S7 E7
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 7  "Endgame"  7x7

Aired 14 years ago - Nov 10, 2009

With the team's help, Vance faces his demons while uncovering a complex relationship with a killer that puts his whole family in danger.

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Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 2
The sooner the better.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 3
I'm gonna get to work now.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 4
You know, jethro,
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 5
You've seen this before.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 6
Coincidence, huh?
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 7
Laughing with friends, and playing frisbee
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Is she a redhead?
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 9
A local nurse by the name of
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I landed a shot in her chest.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 12
Give me something solid.
Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 13
Tell her you've arranged a water bed, some squirt guns
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Okay. Who do you think you are?
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You uncuff florence nightingale.
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Made of dna which the killer wanted us to find.
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I'm just thinking about things.
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Kai: Hello, leon.
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Come on, mcgee.
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Come on.
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No, you won't.
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Not surprised.
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Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 26
It's gonna be late.
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What are you talking about?
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A laptop 7,000 miles away.
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To exit the country, and he'd make it worth their while
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Government's losing patience with her.
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I thought we were talking about pak su ji.
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It's, uh... It's becoming, actually.
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That's-that's great.
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Doesn't make him kai's next target.
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And one-time key figure in north korean politics
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Maybe kai really is off her game.
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That is correct.
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Recap of NCIS Season 7 Episode 7 (S07E07) - 40
We actually have a lot of work to do, amanda.
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Both kai's .22 rounds and the rifle slugs
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I need to know.
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Sure. If you didn't give her kai.
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Both have a kids' disease.
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Is dr. Cirreux.
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What about vance?
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I'm okay.