S2 E4
Comedy Central

Season 2  "Fry & The Slurm Factory"  2x4

Aired 24 years ago - Nov 14, 1999

When Fry wins a free tour of the Slurm soda factory, he and his friends split off from the tour group and make a horrifying discovery concerning the "secret ingredient" that makes Slurm so addictive.

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Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 2 #2 Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 3 #3 Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 4
- What-mas? - Christmas.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 5
Would it cheer you up if we go get an Xmas tree?
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 6 #6 Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 7 #7 Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 8
Dad would whip up his special eggnog out of bourbon and ice cubes.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 9
Yes, I got the most! I win Xmas!
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 10
A card from my cousin Zoidfarb.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 11 #11 Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 12 #12 Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 13
Heard you needed cheering up. Well, old Bender will make you laugh.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 14
I've been whining like a pig while Leela was Ionely as a frog.
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Xmas Eve. Another pointless day where I accomplish nothing.
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To volunteer at a liquor kitchen for homeless robots.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 18
So it's left, left, right... Wait! I have a better idea.
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I know about Santa Claus.
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Due to a programming error, Santa's standards were set too high...
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I really like this girl but she thinks I'm a jerk. Can you help me?
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I'm sorry, Tinny Tim. Seems we ran out early tonight.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 25
- Just give me your best animal. - Best is a matter of opinion.
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Girls like swarms of lizards, right?
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Sorry I stormed out before. I didn't mean to ruin everyone's Xmas.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 29
Santa Claus is coming to town!
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Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 32
- Hi, there. - Leela? Oh, my God.
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But together, we're Ionely together.
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You've been very naughty, Fry and Leela. I checked my list.
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No, I swear!
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- Go away. - Whoa. Hold on.
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I said, that's enough!
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I never thought it'd end this way, gunned down by Santa Claus.
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Your mistletoe is no match for my T.O.W. missile.
Recap of Futurama Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 41
Four family photos
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Oh, the irony.
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Oh, dear, they'll be killed on our doorstep.
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Use teamwork!
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- This is for you. - A pogo stick.
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Oh, God, the pain!
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