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Season 5  "Flesh and Stone (2)"  5x5

Aired 13 years ago - May 01, 2010

Location: Alfava Metraxis Date: 51st century Enemies: Weeping Angels There's no way back, no way up and no way out. Trapped among an army of Weeping Angels, The Doctor and his friends must try to escape through the wreckage of a crashed space liner. Meanwhile, in the forest vault, the Doctor's companion, Amy Pond, finds herself facing an even more deadly attack.

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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 2
- I absolutely trust him. - He's not some kind of madman then?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 3
- Yeah, four, I heard you. - Ready!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 4
- Doctor, quickly. - Doctor!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 5 #5 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 6
What's through there? What do they need?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 7
On it! Stay where you are until I've checked the Rad levels.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 8
There's an exit, far end of the ship, into the Primary Flight Deck.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 9 #9 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 10
'With respect, sir. '
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 11
- from when I was a little girl. - Yes.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 12
Do... not... blink.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 13
Oh, this isn't even a little bit good.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 14 #14 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 15
- Everything, you're dying. - Doctor!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 16
and that's what they want, cos if our eyes are open, they can climb inside.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 17
Then what I do?
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River, you and me,
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 20
You'd slow us down, Miss Pond.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 21
But you don't always tell me the truth.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 22 #22 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 23
Just so we understand each other.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 24
And here. They're taking out the lights.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 25
Weapons primed. Combat distance five feet. Wait for it!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 26
- It's like they're running. - Running from what?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 27
Sick. And you think it scared the Angels?
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Time can be unwritten.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 30
Let him go.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 31
If you go back there what happened to the others will happen to you!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 32
Now, please, you have to go. It's your duty to your friends.
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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 34
'It's weird looking at it. It feels really... '
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 35
Well, what do I do now?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 36
You will never have lived at all.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 37
It's a proximity detector. It'll beep if there's something in your way.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 38 #38 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 39 #39 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 40 #40 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 41 #41 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 42 #42 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 5 Episode 5 (S05E05) - 43
- Doctor. I can't let you do this. - No. seriously, get a grip.
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The Angels all fell into the time field.
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Octavian said you killed a man.
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That's a fairy tale.
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