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3 years ago
Sundays 9:30 AM on Fuji TV

Season 17

While the Straw Hats are underway. Doflamingo has serious predictions for the upset of the world order! Meanwhile, the recent actions in Dressrosa have led to surprising results!

With newfound allies won in the battle at Dressrosa, and as the Navy watches, Luffy and the Straw Hats depart Dressrosa for open water. But will Luffy accept the oath of allegiance given by his new fleet?

The people of Dressrosa show their appreciation to the Straw Hats one last time by foiling Fujitora's strategy. As Luffy and the others are able to finally make their break from the island, however, an unbelievable new chapter opens in the story of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Law and Sengoku share memories of Corazon, and the secret of Trafalgar Law's name. Meanwhile, Fujitora uses the destruction caused by the battle in Dressrosa as a weapon, and squares off one-on-one with Luffy!

Rebecca has precious little time to follow Luffy's lead and make it to Kyros. Can she make it in time? Meanwhile, Fujitora is closing in on Bartolomeo and the other Colosseum warriors while Trafalgar Law faces the shadows of his past!

Fujitora's flirting with chance has turned out poorly for the Straw Hats as the full Navy force bears down on Dressrosa searching for the pirates! Luffy and the others make a mad dash for the East port to get off the island, but not without finishing up a piece of business...

As Luffy and the others begin to come to their senses, major players in the Navy arrive to search Dressrosa for the Straw Hats! Also, Rebecca's history is whitewashed with a fake cover story - but why?

As Sabo departs, our attention shifts to the other Straw Hats waging a fierce battle on a mysterious island. And a new drama is set into motion as ill portents fall from the sky!

Sabo recounts his surprising reunion with Luffy at the Colosseum as the Straw Hats and the others continue to recoup. Meanwhile, Fujitora gambles on how to make his next move - and the odds are in Luffy's favor!

Dressrosa begins rebuilding and the fighters from the battle for Dressrosa can finally begin to rest. Sabo visits the sleeping Straw Hats to say goodbye, but those who stay awake are treated to the story of how Sabo joined the Revolutionary Army!

Repercussions of Doflamingo's defeat reverberate around the world! Fujitora's actions put the Navy in a tight spot, and the "Worst Generation" begins to stir into action!

Jesus Burgess of the Blackbeard Pirates tries to agitate Sabo, mocking Ace's final words in order to unsettle him enough that he can try to steal the Fare-Flare Fruit! Meanwhile, people of Dressrosa beg King Riku to resume the crown when Navy Admiral Fujitora steps in and takes a stunning action!

Aired 9 years ago - Mar 27, 2016

With Doflamingo thoroughly quashed and the Birdcage collapsing, the people of Dressrosa shed tears of joy remembering the hardships they've endured, and the actions taken by Luffy and the others to free them.

Luffy regains enough Haki to face off against Doflamingo, but his health is still poor. With the Birdcage closing in, is there a technique left in his repertoire that is strong enough to take down Doflamingo?

Aired 9 years ago - Mar 06, 2016

Only a bit more time remains before Luffy returns to the scene! But as time slips by, those who had been roused by Princess Mansherrry's powers begin to falter! Meanwhile, Rebecca, under the control of Doflamingo, is about to attack Viola!

With just over a minute to spare, everyone in Dressrosa turns their efforts towards slowing down the Birdcage as it squeezes the life out of the country! Meanwhile, Viola seeks Doflamingo out herself, for a shocking confrontation!

Aired 9 years ago - Feb 21, 2016

With Luffy and so many of the Straw Hats' allies incapacitated, victory seems inevitable for Doflamingo - but the compassion of Mansherry may be enough to turn the tide and renew their hope - to stop the Birdcage!

Aired 9 years ago - Feb 14, 2016

Bounce-man's power has drained Luffy, leaving him in need of a rest before he can reuse his Haki, but luckily the gladiators from the Colosseum have come around and are focusing on taking down Doflamingo! Sabo steps in at a crucial moment to defend his brother, Luffy!

Aired 9 years ago - Jan 31, 2016

Fourth Gear gives Luffy the power he needs to head off Doflamingo at every strike! But the energy required to keep Fourth Gear going starts to take a toll on Luffy. Will he have enough left to finish the job?

The Birdcage continues its merciless constriction, sending the residents of Dressrosa fleeing towards the center of the island, while King Riku calls out to his people: survive long enough for Luffy to vanquish the last of the royal family - Doflamingo himself!

Aired 9 years ago - Jan 17, 2016

Luffy and Doflamingo duke it out while the Birdcage tightens its grip on Dressrosa! Zoro sets off with a plan to stop it from slicing apart the country, while Luffy's Fourth Gear proves quite potent against Doflamingo!

Cavendish has to make a difficult decision when the severely wounded Law begs him to be left behind. Meanwhile, seeing even his Second Gear or Third Gear attacks aren't working against Doflamingo, Luffy decides to use his ultimate technique!

Trebol's wrath is fully inflamed as Law summons enough energy to speak, denouncing the Doflamingo Family executives as pawns in Doflamingo's game. But Law gathers enough energy to do more than just speak out.

Aired 9 years ago - Dec 20, 2015

Law's attack proves powerful - but Doflamingo's power has depths which he and Luffy haven't bargained for. When Doflamingo makes his counterattack, Luffy stares him down with an amazing power.

The birdcage draws tighter and tighter around Dressrosa, threatening to destroy all life on the island kingdom! Meanwhile, Doflamingo stands down Luffy for a final confrontation, but a suprising twist shocks everyone on the top of the Royal Palace!

Aired 9 years ago - Dec 06, 2015

Taking down Bellamy only enrages Luffy in his fight against Doflamingo, his anger multiplying when he finds Law's lifeless body! Meanwhile, Doflamingo takes the next step to end the game he started, which will endanger everybody in Dressrosa!

Aired 9 years ago - Nov 29, 2015

Zoro finishes off Pica, and those below his crumbling body rush to find shelter. Meanwhile, the Tontattas finish up demolishing the SMILE Factory, and Luff'ys hand is forced in his duel with Bellamy!

With the lives of King Riku, Usopp, and the others on the old King's Plateau in the balance, Zoro must dig deep and discover a powerful technique to counter Pica's near-unstoppable onslaught. Meanwhile, King Riku ponders what it means to be a good king.

Pica loses his temper and turns his full wrath against King Riku, whom he hopes to destroy, ending the revolution against Doflamingo. Meanwhile, Zoro, who has been distracted by Pica and drawn far from the battle, has to hatch a plan to save the king!

Aired 9 years ago - Nov 08, 2015

Kyros, unbowed by Diamante's vicious attacks, fights back with the anger and retribution of all of Dressrosa in order to fulfill his promise to protect Rebecca. If he is successful, only a few executives will remain, setting the stage for the Straw Hats' victory.

Franky and Señor Pink end their harrowing duel in a manly way - but victory knocks the wind out of even the winner's sails! Meanwhile, Diamante and Kyros struggle desperately on the Sunflower Field, each demonstrating their extreme prowess even in near defeat!

Aired 9 years ago - Oct 25, 2015

Señor Pink and Franky continue their knock-down, drag-out, manly fight. As both of them are pushed to their limits, we learn Señor's tragic past! Meanwhile, Princess Mansherry's rescue hts a snag as she stubbornly refuses to leave!

Aired 9 years ago - Oct 18, 2015

Princess Mansherry's amazing power - to heal living beings completely - is in the hands of the Donquixote executive. If she is able to heal all the executives who've gone down in battle - the Straw Hats and their allies stand no chance! It's up to Leo to save the day!

Bartolomeo is in a neck and neck battle against Gladius to save Robin, and is faced with an impossible dilemma. With all his options leading to their defeat, can his cunning ploy save the day? Meanwhile, Robin is face to face with Cavendish, but his evil aspect Hakuba keeps complicating the situation more!

A mysterious force that resembles Cavendish menaces the battlefield - but while it appears to help Bartolomeo and the others at first, it sets its sights on Robin! Meanwhile, the deeply-wounded Ideo sees Delinger's horrible true nature!

Aired 9 years ago - Sep 27, 2015

Law is at the whim of Doflamingo and Trebol, while Luffy still has to deal with Bellamy, who fights to keep his honor even after being released by Doflamingo! Meanwhile, Gladius is about to detonate the ground around Cavendish and Bartolomeo!

Lao G and Don Chin Jao duke it out as each brings their most devastating attacks to the battle. But a misunderstnding caused by Baby 5 has Sai and Don Chin Jao distracted - are they distracted enough for Lao G to gain the upper hand?

Bellamy escapes Doflamingo's control, but it might be too late. His long history with Doflamingo unfolds and leads to an inglorious end. Meanwhile, Hajrudin has been beaten down, but a fire still burns in him to pay back the favor he owes!

Aired 9 years ago - Sep 06, 2015

Luffy continues to battle Fake-mingo, but keeps accidentally battling Bellamy instead. Meanwhile the tide of battle turns against Law as painful scars from the past resurface, And Zoro gets unexpected help in his battle with Pica.

Aired 9 years ago - Aug 30, 2015

Violet runs down the status of the open battles raging in Dressrosa - the Straw Hats, the Tontattas, the executives of the Doflamingo Family - all of them clash around the island, but it's Law's revelation to Doflamingo that moves the action forward!

Doflamingo and his Family begin to zero in on Corazon and Law's whereabouts, but Corazon has a plan to hide Law long enough to let him escape - even if that means sacrificing his own life. However, when things turn sour, it's a chain of lucky coincidences that allows the plan to be set into motion - almost as though someone or something is keeping Law alive! MORE -LESS

The Op-Op Fruit is in Corazon's hands! But the price he paid to get it might be too high.. When Law goes for help,unfortunate coincidences intervene and leave the two vulnerable! Meanwhile, Doflamingo and his clan finally land at Minion Island; the location of corazon and Law!

Corazon's double-dealing with the Navy raises suspicions both with Doflamingo and Law. But all that is secondary as Corazon finally has a chance to grab the Op-Op Fruit during a staged handoff arranged by the Government.

Things grow stranger for Law as he learns the secret behind why Corazon feigns being mute! But the mysterious Corazon's actions are only beginning to baffle Law as he takes him on a journey to cure his White Lead Disease.

Aired 9 years ago - Jul 19, 2015

Law's attack on Corazon looks less successful than he thought! And after he's accepted into the Doflamingo Family, Corazon's mysterious silence hides a fact that may save Law's life - and a hidden danger Law must face in Doflamingo himself!

The horrible secret of Flevance, the White Town, is revealed, giving clues to Law's traumatic past! A rage born from the lies of the World Government created a child who had the will to kill Corazon!

With Fujitora's stalemate arousing suspicion in the Navy ranks, Law and Luffy stand seconds away from execution at the hand of Doflamingo! But before he dispatches them both, he shares the secret of his sway over the Celestial Dragons!

Aired 9 years ago - Jun 28, 2015

All hopes rest on Luffy and Law being able to take down Doflamingo; but the Warlord has other plans in mind as he gives the two the fight of their lives, and reveals his true, shocking history! Meanwhile, Sabo finds out Fujitora's true intention...

The final showdown with Doflamingo begins, but the Warlord still has several tricks up his sleeve - including turning one of Luffy's own friends against him! Meanwhile Franky and Señor Pink are in a standoff to find out who is the coolest.

Usopp uses Viola's clairvoyance to prepare his ammunition to take Sugar out! But the slightest hesitation now will spell disaster -- and the end of Luffy! Luckily for the Straw Hats, Usopp's ammunition has been specially designed for this specific situation!

Aired 9 years ago - Jun 07, 2015

Diamante has Rebecca pinned and completely overpowered. If only the Soldier-san of her youth were able to protect her! Meanwhile, Luffy and Law finally surmount incredible odds to land themselves in striking distance of Doflamingo -- but Sugar stands in their way!

Rebecca makes it to the Flower Field alone, but unfortunately finds company there that is less than friendly! Meanwhile, Bartolomeo pushes himself to the limit in order to help Luffy advance, but does he leave himself vulnerable in the process? Meanwhile, Sabo tastes Fujitora's full might!

Robin, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo draw closer to the Flower Field on the forth level of the Royal Palace plateau, but a sudden attack by Gladius exploding spheres send Robin and Bartolomeo hurtling towards the level below - and directly into Luffy and the others' battle with the creepy Headcracker Dolls!

Franky finally makes it into the factory and the Tontattas are reunited with their captive friends! But Princess Mansherry is nowhere to be found. Factory manager Kuween becomes irate when ignored and launches an attack on Franky while Señor Pink, wise to Frankie's deception, arrives on the scene ready for a manly showdown!

The Tontattas are in full revolt! But can they keep their wits about them long enough to make it out? Meanwhile, Zoro finally gains the upper hand against Pica, and Franky finds a way to deal with Señor Pink.

Hidden far underground, Kin'emon finds his old friend Kanjuro, whose powers allow the two to, quickly, but not elegantly, escape to the surface! Meanwhile, Cavendish shares his fears that the "Birdcage" game Doflamingo is playing has been rigged all along - and that the only way to win is to take the Warlord down!

The Tontattas locate their captive comrades and seem to be able to get the message to them - the prison break is on! Meanwhile, heavy-hitters from the Colosseum turn from wringing each other's necks towards a unified plan, which might just be enough to get Luffy the chance to make it to a final showdown with Doflamingo!

Luffy and Moocy fast approach the showdown with Doflamingo - while the others with a beef against him continue to tag along. Meanwhile, Violet finds the key to Law's handcuffs, and Rebecca pledges to deliver it to him, Finally, Law's reason for despising Doflamingo is revealed!

Luffy cuts a lucky break as Kelly Funk shows him a shortcut to the Palace! But all may not be as it seems... Meanwhile, Franky and Zoro are locked in one-on-one duels, while Robin, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo enlist the heip of the Tontattas to catch up with Luffy and Law!

Lufy makes headway toward Dolflamingo's refuge, making his way through Dolflamingo's guards, while down below Admiral Fujitora faces off against Sabo. who has the power of the Fire Fist from eating the Flare-Flare Fruit! But with Fujitora's ability to call down a meteor, will Sabo have the power to save himself?

Aired 9 years ago - Mar 29, 2015

Luffy and Moocy fast approach the showdown with Dolflamingo - while the others with a beef against him continue to tag along. Meanwhile, Violet finds the key to Law's handcuffs, and Rebecca pledges to deliver it to him. Finally, Law's reason for despising Dolflamingo is revealed.

Aired 10 years ago - Mar 22, 2015

Don Chin Jao and Elizabello successfully break Pica's giant arm but the rock giant is unfazed and starts throwing even more destructive punches at Luffy and his band of unwanted collaborators! Meanwhile, Navy Admiral Fujitora moves into action, summoning all the Navy soldiers on the island!

With Luffy and the others recovering from Pica'a attack, the game is afoot! Luffy has just enough time to regroup and set out to find Doflamingo, only to find that the dastardly Warlord has more enemies than he might realize! A strange argument breaks out - to decide who gets to take down Doflamingo once and for all!

Robin, Usopp, the Tontatta's and the others make moves to rejoin Luffy as Doflamingo's deadly game rages on! Meanwhile, Kin'emon makes it to the trash heap in his search for his friend Kanjuro - just as Pica emerges in the town and changes the stakes of the game!

Sabo and Koala separate from Nico Robin's group and head in separate directions as Robin decides to move toward the palace. As Trafalgar D. Water Law and Monkey D. Luffy argue over what to do next, Koala investigates the underground trading port and the Marines attempt to restrain the people being controlled by Parasite. Donquixote Doflamingo meets with his top 3 executives, where he reveals that the Marines will not hinder them in their activities for now. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, and Law land near several Marines and Donquixote underlings, but they are confronted by Issho. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Feb 08, 2015

As citizens and Marines are forced to attack each other in the streets of Dressrosa, Doflamingo reveals to the island a hit list on the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies, surprisingly with Usopp having the highest reward. Robin, Usopp, Sabo, Koala and Hack head for the SMILE Factory while Bartolomeo holds off the freed toys, and Kin'emon leaves to look for Kanjuro. Franky leaves the Toy House and goes to destroy the factory while Trebol and Diamante regroup at the palace. At the palace plateau, Kyros abandons the group to go after Doflamingo. Rebecca contacts Luffy, asking about her father, and Luffy states that he promised to end this game and beat up Doflamingo. MORE -LESS

Doflamingo orders Pica to push Luffy and the others off of the palace. Doflamingo then unleashes his Birdcage, sealing the entire island in strings. The strings then latch onto people and take control of them, forcing them to attack each other. Pica then rearranges the whole island, levitating areas such as the palace and the Flower Field. Doflamingo announces a game to kill him to break the cage, unless they kill all of the people he is about to name. MORE -LESS

Koala, Sabo, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo go down to the trade port, where Sabo finally reveals himself. They explain that the Revolutionary Army is there to stop the distributing of weapons to warring countries, but the many Revolutionaries who were sent to Dresrosa were turned into toys. In the royal palace, Kyros takes down Buffalo and Baby 5, and when Luffy is about to unlock Law's Kairoseki handcuffs, Doflamingo reveals to be alive. With no other option, he is going to use the Birdcage, much to Law's horror. MORE -LESS

The final Colosseum round continues as Rebecca finally remembers her father. Sabo destroys the Colosseum with his Dragon Claw Fists: Dragon's Breath before leaping at the Fighting Fish baring the Mera Mera no Mi, and claims the Devil Fruit. Gaining Ace's former fiery powers, Sabo burns a hole directly through the bottom of the Colosseum. Down in the trade port, Hajrudin picks up the barely-conscious Usopp and presents him to all the former toys, proclaiming he is their savior. The hole created by Sabo is seen breaking on the port's ceiling as the remaining fighters fall in. As the light shines upon Usopp, the warriors believe he is a god. Asking what to do next, Usopp tells them to destroy the factory behind him. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Jan 11, 2015

As an unconscious Sugar falls to the ground, the toys in Dressrosa begin reverting to their human forms, to the shock of the humans around them. The Tontatta proclaim Operation SOP was a success as the freed men and women, angry at Donquixote Doflamingo for turning them into toys, begin attacking his soldiers and burning down his flags around Dressrosa. Meanwhile, Kyros, now remembered by his friends and family, finishes what he started 10 years ago by cutting off Doflamingo's head. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Dec 28, 2014

Ten years ago, when Dressrosa is attacked by the Donquixote Pirates, Kyros rushes to the palace to see what's happening. He is ambushed by the pirates and chained to the ground by his left leg as Doflamingo presents himself, showing King Riku's beaten body. Furious, Kyros cuts his own leg off to attack Doflamingo, until Sugar transforms him to a toy. Kyros escapes, rescuing Riku in the process, but the king does not remember him. Days later, Kyros witnesses Diamante murdering his wife, Scarlett, leaving him to bring the food to and care for his daughter, Rebecca. In the underground trade port, Usopp attempts to fight Trebol, but is easily defeated and glued to the ground. Sugar proceeds to feed him the Tatababasco berry, but Usopp unleashes a great flame as his eyes pop out, scaring Sugar unconscious. MORE -LESS

While Usopp faces Trebol, the Thunder Soldier recalls his time as Kyros. After much time as a gladiator, Kyros manages to become King Riku's captain of his guard and later marries his eldest daughter Scarlett and they together conceive Rebecca. As they have a happy life together as a family, Doflamingo ruins it as he attempts to take over Dressrosa that night 10 years ago. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Dec 14, 2014

Usopp tries to escape from the trading port after the dwarves' defeat. Leo and his comrades keep trying to tell Trebol that Usoland will save them, their speech transmitted across the port via Den Den Mushi. Trebol merely mocks the dwarves and begins stomping them, but eventually, Usopp returns and yells at the dwarves. He tells them he's no hero and he really was lying, for he's the sniper of the Straw Hats, Usopp. He finally decides to fight for them as he launches a Shuriken Star that severs Trebol to pieces. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Dec 07, 2014

While Thunder Soldier, Kabu, and Rampo progress through the castle, they encounter and battle Gladius. When Soldier attempts to get away, Gladius catches and prepares to blow him up, but Soldier is rescued by Luffy. Luffy, Viola, and Soldier run away and make it to the Suit Chamber, watching Doflamingo demand information from Law. In the trading port, Leo and his dwarves try once again to poison Sugar, but Trebol stops them, and Sugar has her toys attack them further. Robin subdues the two so Leo can poison Sugar, but Sugar turns Robin into a toy by touching the latter's arm. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Nov 30, 2014

The destruction caused by Trebol was enough to bring the attempted attack on Sugar to a stop as the dwarves were rounded up and interrogated. The dwarves however were betrayed by their naivety and revealed Usoland to them, allowing Trebol to ignite the slime they were caught in. Leo survives and lands near Usopp and Robin who evaded capture. Leo weakly told Usopp that their plan must succeed for the sake of their captain. At the Palace, Thunder Soldier was brutally kicked out of the lift by Lao G, and has a flashback of his fight with Rebecca over the false news of Doflamingo's resignation. At the Colosseum , Rebecca lies beaten by Diamante who taunts her over the death of her mother. Seeing this, Sabo told Bartolomeo to protect Rebecca. Thunder Soldier was later saved by his dwarf squad from Lao G, and the survivors told him that he must press on. Usopp was skeptical that they would put all their faith on a simple toy soldier, but Leo reveals that Thunder Soldier was the first to be turned into a toy and not given a contract. It is why he leads the resistance and that his human identity was the legendary gladiator, Kyros. MORE -LESS

Zoro's battle with Pica continues as Luffy and Viola move forward. Meanwhile, the tower elevator makes it to the palace first floor as Lao G continues to attack Thunder Soldier. After Robin lures Trebol out of the Officer Tower, Leo runs in and throws the Tatababasco in Sugar's bowl, only for her to see through its trick and toss it away. The dwarves charge in attempt to attack her, but she transforms them into toys. Sugar then calls Trebol and warns him of the attack, so Trebol catches a ship with his powers and tosses it to break open the tower. MORE -LESS

Leo prepares to plant the Tatababasco grape in Sugar's bowl, but is stopped by Robin after she sees how dangerous Trebol is. In the Colosseum, Jesus Burgess earned the ire of the audience when he indiscriminately attacked the crowd while fighting the boss fighting fish. The fighting fish with the prize tried to attack Rebecca but missed and Lucy managed to get on top of the beast. Diamante moved to attack Lucy but broke his sword against the latter's pipe in the process. Jesus tried his turn to attack but Lucy intercepted and destroyed his elbow guard, with Diamante noticing the change in Lucy's fighting style. Inside the harbor lift, Lao G has stumbled upon Thunder Soldier's squad and proceeds to prevent them from reaching Doflamingo. Inside the palace Kin'emon decides to disguise himself to elude the Donquixote Family members while Zoro has Luffy and Viola move on while he fights Pica. MORE -LESS

Luffy, Zoro, and Viola make their way up the castle, while Kin'emon and Wicca go down to the Toy House. The three encounter Pica, who fights them with his Ishi Ishi no Mi powers. At the Toy House, the Marines keep trying to attack Franky, who still prevails in the fight. Cavendish is dropped into the trading port and changed into a toy by Sugar. Usopp, Robin, and the dwarves make it to Sugar's chamber as Leo reveals his Tatababasco fruit, which they'll use to poison and KO Sugar. Leo makes his speech about how all the toys will turn back to normal after she's defeated, the dwarves cheering in excitement as Usopp tries to silence them. MORE -LESS

The contenders of the final round, Burgess, Bartolomeo, Lucy, Rebecca, and Diamante make their way in the colosseum. The final round begins as Lucy tries to find the Fighting Fish with the Mera Mera no Mi. Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, Kin'emon, and Viola try to sneak into the Rampart Tower, in which Luffy merely breaks the front gates open and charges through many guards. After hearing the report that Straw Hat and his allies were in the tower, Doflamingo questions why Luffy is there when he should be in the colosseum. MORE -LESS

In the Colosseum, Rebecca finds Lucy to tell him she is in the finals too, but notices that Lucy is different than she remembers. Diamante is also announced to be fighting in the next match. Meanwhile, at the palace, Viola shows Luffy's group a secret emergency lift that was kept hidden even from Doflamingo. Though stairs were also available, the group prefer to take the lift up with Luffy acting as counter weight. The battle at the Toy House rages on as Franky launches rockets at Senor Pink who took a missile on the face, in order to protect Machvise who was unable to move. He then gets up and tries to flatten Franky with a body slam but misses. Before the fight could continue, the Marines show up surrounding the Toy House with the intent to arrest Franky. In the Palace, Fujitora reveals that his intention is to abolish the Shichibukai system. Doflamingo takes this as a threat and attacks him but Fujitora says that his orders in defending the country from the Straw Hats still stand and once he deals with them, he will turn his attention towards Doflamingo. Back to the Colosseum, the final battle for the Mera Mera no Mi is about to begin with a new battle platform and the first to step out is Lucy. MORE -LESS

As the dust clears, the last fighter standing turns out to be Rebecca making her the winner much to the dissatisfaction of the announcer and the crowd. Speculations of Rebecca cheating were thrown throughout the crowd but Rebecca was the only one who saw what really happened. During the fight, Rebecca saw Cavendish fall asleep in the middle of the battle. Before the other fighters would capitalize on their sleeping target, Cavendish promptly woke up with a sinister face that promised torment for his enemies. In that instant, Cavendish moved like the wind, cutting down every fighter in his way. Rebecca however saw this and barely manages to avoid a fatal strike from Cavendish, who then fell asleep again. Outside, Vice Admiral Bastille finished explaining to an officer about what happened in the colosseum as this was the work of not Cavendish, but his alter ego Hakuba, a dangerous man who eluded the marines years ago for his dangerous technique. At the Palace, Doflamingo is standing before King Riku who is chained up. Doflamingo gloated that Viola's hope of the Straw Hats defeating him and freeing Law is worthless, as he had full confidence that his men will prevent them from breaching his operations and believes that Luffy is still trapped in the colosseum. At that moment, Robin and Usopp have successfully infiltrated the basement harbor, and Luffy's group ran into Viola who wants to help them in entering the palace. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Oct 12, 2014

The colosseum D block battle is almost over with nearly 30 fighters remaining with Rebecca among them. At the Hidden Harbor, Usopp learned from the dwarves that Thunder Soldier left the group in order to assassinate Doflamingo at his palace, leaving Usopp in command of the army much to his disbelief. Though they were nearly caught by some soldiers the dwarves easily subdued them and their clothes were given to Usopp and Robin for disguise. Near the Harbor elevator, many soldiers were rushing towards the elevator to see the battle between Franky and Senor Pink, unaware that Thunder Soldier and a few dwarves were hiding inside a crate in the lift. Seeing no other way, Thunder Soldier assaults the soldiers in order to hijack the lift. During battle, he recalls his training of Rebecca to teach her battle instinct. He then declares his goal to restore Dressrosa to King Riku's rule. At the colosseum, an unexplained event caused every fighter in the arena to fall unconscious one after another. Before anyone could speculate what happened, an unidentified fighter is seen getting up in the arena. MORE -LESS

At the Flower Field, the Dwarf army and the Straw Hat Pirates begin to move out, with Franky taking the front entrance via the toy house while the rest of the army take the secret underground tunnel that leads to the harbor. Franky, remembering Luffy's orders to go all out, creates a huge ruckus in front of the toy house grabbing the attention of every officer in the Donquixote Pirates. In the ensuing chaos, Senor Pink who is guarding the entrance prepares to face Franky. In the underground tunnel, the dwarves explains to Usopp of the Donquixote Family and the identities and strengths of the officers who are running the operations. As they reach the end of the tunnel, the army find themselves directly underneath the palace plateau where the huge harbor is located. Unnoticed by anyone, the army prepares to find their target, Sugar who is guarded by Trébol himself. MORE -LESS

Dellinger continues attacking Bellamy until Bartolomeo saves him, before Dellinger is called by Diamante to guard the Toy House. Thunder Soldier explains "Operation: SOP", and how there's an underground trading port where Sugar, the one who makes people into toys, is hiding. As Luffy is looking for the colosseum's exit, he runs into Bartolomeo and Bellamy, and are shortly approached by Sabo. Promising to retrieve the Mera Mera no Mi, Luffy gives Sabo his disguise so the latter may fight in the colosseum. Bellamy leads Luffy to an exit as Luffy, Kin'emon, and Zoro head to the Flower Field in disguises. MORE -LESS

Doflamingo lies to the shocked citizens that witnessed him shooting Law, telling them that Law was actually responsible for the morning's fake news about Doflamingo leaving the throne. When asked by Luffy what he is doing to Law, Doflamingo responds that Law was originally his subordinate and as such, it is his responsibility to "educate" him. Zoro and Kin'emon attempt to save Law, but before the Marines make a move to stop them, Admiral Fujitora appears, blocking Zoro's sword and sends him underground, using his Devil Fruit ability. Luffy attempts to help, but is blocked by the Colosseum's bars, which are made of Seastone. The rest of the crew, who are listening to the events, are shocked to learn that Doflamingo has an admiral on his side. Fujitora and Doflamingo pick up Law and head for the palace, in order to finish their conversation. Zoro tells Luffy to find a way out, as they try to outrun the Marines. At that point, Sanji's group is attacked by what appears to be a singing ship, which belongs to the Yonko Big Mom. On the ship are Tamago and Pekoms, who reveal that their goal is Caesar Clown. The Straw Hat Pirates realize they have to keep their new enemies away from Dressrosa if they want to destroy the factory. Luffy gives the order for the Sunny to head to Zou, Sanji asks permission to return fire to the Yonko's ship and Franky leads the way for the factory destruction team. Finally, Luffy states in anger that they will head to the palace to save Law and defeat Doflamingo. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure appears in the Colosseum. MORE -LESS

As Luffy talks with Zoro and Kinemon, Bellamy begins approaching Luffy, saying he finally found him. Bellamy is about to attack Luffy, but begins having second thoughts. Just then, Dellinger interrupts him, claiming he has orders from Doflamingo to dispose of him, since Bellamy is considered a nuisance. At the iron bridge, Law and Doflamingo continue their fight, with the latter having the upper hand. Diamante calls to inform his captain about Violet's betrayal, which Doflamingo had already figured out. He orders Diamante to send Lao G at the entrance of the factory to prevent the Straw Hat Pirates from destroying it, and handle the crowd's entertainment by himself. The Marines see through Zoro's disguise and suspect that Lucy is in fact Straw-Hat Luffy. However, they seem to have no memory of the fighters that have been turned into toys. The Straw Hat Pirates have a meeting via Den Den Mushi and share their knowledge so far. Sanji and his team decide to head back to Dressrosa and Franky asks permission to assist the Riku army's revolution, to which Luffy urges him to go all out. While Admiral Fujitora arrives at the shores of Dressrosa, there is a big ruckus in the city, with explosions and buildings being cut in half. Doflamingo has Law beaten on the ground, right outside the Colosseum. He, then, takes out a pistol and shoots Law three times. MORE -LESS

While Doflamingo continues to control Riku Dold III, his subordinates manage to take control of the castle with the help of an inside spy, who also took princess Viola hostage. With the people's trust in him in tatters, and his spirit broken, King Riku begs for death. Then, Doflamingo appears with his strongest subordinates and defeats the king and his army, setting the grounds for his takeover of the island. After telling the Straw Hat Pirates of the tragedies of the past, Thunder Soldier explains that the king is still alive since Viola pledged her service to Doflamingo in exchange for the King's life. He, also, explained that although the toys of Dressrosa were once people who despised Doflamingo, they still remember who they were, but not each other and that the drive for revolution is still in them. In the underground chamber, almost all of the fighters were transformed except for Riku and Chinjao, with the latter having mysteriously forgotten that he had grandchildren. In the colosseum, Luffy meets up with Zoro and Kin'emon with the help of Bartolomeo, although he was nowhere to be seen. MORE -LESS

While the fight for block D continues, Thunder Soldier explains to the Straw Hat Pirates how King Riku lost the throne and respect of Dressrosa. Ten years ago Doflamingo appeared in the king's chambers, asking for a 10 billion Beli ransom, in order to leave the country alone. Riku sent his soldiers to ask of the citizens' money, but while they were willingly trying to help their king, Doflamingo controlled Riku and his soldiers with his ability, and made them attack their own people against their will. In the shadows, Doflamingo and his crew are waiting for the right moment to interfere and act as a saving hero in the eyes of Dressrosa's confused citizens. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Aug 24, 2014

After some conversation, Ricky reveals himself to be Riku Dold III, the former king of Dressrosa and Rebecca's grandfather. Many of the fighters in the holding cell show their respect to the former king, and Doflamingo's role as an agitator and arms dealer in inter-kingdom conflict is discussed. Suddenly, a thread of goo from the ceiling snares Sai and drags him up a tunnel, where Trébol, by unseen means, turns him into a toy and releases him out into the public. In the flower fields, Gancho reveals to Usopp, Nico Robin and Franky the cruelty of the Donquixote Family from 800 years ago, and how the Dwarfs were slaved up until the rise of the Riku Family. The dwarfs all agree that Doflamingo's presence is a terrible thing for the country, and that an incident framed King Dold as a villain so he is undeservedly hated by Dressrosa today. Finally, the Thunder Soldier reveals that, before he was a toy, he was Rebecca's father. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Aug 17, 2014

Bartolomeo searches for Luffy while he stumbles upon the infirmary with the losers of Block C. Inside the Colosseum, Sai is being treated along with all of the other injured fighters who never knew Sai was secretly dropped into an underground chamber where all the tournament dropouts and "diseased" toys were thrown. Everyone there has no clue what Doflamingo plans on doing with them. In the Corrida Colosseum, the crowd accuses Rebecca of running around and avoiding the fight, while Rolling Logan is chasing her, knocking out other contestants in the process. Rebecca is fighting Rolling Logan while the latter tries to break her bones. He eventually grabs her and starts to squeeze her till Acilia shows up to save her and Rebecca manages to overpower Logan and has him fall out of the ring. Acilia then teams up with Rebecca to ensure her chance to reach the finals. Meanwhile, Luffy tries to get a better view of the screen while discussing the dark nature of Dressrosa with the prisoner-gladiators, when all of a sudden he encounters Bartolomeo. MORE -LESS

Trafalgar Law and Donquixote Doflamingo begin their duel with a bang on the iron bridge while the escaped Straw Hats are already on their way to Zo. On the ship, Momonosuke talks about how he was traumatized by Doflamingo's cruelty and was afraid of what he might do to Kanjuro. Meanwhile on Dressrosa, Violet is seen heading towards the palace on her toy steed. Zoro and Kin'emon are with Bartolomeo who agrees to find Luffy for them only if Zoro gives him an autograph. At the battle royale, Rebecca is knocking out fighters by tripping them out of the ring without injuring a single one until Rolling Logan confronts her. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Aug 03, 2014

Sanji put up a valiant fight but was ultimately defeated by Doflamingo. Before Doflamingo could deliver the killing blow, Sanji was saved by Trafalgar Law who teleported themselves back to the Thousand Sunny. With Caesar Clown back in their control, Law ordered the Straw Hats to head to Zo immediately. Though the Straw Hats were reluctant in leaving their remaining friends behind, they were forced to agree when they were assaulted by a flying Marine battleship, courtesy of Fujitora, and another one of Doflamingo's hand whips. Law reveals that Doflamingo cannot pursue them in cloudless areas with his Ito Ito no Mi and advises them to find one fast. Once the Straw Hats escaped with Caesar Clown and the Marines heading to Dressrosa, the two Shichibukai have a showdown on the iron bridge. Law told his former leader that he is ending the alliance with the Straw Hats because once they stop the production of SMILE, Kaido will wipe out Doflamingo. Law also reveals his goal was to make Doflamingo pay for what he did 13 years ago, even if it cost him his life. MORE -LESS

In the Corrida Colosseum, the battle of Block D continues as Cavendish fights against and defeats Gardoa. Several noteworthy gladiators are introduced, as Rebecca struggles against her opponents. At Green Bit, Doflamingo confirms his status as a former World Noble. Law manages to escape Fujitora's gravity and makes a run with Caesar in order to send him to the Straw Hats' ship, and then to stall Doflamingo on the bridge to Dressrosa. Doflamingo, however, sees through his plan and moves to attack the ship, but Sanji intercepts him at the last minute. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Jul 13, 2014

At Green Bit, Donquixote Doflamingo reveals a bit of history that nineteen of the twenty kings who united to form the World Government moved to live in Mariejois with their families, leaving their old countries to elect new royalty. He then reveals to a defeated Trafalgar Law that the royal family that ruled Dressrosa before the Riku family was none other than the Donquixote Family. Meanwhile, Zoro and Kin'emon stand outside the Colosseum, after talking to Sanji and discussing their plan. Sanji decides to go save Nami, gives Kin'emon the map to the toy house, and leaves with Violet to find their ship. Meanwhile, Zoro and Kin'emon are looking for a way to enter the Corrida Colosseum while trying not to draw any attention to themselves. However, they've already been spotted by Bartolomeo, who gushes over seeing one of his idols, Zoro; he goes on to think about the man he considers the first mate of the crew, due to his deeds in Whiskey Peak and Enies Lobby. On the deformed Thousand Sunny, Brook is apparently aiding Jora in making abstract art whilst subduing Nami, Chopper and Momonosuke. However, Brook tricks Jora to returning his sword back to normal and swiftly defeats her. With Jora defeated, her spell is broken and everyone including the ship are returned to normal. However, she transforms herself into art called "Heaven's Door Art" to take them down. However, once Nami uses the Gaon Cannon it defeats her and leaves her incapacitated on the ship after Momonosuke hits her with a bat. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Jul 06, 2014

At the Corrida Colosseum, the crowd continues to taunt Rebecca until Cavendish shouts at them to stop their shameful jeers. Rebecca thanks him but he reminds her that in the ring, they are enemies. When the gong rings, the Battle Royale officially starts. Meanwhile, Law continues to struggle with Doflamingo and Fujitora and is swiftly defeated while Doflamingo decides to tell Law more about himself. At the Flower Field secret base, Leo and Thunder Soldier deliver their speech to the assembled army to prepare for the upcoming battle. Meanwhile in Dressrosa, Zoro is trying to find his way to Nami but runs into Kin'emon and Sanji, who were on their way to inform Luffy of the situation. Violet then shows up in disguise and informs them of their ship being already taken towards Green Bit. At the Colosseum, Rebecca is ganged up by five warriors but defeats all of them while tossing them out of the ring declaring she'll win the Mera Mera no mi and kill Doflamingo MORE -LESS

When Rebecca was little, her mother died when Rebecca said that she is hungry. The two had not eaten for two days because they were on the run from the people hunting down the former nobility. She left Rebecca in the Flower Field, saying that she will be back with food. Unfortunately, she was discovered by the hunters and was killed. The Thunder Soldier carried her mother back, saying that even though he couldn't protect her mother, he will protect Rebecca forever. The rest of Rebecca's childhood is shown, including the two of them living together, and Thunder Soldier teaching Rebecca how to fight. As Rebecca walks into the arena, she is booed by the audience. Luffy is angered and says that she is a nice person. One of the prisoners replies that everyone despises her because of her grandfather, the former King who destroyed the country many years ago. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Jun 22, 2014

As Luffy leaves the ring after winning Block C of the tournament, he is attacked by Cavendish. Bartolomeo reveals his connection to Luffy, and Chinjao attempts to thank Luffy for restoring his head. Luffy escapes and is found by Rebecca, who buys him food. As they hide, Luffy overhears Jesus Burgess talking to his captain, Blackbeard, and tells the Yonko that he will not let him have Ace's devil fruit. As Rebecca and Luffy talk, she reveals some of her past. MORE -LESS

Luffy's battle with Chinjao rages forward as they both use Busoshoku Haki in the ongoing fight. During the match, Chinjao explains and then occurs a flashback when his head was functioning like a powerful drill. After some time, he lost a duel against Garp and had his drill suppressed in his head, which eventually was the main factor towards losing his fame, money and power. After the flashback, Luffy and Chinjao prepares for their final showdown. At the ending, Luffy delivers a punch imbued with Busoshoku Haki towards Chinjao's head, bringing back its drill-shape. Chinjao falls unconscious and breaks the platform into two as a result of landing headfirst on it. Lucy is declared as the winner of Block C MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Jun 08, 2014

Usopp, Robin and their dwarf allies are preparing for battle with the Donquixote Pirates to rescue their 500 captured dwarf comrades. As they leave, Gancho reveals to the two that the dwarves' past with Dressrosa began over 900 years ago. Meanwhile in Dressrosa, there exists a field of sunflowers and below the field, Thunder Soldier and Franky are rallying several toys. It is revealed that they are in an alliance with the dwarves. Franky also discovers that Zoro is there as well and that he is watching the C block battle royale fight between Luffy and Don Chinjao. Back at the Sunny, Nami is fending off Jora but finds her Clima Tact turned into a yet another piece of art as Jora reveals that she ate the Ato Ato no Mi and became an art human. At Green Bit, the fight between Doflamingo and Law is still going on with Law being barely able to keep up with Doflamingo's might. Back at the Corrida Colosseum, Jesus Burgess approaches Bartolomeo and Cavendish, wondering who "the little runt" is. MORE -LESS

In the Colosseum, Chinjao told Luffy that the King of the Pirates is one who conquers all the conquerors in the New World. He then started crying over his lack of memories of what Garp did to him and demanded an answer from Luffy who knew nothing about it. Outside in the streets, Sanji and Kin'emon are watching Luffy's fight while observing in disguise the numerous marines surrounding the colosseum waiting to arrest any criminal that exits the stadium. However, not a single loser of the battle royales came out, confusing even the present vice admiral Bastille over what's happening inside. Elsewhere, Thunder Soldier explains that ten years ago when Doflamingo took over the island, he imposed a strict curfew between humans and toys. Confused, Franky asks why would he separate them like that until the toy soldier reveals that every toy in the island were once humans who became forgotten to their loved ones and that Doflamingo brought a Devil Fruit user that caused those transformation. At Green Bit, Trafalgar Law is barely holding his defense against Issho and Doflamingo's assault. Their battle is felt shaking the Tontatta Kingdom while the dwarves believed it to be Usopp's Haki. When Usopp questions their war with Doflamingo, the dwarves thought it was a joke and explains that 500 of their people including their princess are held as slaves in Doflamingo's dark factory and their goal is to rescue them and destroy the factory revealed to be hidden in the Corrida Colosseum basement, right underneath Luffy's feet. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - May 25, 2014

The competition at Block C of the Corrida Colosseum is wining down as Lucy squares off against Jean the Bandit while others like Kelly Funk, Chinjao, and Ideo start to easily take out other competitors. Kelly Funk's power is revealed but is easily defeated by Sai who prepares to face off against Ideo. Outside of Dressrosa, the Straw Hat Pirates are still dealing with Jora and the Donquixote Pirates and back in the Colosseum, the final two of Block C is revealed to be Lucy and Chinjao who had just clashed with Haki. MORE -LESS

The battle royale heats up as more fighters continue to drop one after another and the strongest and most infamous fighters begin to face each other. The standouts among the remaining infamous fighters include "Destruction Cannon" Ideo, Jean "The Bandit" Ango, the Funk Brothers Kelly and Bobby, the Flower Country's Hasshoken masters and naval warriors Chinjao, Sai and Boo, and finally Lucy, who is becoming a popular underdog. The audience and commentator Gatz are a mixture of shock and awe by the power and brutality of each fighter's signature skills and techniques, and the question on everybody's mind is which one of these powerhouses will come out on top and earn the right to challenge the other three champions for the Mera Mera no Mi. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - May 11, 2014

The Straw Hat Pirates onboard the Thousand Sunny find themselves in a predicament as they are under attack by the Donquixote Pirates lead by Jora who transformed the crew as well as the ship into abstract art. Jora reveals that their goal is to capture Momonosuke and since the ship is deformed, the Straw Hat Pirates have no way of leaving Dressrosa. In the Colosseum, Bellamy receives a second chance to earn Doflamingo's favor by assassinating Luffy. Ricky refuses to be treated with the injured but gives in when he meets Rebecca who he seems to remember as a child. Luffy is becoming a crowd favorite when he tamed Fighting Bull and is riding the beast all around the ring. Unfortunately, they bump into Hajrudin, a giant from Elbaf who proceeds to crush Lucy as well as the Bull. Though Luffy is not harmed, his new friend is not as fortunate to avoid injury, and with anger, Luffy delivers a Haki infused punch on the giant's face, knocking him out of the tournament. MORE -LESS

Admiral Issho and Donquixote Doflamingo prepare to fight Trafalgar Law, who is trying to stall them long enough for the Straw Hat Pirates to accomplish their missions. Violet splits up from Sanji, who reunites with Kin'emon. Franky gets a call from Sanji complaining about letting Luffy enter the Corrida Colosseum tournament. In the Colosseum, Luffy tames the Fighting Bull. Usopp and Robin learn from the dwarves that Montblanc Noland came to their island in the past and is considered a hero by them. Usopp lies to the dwarves that he is a descendant of Noland, only for them to ask for his help in defeating the Doflamingo Pirates. MORE -LESS

Sanji learns the truth about what happens before their arrival in Dressrosa. He tells Law via Den Den Mushi to get out of Green Bit. Unfortunately, it was too late as the Marines, Issho, Doflamingo get to the exchange point as well. Back at the Colosseum, the next rounds begins but Luffy struggles to hide his powers.

Aired 10 years ago - Apr 20, 2014

Robin found herself captured by dwarves after they knocked her and Usopp unconscious. When she told them that she will not harm them, the dwarves released her leaving her baffled at them being so trusting. With Sanji, who was barely conscious, told her that he never doubted her tears, leaving her genuinely shocked. Before her subordinates could kill Sanji, she quickly defeated them and proceeded to warn Sanji of the grand deception Doflamingo and the World Government pulled. At the colosseum, the C block battle royale has started, and Luffy is excited to win this for the prize. At the exchange site, Law received a call from Sanji, who attempts to warn Law about something he just heard from Violet. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Apr 13, 2014

Upon their arrival to Green Bit, the group discovers a Marine ship that crashed and believed that the Marines had landed on the island. With fourteen minutes left before the exchange, Robin and Usopp begin to scout the island as Law takes Caesar to the meeting point. As they explore, Robin and Usopp discover a squad of Marines who are getting attacked by the forest's inhabitants, losing all of their belongings. As soon as the Marines fled, Robin uses her Devil Fruit power to capture the fast and seemingly invisible thieves. Usopp asks her what she has caught, and she tells him that she believes they are dwarves. Meanwhile at Acacia, Zoro has captured his sword thief, a dwarf named Wicca, who berated herself for being caught. Because the fall sprained her ankle, she begged Zoro to take her to the flower field to deliver a report that the Donquixote family is planning to attack the Straw Hats ship. Zoro had no choice but to take her with him due to his horrible sense of direction. With Violet revealing her true self, Sanji was seen beaten and bloodied before Violet who was actually an assassin sent to interrogate him about Law's plan. Her Devil Fruit power allows her to look into Sanji's mind for the truth, only to recoil from seeing Sanji's perverted mind. Sanji, who was barely conscious, told her that he never doubted her tears, leaving her genuinely shocked, brought to tears by his honesty. MORE -LESS

The episode starts with a previous flashback of the Block B match, depictions including the King Punch and Bartolomeo's victory, much to the resentment of the crowd. Luffy is seen still hanging, and slingshots his way into the building after watching Bartolomeo win. He walks to the main entrance where the injured fighters are being carried off. He converses with an injured Bellamy, who acknowledges Luffy's strength and use of Haki. When he calls Luffy "Straw Hat", Bartolomeo hears this and is shocked. Later, it is announced that the Block C match is about to start. The scene changes to Trafalgar Law and his group, who are about to cross the bridge. They are atacked by a school of Fighting fish, but manages to get to Green Bit safely. Law is revealed to have Caesar's heart, the latter who is freed of his bonds for help. They also witness strange voices at a point on the bridge. Green Bit is shown to be a dense jungle. The plot shifts to Sanji's location, where he and Violet arrives at the next town. Sanji attacks some thugs in a warehouse and disposes of them easily. When the two recent lovebirds share a moment, Violet cuffs Sanji and is revealed to know Sanji's true identity as Black Leg, much to Sanji's astonishment. MORE -LESS

Aired 10 years ago - Mar 30, 2014

With Hack defeated and the remaining fighters reduced to 24, the battle royale is nearly over. Bellamy faces off Bartolomeo while at the same time Blue Gilly defeats Ricky. The bribed fighters protecting Elizabello II guard themselves from Blue Gilly's assault but were back-stabbed by Dagama who revealed that Blue Gilly was his partner, but Dagama secretly plans to betray Blue Gilly. However, the long legged martial artist never trusted the tactical schemer and quickly knocks him out of the ring. Bellamy is currently struggling against Bartolomeo while at the same time, Elizabello II is cornered but is fully prepared to unleash his devastating punch. The audience heard of the fighting king's reputation and proceeds to get out of the way of his punch. When Blue Gilly moves in for the kill, the king delivers the punch at point blank, creating a destructive shock wave throughout the ring. When the smoke cleared, Elizabello II and Bartolomeo were the only ones standing with the latter revealing his Devil fruit and the former being defeated by that power. Bartolomeo is now the champion of the Block B battle royale. Meanwhile, Franky is informed by Thunder Soldier that he too is part of an operation to destroy the SMILE factory but needs the cyborg's help in rescuing the workers held prisoner there. The toy soldier then prepares to tell Franky the history of Dressrosa. MORE -LESS

Aired 11 years ago - Mar 23, 2014

Seeing that his true identity is exposed, Luffy tries to defend himself from Chinjao's devastating headbutts and Cavendish's irrational hatred while trying in vain to convince them he's "Lucy". Luckily, Chinjao's grandsons manage to intervene and halt Don Chinjao's rampage before he gets disqualified. They convinced him that they should focus on the "real prize" and that since Luffy is in Block C, they can kill him in the ring without repercussions. Cavendish, however, intends to kill Luffy before the match and proceeds to hunt down Luffy, who escaped the fight and is hiding outside, hanging underneath the stands window. At the Battle Royale, only 30 combatants remain in the ring with the numbers being further reduced with the defeat of Tank Lepanto by Abdullah and Jeet who are in turn defeated by Bellamy. However, much to everyone's disgust, Bartolomeo proceeds to urinate in the water in front of the audience. Hack sees this as a vulgar display and attacks him from behind, but somehow his attack was nullified and his arm broken and bleeding while Bartolomeo remains unscathed, leaving everyone who witnessed this shocked and confused at what happened. MORE -LESS

Aired 11 years ago - Mar 16, 2014

The Block B battle begins. Bartolomeo is heckled by the crowd as he enters the Colosseum. He responds by throwing a fake bomb into the stands. Cavendish tells Luffy about the competitors and reveals why he hates the new supernovas. Meanwhile Bellamy defeats a number of competitors in quick succession leading him to be targeted by the alliance formed by Dagama in order to protect King Elizabello II. Luffy and Cavendish are approached by a large man who asks how Garp is doing, inadvertently Luffy's true Identity to Cavendish MORE -LESS

Aired 11 years ago - Mar 02, 2014

Luffy meets an unexpected acquaintance from the past, Bellamy, who seems to be up to no good! The Caesar Handover Team encounters a snag when they learn just how dangerous Green Bit is! Meanwhile, on the Sunny, the four who remained to watch the ship get a fright as they discover – they aren’t alone!

Aired 11 years ago - Feb 23, 2014

The famous beautiful pirate Cavendish makes an entrance, and proceeds to explain to Luffy (not realizing his identity) the rules of entertainment in the Colosseum, the nature and appeal of bloodsport, his past as a world-shaking pirate and lastly, his intent to kill The Eleven Supernovas for stealing his spotlight two years ago. While Luffy stares in awe at a great bronze statue of a warrior, a gladiator, Rebecca, arrives and explains to him the legend of Kyros the Undefeated who disappeared from battle for 20 years. The announcer then calls out that the Block A battle royale is over and that the champion is a large man with a paper bag over his head. To the spectacle of the entire Colosseum, the man removes the bag and reveals himself to be Jesus Burgess, the captain of the first ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, who gestures and cheers over the broken bodies of his defeated opponents. Meanwhile, the Thunder Soldier takes Franky to a private place so they can discuss Franky's 'job'. While the Marines notice that there are several competitors in the competition, the blind man is revealed to be the Admiral, Fujitora. Just then, Luffy is confronted by non other than Bellamy the Hyena. MORE -LESS

The episode starts with Luffy signing up for the tournament, and Franky requests Luffy to not let anyone discover who he is. Luffy was about to write his real name when signing up until Franky hit him, and now Luffy is 'Lucy', registered with the '0556' number on the back of his shirt. Luffy and Franky are separated now, Thunder Soldier looking at a board. Franky asks Thunder Soldier about the Don Quixote family, much to Thunder Soldier's surprise. Franky proceeds to ask about a 'factory'. Meanwhile, Sanji is seen with Violet, wandering around Dressrosa. Luffy defeats Spartan after he tried to punch him several times. Luffy was about to be disqualified, until Sai broke in and stated that Spartan was the one who started the fight. Luffy thanks Sai. The Funky Brothers are arguing with Dagama, claiming he's 'forming alliances' in his block. The episode ends with Lucy searching for a new armor and Cavendish appearing, telling Lucy there is a weight limit. MORE -LESS

Aired 11 years ago - Feb 09, 2014

As Zoro searches for his missing katana, Sanji finds himself meeting a beautiful and stunning dancer named Violet who requires the services of Sanji in a dire matter. Meanwhile, Luffy and Franky arrive at the Colosseum, to take the Mera Mera No Mi, and to their surprise they meet a strange toy soldier like man with one leg as they all sign up for the big tournament that is happening.. MORE -LESS

Aired 11 years ago - Feb 02, 2014

Doflamingo's underlings take advantage of the old man's blindness to steal his earnings. Luffy intervenes by telling the old man that he was deceived. Kinemon gets separated from the group.

The Straw Hat Pirates, Law, Kinemon and Momonosuke arrive at Dressrosa. There, they go to a restaurant where they see an old man Zoro encounters earlier, gambling with a great amount of wealth.

The world gets to know about Doflamingo's resignation from the Warlords. Luffy threatens Doflamingo through the Den Den Mushi to which the latter retaliates by stating he possesses something Luffy wants badly. During the breakfast Law explains his plan for the destruction of the factory.