S2 E6
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Sundays 7:00 PM on BBC One

Season 2  "The Age of Steel (2)"  2x6

Aired 18 years ago - May 20, 2006

Location: A parallel Earth Date: 1st/2nd February, 2007 Enemy: John Lumic, Cyber-Controller, The Cybermen The plans of John Lumic to convert the world into Cybermen are now in full force. The Tenth Doctor, Rose, Mickey and the Preachers must find a way to stop him from enforcing his "ultimate upgrade."

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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 2
And I'm Rose. Hello! Even better. That's the name of my dog.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 3
My everlasting children. Tell me, how does it feel? We feel nothing.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 4 #4 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 5
Cause a brainstorm.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 6
Never mind that, we need to get out of the city.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 7
That's the Doctor and Rose. I just tag along behind.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 8 #8 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 9 #9 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 10
No! No! Help me!
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 11
I'm sorry. The Cybermen. . . He couldn't. . . Are you Ricky?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 12 #12 Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 13
Fake Ear Pods.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 14
Great big transmitter. It's a good thing Lumic likes showing off.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 15
If we survive, I'll see you at the Tardis.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 16
Of all the things to wish for, that's mechanically recovered meat.
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'Chamber ten now open for human upgrading.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 19
Don't kill them. Who put you in charge?
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 20
Worked at Cybus Industries, nine to five.
Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 21
What about you,
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Any sign of Jackie?
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They took her and killed her. Maybe there's a chance.
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It takes out computers, I figured it might stop a cybersuit.
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It would go insane.
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You will be taken for analysis.
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I'm almost there.
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Recap of Doctor Who (2005) Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06) - 34
I'm the Doctor. A redundant title.
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And rage? And pain?
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Say, the right code, say, for example, the code behind the emotional inhibitor.
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It's for you!
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Pete! Take this!
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And their daughter.
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What about me, what if I need you?
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stop those factories.
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But we can remember him, by fighting in his name.
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