S4 E2
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 4  "Escaped"  4x2

Aired 17 years ago - Sep 26, 2006

Gibbs is forced to come back out of his retirement to help Fornell, who is being threatened by a convict that escaped from prison. The convict threatens both Fornell and his daughter Emily. Gibbs and the NCIS team re-open the convict's old robbery case, and question a retired sailor who is the only one who contacted the convict after he was sent to prison. The investigation will lead the NCIS team to a surprising discovery.

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Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 2 (S04E02) - 2
until that S.O.B. is back behind bars.
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I need to be aware of any condition
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 2 (S04E02) - 5
because of ex-Petty Officer Derrick Paulson.
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there are six days left
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Maybe he lost his memory again and forgot he quit his job.
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It's a jailhouse appeal from some escaped convict.
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I want to know what he was up to before he escaped.
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I'm an innocent man.
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They bring food to the elderly, Ziva.
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Not my computer !
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The only thing missing was my laptop.
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I've never seen a convicted felon file so many appeals.
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Hasn't been seen since.
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Oh, I think you know exactly what I'm doing,
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Let's focus on Russell Nash.
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of our patient's demise, but the whys, as well.
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Do you suspect foul play in the foul play?
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but nothing on my original case. Not cool.
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Got my teams out front.
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much less anticipate Paulson's next move.
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Mickey will do just fine.
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Even said you can sleep with her Raspberry Rumtart doll.
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It's funny how things work out.
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Try a... a little attitude!
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It looks like a henna tattoo.
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Human Directional.
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I know it-- 40 miles north of here.
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Cool, huh?
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No, but you're going to.
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since this whole thing started!
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Cleared him of any involvement.
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For same the reason you don't floss every other tooth.
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Gibbs is clearly Tommy Lee Jones.
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And that's not going to happen without your help.
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It's a Rosewood Bureau Plat desk,
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