S6 E20

Season 6  "The Tenure Turbulence"  6x20

Aired 11 years ago - Apr 04, 2013

The girls get involved when Leonard, Sheldon and Raj compete for tenure at the University.

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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 2
Stop taking money from my parents.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 3
Well, maybe I will, old man!
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 4
Oh, very.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 5
Or you take advantage of your newfound economic stability
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 6 #6 Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 7
"No, Father, you may not have a ride!"
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 8
Thank you.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 9
You don't say.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 10 #10 Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 11 #11 Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 12
Good for you. Eh.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 13 #13 Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 14 #14 Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 15 #15 Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 16
uh, did I read that you're on that-that tenure committee?
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throwing my hat in the...
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Go... away.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 19
early to burn off that banana bread I baked you.
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Let's go.
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Call someone!
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Copy that.
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I'm fine, though.
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Oh, yeah, that's what I was hoping for-- meerkats.
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because "trimming Q-tips to fit your ears right"
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It sounds like a long and tedious evening.
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Well, now that I think about it, that would be most helpful.
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But if it makes you happy, that other stuff, too.
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We all promised we weren't going to go.
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Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 38
You realize you might kill some of them.
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I've got to get tenure.
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Giving Mrs. Davis the box set of Roots was...?
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You're here.
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I guess the train store in Glendale
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What are you going to do?
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Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do.
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and no amount of gravity-defying bosom's going to change that.
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Using women to advance your cause with sexuality,
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That was ambiguous.
Recap of The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 20 (S06E20) - 50 #50