Aired 10 years ago - May 20, 2014
Dean feels the effects of the First Blade, and Metatron makes his move against humanity. Meanwhile, Sam, Dean and Castiel face shocking consequences when taking the fight to Metatron.
Uh, yes, sir.
I'd like to take a moment
to welcome you all back.
To tell
the rest of the story.
I'm afraid...humanity.
I'm sorry, sir.
I mean, I really, really need
to kill.
What I want is Metatron.
I mean, he and Crowley
have been bromancing
And your brother would not be
in this alone.
You take this girl's table,
her time,
I'm not so sure
about that.
to help follow
a clue trail.
And now I'm the one who wakes up
in the middle of the night
But if this is it,
we're gonna do it together.
Excuse me?
These people
don't want to hear --
I am sorry
you don't believe me.
Okay, so you're telling me
that Metatron set you up,
Let us out, Hannah.
Is he, now?
None of us
is bigger than that.
They just want something
to believe in.
So they prayed
harder and longer
What, are you blaming me
for giving them what they want,
A herd of panty-waisted angels
and you?
of "locked up abroad: Heaven"
right now.
is in pieces,
and for what again?
It's better this way.
back to our rightful place
atop this mountain
What will you do
about that?
♪ And I just ain't got
the time ♪
Your brother,
bless his soul,
Aired 10 years ago - May 13, 2014
After a massive attack on the angels, Castiel calls Sam and Dean for help. As they leave, Dean’s eagerness to bring the First Blade doesn’t go unnoticed by Sam who is worried about the cost to his brother whenever he uses the Blade. Meanwhile,
Castiel is shocked when he learns the angel that caused the attack was one of his followers and did it in his name. Dean discovers there is a conspiracy amongst Castiel’s angel followers and at the heart of it is Tessa, the Reaper.
Crowley. Metatron.
The big boss fights.
Thank you for coming.
And while they haven't gone
on offense, they have proven capable.
I mean, I don't get this
whole Cass love fest, either.
He controls the largest independent
faction of angels left, and...
Roll call?
You hold a roll call?
Someone just used his credit card
at a Gas-n-Sip in Colorado.
I'm gonna be sick.
Stow the baggage, Dean.
So, what do we do now?
that I ordered those angels to,
you know...
but that ape put a knife
to my throat.
- Guess.
- Torture. Predictable.
But leave the Blade outside.
I just... Give me a second.
Who are you working for?
We may not even need
to fight at all.
- Here. Let me...
- No!
Let's talk about us.
I mean, we got history, yeah?
All of them.
The lost souls.
So why don't you
just jam an Angel Blade
That would ruin all the fun.
'Cause if you'd stuck to it,
Tessa would still be alive.
His bomber failed.
It was necessary, a small hardship
to make us all stronger,
Well, look around.
With the help
of my combustible double agents.
while everyone else
is playing checkers,
Yeah, I lied,
but you were being an infant.
- I'm fine.
- No, you're not.
Aired 10 years ago - May 06, 2014
Castiel captures one of Metatron’s angels and asks Sam and Dean for help with the interrogation. Dean eagerly accepts, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Sam. Meanwhile, Abaddon demands Crowley help her kill Sam and Dean. When he refuses, she reveals her shocking bargaining chip. Also, Castiel sets a meeting with Gadreel.
we just got from the place
around the corner,
And I have to say,
If you'll follow me,
the commander will see you now.
In my extended absence,
To be indelicate.
Gavin, honey,
say hello to daddy.
Not a chance.
He won't be telling us
anything dead.
A drunk, a monster.
Holy mother of God!
I was interviewed personally
by Metatron for a key post.
You sold your soul?!
I was sure everyone here
was loyal.
I grew up thinkin' --
knowin' I was nothin'.
that would make me...
about that ship...
What happened in the Garden
was not my doing.
I thought that was
exactly what I was doing.
Give me your hand.
You two fetch it,
I'll keep her in my sights,
The hell she was!
What're you talking about?
and then you can skewer
the ignorant hag.
the Winchesters,
the First Blade,
were going to try
and attack you.
I want you to stay
right where you are.
Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on a sec.
You could at least --
aah! --
He's one misfit kid.
He impacts no one.
Damn it, Crowley!
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 29, 2014
Sam and Dean investigate a case in Chicago, where they discover that various mafia-esque monster families are, unknown to humans, running the underbelly of Chicago. One is a family of shapeshifters run by Margo Lassiter, whose leadership is thrown
into question when her brother David returns home. The other reigning family in town is made up of werewolves, lead by Julian Duval. While in Chicago, Sam and Dean meet Ennis, a man with a personal vendetta against the monsters. The Winchesters warn Ennis about heading into the hunter lifestyle, but Ennis refuses to listen and starts down a dangerous path.
Oh, my God!
Don't worry about it.
Let's talk
about last night.
'cause I
sure as hell can't.
The mutt
gutted our brother!
And if Julian did this --
Yeah, you'll what?
I'm fine.
Because that whore
Margo Lassiter wants me dead.
♪ put me back on the line
♪ that a broken heart
is blind ♪
...we kill vampires.
Yeah, or sometimes, when in
doubt, try a silver bullet.
Believe me,
I've been there.
Last night.
Be good to see him, too.
Look, there's a silver bullet
in this gun!
Freaks. Hunters.
That's blood -- human
and monster -- in the street.
Hey! Hey!
The, uh, coroner says this guy,
this, uh, Julian Duval,
You did!
we got to go.
All right.
What's her number?
With some
fun little toys.
But I'm trying here.
He was my son.
That's what you want.
Violet, no! Please!
You understand.
I'll get back to you
on that.
It's my job
to protect him.
You have to stop her.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 22, 2014
Sheriff Mills calls Sam and Dean after she kills a vampire who attacked a prisoner named Annie. They discover Annie was kidnapped by a family of vampires who use her as bait to lure in humans they can then feed on. Sheriff Mills tries to rescue Annie from her captors, but finds out the hard way that family always comes first.
Oh, I'm afraid not.
Is there a nest?
They're layered,
I fed them.
I mean, how far can you run
and for how long?
You want me to enlist my men
Did I help
your shut-in kid sister
This your family?
It is, just like
the rest of them.
How did you get stuck
doing the dishes?
that girl would screw
everything up for us one day.
Her moping?
♪ you got to get it
from a well ♪
I'm so sorry.
Help me! Help!
They came
and I tried to stop them.
A-at best,
her loyalties are...
I couldn't
take it anymore.
all the guilt and suffering --
those are human feelings.
I made my choice.
Was it you?
Made an impression on my girl,
I see.
Don't you see
what she is trying to do?
You said that I was using her
to fill a hole in my life,
You bitch.
Last I checked, taking pleasure
in that is not a crime.
you know,
buried it under work,
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 15, 2014
Metatron attempts to get Castiel to join forces with him. Still furious with Metatron, Castiel refuses, which sets a surprising plan in motion. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean capture Gadreel.
What's your name?
He said he worked
for the new God.
Gadreel is working
for Metatron?
I think it's a spell.
And where were
these crime scenes?
Yes. We should call him,
see if he's still in business.
Griffin feathers,
But then you
and the other two stooges
somebody started playing
my song.
Your help, Columbo.
really meant a lot to the fam.
You think?
Why are you doing this,
smell that cancer.
The angels need a leader,
What the hell
are you talking about?
Just hear him out,
would you?
What makes a story work?
since scaly things
crawled out of the muck.
First rule of writers club --
steal from the best.
I am not a leader,
He's still in the same town
where we talked to him last.
See, I don't care
whether you talk.
but you're gonna have to
follow my script.
I loved humanity!
Sam's already told me
all that crap.
and I have
something of yours.
Dean, listen.
But I don't understand
what that has to do with heaven.
You keep an eye on him.
That was God's problem,
you know --
But I know something
they don't know --
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 25, 2014
Dean struggles with the after effects of the Mark of Cain. Meanwhile, Sam hears about a case where straight-laced people are turning into violent murderers. Sam suspects possession and suggests to Dean that they investigate, but Dean tells him to go
without him. While interviewing the local townsfolk, Sam meets an elderly woman named Julia, who tells him the Men of Letters came to town in 1958. Josie tells Sam the story of a young man named Henry Winchester and his female companion, Josie Sands. While Sam is away, Crowley tests Dean.
I'm fine.
Oh, no. Not at all.
I mean, there was no sulfur,
no EMF anywhere.
I love you. Bye.
Uh, this is great.
Thank you.
No, you're not.
I met the kid's girlfriend.
Sounds like
you're in a Gold's gym.
I hope not, Dean.
I'm telling you,
it's happening all over again.
You tell me, romeo.
You rang.
If I didn't know you any better,
I'd say you're stalling.
Mother Superior
and sister Agnes.
Our beloved abbey
is open to you, Father.
Why are
we out in the field?
Knights of Hell?
What were they doing there?
Ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi
facias libertate servire,
Then what are you?
Then I can study your kind
real close.
Look, I merely suggested
you might be a bit scared.
Nothing like Cain?
What's in that bottle? Delusion?
♪ You're no good ♪
and you don't stand
a chance.
I decided to embrace
my addiction.
It's a date.
you're still doing Abaddon's
dirty work, huh, Agnes?
You think Abaddon
is just gonna sit there
And we'd like you to be
on our team.
inventor et Magister
omnis fallaciae,
it's important that we keep
what happened here today...
And I couldn't have done that
without you.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 18, 2014
Dean is frustrated when he can’t reach Crowley, who has promised to find The First Blade. When Crowley finally calls Sam and Dean, he tells them he fell off the wagon and has been injecting human blood and needs their help. To make matters worse, he
had a demon helping him find blood, but she sold him out and told Abaddon that he and the Winchesters were searching for The First Blade. The brothers need to find the blade before Abaddon does, so they enlist the help of a former member of the Men of Letters.
But you do have a pretty sweet
deal with Crowley in charge.
omnis immundus spiritus...
I just love
what it does for you.
You're joking, right?
♪ and I'll tell ya,
things aren't quite the same ♪
Maybe Crowley found it,
and it's a double-cross.
Well, then, what,
Which means that Abaddon's
in the hunt for this thing, too.
'cause she is an even worse
pile of crap than you are.
Cut it out, man!
is that we are with...
The FBI.
Not at the...moment.
All right, look, I did acquire
the so-called First Blade.
I wouldn't be in this mess
if it wasn't for you two.
Does that
make him "active"?
that keeps the bunker safe.
So where'd you look?
Well, thanks, sport.
The boys must be spinning
in their graves.
I would say,
"we could stop all this.
to be part of the greatest
collection of all time,
Nice gun.
You're gonna need another set
of hands when you get in there,
You bitch
about the Men of Letters.
Anything, anyone we want
to own or destroy is ours.
Drained out of you.
Take me to my brother.
I think Sam here will get you
to see things my way.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 04, 2014
A teenage girl is killed and the final selfie she took before the attack shows a ghostly figure in the background. Looking for something to keep them busy, Dean and Sam head to Washington to find the ghost. While the two interview the girl’s
mother, Betty, they are surprised when she starts talking about cold spots and fritzing. When they ask her about bringing up paranormal signs, Betty replies that the "supernaturalists" who called earlier brought it up. Enter Harry and Ed, the famous supernaturalists.
Does it look
like I'm staying?
TV on the Fritz?
I owe it to Casey...
No, it's just --
she changed her profile pic,
Ahh, first of all,
Oh, my God, Menudo.
Will you guys relax?
Amazon me, bitches.
Right, but the house was
next door to power lines,
Oh, so, it's about
your ex eating her words?
You are so money right now.
So, Thinman's
stalking folks?
How did that photo
end up online?
But the coroner has
the death at midnight.
Okay, all right.
All right.
- Whoa.
- Whoa.
in the comments section
of our blog.
And -- and quit raining
on my rainbow.
Oh, by the way, speaking
of which,
Well, good times.
in the woods.
so I needed to give him
a reason to stay.
a crowdsourced legend.
Time's right now,
I mean, I shouldn't have to
connect the dots for you guys.
Saved me? From what?!
and then we go back
to Ghostfacers.
Sam and Dean
caught something,
Oh, God, Sam,
make him stop.
You're the busboy
from the diner.
Fancy Fed, coming in here,
we blew up all over
the message boards.
And what we have here
is a "Frankenstein" situation.
Wait, no! No! No!
This could be our shot to start
the old Ghostfacers again.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 25, 2014
Sam and Dean are stunned to discover the Men of Letters’ bunker is haunted. Their investigation leads them to a storage facility where the demons have been keeping a prize possession. Meanwhile, Castiel is captured by Bartholomew.
dead man of letters?
We commit her body
to the ground,
That was a long time ago.
Who else?
It was on me.
Then we should talk fast.
Wait, wait, wait.
All of us are stuck
near the sites of our deaths.
he heard his mom is alive
doesn't mean she --
Crowley, it's Dean.
You got called back
to the garrison.
But he stopped coming.
Human leverage.
For our own use.
You'll never find Metatron
that way.
your qualms about methods
for one second,
the new boss and the ultimate
rebel working together --
Helping Kevin with his
engineering-club assignments,
Consider it a stepping stone,
my lad -- like an internship."
I wasn't even allowed
to kill anyone.
Said you didn't
have it in you.
This has to be done.
I thank you for reminding me
what I truly am.
Might as well stop
with me.
You never did understand,
I, uh...
Way to go, kid.
they have a way of...
She was held and tortured
for a year because of me.
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 04, 2014
Sam and Dean investigate recent murders where the victims were hundreds of pounds lighter after their deaths. Suspecting witches, the two go undercover at a fancy day spa that all of the victims had attended for weight loss. While Sam is hired as a
fitness instructor, Dean takes kitchen duty. After Dean swipes some tainted food and passes out, the guys realize someone is drugging the guests and literally sucking all of the fat out of them until they die.
Looks like it's a whore's bath
for me. I'll be ready in five.
316 to be exact.
Competitive-eating circuit?
Is that a big thing out here?
But I think
it's a compliment.
this is our number and
where we're staying locally.
Sometimes it's nice
to feel a little give.
Known fact -- all women lie
about their weight and age.
Unless we missed it.
just like the hot trainer
at Rollz.
with no surgery...
Kind of like Hans and Franz,
but, uh, less German.
made me the lean, mean,
fighting machine I am today.
Quit flirtin' with the trainer
and keep scoopin', huh?
It's like a -- a last hurrah
before the real work starts.
Hold for five minutes.
Dru-- what?
It's low-cal.
Nonfat milk, sea salt --
had one of those
freaky-ass suction marks.
Yeah, Doug's a dick.
We think that there's a
connection between Canyon Valley
Just 10 more pounds
till your goal weight.
is just wrong.
It was a win-win.
You know what
that means?
Alonso wasn't a big fan
of portion control, was he?
The -- the basement?
So, one-way ticket
to Peru?
You know, Sam, I saved
your hide back there.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 28, 2014
After finding out that Garth is in the hospital, Sam and Dean go to check on him. Still carrying the guilt over Kevin, Dean lays into Garth about disappearing and demands to know where he's been. Garth makes an excuse and then hightails it away from
the guys. Confused as to why Garth would run from them, Sam and Dean do some investigating and are stunned by what they find.
Aah! Aah! Aah!
I --
I'm gone for two weeks,
Crowley and I found him,
and he gave me this
he steal a car?
Make, model, license plate.
All right, guys, look --
about six months ago,
You're married?
You said you were --
you were born a werewolf?
Dean, no one wants
any trouble.
Any luck with the cops?
I'm not the one
carrying silver.
Uh...Thank you,
brother Garth.
Jim Meyers.
Folks usually call me...
But make sure
you leave room for pie.
Which soon turned tragic...
I can't take all the credit.
Truth be told,
I'm more interested in, uh...
I do.
we came across
a friendly monster.
you wanted weird, agent.
Couldn't just accept
that all was good
Yeah, that's, uh,
Thor, Loki, Odin stuff, right?
who kills the God Odin
before the world ends.
Fear is not
a purely human instinct.
like the good sheriff, who just
tried to off me and my brother.
for bringing
these hunters here.
Please --
don't do this.
Charlie was murdered.
You killed her.
I screwed up again.
I want to make this right.
and who better than you?
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 21, 2014
Looking to reclaim his place as King of Hell, Crowley asks Dean for help finding "The First Blade," the only blade that can kill Abbadon. Knowing he owes Crowley a favor for helping Sam, and also wanting Abaddon dead himself, Dean reluctantly agrees
and the two set off on a road trip. However, Dean and Crowley are completely unprepared when they find out who has the blade - Cain, the first son. Meanwhile, Sam is back at the bunker with Castiel who notices there is some leftover grace inside Sam. If they can extract it, they can use the grace to track Gadreel. The only problem is the procedure may do permanent damage to Sam.
I do love
a good buddy comedy.
It's a code --
one of my dad's storage lockers.
But not before he mentioned
the First Blade.
Listen, bunch of years back,
you worked a job with my dad.
We'd never heard of anything
like the Knights of Hell
Trust me.
Missouri. Figures.
Oh, cramps?
And then he just...
You know who we are?
some of my friends
pass through here.
We're not leaving.
What Dean did --
it doesn't matter what Dean did.
Send back-up.
Okay. Do it.
I guess
we can't wait any longer.
Don't stop.
Sorry, Dean.
I've healed your wounds
is me.
Well, that PB and J taught me
that angels can change, so...
From Lucifer himself.
Became a soldier
of Hell --
and it felt so good to have it
in my hands again,
We could have been forever,
but you chose her.
Aren't you a peach?
What are you talking about?
All right, where the hell
did you stash the damn Blade?
Was that, uh...
As far as I'm concerned,
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 14, 2014
Dean is devastated after Kevin's death and vows to find the angel that killed him, not only to free Sam, but to seek revenge. Castiel arrives at the bunker and suggests they try to separate Sam's brain from the angel's so they can talk to Sam and
have him expel Gadreel. However, there's one small problem: the only person who knows how to do that is Crowley.
I made a mistake.
You kill an angel,
its vessel dies, too.
But as far as I know,
he's in the dark.
Here's the deal --
I was the only person
who tried to warn him.
Well, I have a vehicle.
Why do you think
I gave you his name?
even our little
lost Samantha.
How are you?
He's got his mojo back --
minus the broken wings.
Do they come off?
in Somerset, Pennsylvania,
10 minutes ago.
But why?
But I know this.
The key to happiness?
You should not
have come here, Dean.
And now? Any idea
where he scampered off to?
Then you and I will have
a lovely little playdate.
And I trusted you.
Pretty much, yeah.
Pinhead's out cold,
but watch this.
The corruption of man,
demons, hell.
not much.
Do it now!
And it stays off.
I'm not one
for sloppy seconds.
No, I'm fine.
I need you to remember.
Hello, Sam.
See, that's the thing
about demons.
Daddy's home.
Spread the word --
vote Crowley.
I'm pissed.
Aired 11 years ago - Dec 03, 2013
After a massive angel slaughter occurs, Sam and Dean arrive at the scene to investigate and are surprised to run into Castiel. While investigating, Castiel is captured and tortured. Meanwhile, Dean questions Ezekiel's demands and wonders if it might be time to tell Sam the truth.
or anything involving angels
Yeah, maybe.
You're not up to warp speed yet,
don't you think?
Well, not every hookup's
Cass isn't in good standing
with any angel, all right?
You said the angel Ezekiel
helped heal him.
from befouling
his cherished creation, mankind,
None at all.
You want to take back
your reputation,
So, what? Just one day,
he up and joined a biker gang?
Maybe softening up
thousands at a time,
Feel the heavenly host
reach out to embrace you.
I lived among them
for centuries.
there may be nothing in here.
So, she was an angel,
Let's say you're telling the
truth and Metatron tricked you.
Who leads the opposition?
The great Castiel.
I get it.
So, I think
I did what I had to.
How do you know that?
If we're going to war,
I need to be ready.
Well, what if there was a way
to power down the angel
I've been thinking this over,
No, I mean really sure.
Okay, trust that I told you
everything that I can for now.
What are you doing?
Ezekiel is dead.
do you notice anything
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 26, 2013
Sheriff Mills calls Sam and Dean for help investigating multiple murders in her small town. Discovering all four victims belonged to the same church chastity group, Sam and Dean decide to infiltrate by joining the group themselves. When Dean
disappears, Sam and Sheriff Mills realize whatever they are hunting has taken Dean too and team up to rescue him.
And then, the next two --
an engaged couple.
Maybe angels harvesting
And did you happen to see
who it was?
well, they are front and center
in our prayers.
A chastity group?
for your sins
and make a new vow of chastity,
for our missing friends.
Uh...But, uh...
and everything just builds
and builds and builds
'Cause that line
never fails.
Uh, Tammy, right?
The poet?
just to be safe, okay?
Blue light?
I'm so scared for them.
Wait a second.
Me? Ah --
Listen, uh, Suzy,
I've seen a lot of awful things,
What was that?
There has to be
a way out!
Virgins, fire --
because of what we did.
A-a weapon or --
or something.
So, you got something to say,
you say it.
Here we go. 8:00 p.m. train
out of Sioux Falls.
before him, they practically
threw virgins at me.
I take what I deserve.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 19, 2013
Dean gets a call from an old friend named Sonny asking for help with a ghost. Sonny runs a home for delinquent boys, and Dean was sent there for stealing food when he was younger. Sam is stunned he never knew this about his brother and asks for
more information, but Dean dodges his questions. Another murder occurs while Sam and Dean are at the house, so they scramble to find the culprit before anyone else dies. Meanwhile, Dean looks up an old girlfriend and recalls his time at the house.
That's what we told you.
Uh, no. Yeah, I'm just, uh...
I'll be fine.
No. Uh, you mind telling him
that we're here?
Once he found out what happened,
he said let him rot in jail.
Well, then, why'd you steal
bread and peanut butter?
Because these days,
the system
Well, just things
started happening --
Sonny told me
you were old friends,
All right, Casper...
Anybody here?
Let's try that again.
that you can remember,
anything at all?
Well, he'd get
into that corn liquor.
More like something.
Bet you never thought
you'd see me here, huh?
Um, would you excuse me?
I'll be right back.
Ruth always had
her rosary beads with her, about that?
So I've kind of
gotten used to it.
and you're not responsible
for them anymore.
I turned around to take your
order, and you were just gone.
I just hope this lasts.
Go, go, go!
We need you to tell us
about the fire, okay?
I clobber evil!
Maybe she doesn't know what
threats are real and what's not,
Look, we are not here
to hurt you.
Not everything.
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 12, 2013
Castiel gets a job at a Gas-N-Sip and actually starts to enjoy life as a human. A headline in the local newspaper about some disappearances in the area catches his eye, so he calls Dean to help him investigate the case. Dean knows he needs to keep
Sam/Ezekiel away from Castiel, so he tells Sam that he and Kevin need to stay and work with Crowley to decipher the tablet. Crowley agrees to help Sam and Kevin but in return he wants one phone call to hell.
But I found
an ancient codex
Punt those winged dicks
back to heaven.
And there were reports
So -- then what's
the point, Dean?
and taking a nap here was easier
than going back home to my bed.
Pretty much a walking billboard
for no-fault divorce.
If the tests come back
same as the others,
We're not keeping him chained up
for the one-liners.
It's just like...
Who does that, you know?
Good day, ma'am.
I'm a sales associate.
It's by no means my favorite
of the ancient tongues,
You think you can
threaten me with that hack?!
The girl.
You said I sucked.
I mean,
she was kind of bummed
What, you're saying
an angel did this?
They had this way of smiting
that was so quick and so total
To him,
pain is pain.
You want to let Crowley
communicate with Abaddon?
More specific.
Thanks, Dean.
Always open the door
for her, okay?
Wish me luck.
What's wrong,
Short Round?
♪ suddenly I'm up on top
of the world ♪
it's a hair's breadth
from terror or pain.
an already bad marriage
got worse.
Okay, Tanya,
we're taking a little walk.
about humanity
at first.
Hello, Abaddon.
But these humans,
they can get better.
I've managed to double
on your projections.
but we both know
you have no real authority left,
The new world order --
No, Dean,
not this time.
that cares so much?
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 05, 2013
While investigating two bizarre murders, Sam and Dean realize there is an eyewitness to both gruesome deaths - a German Sheppard. Anxious to find out if they are dealing with a witch, a skinwalker or other supernatural monster, the guys look up a
spell that could let Dean "communicate" with the dog. Unfortunately, the spell comes with side effects that no one saw coming.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
I had eight hours
of shut-eye.
Unless there's some reason
you think we shouldn't.
Such a shame.
I used to go hunting with Max.
The animal organs.
No. The register was full,
and the safe was intact.
It's wheat-free,
gluten-free, sugar-free,
Of course not.
It could be a Vetala.
Maybe he's a suspect.
All right,
well, let me know.
after it witnessed
a murder.
You -- you got enough
on your plate.
Dag eru nou rar
vitur orum."
♪ I better read
between the lines ♪
♪ In my life ♪
Ask about the cats.
Do you really h-have
the --
and I'm gonna
have your nuts clipped.
Just calm down.
And you know no one's going to
pay for my surgery.
Hey, pretty boy.
Over here.
Ohh, a-a cowboy hat,
leather pants.
He's not talking.
Who can afford to be closed
on Monday these days?
tramadol, methadone.
"Owl brains."
Uh, we have
collapsible spines.
Who the hell are you?
Well, empty one of these
in his head.
screw the sharktopus.
Been told that
once or twice.
albeit a temporary one.
You are what you eat,
I mean, I don't know
what the hell he is,
...a raah.
I'm gonna be pooping wheatgrass
with these two.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 29, 2013
Sam and Dean discover that the table in the Men of Letters house (the one that lit up like a Christmas Tree when the angels fell), has an ancient computer attached to it. They figure if they can get the computer on, they can track the angels. Who
better to call for help than the best IT girl there is, Charlie? While moving the massive computer, they dislodge a hidden hexbag that unleashes a magical green-webbed wall. Sam and Dean break through it and discover the one and only Dorothy from Oz. She had trapped herself and the wicked witch in the web years ago to stop the witch from finding the key that would open the gate that connected their world with Oz. With the wall broken, a massive and magical fight ensues that threatens to destroy the Men of Letters house.
That's right, rookie.
I'm hoping this break
will, uh, clear his head.
So, Kevin said the table
lit up like a Christmas tree
I was hoping you stiffs have
a way to kill someone from Oz.
And, yeah.
So, where is
this Commodore 64 of yours?
Where do you
even find them?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
All right, well, I'm gonna go
get us some more beers.
There's got to be some way
to kill this thing.
Sam, give me a hand.
And who are you calling
a secretary?
This litter box
is warded against everything,
But we have to find her
before she finds it.
A Man of Letters.
are you coming or what?
What does she want?
I still need
to air myself out.
Looks like
we got a witch here.
but this key will turn any
locked door into a portal to Oz.
Yellow bricks or not,
give me the open road any day.
longer than you want --
longer than we both want.
There's one bullet in it.
I had the weirdest dream
when I was out.
I was always looking
for trouble,
But I knew the truth.
I got nothing.
Oh. Death by shoe?
No, no, no.
You're you.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 22, 2013
Ezekiel tells Dean a group of angels is hunting Castiel. Dean and Sam race to find their friend before the angels do. Meanwhile, a homeless Castiel is trying to make his way through the city and comes across some unexpected surprises.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 15, 2013
Dean shocks Sam by popping open the trunk of the Impala and showing him that he has kidnapped Crowley. Kevin freaks out when he sees the King of Hell, but Sam and Dean convince him that they need Crowley to find the demons on Earth. Meanwhile, Abaddon re-emerges and plans to take over Hell.
I thought
the world was ending.
Is it ever.
Come on.
I know a part of you was human
again, maybe still is.
that I don't do to myself just
for kicks every Friday night?
we can hunt them down --
all of them.
Jason tells me
A king fights.
That would be amazing.
This place reeks of sulfur.
How the word came down
from FBI headquarters in D.C.
All military computers
are linked to the same network.
Let me show you how it's done,
Well, nobody...
I mean permanently --
drop a dime.
is going to be a mortal ass
pretty damn quick.
That's right.
That's not gonna help.
You're bluffing.
Did you ever see a body?
Let me go...
they'll toss you aside
without a second thought
Okay, I think
they're still inside.
Now hand me that toothpick
No, no, b-but what about you?
Just go! Go! Now!
You know, I've loved this body
since the moment I first saw it.
And we'll have
a grand old time.
As am I.
so every demon deal,
This is nuts.
You break easy.
You check the names.
I'll go find the kid.
He's still in there,
isn't he?
'Cause I'm useful.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 08, 2013
Dean is frantic after Sam collapses and the doctor tells Dean his brother won't make it. Desperate, Dean sends out an all points bulletin via prayer to every angel in the area, asking them to help his brother. In exchange, Dean will owe that angel a
favor. Numerous angry angels race to find and kill Dean, but one, Ezekiel, gets to him first. Meanwhile, Sam fights for his life and must face some familiar demons to do so. Castiel struggles to survive without powers.
of the body doing everything
in its limited power
no, God has nothing to do
with this equation at all.
And, um...
Okay, listen up.
I wouldn't be asking
if I wasn't needing, so...
You're serious.
and you're the part of me
that wants to fight to live...
like sell your soul?
I don't know
what's right.
and I'm a grief counselor
here at the hospital.
Yeah, no, I, uh...
There's nothing
to be afraid of.
Entangling with my brother
back there did me no favors.
that much a better place?
It wasn't angel trials.
It was a spell.
And they -- they're looking
for you, and they're pissed.
My -- my friend --
he...needs my help.
you'll tell me more
about humans,
When are you gonna realize
it's over?!
if you ain't willing
to fight for yourself!
But we will.
Hello, Sam.
What the hell's happening?
So, what,
you gonna open him up?
But not in the way
you assume.
...can you promise
that this time it will be final?
Sam will never say yes --
not to you.
I don't want
your protection.
I, uh,
would have brought cronuts,
But you got to let me in,
he'll have to understand.
I'll have to
figure something out.