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Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 16

Aired 5 years ago - May 21, 2019

Former FBI Agent Tobias Fornell pleads with Gibbs to do whatever is necessary to take down drug dealers and suppliers in the area after his daughter, Emily Fornell, is hospitalized from an opiate overdose. Gibbs is haunted by the personal aspects of the case and his history with vigilante justice.

Aired 5 years ago - May 14, 2019

The NCIS team investigates the murder of a Marine Sergeant in the States who was hailed as a war hero for his efforts overseas. Also, Gibbs turns to Doctor Grace Confalone for advice after he uncharacteristically unravels and abandons his team at a crime scene investigation.

Aired 5 years ago - May 07, 2019

After NCIS finds a secret government bank account that’s funding a nationwide network of vigilante justice, the team must determine who is acting as judge and jury.

Aired 5 years ago - Apr 30, 2019

After entering cold case DNA into the system, Kasie solves a 30-year-old murder case, but a loophole in the legal system may set the suspect free. Also, McGee visits an elite technology company in Silicon Valley that is offering him a highly paid position.

Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 21 (S16E21) - 1
♪ ♪
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going to prison. Doesn't that help your nerves a little bit?
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- (scoffs) Okay, 20 bucks. - It's a bet.
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(elevator chimes, doors open)
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As a leading provider of technology devices
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I'd rather not wear Mary Beth around my neck.
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The Honorable Judge Miles Deakin presiding.
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Are you kidding me?
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Not just for him.
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happened 30 years ago? Was this witness even alive in 1989?
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Mr. Madson? Agent Bishop...
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But it was 30 years ago and only one of the kids died.
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to create public panic.
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For some killers, once is enough.
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sitting in an offshore account in the Caymans.
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Oh... this is so nice.
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to see what kind of zero-trust model you implement.
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I move for an immediate mistrial.
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I do know
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If only more people understood
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from the U.S. attorney's office and NCIS.
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Well, start with getting that off the screen.
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Well, you never call me on personal days.
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I got to go, Bishop. Johnny just threw up on the settee.
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Okay, so you think there's something useful in here?
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You know, if I was a songwriter, I'd write a song about today.
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when it ingests something bad.
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If this wasn't an accident, the dad becomes our lead suspect.
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It has to be, right?
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GIBBS: Federal agents!
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- Since when? - Last night.
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Even if I did, could you blame me, really?
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Ooh, all right.
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Great. Oh, uh, would you mind holding this.
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He was all anger all the time, so
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A public defender.
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Gibbs, a word?
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McGEE: I was tasked with accessing
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I think I'm being arrested.
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Please pull down your lap bars for the
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How is that gonna help McGee?
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A warrant? Is this related to--
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I did tell Agent Gibbs I'd help.
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in these e-mails but more
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Oh, tell me it's not that poor dad.
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I've spent years in courtrooms
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 16, 2019

NCIS investigates the murder of a Marine Major believed to have been killed in the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon after human remains are discovered at a construction site. A personal history with the victim drives Gibbs to solve her crime.

Aired 5 years ago - Apr 09, 2019

Following an active shooter lockdown at a naval hospital, the NCIS team searches for a suspect who fled the scene. Also, someone from Sloane’s past was inside the hospital and is a key witness in the case.

Aired 5 years ago - Apr 02, 2019

Torres relies on his team’s investigative skills after he wakes up on a dilapidated fishing boat, covered in blood and unable to remember the last 12 hours.

Aired 5 years ago - Mar 26, 2019

Director Vance is notified by the Pentagon that the nuclear submarine Gibbs and Bishop are aboard to conduct a murder investigation has gone radio silent.

Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 17 (S16E17) - 1
Ah, we're really gonna miss you around here, Duck.
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Hey, you do know that you need money
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Well, uh, while I wait for Dr. Palmer's return,
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to rule anything out. All I meant was,
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- Bishop... - Huh?
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We're not getting off.
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I will fire you out of that torpedo tube myself.
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Focus. Dead guy. Cause of death.
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Not a chance. The diaphragm on the gas-check valve--
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You tell us.
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You can tell us now, here,
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"...convey our appreciation
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NCIS is required to be updated on all dive orders
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and has been radio silent ever since.
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into Petty Officer White's death.
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Director, you think you could
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Come on. The death, the dive order, and now a murder?
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Oh, I like briefing just you.
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Tell Willie-Dee I said "What's up!?"
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Navy regulations grant us access in these circumstances, so...
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No. No, it's not you. Maybe he didn't believe us?
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E.L.F. telemetry transmission?
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you got waiting for you.
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Sorry, boys.
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- No. - Where is it normally kept?
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When was this? Day before White was killed.
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Walter Miller. Who is he?
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So, yeah, I-I'd say... Yowzer.
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Your CO said we would have your full cooperation.
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He's got nothing to do with Petty Officer White's death.
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about the hills of northern Virginia.
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And he was somehow able to install this device on our sub?
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they're the ones who have been trying
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Go in teams of two, spiral search pattern.
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that he has an aunt that he used to live with as a kid!
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Pentagon officials are refusing to comment
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a preemptive strike against multiple targets in the U.S.
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Uh, the orders have to be properly formatted
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He's a suspect in our murder investigation.
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The chairman of the joint chiefs just gave the strike order.
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doing in the kitchen?
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What? Late? Late for what?
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Well, I think you're doing just fine so far.
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 12, 2019

Jimmy is torn between family and work after his father-in-law, Ed, asks him to tamper with evidence from NCIS’ current murder investigation. Also, Ed’s poker buddy, Anthony DiNozzo, Sr., offers to help with the case.

Aired 5 years ago - Feb 26, 2019

The NCIS team investigates a man overboard fatality from a Navy destroyer at sea. Also, Torres is frustrated with Vance’s assignment to mentor three high school students.

Aired 5 years ago - Feb 19, 2019

McGee reluctantly visits his high school after the unique computer password he used as a teenager is linked to the murder of a department of defense contractor. The case escalates when an intruder breaks into McGee’s home in an attempt to steal his archaic high school computer.

Aired 5 years ago - Feb 12, 2019

After a malnourished and confused 9-year-old is found hiding in a storage unit, NCIS reopens an old missing persons case when the girl is believed to be the daughter of a Navy recruit who disappeared 10 years ago. Also, Bishop discovers notes that Special Agent Ziva David kept on the case long after NCIS officially stopped investigating.

Aired 5 years ago - Jan 15, 2019

An old family friend, Army Corporal John Sydney, beseeches Gibbs to join him on a road trip to search for a missing military I.D. bracelet. Also, a Navy Lieutenant in NCIS protective custody is poisoned by an infamous drug dealer.

Aired 5 years ago - Jan 08, 2019

United States Secretary of Defense Wynn Crawford shuts down Gibbs' murder investigation and demands that Special Agents McGee and Torres be arrested for their actions in the case.

Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 11 (S16E11) - 1
of our job. - Huh.
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I asked for all cell phones to be turned off.
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Nice job, boss.
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I have yet to hear
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You know how this works. Everyone,
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The conference is sponsored by the company that makes them.
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Or one of these bodies doesn't belong.
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This man did have an internal core temperature
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I'm hopefully about to find out.
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And you're running out of time.
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And the horses.
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- Heads up. - Oh.
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Totally. Just, uh, need a beat.
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Chlorine gas was developed in 1915 by Fritz Haber.
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- But that's not the depressing part. - It's not?
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the last time you spoke to your brother?
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- He was driving trucks for them. - He ever mention chlorine?
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Hi. Trine's lead chemical engineer.
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This is, uh... this is Mr. Grant's locker.
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You seem very, uh, Earth-friendly
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You understand.
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- I'll bet. - About your meeting...
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We can do both, Mr. Secretary.
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And the chemical engineer sitting in interrogation...
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Dating habits, text messages, free gadgets.
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And a lot illegal.
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Do it, McGee.
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Why would the lead engineer go on a random pickup?
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Hartgrave. Where is he?
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if traditionally approached.
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the night of his death and at the hotel
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You saw the medical cadavers and hid the body.
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Right. So now you are, too.
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to gain Intel or to steal weapons.
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As far as Agent Gibbs and his team are concerned,
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Well, that's what you're doing, isn't it?
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Your gas was used in an attack.
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Well, then, you give me someone else to blame!
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And the bodies were the cadavers.
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- Not helping, Agent McGee. - And I blame you, Leon.
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and you stand to lose a lot of money.
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Yes, as Agent Gibbs and his team have just reminded me.
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are an isolated event.
Aired 5 years ago - Dec 11, 2018

The team’s holiday plans are put on hold when the murder investigation of a Navy veteran includes the discovery of a newborn baby who has no identification and no apparent ties to a family.

Aired 5 years ago - Dec 04, 2018

When the lead suspect of an unsolved and high-profile robbery case is released from prison, the NCIS team resumes their investigation with an undercover stakeout.

Aired 5 years ago - Nov 20, 2018

McGee and Bishop travel to Afghanistan after a murder case in the states is linked to a string of soldiers killed by friendly fire overseas. Also, Kasie leaves the lab and accompanies Torres into the field to process additional forensic evidence.

Aired 5 years ago - Nov 13, 2018

After a mural by a street artist and activist is stolen, the NCIS investigation leads to a conspiracy regarding a Navy contractor and the safety of ocean mammals. Also, Bishop shares a special connection with the street artist.

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Please. 47...
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You are welcome.
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They took the wall.
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a B-team that can be assigned to this?
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I need to go shower; that would be weird.
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on the side of a building is graffiti.
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Well, it's not just a wall, it's street art.
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I mean, why buy a porta-potty when you can take home
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- That's the bank's wall. - Yep.
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It's like a high-tech barcode
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with the Berry Brothers Company, or else.
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We didn't want to throw gasoline on the fire.
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That is a very long list of suspects.
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Find a suspect.
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Really? I thought you'd be having a blast out there on the road.
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And you summoned me because you're wondering why.
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What? I thought you said you had something.
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Beggar and a cheat.
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- Okay.
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Anyone can claim to be the Dread Pirate Roberts.
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And I have a rock-solid alibi anyway. Ask Bish.
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How do you feel about that, Director?
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I don't trust her, but she's not wrong, Gibbs.
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This is pretty awesome. Thanks.
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I watched your eyes tracking the painting when you first saw it,
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When life is good, paint.
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this sonar system only operates up to the restricted
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Bishop, you should be wearing ear protection!
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Well, Treble did the same thing with their sonar machines.
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And a person.
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We contacted Clarke and gave him a heads up.
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- Where is she? - She just left.
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Look, all I'm saying is your friend Ritz here is a criminal.
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She wouldn't just leave us in the lurch.
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Boss, QR codes require an app.
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Something, like, in the image itself.
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that didn't burn entirely.
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He knew everything about Ritz and the QR codes.
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Where's the fire, Luke?
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Aired 5 years ago - Oct 30, 2018

After NCIS arrives at a Halloween crime scene, Torres recognizes the victim as a friend from federal law enforcement training. Also, Jimmy thinks his lab is haunted by ghosts after objects keep mysteriously moving.

Aired 5 years ago - Oct 23, 2018

After a 50-year-old tape recording left by a murder victim is found, the NCIS team tries to exonerate Ray Jennings, the Marine serving a life sentence for the crime.

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I wanted to have it in me to lead,
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Instead of letters, we sent recordings back and forth
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48 years, Agent Gibbs.
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Yes, because now that I understand the mechanics,
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a Marine under his command.
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Ray Jennings pled guilty, so even without the reports,
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the protests going on at home.
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Yeah, he's the only one that laughs
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but he was also doing it to hone his craft.
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I'm telling you, Gibbs.
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you're wasting your time.
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I mean, do we even have cause to investigate?
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Yeah, I know. I read it in your request,
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in a long time.
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things were different.
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I couldn't tell what the hell they were talking about.
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I thought Ray Jennings confessed.
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He was stressed... You heard him...
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when he threw it, then ran outside, like Fletcher said.
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Excuse me?
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"All alone and free in the soft sands of the beach."
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You owe it to him to be straight with us.
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- I'm aware of that. - No, Leon.
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You'll find that quite a bit has changed
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but in between you and them is the reflection.
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Okay, well, I have pulled several grenade fragments
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Actually, Gibbs is already on his way down.
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- What kind of plate? - It's brass.
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found out that Danny was going overseas,
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just seemed like everywhere you looked, there was hate.
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He didn't say "in my heart," like most people would say.
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Pushing Ray might get us
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Well, pick out a book, sit in back,
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My father, I asked him about Vietnam one time, once.
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We fought about it.
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It doesn't matter if I don't remember the act.
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In his last tape he said,
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retired Master Sergeant Thomas Fletcher.
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You wore the uniform for 30 years, isn't that right, Tom?
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So I decided to get on with my task at hand
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You knew all along it was a suicide.
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Couldn't prove anything.
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with his family whenever he wants.
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Aired 5 years ago - Oct 16, 2018

Gibbs’ quiet vacation at his remote cabin is interrupted by a surprise visit from Tobias Fornell and Navy Captain Phillip Brooks, as well as a call from NCIS asking for his help locating a robber hiding in the woods near him.

Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 4 (S16E04) - 1
♪ Thinking 'bout the things I wanna do... ♪
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 4 (S16E04) - 2
Ooh, 20 minutes across town? Talk about stress.
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Yikes. I figured you'd
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and the new apartment's not ready till next week.
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 4 (S16E04) - 5
The flight was headed for Southcom in Peru.
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- on this plane... - McGee?
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there have been over a hundred documented wheel well stowaways.
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 4 (S16E04) - 8
Yeah, sure. Then a wheel well is a pretty ingenious way
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 4 (S16E04) - 9
Because this is the Fishlord 3000.
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Have you shared an ex-wife?
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That was an emergency!
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Looking for stowaways isn't one of them.
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Dr. Palmer rehydrated the tissue with injections
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uh, constantly looking over my shoulder.
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350 grand in four and a half seconds.
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The robber could have parachuted anytime before landing.
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Gibbs, and his cabin.
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Yeah. Thermal-imaging satellites won't be in place for hours.
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Using us against each other for your own benefit.
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Like a tourist?
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Or life, in general.
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No. It just seems that you could've told us this
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Never mind. I'm good.
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Name's Jane.
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it's about two miles due south.
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Do you want to see a picture?
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I'm just asking that NCIS do the same thing.
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Because when I landed, I saw this in the branches.
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I'll just slow you down.
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To find out if Agent Monet has a type, man.
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he specifically requested to drive,
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All three of us are, really.
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And here we have my favorite room on the tour.
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And how dare you guilt-trip me with Bora Bora.
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The FBI can't find her, either.
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Now who do we know with a big-ass knife?
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No one else needs to die.
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is forward.
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Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 4 (S16E04) - 46
I thought the passenger name was "Ronda Popovich"?
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Sorry about the banging.
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Those are all bad choices.
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You'll have to be more specific.
Aired 5 years ago - Oct 09, 2018

One of the NCIS agents is starstruck after the team investigates an explosion outside the home of Navy Petty Officer First Class Todd Nicholas and his wife, popular reality TV star Sheba Nicholas. Also, Vance continues physical therapy for the injuries sustained when he was held hostage.

Aired 5 years ago - Oct 02, 2018

After a Navy lieutenant is found murdered in his hot tub, the team interviews several families in the victim’s peculiar neighborhood. Also, Torres must face the consequences after a volatile night out with Palmer.

Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 2 (S16E02) - 1
No, ugly never smelled like that. Mm-mm.
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 2 (S16E02) - 2
First the burglary at the Reynolds' place, and now this?
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This is too disgusting to be doing in broad daylight.
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Torres, go finish up inside.
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That Mooney's, uh, laptop was taken.
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about the most disgusting body find
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Might I suggest, Doctor, that we start by removing the body?
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Apparently, he worked strictly from his laptop.
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"Don't tell the other neighbors."
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Nothing creepy about this at all.
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Well, just pick anybody on the block.
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But I did witness the Reynolds' burglary two weeks ago,
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Can't say who it was exactly, but I have some ideas.
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bathrobe guy-- you know, as you may
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And based on the size of these fly larvae,
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Yes, well, this isn't sparkly, Kasie.
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Holy cause of death,
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No, it was taken during the robbery.
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Just us dudes.
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I mean, that thing-- that looks good enough to eat, man.
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We ain't talking to you... amigo.
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Yeah, that's right.
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Butterfly, bee.
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No, no. Palmer got here early to share the details.
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Well, no such thing as a coincidence.
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Sloane, I already said I'm sorry.
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underneath that sort of anger and rage,
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She can. So can I.
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That's all they had.
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McGEE: Either Dacey's one hell of a liar...
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Can't quite describe it myself.
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It's like he wants to stand out,
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Supermarket cashier in Cortland, New York.
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You were both at soccer practice?
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 2 (S16E02) - 42
Recap of NCIS Season 16 Episode 2 (S16E02) - 43
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We'll need some DNA.
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- Reynolds's alibi? McGEE: Credit cards.
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and a deep regret crashing together in my gut
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Its chemical breakdown. Butyl acetate...
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who took your prized collection,
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a long time ago.
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You know, I keep going back to soccer dad.
Aired 5 years ago - Sep 25, 2018

One month after Director Vance was kidnapped, Gibbs is assigned the role of acting director in his absence while the team searches worldwide for his whereabouts.

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Like, 300 large. Didn't have the cash.
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Agent Torres is calling from Afghanistan.
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I think we just did.
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and he's not one to bend easily.
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Which means he was one of the few people who knew
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What if we're just playing into their hands
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I tried to tell you that you were harboring a known terrorist
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You are the worst texter in the world.
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then Agent Beecham is gonna be there, too.
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For years, brother Hakim has been working in the shadows,
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outside Salt Lake City. How many?
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"Look into my eyes."
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Avalanche, apple, lifeless, karma, yearning.
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But you'll never get those codes out of me.
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Yeah, well, have you ever heard of Cat Stevens?
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Maybe another time.
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The moment you are useless to us,
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My name isn't Jaah.
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he wasn't being poetic.
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there's not much to report.
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how the hell did you know it was gold bullion?
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that will lead us closer to Director Vance.
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No. Which makes you wonder how many
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You knew that Hakim stole the gold bullion.
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Are you trying to find your monster or become one?
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and then you mentioned the gold bullion theft, and...
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Whoa. Okay. What can I do to help?
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If you can help them, you get better encryption.
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Well, there's no evidence to suggest that.
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T-there's no... there's no signal.
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Well, we can't let them hit us again.
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- Bishop. - On it.
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Yes. We heard.
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the CIA know that Vance made contact with their agent.
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We're being played.
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that the reactor be placed on lockdown.
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And you need that, right?
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to our system, it actively blocks it.
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No. Shut it down, Torres.
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Good job, Nick.
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- I'm going to cut his eyes out. - Sorry.
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You are going to get three meals a day,