S4 E5
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 4  "Dead and Unburied"  4x5

Aired 17 years ago - Oct 17, 2006

When a missing Lance Corporal is found dead in a vacant house, the NCIS team discovers that he was buried in the backyard and then exhumed. They learn about his identity and that he was to be deployed to Iraq, but he never showed up for duty. The investigation leads them to a new clue---he had two fiancées. Abby runs the DNA samples from the two women to find out if the DNA is a match to the soil found on the dead man's body.

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Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 5 (S04E05) - 2 #2 Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 5 (S04E05) - 3
Who else had access?
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 5 (S04E05) - 4
Checked for footprints, but it rained last night, so everything's pretty washed out.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 5 (S04E05) - 5
Uh, boss, those techs are booked weeks in advance.
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TONY: Come on, you attach electrodes to men's testicles.
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... how long does it take to put on a clean shirt?
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 5 (S04E05) - 8
Yep !
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- He had an NEA grant... - Abby.
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Trunks? Bikinis?
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92 days, with a three-percent margin of error.
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James and I connected on a deep, spiritual level.
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Most guys won't shut up about their online war games,
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With interest.
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Huh. Kinky.
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I'll file for a DNA search warrant. What's the name?
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I am Jimmy's fiancee.
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Good. Means I'm doing my job.
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We'll continue to monitor these activities. Just do your best.
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I'm sure you find other things beautiful.
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Why not?
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- Yes, but I... - This is outrageous.
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Yes, I've got a woman here who's shot, need immediat medical attention.
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Give it one more try, just to make sure.
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If Siri's innocent, she'd assume that Rebecca's guilty
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Here we go.
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I can't resist a damsel in distress.
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Who lied to you?
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would it have made a difference?
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I found translucent fibers of glass.
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You must be more careful.
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Not on a job this size.
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so I figured that ...
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Well, it's coming out of your profits, Bob.
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McGee, give me your flashlight.
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I decided I want to revisit the body.
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Ducky, is there any way to...
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Are you arresting her?
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I did not even know that he was dead.
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She's telling the truth.
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Here you go, Mr. Carvell.
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Well, you had to wait until her father died