There's more than that, right? - It got personal later on, yes.
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- All right, I understand. - Audrey.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 28
He said he had information on the terrorists, that he would only give it to Jack.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 29
- I'm in the freight elevator. - You need to get out now. You're cornered.
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we as the United States are taking on our allies' enemies
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Listen. I have a ThumbDrive that's gonna help find the Sentox.
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Sir, we can't do that without giving away the fact
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tens of thousands of Americans will die on our soil, maybe hundreds of thousands.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 40
You stand up to them. Refuse to negotiate with them.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 41
- The drive's DOD-formatted. - DOD?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 42
We just have to use your key card.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 43
- What are you doing, Lynn? - Place him in custody. Take him to Holding.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 44
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Senior vice president of research and development. Do you know him?
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Yes. It would be lovely.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 49
The motorcade will take service roads to the 118,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Feb 13, 2006

Jack poses as Rossler and manages to trace one of the canisters of nerve gas, but he goes against orders from the president when the terrorists target a shopping mall. Logan and Martha quarrel when she learns of her husband's intention to cover up the real reason for Walt's suicide.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 1
- Let me speak to Bill Buchanan. - Jack Bauer on the line.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 2
- We'll pull up the schematics. - Already on it.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 3
I sent Polakov and Komar to meet Rossler.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 4
- No statement till his wife's been notified. - Of course.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 7
I deserve to know. A violent thing happened to someone that I work with every day,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 8
I suppose that Walt didn't want to face the humiliation of a long public trial
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 9
- Repeat, 6Q49951. - Running the plates.
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OK, Jack. You need to remove the backing.
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I reconfigured the trigger. You're supposed to just give me the money.
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- All teams, stand by. - Roger that.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 15
It's not what you said. They're calling Walt Cummings a hero, not a traitor.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 16
Your fingerprints are all over this.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 17
Which means it's yourjob to tell the truth,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 18
We're one mile behind Jack, heading west on Nordhoff, passing Sepulveda.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 19
- Curtis, are you reading this? - Do you want me to reposition for intercept?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 20
Repeat, the intended target is the Sunrise Hills Mall.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 25
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Do you mean actually let them release the Sentox? Are you out of your mind?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 28
I got it.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 29
The greatest good would be served by allowing them to release this single canister.
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You're putting me in a terrible position. Hold on.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 32
- It's not arming. Why isn't it working? - Maybe the remote's been damaged.
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Andrei thinks he's discovered an alternative. I'll put him on.
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The orange wire is next in the sequence. Exactly as before.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 36
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 38
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 39
You need to evacuate people now.
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- What? Why? - I don't know.
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What's happening is I sent you over there to make sure CTU was running smoothly
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 47
There's something else, sir. Suzanne Cummings has arrived to claim Walt's body.
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You were with him today.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 8 (S05E08) - 50
Of course. All right.
Aired 18 years ago - Feb 06, 2006

Jack tracks down a man who has a connection to the terrorists. Logan is forced to grant him immunity in exchange for information on their whereabouts. Mike and Martha argue over Logan's public response to Walt's involvement with the Russians. Lynn is drawn away from his post by a personal crisis as the terrorists come closer to striking against the U.S. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 1
Until I give you a signal. Chloe, dial the number.
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I believe that CTU can handle this.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 6
Lynn, I got nobody else to turn to. I just...
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 7
Triggering mechanisms on the canisters can only be activated via satellite relay.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 8
We're talking about potential casualties in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 9
Ken, no one is going around you.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 10
We intercepted a call between Erwich and an unknown associate.
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but tell them to stay out of sight until I get there. We'll be in touch.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 12
He has to wear a security wristband and be under supervision.
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Lunch. Why?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 15
How are you feeling?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 16
And you are gonna need me and everything that I can give you.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 17
I'm not proud of how I handled myself.
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I think you should issue a statement to the press. And the sooner the better.
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We've got two units. One east, one west of the building.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 22
We are one minute out. We have to cross the street to get to Rossler's building.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 23
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Back up to me. Back up to me.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 25
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 27
Let me see your hands. Let me see your hands!
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My son lives in a state-run facility. He does not even remember what I look like.
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I don't mind that they've dressed his wound, but don't give him anything for the pain.
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which he has threatened to deploy here in the United States.
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That's the deal.
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Your agreement's being drawn up. Now I want something.
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The assumption is she was kidnapped by traffickers in the sex-slave trade.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 39
She comes with me,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 40
Your reinstatement was just until we got Rossler into custody.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 41
"I will not rest until I've restored the faith that you have placed in this office. "
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- Oh, God! - Don't hurt him!
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 46
No one's going anywhere unless Erwich calls. Stand by the phones.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 47
I need to explain something to you first.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 48
You don't know what he does to me when we are alone.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 49
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 7 (S05E07) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Jan 30, 2006

Jack contacts Mike and asks for a secret meeting in hopes of gathering evidence against Walt. Martha begs Aaron for help, while a desperate Walt tries to force Logan to aid him in his complicity with the terrorists. Buchanan butts heads with Lynn over a decision to violate the president's orders, while the Russians attempt to escape with the nerve gas. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 1
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Ground transportation to your base camp will take another day.
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Disorientation occurs moments after exposure.
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There haven't been any reports of progress, sir.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 5
I have a lead on the stolen nerve gas.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 6
- They say we can leave soon. - I know. I heard.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 7
It's the woman who interviewed me, isn't it? Audrey Raines?
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I'm not gonna warn you again. Pull yourself together.
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- What truth? - David Palmer.
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Our arrangement was you get your final instalment when the ship left port.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 15
Do you still have feelings for Jack?
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 19
She's fine, sir. She was hiding in the stables.
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People died in the airport. Hostages were killed.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 22
As soon as they reach the terrorist base, we'll trigger the canisters and release the gas.
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Doing what needs to be done for the continued safety and wellbeing of this nation.
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It's your choice, Mr President.
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- Orders? From who? - The president of the United States.
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We stopped Bauer before he could give Mike any details.
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Tell them we've got the situation under control and that we'll deal with Bauer.
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We're no longer on the search for the canisters. We've been ordered off by Division.
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Maybe a few of your nicer dresses?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 33
I'm sure the president would be here if he could.
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You're Pierce, right? Aaron Pierce. You served under David Palmer.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 35
Actually, it's not that hard to believe.
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My comm's down. Call it in, have agents cover the west gate.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 37
But your chief of staff is withholding information vital to this nation's security.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 38
- It's already too late. - What?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 39
I'll tell you. It's on a freighter leaving the port of Long Beach at 2:30.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 40
Bill, I'm here with the president.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 41
Mr President, Agent Pierce and I
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but after that I give you my word I will simply disappear again.
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Come on, get out of the car. Come here.
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There's only one ship scheduled to leave Long Beach at 2:30.
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Ivan Erwich. He's a chemical engineer, trained at St Petersburg.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 49
If a bullet breaches a canister, we'll have massive casualties.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 6 (S05E06) - 50
Aired 18 years ago - Jan 23, 2006

Jack returns to CTU and has an emotional reunion with Audrey, while Curtis tracks the Russians and the stolen nerve gas. Walt sends in a hit man to silence Jack. Chloe discovers that Spencer has his own agenda at CTU. Walt convinces Logan to have Martha institutionalized when she tells them of the attack on her.

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 1
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- What hangar is that? - Hangar BB.
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Check it out. Everyone else, search the building. See what you can find.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 6
Send a forensic team down here now. They'll need a full biopack with spectrum analysers.
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- I think so. - No! No, dammit, it's not OK.
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I know. He needs to be taken out. I'm handling it myself.
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- Could only be military grade. - I'll tell 'em.
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Have Forensics get a signature off the trace. See if they can tell who manufactured it.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 15
- We'll talk soon. - Yes, Mr President.
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Do we have any idea what the terrorists are planning?
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we can have some camomile tea and I'll tell you all my secrets, OK?
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- Where is she? - She and her son just cleared security.
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I had no idea he worked in a place like this.
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- Hi, Jack. - Are you all right?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 24
That's not gonna track these terrorists fast enough.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 25
He's still unconscious, but the doctor says he's gonna pull through.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 26
Jack was living with you for the last six months. Is that correct?
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I wasn't able to forgive myself for that.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 30
There's so much I want to say to you. It's not the right time...
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 31
Yes, sir.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 32
- Why didn't you message me? - I wanted to say something too. No drama.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 34
Division sent me. One of your mainframe servers is cycling slow.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 35
Thank you. I'll show you the way.
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Walt Cummings asked me to.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 38
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 39
- I'm in the middle of a critical task here. - Mr Stiles will take over your workload.
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which wasn't what it appeared to be, just like your work here isn't what it appears to be?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 42
- Dr Hill and his staff are on stand-by. - I'm not looking forward to this.
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- And you don't know who that might be? - No.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 45
Mr McGill, Dr Paulson is calling from Medical.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 46
- You have nothing to apologise for. - Yes, I do.
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Whatever you were doing is over, Spenser.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 48
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 50
I think he cracked my rib.
Aired 18 years ago - Jan 16, 2006

Jack is captured by the terrorists, who use Derek as leverage to force him to compromise CTU's assault operation. Logan refuses to give into the terrorist demands as the time of the co-signing of the treaty draws near. Martha tries to tell her husband of the evidence she uncovered about her phone call with Palmer, but Walt interferes with her efforts. A new representative from District arrives at CTU and begins to undermine Buchanan's authority. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 1
Get me the plans to the terminal.
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You know I've never done anything I didn't feel was right for the country.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 5
The terrorists are calling the treaty an "unholy pact"...
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 6
- You were going in to get the hostages. - We lost contact with Jack.
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It has, of course, been a long-standing foreign policy not to yield to terrorists...
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 8
Keep managing the two-ways, or else we'll have dropouts.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 9
Once Curtis's teams go in there, I want an update on the deployment of HIT.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 10
Jack Bauer. They wanna know things are running smoothly.
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Curtis, how long before your teams can redeploy?
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Please don't be defensive. I'm not challenging you. I'm just trying to do my job.
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Bill. Curtis confirmed his team will be ready in ten minutes, based on Jack's new intel.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 17
The only chance these people had of being rescued is gone because of me.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 18
The rescue operation is back on track.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 19
Mr President, like you,
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 20
You're aware Mrs Logan was found in one of the archive rooms.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 21
- I didn't take it. - You aided and abetted.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 22
How much time will there be between the moment I step out on stage
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You're the most beautiful First Lady Pennsylvania Avenue has ever seen.
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I think he just realises we're not gonna be able to save the hostages.
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This barbaric lawlessness that's taking place at Ontario Airport only underscores the need,
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That his signature on the treaty will be the death warrant of the hostages.
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I want to understand it better before we go in.
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the sharing of deterrent technologies by responsible powers
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Everyone, 60 seconds!
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We ran Jack's calls through a protocol filter. They would have found a duress signal.
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- You're gonna outflank the terrorists? - Yes.
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They said 60 seconds two minutes ago. What is CTU waiting for?
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but what should be a moment of triumph has become a grim test of wills.
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Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 4 (S05E04) - 40
The rescue operation that I authorised was successful.
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Sweetheart, smile. It's over.
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I appreciate that, but it doesn't change the situation.
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You need to go back to CTU. Buchanan gave orders to take you into custody.
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Aired 18 years ago - Jan 16, 2006

Jack conceals himself inside the airport hanger and surveys the Russian separatists, feeding information to Curtis and his assault team. The terrorists begin executing hostages in an attempt to make Logan cave into their demands. Martha discovers that all traces of her conversation with Palmer may not have been erased.

Aired 18 years ago - Jan 15, 2006

Jack and Chloe infiltrate Wayne Palmer's penthouse where David Palmer was assassinated, in the hopes of finding a clue to his murder. Jack convinces Wayne to cooperate and finds some information in Palmer's memoirs that leads him to the airport where the Russian president is about to land. CTU and Secret Service attempt to capture Jack, but they only find Chloe as Jack and Derek slip through their grasp. Martha tries to convince her husband that she received an important phone call from Palmer the night before his death, but a tape of their conversation seems to contradict her claims. Jack goes to the airport to find a lead, but a group of renegade Russian terrorists take hostages, including Derek, before he can act. MORE -LESS

Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 1
Yeah. I should be able to log on remotely from the site.
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Analysis indicates the video hasn't been doctored.
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He may have stopped trusting them to keep his secret.
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I've been calling her, but she's not answering.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 5
That's what she says he wanted to talk to her about - "a matter of national security. "
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 6
Who is it?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 7
Jack Bauer has a history of great service to this country.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 8
I'm not sure. The last time I spoke to Haas, he was about to move on Bauer.
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There are four agents waiting at the lobby. Hold off on going up if you can.
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Can't you at least tell me why he had to pretend he was someone else?
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I'm being set up. Whoever's behind this has planted evidence making me the shooter.
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David never let that get in the way of our friendship.
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I'll have someone pull up the call from the audio archives.
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He never had the chance to say anything, Jack.
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Don't you think I know that?
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 26
Then she's alive.
Recap of 24 Season 5 Episode 2 (S05E02) - 27
Maybe Jack left evidence he needs to erase.
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Wait. Stop, stop. Right there. He added something in the middle of a sentence.
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I'll be in touch.
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Cuff her.
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- Says Jack? - Says the man who killed Palmer.
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Edgar, make sure Chloe goes into a holding cell when she gets back.
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All right.
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- Hello? - Martha, it's David Palmer. Did I wake you?
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Your memory can be affected.
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That's when Suvarov's scheduled to land.
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- How good is this intelligence? - Very good. They want you to reschedule.
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When we get there, what do we tell him?
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... relief that Suvarov arrived without incident.
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Derek, where are you going? Come back here. Derek, come back here!
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Aired 18 years ago - Jan 15, 2006

18 months have passed since the events of Day 4. With the exception of David Palmer, Tony Almeida, Michelle Dessler and Chloe O'Brian, the world believes that Jack Bauer is dead. Jack is living near L.A. under the name of Frank Flynn, working on an oil rig and living with Diane Huxley and her teenage son, Derek. In L.A., David Palmer is visiting his brother Wayne, when he is killed by an assassin's bullet. As CTU scrambles to gather more information, an exploding car bomb kills Michelle and injures Tony. Chloe is also pursued by an unknown figure, but she eludes him and manages to contact Jack for help. President Charles Logan and his wife Martha are visiting L.A. and are planning to sign an important arms treaty with the president of Russia. Martha seems to be unstable and is badly shaken by the news of Palmer's murder. Logan refuses to heed CTU's warnings of possible danger and call off the summit. Jack is forced to take Derek along for the ride as he meets with Chloe and fights off a group of men who want him killed. He forces one of the men to confess that Jack has been deliberately framed for the murders of Palmer and Michelle. MORE -LESS