S4 E14
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 4  "Blowback"  4x14

Aired 17 years ago - Feb 06, 2007

After catching an international arms dealer, the NCIS team learns that Navy's highly classified weapons system will be sold to "La Grenouille," an important arms dealer. To stop the transaction, the team will send Ducky undercover. Meanwhile, another government agency appears to be working on the same case, with different plans.

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Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 2 #2 Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 3
Please, I-I am very wealthy.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 4 #4 Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 5
The guy we're after is Charles Harrow.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 6
Delta, seven, one, Zulu, three, nine, Kilo, five.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 7
- doesn't want to pay more than... - Fifteen.
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Ziva, I've driven with you before.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 10 #10 Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 11
Believed to have recently joined La Grenouille,
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 12
To ease the awkwardness of the moment.
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I've heard of him. He's Israeli.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 14
- He's my boss. - And I'm his boss.
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It could be in the hands of Iraq or China...
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This agency didn't shut down.
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What's her bid?
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Just asking myself the same question.
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All beautiful women are bitches.
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- Three rounds. - And McGee,
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Rigorous for most, rigor mortis for him.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 14 (S04E14) - 26
This is the pirated part of ARES we have to find.
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This is going to be like looking for a needle in a needle stack.
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You didn't think it was going to be easy, did you?
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I checked his Blackberry.
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And one to La Grenouille.
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The Frog is expecting to meet Harrow.
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Tony's right, we've got nothing on Grenouille
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Means it is used to encode and decode information.
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but inside is 20 million bucks worth of ARES.
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Yes, and an arms dealer.
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Monsieur La Grenouille is wating for me.
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in out of the cold, Monsieur Grenouille?
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Why do they have to speak French?
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as a lad, uh, during the Blitz.
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It will be a beautiful way to consummate the transfer
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The Iranian will give 100 for it.
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You add to it well.