S7 E19
The CW

Season 7  "Of Grave Importance"  7x19

Aired 12 years ago - Apr 20, 2012

Sam and Dean get a call from Annie Hawkins, an old hunter friend, asking for help on a case. When they arrive in town, they find out Annie has disappeared. They trace her last whereabouts to an old abandoned house that is haunted by a powerful ghost.

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Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 2 #2 Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 3
Kind of a foxhole thing. Very Hemingway.
Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 4
Well, here's to ghosts that aren't there.
Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 5
All it does is reminds us of him, you know.
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DEAN: Ah, local law. Always on the ball. - Guys...
Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 7 #7 Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 8 #8 Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 9
I know what you did last night. And you know it was forbidden.
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Shut up. I can't believe you.
Recap of Supernatural Season 7 Episode 19 (S07E19) - 12
I mean, I've seen poltergeists bench a piano as a warm-up.
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Who done you?
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Well, maybe no news is good news.
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No, stud, I'm being checked out.
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Another calamitous event in the poor man's life.
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...where he was found shot to death.
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- Last known whereabouts... - The Van Ness House.
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I expressly forbid you! Enough!
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Hold it, let's get real. You sent me the SOS.
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- You have to do it. We can't. SAM: Annie!
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I will. In my day, we believed in polite conversation.
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So, what? Whitman Van Ness?
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- Real clever. - Actually was.
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...none of the above?
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- Yeah, but the life I had is the one I picked. - Yeah, but you had the boys.
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Not if it means you have to be this.